1. A net force of 2000N act on a rocket of mass 1000. kg. How long must the force be applied in order to increase the rockets velocity from 10.0 m/s to 200.0 m/s.

1. A net force of 2000N act on a rocket of mass 1000. kg. How long must the force be applied in order to increase the rockets velocity from 10.0 m/s to 200.0 m/s.
2. Marble A, mass 5.0 g, moves at a speed of 20.0cm/s. It collides with a second marble, B, mass 10.0 g, moving at 10.0cm/s in the same direction. After collision, marble A continues with a speed of 8.0 cm/s in th same direction. (a) calculate the marbles’ momenta before the collision 9b0 calculate the speed of marble B after the collision.
3. a 35.0 g bullet moving at 475 m/s strikes a 2.5 kg wooden block. the bullet pases through the block leaving at 275 m/s. if the block was originally at rest, with what veolicty is the block moving after the bullet leaves?
4. a 40.0 kg projectile leaves a 2000. kg launcher with a velocity of 800 m/s. what is the recoil velocity of the launcher?
5. upon launching, a model rocket expels 50.0 g of fuel from its exhaust at an average velocity of 600.0 m/s. if the rocket moves upward at 7.5 m/s what is teh mass of the rocket?
6. if a 2 kg object going 4m/s feels teh impulse indicated in the graph above, claculate its final velocity.
7.Blauc Hed carries a box up the stairs. How many times more work is required to carry the block up the stairs that are 3 times as high.? Explain.
8. if the box weighs 3 times as much then how much more work is required for Blauc to carry it up the stairs. Explain.
9 in orde to double the power of someone carrying the box up the stairs, their time must be…(answer)
10. Tommy runs up the stairs (4.6 m) carrying a box that is 55 kg in 3.5 sec. Timmy carries a box with the same mass but runs up the same set of stairs in 3 sec. (a) who did more work? explain (b) who is more powerful? explain.
11. Liki Fat Set pushes a 5 kg object with a force of 10 N along a frictionless surface a distance of 10 m in 3 sec. (A) write the conservation of energy equation (B) calculate your work done on the block. (C) calculate final velocity of the block. (D) calculate Liki’s power.

1. A subatomic particle with mass m initially at rest suddenly decays. If one of the resultant particles with mass 0.40 m of mass leaves with a velocity of 5.5 x 105 m/s, what is the velocity of the other particle created?

1. A subatomic particle with mass m initially at rest suddenly decays. If one of the resultant particles with mass 0.40 m of mass leaves with a velocity of 5.5 x 105 m/s, what is the velocity of the other particle created?
6.0 x 105 m/s
2.5 x 105 m/s
3.7 x 105 m/s
3.3 x 105 m/s
2. A block is at the top of a ramp that is 4.5 m above a table. If the block slides without friction, how fast is it going at the bottom of the ramp?
c. 0.0 m/s
d. 3.6 m/s
a. 9.4 m/s
b. 4.5 m/s
3. A cannonball is fired horizontally with an initial velocity of 655 m/s from the end of a cliff 725 m high. How far in the x direction does the cannonball in the air before it hits the ground?
d. 9540 m
b. 4030 m
c. 5670 m
a. 7960 m
4.A car uniformly decelerates at a rate of -5.00 m/s2. How far does the car travel after 1.50 seconds if it initially was moving at a speed of 25.0 m/s?
b. 37.5 m
c. 31.9 m
d. 28.1 m
a. 25.0 m
5. A 25 kg is acted on by a 45 N horizontal force. If the box accelerates at a rate of .75 m/s2, what is the coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and the table?
a. 0.25
b. 0.11
c. 0.55
D.d. 1.05
6. The international space station orbits the Earth at an altitude of about 250 km. What is the acceleration due to gravity at that height above the ground? The mass of the Earth is 5.98 x 1024 kg and the radius of the Earth is 6371 km.
b. 0 m/s5
d. 9.10 m/s2
a. 9.8 m/s5
c. 9098710 m/s5
7.Three forces pull on a block, the first is 65 N and in the positive x direction. The second is 65 N in the negative x direction and the third is 45 N and is 90 degrees from the first two forces in the positive y direction. What can you say about the resultant force?
b. The resultant force is 45 N and in the positive y direction.
a. The resultant force is zero.
d. The resultant force is 65 N and in the negative y direction.
c. The resultant force is 45 N and in the negative y direction.
8. A 7.93 kg box is pulled along a horizontal surface by a force FP of 84.0 N applied at a 47.0º angle. If the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.35, what is the acceleration of the box?

A 1.4 kg falling object (subject to the effects of aerodynamic drag) is 1800 m high, traveling at 34 m/s and has not yet reached terminal speed. It first reaches terminal speed at a height of 1340 m and the terminal speed is 37.3 m/s. a) Determine if the mechanical energy ( � E = K +Ug ) of the system consisting of the falling object and Earth’s gravity field has been conserved during the fall from 1800 m to 500 m.

A 1.4 kg falling object (subject to the effects of aerodynamic drag) is 1800 m high, traveling at 34 m/s and has not yet reached terminal speed. It first reaches terminal speed at a height of 1340 m and the terminal speed is 37.3 m/s. a) Determine if the mechanical energy (

E = K +Ug ) of the system consisting of the falling object and Earth’s gravity field has been conserved during the fall from 1800 m to 500 m. b) How much work (if any) including the correct sign (+ or -­‐) has been done on the system over this interval (presumably by the external drag force)? c) Will the energy of the system consisting of the object, the gravity field and the surrounding air be conserved over this interval? Explain your answer. Is there an additional energy that must be accounted for in this analysis? What is it and how much of it has been generated? Note: terminal speed is a constant speed.
48 kg diver jumps off a cliff (with a running start) into the ocean. The cliff is 50 m above the ocean below. Her coach, using a video of the dive, determines that at a point in flight when she has risen 0.7 m above the cliff, her speed1 (center of mass) is 0.5 m/s. Frictional effects such as drag are negligible. Formulate your solution using the diver and Earth’s gravity field as a system. Gravity does not do work on this system. It’s effects are captured in changes in potential energy. a) How much kinetic energy did she have at takeoff? What was her speed? b) How much kinetic energy will she have as she splashes into the ocean? c) What minimum amount of chemical energy needed to be consumed within the diver’s body in order for her to walk to the cliff, from ocean level, and then take off (jump)? Explain how you know.
1 Includes both x and y velocity components. This is not the highest point in the jump.

Problem 2: Find the elevation h (km) where the weight of an object is one-tenth (1/10) its weight on the surface of the earth.me= 5.9742×1024 kg; re = 6,378 km

Problem 2:
Find the elevation h (km) where the weight of an object is one-tenth (1/10) its weight on the surface of the earth.me= 5.9742×1024 kg; re = 6,378 km
Problem 3:
Two identical asteroids travel through space side by side while touching each other. If the asteroids are composed of homogeneous pure iron ( = 7,874kg/m3) and are spherical, what diameter in meters and milesmust they have for their mutual gravitational attraction to be 5 N?

Problem 2: Find the elevation h (km) where the weight of an object is one-tenth (1/10) its weight on the surface of the earth.me= 5.9742×1024 kg; re = 6,378 km

Problem 2:
Find the elevation h (km) where the weight of an object is one-tenth (1/10) its weight on the surface of the earth.me= 5.9742×1024 kg; re = 6,378 km
Problem 3:
Two identical asteroids travel through space side by side while touching each other. If the asteroids are composed of homogeneous pure iron ( = 7,874kg/m3) and are spherical, what diameter in meters and milesmust they have for their mutual gravitational attraction to be 5 N?

1. Using the standard form of a wave x = A cos(t), for this wave: 2.5 cos(6.0 t) please determine the following with the correct units:

1. Using the standard form of a wave x = A cos(t), for this wave: 2.5 cos(6.0 t) please determine the following with the correct units:
a. The amplitude.
b. The frequency.
c. The maximum and minimum speed
d. The maximum acceleration
2. A 0.300 kg piece of metal is heated to 88°C and placed in a copper calorimeter with mass 0.150 kg which contains 0.500 L of water that are both initially at 12.6°C. Over a short period of time the mixture comes to an equilibrium temperature of 22.5°C, what is the specific heat of the metal?
A) b. 1075 J/(kg ∙ °C)
B) d. 3400 J/(kg ∙ °C)
C) c. 1500 J/(kg ∙ °C)
D) a. 1250 J/(kg ∙ °C)
3. A CD with a diameter of 12.5 cm goes from rest to a tangential velocity of 5.6 m/s. If it does this in 2.5 seconds, what is its angular acceleration?
A) 24 rad/s2
B) 16 rad/s2
C) 18 rad/s2
D) 36 rad/s2
4. An object has a weight of 400 N when it is dry. When it is completely submerged in water is has a weight of 150 N. What is the density of the material is the density of water is 1000 kg/m3?
A) b. 4500 kg/m3
B) a. 2300 kg/m3
C) c. 1200 kg/m3
D) d. 1600 kg/m3
5. 4.50 moles of an ideal gas is at 560K. Is the gas undergoes an adiabatic compression and 3750 J of work is done on the gas, what is the final temperature of the gas?
A) c. 2590 K
B) b. 572 K
C) d. 977 K
D) a. 627 K
6. A piece of gold with a mass of 5.50 kg and density of 19300 kg/m3 is suspended from a string and then totally immersed in a beaker of water. Using density of water is 1000 kg/m3
a) Determine the volume of the piece of gold.
b) Determine buoyant force on the gold when it is submersed.
7. A gas is taken through the cycle illustrated here. During one cycle, how much work is done by an engine operating on this cycle?
A) 3PV
C) 4PV
D) 2PV
8. If a car horn honking that is 450 m is heard 1.3 seconds after it goes off, what is the temperature in degrees Celsius?
A) c. 56 °C
B) a. 25 °C
C) d. 12 °C
D) b. 34 °C