What are Germany and Japan doing differently in their energy and climate policies, compared with the US, and how has this affected their mix of energy sources used?

What are Germany and Japan doing differently in their energy and climate policies, compared with the US, and how has this affected their mix of energy sources used?
Do you believe Germany and Japan should be working toward a common objective of energy transition away from fossil fuels? Why or why not?

Background information
The advanced industrial states vary greatly in their energy use and greenhouse gas emission profiles. They also vary in government policies and energy company commitments to altering course on consumption of fossil fuels. Some advanced states have embraced a goal of less fossil fuels in their electrical generation and transportation sectors, while others are less interested in this goal and instead seek to maintain the existing energy systems by simply bringing new fossil fuel supplies on line to keep up with demand (e.g., Canadian oil sands for gasoline). Japan and Germany are advanced industrial states with legacies of being fully entrenched in the US-led system with a heavy emphasis on oil as the primary fuel. In each American ally’s case, recent governmental decisions and corporate commitments have altered each nation’s energy mix and course.

Performance budgeting has been attempted at the local level in recent years all over the country. Address the issues of performance budgeting while answering the following questions: What attributes of performance budgeting make it particularly suitable to local government budgeting?

Performance budgeting has been attempted at the local level in recent years all over the country. Address the issues of performance budgeting while answering the following questions: What attributes of performance budgeting make it particularly suitable to local government budgeting? Can the same attributes be as useful at the federal level?
Both responses should be at lease 100 words, and APA format.

Describe the type of restrictions that may be placed on government revenues. What alternatives should the public administrator examine when met with severe budgeting restrictions?

Describe the type of restrictions that may be placed on government revenues. What alternatives should the public administrator examine when met with severe budgeting restrictions?

You have been asked by a Southeast Asian government of your choosing to write a memo about whether or not to participate in China’s Belt and Road initiative. Should Chinese investment in your country be welcomed or resisted?

You have been asked by a Southeast Asian government of your choosing to write a memo about whether or not to participate in China’s Belt and Road initiative. Should Chinese investment in your country be welcomed or resisted? Please be specific in outlining what your country’s national interests are and consider what policies your government might pursue to realize these objectives.

Required reading

Prashanth Parameswaran, “ASEAN’s Divided Approach to China’s Rise,” The ASAN Forum, October 6, 2016


Yun Sun, “Winning Projects and Hearts? Three Cases of Chinese Mega-Infrastructure Projects in Southeast Asia,” ASAN Forum, November 3, 2017


Additional Reading

Cheng-Chwee Kuik, “How Do Weaker States Hedge? Unpacking ASEAN States’ Alignment Behavior Towards China,” Journal of Contemporary China, 25, 100 (2016)


Alice D. Ba, “Is China Leading? China, Southeast Asia and East Asian Integration,” Political Science 66, 2 (2014): 143-165.

A few country studies: Kevin Hewison, “Thailand: an Old Relationship Renewed,” The Pacific Review, 31, 1 (2018) here.

John Ciorciari, “A Chinese model for patron–client relations? The Sino-Cambodian partnership,” International Relations of the Asia-Pacific 15 (2015): 245–278.

Le Hong Hiep, “Pull and Push: Sino-Vietnamese Relations and President Xi’s Hanoi Visit,” ISEAS Perspective December 2017 here.

In America, the Constitution guarantees freedom of the press and by so doing gives mass media a very special role in shaping, informing, engendering and disseminating information without any prior restraint. (A) Do you think the American press (radio, television, newspapers, etc.) tends to abuse this freedom?

In America, the Constitution guarantees freedom of the press and by so doing gives mass media a very special role in shaping, informing, engendering and disseminating information without any prior restraint.

(A) Do you think the American press (radio, television, newspapers, etc.) tends to abuse this freedom?

(B) Did the media abuse its power in the case of the CIA Leak and the incarceration of Judith Miller, the New York Times reporter, for failing to provide a Federal grand Jury testimony in a criminal investigation?

(C) Does the media abuse its power in the ongoing current debates about politics in America?

What strategies do you think will be most successful in addressing population growth in developing countries? Explain your response.

What strategies do you think will be most successful in addressing population growth in developing countries? Explain your response.