This paper should be at least 2 pages in length but should not exceed 3 pages. Your writing should demonstrate a refined view point of your values and goals within the context of providing healthcare for those in need.

This paper should be at least 2 pages in length but should not exceed 3 pages. Your writing should demonstrate a refined view point of your values and goals within the context of providing healthcare for those in need.

After watching the presentation “Worldviews”, write a reflective paper about your current worldview and how your worldview effects your perception of the current healthcare debate. This reflective paper should be first person and reflect your view point on how healthcare should be defined and services provided.

You should utilize biblical scripture to support your view. (Please Focus on this Point)

This paper should be at least 2 pages in length but should not exceed 3 pages. Your writing should demonstrate a refined view point of your values and goals within the context of providing healthcare for those in need.

Review the Reflection Paper Rubric to see how this assignment will be evaluated.

Grading Rubic and Presentations are attached. Please check the Rubic and work accordingly.

What three methods did you choose? What is your score or # for each of the readings? What is considered healthy? Are you in the healthy range for all three methods? What can someone do to improve their measurements if they are not in a healthy range?

What three methods did you choose?
What is your score or # for each of the readings?
What is considered healthy?
Are you in the healthy range for all three methods?
What can someone do to improve their measurements if they are not in a healthy range?

Compare three different methods of analyzing YOUR body weight/body composition. One of the three methods must be the Body Mass Index. Additional methods include, but are not limited to; skin fold analysis, underwater/hydrostatic weighing, electrical impedance, height-weight chart, military measurements, BodPod, etcetera.
What three methods did you choose?
What is your score or # for each of the readings?
What is considered healthy?
Are you in the healthy range for all three methods?
What can someone do to improve their measurements if they are not in a healthy range?

Need a place to get measured? Come by our state-of-the-art fitness center and they can do BMI and electrical impedence for you, find a third measurement somewhere else and you are set.
2 years ago

There are three major ways health care providers can control their revenue function. How do market share and price-influencing factors impact this functionality? Which do you think is the most effective? Are there circumstances in which this could change? 

There are three major ways health care providers can control their revenue function. How do market share and price-influencing factors impact this functionality? Which do you think is the most effective? Are there circumstances in which this could change? 


There are three major ways health care providers can control their revenue function. How do market share and price-influencing factors impact this functionality? Which do you think is the most effective? Are there circumstances in which this could change? 

Imagine that you are the chief technology officer for the hospital. What PHR functionalities will you recommend be implemented first? Why?

Imagine that you are the chief technology officer for the hospital. What PHR functionalities will you recommend be implemented first? Why?

Below are two scenarios, based on information learned in this course. You will need to write a 3–4 page paper for each scenario. Each paper should address the questions provided in the applicable scenario. Please use our textbook, internet search and any personal knowledge you might have to complete the assignment. Please cite all sources, and follow APA formatting techniques. Submit your Scenario 1 paper to the Unit 9 Scenario 1 Dropbox, and submit your Scenario 2 paper to the Unit 9 Scenario 2 Dropbox.

Scenario 1: Combining data in an EMR system

A large healthcare enterprise in the Mid-Atlantic region that was created by a merger owns two acute care hospitals, a rehabilitation center, an outpatient surgical center, and three long-term care facilities. Each of these institutions uses a different EMR system. Admitting privileges extend to 550 physicians who have office systems that interface with at least one of the acute care EMR systems.

The vision is to create an environment to support communication, care coordination, and data sharing across the organization in preparation for a regional EHR system. The organization also wants to move quickly in order to take advantage of the incentives offered by the government and meet mandatory requirements.

Executives have decided to focus on the acute care facilities first and use lessons learned there to integrate the other centers at a later time. Hospital A uses certified EHR applications and has implemented ancillary systems, CPOE, and clinical documentation whereas Hospital B has a highly customized, beloved old mainframe computer that is outdated and no longer supported by the vendor. Instead of selecting a new system for both hospitals, the software programs used in Hospital A will be implemented in Hospital B.

There are many types of barriers that can interfere with the implementation of a unified EMR system. Give an example of at least three barriers types that exist and could cause issues given the scenario above.
Scenario 2: PHR Implementation

An academic medical center in the western U.S. recently adopted a commercial EHR and plans to adopt and integrate a PHR with its EHR. The hospital CEO drafts a vision statement designed around improving how their patients experience health care.

The CEO convenes a meeting of the chief technology officer, the chief nursing informatics officer, the chief medical officer, and a liaison from the EHR vendor to develop a strategic plan for the PHR. This meeting includes a specific list of functionalities, a timeline for their implementation, and considerations regarding the effects of the PHR on current workflows and revenue streams.

Imagine that you are the chief technology officer for the hospital. What PHR functionalities will you recommend be implemented first? Why?

Describe challenges and barriers to access, affordability, and availability for individuals with and without insurance.

Describe challenges and barriers to access, affordability, and availability for individuals with and without insurance.

HE003: Delivery of Services

Short Answer Submission Form

Your Name: First and last

Your E-Mail Address: Your email here

Write your responses where it reads “Enter your response here.” Write as much as needed to satisfy the requirements indicated. Each item contains the Rubric which will be used to evaluate your responses.

1. Raymond is a 54-year-old man who lives in a rural part of Mississippi. He is a skilled worker but his job does not provide health insurance. Raymond does not qualify for Medicaid, and he cannot pay for health insurance. He has not received consistent or coordinated healthcare for most of his life. The closest clinic is over 30 miles away, and he does not have the money for both the co-pays and gas. Raymond has been diagnosed with hypertension, and his family history includes pulmonary embolisms and heart disease.

Emmanuel is 55-year-old man who lives in Jackson, Mississippi. He is an office manager and receives insurance from his employer. Emmanuel has had annual medical and dental exams from the same providers for several years. Emmanuel has a family history of Type 2 diabetes and he was recently diagnosed as pre-diabetic and obese. Emmanuel received referrals to an endocrinologist and a registered dietitian, and he was instructed to increase his physical activity.

· Describe the challenges and barriers to access; affordability; and availability for Raymond and Emmanuel. (1–2 pages)

· Describe the potential social, economic, and health outcomes for Raymond and Emmanuel if prevention had a higher priority in the US. (1 page)

Your Response

Enter your response here



Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations


Exceeds Expectations

Sub-Competency 1: Describe how the delivery of care is affected for those with and without insurance in relation to cost, quality, and access.

Learning Objective

LO 1.1: Describe challenges and barriers to access, affordability, and availability for individuals with and without insurance.

Comparisons between patients’ history of care and possible health outcomes are missing.

Response inaccurately describes the different challenges and barriers to access, affordability, and availability for the individuals in the case presented. Or, issues of access, affordability, and/or cost are not discussed.

Challenges and barriers do not illuminate differences between insured and uninsured individuals.

Response accurately describes the different challenges and barriers to access, affordability, and availability for the individuals in the case presented.

Challenges and barriers illuminate differences between insured and uninsured individuals.

Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:

Response includes examples about how health insurance affects patient and population health outcomes and impacts life expectancy.

Response describes challenges and barriers for a third individual (hypothetically) to highlight additional nuances related to access, affordability, and availability of individuals with and without insurance.

Learning Objective

LO 1.2: Describe potential social, economic, and health outcomes if prevention has a higher priority in the U.S.

Description of potential social, economic, and health outcomes if prevention has a higher priority in the U.S. is missing.

Response vaguely or inaccurately describes potential social, economic, and health outcomes for the individuals in the case presented, given an increase in preventative care in the US, or Response does not address the situations of both individuals in the case.

Response accurately describes potential social, economic, and health outcomes for the individuals in the case presented, given an increase in preventative care in the US.

Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:

Response provides examples of two preventative care programs and how they affect social, population, economic, and health outcomes.

2. Define the continuum of care process, including objectives and the relationship to organizations and patients. (2–3 sentences)

Enter your response here


Sub-Competency 2: Explain the continuum of care process in a variety of settings.

Learning Objective

LO 2.1: Define the continuum of care process.

Definition of the continuum of care process is missing.

Response vaguely defines the continuum of care process.

Response clearly defines the continuum of care process, including objectives and the relationship to organizations and patients.

Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:

Response provides examples that illustrate the benefits of the services along the continuum of care.

3. Describe the following settings and types of care, including objectives and basic components. (2–3 sentences each)

· Primary care

· Secondary (general hospital)

· Tertiary (teaching)

· Specialty hospitals

· Outpatient programs (surgery, outpatient rehab)

· Nursing homes

· Rehabilitation settings

· Assisted living

· Home health

· Hospice

Your Response

Enter your response here


Sub-Competency 2: Explain the continuum of care process in a variety of settings.

Learning Objective

LO 2.2: Describe various healthcare settings and types of care.

Descriptions of various healthcare settings and types of care is missing.

Response inaccurately describes the following settings and types of care and/or does not include objectives and basic components.

· Primary care

· Secondary (general hospital)

· Tertiary (teaching)

· Specialty hospitals

· Outpatient programs (surgery, outpatient rehab)

· Nursing homes

· Rehabilitation settings

· Assisted living

· Home health

· Hospice

Response describes the following settings and types of care, including objectives and basic components.

· Primary care

· Secondary (general hospital)

· Tertiary (teaching)

· Specialty hospitals

· Outpatient programs (surgery, outpatient rehab)

· Nursing homes

· Rehabilitation settings

· Assisted living

· Home health

· Hospice

Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:

Response describes how the services may be coordinated for a particular patient.

4. Describe the personnel who should be part of a multidisciplinary team that focuses on patient-centered care in an inpatient setting. Include at least six disciplines and provide a rationale for each, including each member of the team. (1 page)

Your Response

Enter your response here


Sub-Competency 3: Explain processes, roles, and responsibilities in the delivery of healthcare.

Learning Objective

LO 3.1: Describe the disciplines that should be part of a multidisciplinary team for a particular healthcare context.

Description of the disciplines that should be included in a multidisciplinary team is missing.

Response vaguely describes, or describes fewer than six disciplines that should be part of a multidisciplinary team focused on patient-centered care in an inpatient setting.

Response provides limited or illogical justification for inclusion of the disciplines chosen.

Response thoroughly describes at least six disciplines that should be part of a multidisciplinary team focused on patient-centered care in an inpatient setting.

Response provides a logical justification for the choice of disciplines included in the multidisciplinary team.

Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:

Response describes how team composition and expertise benefit patient outcomes.

5. You are assisting the human resource director at a large general hospital. As part of a report to the chief executive officer (CEO), she has asked you to outline specific roles and goals for at least three clinical, three technical, and three administrative departments (minimum of nine departments). List these hospital departments, and describe the roles and goals of each. (1–2 pages)

Your Response

Enter your response here


Sub-Competency 3: Explain processes, roles, and responsibilities in the delivery of healthcare.

Learning Objective

LO 3.2: Define the roles of clinical, technical, and administrative professions in the delivery of healthcare.

Description of the roles and goals of hospital departments is missing.

Response vaguely describes the roles and goals of hospital departments.

Response thoroughly describes at least three roles and one goal of clinical, technical, and administrative departments.

Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:

Response describes how the departments work together to achieve organizational and outcome goals.

6. Admission policies can differ between various types of healthcare organizations. Provide compare and contrast how admission policies could differ between for-profit and nonprofit organizations, and how this difference relates to access to care.

Your Response

Enter your response here


Sub-Competency 3: Explain processes, roles, and responsibilities in the delivery of healthcare.

Learning Objective

LO 3.3: Explain how admission policies differ in various types of healthcare organizations and how this relates to access to care.

Explanation about how admission policies differ in various types of healthcare organizations and how this relates to access to care is missing.

Response vaguely explains how admission policies differ in various types of healthcare organizations and how this relates to access to care; and/or the differences between for-profit and not-for-profit healthcare organizations are unclear or missing; and/or only one difference is addressed.

Response clearly explains two differences about how admissions policies differ in various types of healthcare organizations and how this relates to access to care.

Response includes differences between for-profit and not-for-profit healthcare organizations.

Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:

Response provides clearly written descriptions of two types of nonprofit and two types of for-profit hospitals and the types of patients they serve.

7. There are many different organizations and institutions that are major players in the healthcare system. Briefly describe how each of the following influences healthcare: (4–6 sentences each). Please consult at least one reference other than the website in formulating your answer, for each organization.

· Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA)

· Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

· American Medical Association (AMA)

· American Hospital Association (AHA)

· Joint Commission (JC)

· Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)

· State Department of Health (student’s state)

· Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

· U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Your Response

Enter your response here


Sub-Competency 4: Describe the organizations and institutions that are major players in the healthcare system.

Learning Objective

LO 4.1: Describe how major healthcare organizations and institutions influence healthcare.

Description of how major healthcare organizations and institutions influence healthcare is missing.

Response vaguely or incompletely describes how each of the following influences healthcare:

· Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA)

· Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

· American Medical Association (AMA)

· American Hospital Association (AHA)

· Joint Commission (JC)

· Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)

· State Department of Health (student’s state)

· Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

· U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Response clearly and accurately describes how each of the following influences healthcare:

· Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA)

· Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

· American Medical Association (AMA)

· American Hospital Association (AHA)

· Joint Commission (JC)

· Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)

· State Department of Health (student’s state)

· Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

· U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:

Response provides examples about how patients are directly impacted by two or more of these major players.

8. Define vertically integrated health systems and horizontally integrated systems, including the business goals and patient outcomes. Then, explain the impact these systems have on healthcare today. (1 page)

Your Response

Enter your response here


Learning Objective

LO 4.2: Define vertically and horizontally integrated health systems.

Definition of vertically and horizontally integrated health systems is missing.

Response vaguely defines vertically and horizontally integrated health systems and/or does not include the business goals and/or patient outcomes.

Response vaguely explains how these systems impact healthcare today.

Response clearly defines vertically and horizontally integrated health systems, including the business goals and patient outcomes.

Response explains how these systems impact healthcare today.

Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:

Response provides an example of vertically and horizontally integrated health systems.

Symptoms days after vaccination82?Non-specific colitis123Regressive autism96?Intestinal/autism/symptoms after vaccine120

Symptoms days after vaccination82?Non-specific colitis123Regressive autism96?Intestinal/autism/symptoms after vaccine120

or any controlled scientific study, a scientist starts with an observation, does some research to develop a hypothesis, and then designs an experiment that compares some baseline group with a test group. Data are then collected to confirm or refute the hypothesis.

As you review the following study, consider whether the researchers correctly followed the scientific method.

In the late 1990s, gastroenterologist Andrew Wakefield, along with a research team, set out to determine whether bowel disease caused by vaccines led to autism.

He compiled a group of 12 children who had loss of acquired skills, developmental delays in language, diarrhea, and abdominal pain—essentially, those with both bowel disease and autism. He questioned each parent about the behavior and personality of the child before the child was vaccinated with the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) vaccine. He then ran tests on the children to determine the health of the gastrointestinal tract, brain, and nervous system.

His reported data (tabulated below) included that children experienced either gastrointestinal or autism-like symptoms, sometimes within a short period after being vaccinated. From these data, the researchers concluded that there was no link between autism and the MMR vaccine. Wakefield though, contradicted this conclusion and stated that the vaccine caused changes in the gastrointestinal tract of the children, which then led to autism (Wakefield, et al., 1998). Currently, he still contends that the MMR vaccine contributes to autism (Ziv, 2015).

Many researchers tried to duplicate this study and could not replicate Wakefield’s results. In fact, they found no link between the vaccines, bowel disease, and autism. In the United Kingdom, the MMR vaccine was not introduced until 1988. If Wakefield’s conclusions were correct, one would then expect a jump in autism cases after 1988, but this was not observed, even when hundreds of children were studied (Taylor et al., 1999). In these additional studies, children who had not been vaccinated were included as a control group, and no difference in the rates of autism was observed.

In 2011, Brian Deer reviewed Wakefield’s study and all available records from the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom for these 12 children. He found that at most, two children showed symptoms days after vaccinations. At least five children showed developmental delays before being vaccinated. Six out of the 12 children may have had autism symptoms. None of the 12 children tested had all three—regressive autism, colitis, and symptoms days after vaccination.


Wakefield NHS Records

Symptoms days after vaccination82?Non-specific colitis123Regressive autism96?Intestinal/autism/symptoms after vaccine120

(Wakefield, et al., 1998; Deer, 2011)

Wakefield’s statements led to a worldwide panic about the safety of vaccines, but after Deer’s report, Wakefield’s study was retracted and his medical license was revoked for falsifying data.

Recommended: Click on the following links to review materials to enhance your knowledge of biological molecules and the scientific method and to support your analysis of Wakefield’s experiment:

Steps of the Scientific Method: A simplified explanation of how the scientific method works, and the steps taken to investigate phenomena with diagrams
Do Vaccines Cause Autism?: A review of research demonstrating that vaccines and their components are not the cause of autism
Fifteen years after a vaccine scare, a measles epidemic: An analysis of vaccination trends and an increase in measles cases seen in the UK
Answer the following questions:

What was wrong with Wakefield’s study? Discuss at least 2 variables or approaches that should have been controlled or assessed.
Consider the source of some of his data (parental memory, for example), the small sample size, and whether he considered other variables (genetics, diet, and so on) that could have resulted in symptoms in these children.
Discuss the importance of a control group when using the scientific method.
Did Wakefield deserve to be barred from medical practice?
What were the consequences of his overblown conclusions?
Follow these guidelines for your paper:

Utilize at least 1 credible source to support the arguments presented in the paper. Make sure you cite appropriately within your paper, and list the reference(s) in APA format on your Reference page.
Your paper should be 1–2 pages in length, not counting the Title page and Reference page. In accordance with APA formatting requirements, it should be double-spaced and include a running head and page numbers

The College of Physicians of Philadelphia. (2017, December 6). Do vaccines cause autism? Retrieved from

Deer, B. (2011). How the case against the MMR vaccine was fixed. BMJ, 342. Retrieved from

Science Buddies. (2018). Steps of the scientific method: What is the scientific method? Retrieved from

Taylor, B., Miller, E., Farrington, C. P., Petropoulos, M. C., Favot-Mayaud, I., Li, J., & Waight, P. A. (1999). Autism and measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine: No epidemiological evidence for a causal association. The Lancet, 353(9169), 2026-2029. Retrieved from

Wakefield, A. J., Murch, S. H., Anthony, A., Linnell, J., Casson, D. M., Malik, M., et al. (1998). RETRACTED: Ileal-lymphoid-nodular hyperplasia, non-specific colitis, and pervasive developmental disorder in children. The Lancet, 351. Retrieved from

Ziv, S. (2015, February 10). Andrew Wakefield, father of the anti-vaccine movement, responds to the current measles outbreak for the first time. Newsweek. Retrieved from