1. What are bonds issued by cities, counties, or states called?


What are bonds issued by cities, counties, or states called?

municipal bonds

samurai bonds

treasury bonds

junk bonds


The required rate of return on a bond is called the

yield to maturity.

liquidity premium.

call yield.

current yield.

risk premium.


The period of time for which a bond remains outstanding is called the

face value.


issue date.

coupon date.

expiration date.


Another Co. expects to issue a $1,000 face-value bond that matures in 10 years. The annual coupon rate is 8.25% and interest payments are expected to be paid annually. Similar bonds are currently priced at 98.4% of face value. Given this information, what is the required return by bond holders?





none of the above


In the bond market, firms raise debt financing directly from


government agencies.

consumer banks.

loan officers.


A zero-coupon bond is currently priced at $456, has a face value of $1,000, and matures in 10 years. What is the yield to maturity of this bond?






If interest rates increase, then bond prices will also increase.




What is the value of a bond?

the face value of the bond

the coupon payments of the bond

the future value of its cash flows

the face value of the bond plus coupon payments

the present value of its cash flows


What is the price of a bond with a $1,000 face value, a coupon rate of 13% paid annually, and matures in 25 years? Your required rate of return is 7.5%.







Which of the following statements about a bond are true? i. A bond is a fixed-income security. ii. The bond’s interest payments vary each year with the market. iii. A bond acts like an interest-only loan.

only i

ii and iii

i and iii

i, ii, and iii

i and ii

1. Which of the following best describes the difference between an annuity due and an ordinary annuity?


Which of the following best describes the difference between an annuity due and an ordinary annuity?

An ordinary annuity pays at the beginning of the period, but an annuity due pays at the end.

An ordinary annuity has a limited life, but an annuity due goes on forever.

An ordinary annuity pays at the end of the period, but an annuity due pays at the beginning.

An ordinary annuity goes on forever, but an annuity due has a limited life.


Which of the following gives the smallest effective yield? Assume that one year is 365 days.

18.60% APR compounded daily

19.00% APR compounded quarterly

20.40% APR compounded annually

18.65% APR compounded monthly


In order to determine the future value of some lump sum, we must use the process of



risk analysis.

annuity analysis.

none of the above


You bought a new car today which cost you $20,000. You financed the entire cost with a 5-year loan at 4.00%. If you make payments at the end of each month starting a month from now, how much is your monthly payment?






Suppose you want to establish a fund that will pay $5,000 a year forever to your favorite charity. If the discount rate is 8%, how much do you have to set a side today?






If you deposit $10,000 in an account with annual rate of 9% compounded semiannually, how long will it take for you to have $2,000,000 in the account?

120.37 years

60.18 years

61.48 years

53.43 years


You want $15,000 fifteen years from now. If you can earn 8% per year in your savings account, how much do you have to deposit in today?






You are planning to retire 40 years from now. If your retirement account pays an annual rate of 6% compounded monthly and you start making a monthly contribution of $400 a month today, how much will you have when you retire in 40 years?






How does a perpetuity differ from an ordinary annuity?

A perpetuity is another name for an ordinary annuity.

A perpetuity has only a limited numbers of cash flows while an ordinary annuity has payments that continue forever.

A perpetuity is another name for an annuity due.

A perpetuity has payments that go on forever while an ordinary annuity has a limited numbers of cash flows.


Today, a round-trip plane ticket from Los Angeles to New York costs $350. If the average annual inflation rate is 2.5%, who much will the ticket cost 30 years from now?





1. A firm has projected current assets to be $32 million, fixed assets to be $55 million, total liabilities to be $49 million, and owner’s equity to be $7 million. Given this information, what is the discretionary financing need?

1. A firm has projected current assets to be $32 million, fixed assets to be $55 million, total liabilities to be $49 million, and owner’s equity to be $7 million. Given this information, what is the discretionary financing need?

$6 million

$27 million

$31 million

$45 million

$7 million


A firm has projected current assets to be $205 million, fixed assets to be $605 million, current liabilities to be $188 million, long-term debt to be $461 million, and owner’s equity to be $106 million. Given this information, what is the discretionary financing need?

$38 million

$9 million

$94 million

$17 million

$55 million


A company currently has $50 million in sales, $23 million in current assets, $39 million in fixed assets, $15 million in accounts payable. The fixed assets are currently operated with fully capacity and will change proportionally with the sales growth. If sales are projected to $70 million, then current assets are projected to be ________, fixed assets are projected to be ________, and accounts payable are projected to be ________.

$40.1 million; $74.1 million; $18.7 million

$22.1 million; $41.4 million; $14.5 million

$36.3 million; $58.6 million; $21.0 million

$19.4 million; $45.8 million; $11.2 million

none of these


Suppose a firm has a net profit margin of 15%, sales of $155 million, assets of $312 million, and owner’s equity of $223. If the dividend payout ratio is 10%, what is the firm’s sustainable growth rate?





cannot be determined


A spontaneous account refers to

an account on the balance sheet and income statement that is calculated using the time value of money.

an account on the balance sheet and income statement that varies automatically when sales are changed.

an account on the income statement that cyclically appears.

an account on the balance sheet that changes when net income is changed.

none of these


The purpose of financial forecasting can best be described as an answer to which of the following questions?

What product will produce the most in sales during the next year?

How much financing will the firm need in the future?

How will an increase in the firm’s tax rate affect the firm’s net income?

What is the firm’s current market share?


What is the main goal of financial forecasting?

to understand the implications of today’s decisions on tomorrow’s performance

to project net income and dividends for the firm

to project sales so investors can adjust stock prices

to provide a detailed map of a firm’s future


Which of the following steps is not used to calculate the firm’s future discretionary financing needed (DFN)?

Project sales and expenses.

Calculate retained earnings.

Calculate cash flows from operations.

Identify the discretionary accounts that will be held constant with an increase in sales.


Which of the following elements on a balance sheet is not a spontaneous account?

notes payable

accounts payable

accounts receivable




Which of the following ways can a firm decrease it DFN?

Reduce the dividend payout.

Reduce sales growth.

Recheck existing capital constraints.

Improve net margin.

all of these

How does such a sensitive organ protect itself against such common infections? What are the main causes for fungal eye infections?

How does such a sensitive organ protect itself against such common infections?
What are the main causes for fungal eye infections?

Note: Ensure that your research is limited to infections not caused by direct trauma to the eye.

Based on your research, respond to the following:

How does such a sensitive organ protect itself against such common infections?
What are the main causes for fungal eye infections?
Why is an immunocompromised host more likely to get a fungal eye infection (excluding traumatic infections)?

Provide an explanation on how the pressure in an autoclave can influence the temperature and therefore the timing of the sterilization process.
Compare and contrast the microbial destruction ability of moist versus dry heat. (Note: Use the Microbial Destruction Ability Comparison Template to compare and contrast between moist versus dry heat.)
Template below in attachment

1. Lost Inc. had sales of $14 million, operating expenses of $4.75 million, COGS of $7.7 million, depreciation expense of $3.75 million, and interest expense of $0.87 million. Calculate the firm’s EBIT.


Lost Inc. had sales of $14 million, operating expenses of $4.75 million, COGS of $7.7 million, depreciation expense of $3.75 million, and interest expense of $0.87 million. Calculate the firm’s EBIT.






Which of the following is true with respect to accrual accounting?

Cash-based accounting is much better when analyzing the operations of the firm.

Amounts reported on the financial statements can be managed or manipulated without violating GAAP.

Net income is the amount of cash a company receives from customers less cash payments to vendors and employees.

Accrual accounting yields easily interpreted financial statements.


Current assets are normally listed on the balance sheet in the order of

There is no specific order for current assets.

the most liquid to the least liquid.

the most commonly used to the least commonly used.

the largest dollar amount to the smallest dollar amount.


In the basic framework, a firm can allocate net income to one of two items. These two items are

dividends and common stock.

dividends and retained earnings.

inventory and retained earnings.

additional paid in capital and retained earnings.


The MBJ Company has fixed assets of $509 million, total equity of $218 million, current liabilities of $ 128 million, and long-term debt of $390 million. Given this information, MBJ has current assets that equal

$262 million.

$119 million.

$128 million.

$227 million.

none of these


What is sales revenue minus cost of goods sold?



gross income

net income


Which of the following is not one of the ways that firms can manipulate their earnings?

relaxing of credit standards

switching between LIFO and FIFO

decreasing R&D on the books

using a sale-leaseback arrangement

hiring more sales force


Holding all else equal, higher levels of depreciation on an income statement will lead to

higher tax expense.

higher EBIT.

higher net income.

lower costs of the good sold.

lower tax expenses.


Accounts payable represent money that a firm

owes to suppliers for purchases made on credit.

owes to a lender under a borrowing arrangement with an explicit interest rate.

owes to a landlord or leasing agent for rental costs.

owes to its employees.


The balance sheet equation states that assets = liabilities + owners’ equity. Which of the following best describes the logic behind this equation?

A firm must use assets to pay back debt and equity.

Assets have to be financed by either other people’s money or the owner’s money.

Assets must generate revenues equal to the firm’s liabilities and owners’ equity.

Assets are financial resources used to obtain debt and equity.

What key word will need to be defined in this legislation so the reader has a clearer understanding of the proposal?

What key word will need to be defined in this legislation so the reader has a clearer understanding of the proposal?

Final Assessment Outline Instructions

Follow this format for completing your Outline for the Final Assessment:

Legislative Proposal:

· Write a brief bulleted outline of your key legislative points

Key Terms:

· What key word will need to be defined in this legislation so the reader has a clearer understanding of the proposal?

Overview of Legislation:

· A brief overview of how your legislation will meet all the required needs of the Healthcare policy. This should be no more than 200 words.


· What information/research do you still need to find to complete your proposal? How can the instructor help you find this research?

Final Assessment Bibliography Instructions

Create a bibliography of your Final Assessment resources. Your bibliography should include at least 10 scholarly, empirical, current sources (within the last 5 years) that are directly related to your legislative proposal and supporting documentation. Be sure that you select a variety of respected sources that you can use in your paper. Format the bibliography in correct APA style.


For the final assignment in this course you will be asked to write a proposal for new healthcare legislation to be presented by your political party to the citizens of the United States. It will be an hour long televised presentation of where we as a nation are, where we are heading, and how your legislation will create the perfect healthcare for the American Citizens.

You must present legislation that provides for all the following provisions:

• Access to affordable healthcare by all Americans

• Coverage for those living below the poverty level

• Making existing healthcare legislation financially soluble

• Making insurance coverage portable for all Americans

• Making the legislation budget neutral without raising or creating new taxes

• Controlling medical costs by defining how medical professionals provide services and how Americans receive services.

Your paper should be no greater than 5–7 pages (not including title page, abstract and references). Introduction should be in formal written format following the APA manual for manuscripts. Legislative proposals can be written in bullet point outlines but they must be referenced to current research, either through the materials you have read in class, or through your own external research.

The paper should include the following elements:

• Title page including running header

• Abstract and key word

• Introduction

o Current healthcare system

o Problems with the current system

o Future of healthcare if left as is

• Legislative proposals

• Summary

o Tie in the introduction and the proposed legislation to synthesize a final theme

• Reference page

A minimum of 10 references are required. You will use APA formatting for all citations and the reference page. Double spaced, 11 point, Arial font. It is important that you synthesize the information from your research in order to create a well-blended paper. Please understand that this assignment is not your opinion, it is legislation supported by documentation and will be graded as such.

If the Score is less than A+, the money has to be returned. This is the Most important paper with most number of points. Please follow every single instructions else do not send handshake if A+ is not GUARANTEED!!