Question 1 Mega Corporation has developed a strategic plan that calls for an emphasis on appealing to a younger demographic. If it decided that such an appeal to a younger market would necessitate a change in the corporate logo and trademark, such changes would require an understanding of:

Question 1

Mega Corporation has developed a strategic plan that calls for an emphasis on appealing to a younger demographic. If it decided that such an appeal to a younger market would necessitate a change in the corporate logo and trademark, such changes would require an understanding of:

securities law.

intellectual property law.

contract law.

antitrust law.

Question 2

Secondary sources of law:

are looked to when there is no primary source of law that applies to the facts of a case.

are considered a valid independent authority.

apply to both federal and state legal issues.

have no legally binding effect.

Question 3

The common law is the law that all states follow to avoid confusion and to promote consistency from state to state.



Question 4

Restatements of the Law are written and revised by Congress and state legislatures as needed.



Question 5

Legal positivists believe that agreed-upon laws should be uniformly and strictly enforced and may be changed only by the government.



Question 6

Rich has been arrested for a series of 21 home burglaries that spanned over nine months. The news regarding the crime spree was on television, on radio, and in the newspapers on a regular basis. His lawyer doesn’t believe that Rich can get a fair trial locally, so he will ask for:

a change in personal jurisdiction.

a change in subject matter jurisdiction.

a change in venue.

a change using a long-arm statute.

Question 7

The physical presence of an out-of-state party in a particular state is generally an automatic basis for jurisdiction over the defendant by both that state’s courts and the federal trial court within that state.



Question 8

A state court may not unilaterally declare or decide that proper venue for a case should be in another state.



Question 9

State long-arm statutes are used to establish subject matter jurisdiction over out-of-state defendants.



Question 10

Not all courts have the authority to hear all cases.



Question 11

While normal arbitration produces an arbiter’s decision and the parties are bound by the award, online arbitration produces a decision but the award is not binding on the parties.



Question 12

When the American Arbitration Association receives an application for appointment of an arbitrator, it:

meets with a local trial judge to determine whether litigation or arbitration will be most efficient and advantageous based on the parties and the nature of the dispute.

meets with attorneys from both sides to determine whether litigation or arbitration will be most efficient and advantageous based on the parties and the nature of the dispute.

receives a list of suggested arbitrators from both parties and then selects the arbitrator, who informs the parties of the procedures and rules of arbitration.

appoints a tribunal administrator, who informs the parties of the procedures and rules of arbitration.

Question 13

In the typical business context, ADR is invoked either via contract or by mutual agreement.



Question 14

Depositions are:

oral questions, answered orally, asked of parties and witnesses.

oral questions, answered orally, asked only of parties.

written questions, answered in writing, asked of parties and witnesses.

written questions, answered in writing, asked only of parties.

Question 15

Online dispute resolution (ODR) has all of the advantages of traditional forms of ADR.



Question 16

The moderate view of assessing corporate citizenship holds that:

corporate officers and boards of directors should provide the exclusive view of corporate responsibility.

corporate employees below the senior executive level should provide the exclusive view of corporate responsibility.

community groups where the corporation is located should provide the exclusive view of corporate responsibility.

the government should provide the exclusive view of corporate responsibility.

Question 17

Modern Corporation operates a steel mill. It has never contributed anything to the local community, and it knowingly pollutes both the air and the river that runs by its mill. The corporation’s reasoning is that the cost of installing pollution control devices would diminish its profits, and it doesn’t support the community because it provides jobs and doesn’t think it owes anything else to the citizens in its area. Donating to the community would also diminish profits. Which theory of corporate social responsibility is Modern Corporation exhibiting?

the narrow view, or invisible hand theory

the moderate view, or government’s hand theory

the hybrid view, or citizen’s hand theory

the broad view, or management’s hand theory

Question 18

A particular act can be deemed unethical yet still be legal.



Question 19

The triple bottom line in the perspective of corporate social responsibility emphasizes each of the following except:

creation of profit.

creation or destruction of environmental value.

creation of social value.

creation of private value.

Question 20

The reputed mastermind of the Enron business model was:

Kenneth Lay, founder and chief executive officer.

Jeffrey Skilling, chief operating officer.

Andrew Fastow, chief financial officer.

Rick Clausey, chief accounting officer.

Question 21

Zoning is generally done at the state level through statutes passed by the state legislature.



Question 22

A sublease occurs when a tenant transfers the entire remaining term of a lease to a third party.



Question 23

The Takings Clause is found in the Constitution’s:

First Amendment.

Fifth Amendment.

Eighth Amendment.

Fourteenth Amendment.

Question 24

Penny is renting an apartment from Albert. Every time Penny flushes the toilet, the toilet overflows and she must clean and mop the floor of her bathroom. She has complained numerous times, but Albert will not fix the problem. Albert is breaching Penny’s right to:


quiet enjoyment.


fair use.

Question 25

Company A and company B own adjacent pieces of land. The companies own the full bundle of rights in their respective properties. Company A digs a mine that starts on its own property but extends, below ground, across the property line. If company A finds minerals below company B’s surface property, it may mine and use the minerals for its own use because it has not gone onto or disturbed company B’s property.



1. A deliverable at the lowest level of each branch of a work breakdown structure is known as:

1. A deliverable at the lowest level of each branch of a work breakdown structure is known as: (Points : 5)
a work element.
a work package.
a work unit.
a work cell.

2. A scheduled activity that determines when a logical successor activity can begin and end is known as: (Points : 5)
a catalyst activity.
a predecessor activity.
a leader activity.
a starter activity.

3. The total number of work periods (not including holidays or other non-work time) required to complete a scheduled activity is known as: (Points : 5)
elapsed time.
scheduled time.

1. Which of the following statements correctly describes the critical path? (Points : 5)
It is the shortest sequence of activities through the project network.
It determines the latest possible end date of the project.
It consists only of activities with zero slack.
It consists of the most important activities in the project.

2. Figure 7-1
Consider the Assembly Project depicted in Figure 7-1. Based on the information provided, what is the early start date for activity D – “Attach Modules 1 & 2”? (Points : 5)
Day 0.
Day 3.
Day 4.
Day 5.

3. Figure 7-1
Consider the Assembly Project depicted in Figure 7-1. Based on the information provided what is the amount of slack in Activity B – “Assemble Module 1”?(Points : 5)
0 days.
1 day.
2 days.
not enough information to determine.

1. Projects often include indirect costs that are not associated directly with one specific project. Which of the following items are most typically considered to be indirect costs? (Points : 5)
Costs associated with material, travel and purchased parts.
The cost of labor provided by project team members, consultants and subcontractors.
Executive salaries, utilities and insurance.
Specialized equipment rented for a particular task.

2. Which of the following terms best describes the amount of funds needed above the estimate to reduce the risk of overruns? (Points : 5)
Contingency reserve.
Insurance funds.
Project padding.
Discretionary funds.

3. The approved time-phased budget against which project execution is compared and deviations are measured for management control is known as: (Points : 5)
a measurement baseline.
a cost baseline.
a control standard.
the PERT/CPM chart.

1. Which of the following describes the activities appropriately performed by the project team during qualitative risk analysis? (Points : 5)
Team members assess the probability of occurrence and severity of impact for identified risks.
Team members develop contingency plans for even minor risks to avoid adverse impacts to project objectives.
Team members identify potential risk events.
Team members consult with stakeholders concerning responsibilities.

2. ID Risk Event Likelihood Severity
A Project requires new technology and support structure Medium Low
B Web infrastructure lacks sufficient transaction capacity Medium High
C IS resources are spread too thin High High
D The intranet site suffers a security breach Low High
Figure 10-1 Excerpt from Internet Project Risk Register
Consider the excerpt of the Internet Project risk register presented in Figure 10-1. Which of the following risk events should receive the highest priority for the development of risk responses?
(Points : 5)
A – project requires new technology and support structure.
B – web infrastructure lacks sufficient transaction capacity
C – IS resources are spread too thin
D – The intranet site suffers a security breach

3. One useful method of process improvement involves consideration of how another organization performs a process with an eye toward determining how to improve your own performance. This method is known as: (Points : 5)
comparative improvement.
variance analysis.
peer review.

1. Which of the following serves as an important guideline concerning project inspections? (Points : 5)
Inspect after critical or expensive processes to make sure the inputs are good.
Inspect prior to key work handoff points.
Inspect at milestones identified in the project schedule.
Inspect only as a last resort.

2. A project team attempting to complete the administrative closure of a project should review which of the following to ensure the customers are satisfied that all required work was accomplished? (Points : 5)
The project charter.
The scope verification.
The communication plan.
The stakeholder sign-off.

3. The Budget at Completion (BAC) is the sum of all budgeted values established for the work to be performed on a project. As such it is equivalent to: (Points : 5)
the total planned value of the project.
the total earned value of the project.
the total actual cost of the project.
the total amount of resources remaining at the end of the project.

Why is the knowledge of accounting concepts and terminology useful to anyone in a business activity? Is there a difference between bookkeeping and accounting?

Why is the knowledge of accounting concepts and terminology useful to anyone in a business activity?
Is there a difference between bookkeeping and accounting? Discuss.
Accounting reports past performance. How can this be useful when planning future operations?

Problem #1: is considering a plan to develop an online finance tutoring package that has the cost and revenue projections shown below. One of Tutor’s larger competitors, Online Professor (OP), is expected to do one of two things in Year 5: (1) develop its own competing program, which will put Tutor’s program out of business, or (2) offer to buy Tutor’s program if it decides that this would be less expensive than developing its own program. Tutor thinks there is a 35% probability that its program will be purchased for $6 million and a 65% probability that it won’t be bought, and thus the program will simply be closed down with no salvage value. What is the estimated net present value of the project (in thousands) at a WACC = 10%, giving consideration to the potential future purchase?

Problem #1: is considering a plan to develop an online finance tutoring package that has the cost and revenue projections shown below. One of Tutor’s larger competitors, Online Professor (OP), is expected to do one of two things in Year 5: (1) develop its own competing program, which will put Tutor’s program out of business, or (2) offer to buy Tutor’s program if it decides that this would be less expensive than developing its own program. Tutor thinks there is a 35% probability that its program will be purchased for $6 million and a 65% probability that it won’t be bought, and thus the program will simply be closed down with no salvage value. What is the estimated net present value of the project (in thousands) at a WACC = 10%, giving consideration to the potential future purchase?

WACC = 10.0% 0 1 2 3 4 5

Original project: -$3,000 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

Future Prob.

Buys 35% $6,000

Doesn’t buy 65% $0

Problem #2: Lindley Corp. is considering a new product that would require an investment of $10 million now, at t = 0. If the new product is well received, then the project would produce after-tax cash flows of $5 million at the end of each of the next 3 years (t = 1, 2, 3), but if the market did not like the product, then the cash flows would be only $2 million per year. There is a 50% probability that the market will be good. The firm could delay the project for a year while it conducts a test to determine if demand is likely to be strong or weak. The project’s cost and expected annual cash flows would be the same whether the project is delayed or not. The project’s WACC is 10.0%. What is the value (in thousands) of the project after considering the investment timing option?

Problem #3: is considering a project that has an up-front cost of $3 million and is expected to produce a cash flow of $500,000 at the end of each of the next 5 years. The project’s cost of capital is 10%.What is the project’s NPV?

Problem #4: is considering a project that has an up-front cost of $3 million and is expected to produce a cash flow of $500,000 at the end of each of the next 5 years. The project’s cost of capital is 10%. (See Problem above). If Diplomat goes ahead with this project today, it will obtain knowledge that will give rise to additional opportunities 5 years from now (at t = 5). The company can decide at t = 5 whether or not it wants to pursue these additional opportunities. Based on the best information available today, there is a 35% probability that the outlook will be favorable, in which case the future investment opportunity will have a net present value of $6 million at t = 5. There is a 65% probability that the outlook will be unfavorable, in which case the future investment opportunity will have a net present value of -$6 million at t = 5. does not have to decide today whether it wants to pursue the additional opportunity. Instead, it can wait to see what the outlook is. However, the company cannot pursue the future opportunity unless it makes the $3 million investment today. What is the estimated net present value of the project, after consideration of the potential future opportunity?

Pearson Brothers recently reported an EBITDA of $7.5 Million and net income of $1.8 million. It had $2.0 million of interest expense, and its corporate tax rate was 40%. What was its charge for depreciation and amortization?

Pearson Brothers recently reported an EBITDA of $7.5 Million and net income of $1.8 million. It had $2.0 million of interest expense, and its corporate tax rate was 40%. What was its charge for depreciation and amortization?

2-7 – (Corporate Tax Liability)

The Talley Corporation had a taxable income of $365,000 from operations after all operating costs but before (1) interest charge of $50,000, (2) dividends received of $15,000, (3) dividends paid of $25,000, and (4) income taxes. What are the company’s marginal and average tax rates on taxable income?

Chapter 3 Problem

3-8 – (Profit Margin and Debt Ratio)

Assume you are given the following relationships for the Clayton Corporation: Sales/total assets 1.5 Return on assets (ROA) 3% Return on equity (ROE) 5% Calculate Clayton’s profit margin and debt ratio.

3-10 – (Times-interest-earned ratio)

The Manor Corporation has $500,000 of debt outstanding, and it pays an interest rate of 10% annually: Manor’s annual sales are $2 million, its average tax rate is 30%, and its net profit margin on sales is 5%. If the company does not maintain a TIE ratio of at least 5 to 1, then its bank will refuse to renew the loan and bankruptcy will result. What is Manor’s TIE ratio?

Chapter 12 Problem

12.1 – (AFN Equation)

Baxter Video Product’s sales are expected to increase by 20% from $5 million in 2010 to $6 million in 2011. Its assets totaled $3 million at the end of 2010. Baxter is already at full capacity, so its assets must grow at the same rate as projected sales. At the end of 2010, current liabilities were$1 million, consisting of $250,000 of accounts payable, $500,000 of notes payable, and $250,000 of accruals. The after-tax profit margin is forecasted to be 5%, and the forecasted payout ratio is 70%. Use the AFN equation to forecast Baxter’s additional funds needed for the coming year.

12-4 – (Sales Increase)

Bannister Legal Services generated $2,000,000 in sales during 2010, and its year-end total assets were $1,500,000. Also, at year-end 2010, current liabilities were $500,000, consisting of $200,000 of notes payable, $200,000 of accounts payable, and $100,000 of accruals. Looking ahead to 2011, the company estimates that its assets must increase at the same rate as sales, its spontaneous liabilities will increase at the same rate as sales, its profit margin will be 5%, and its payout ratio will be 60%. How large a sales increase can the company achieve without having to raise funds externally; that is, what is its self-supporting growth rate?

1. Although a full liquidity analysis requires the use of a cash budget, the current and quick ratios provide fast and easy-to-use measures of a firm’s liquidity position. a. True b. False

1. Although a full liquidity analysis requires the use of a cash budget, the current and quick

ratios provide fast and easy-to-use measures of a firm’s liquidity position.

a. True

b. False

2. High current and quick ratios always indicate that a firm is managing its liquidity position


a. True

b. False

3. The inventory turnover ratio and days sales outstanding (DSO) are two ratios that are used

to assess how effectively a firm is managing its assets.

a. True

b. False

4. Companies HD and LD have the same sales, tax rate, interest rate on their debt, total assets,

and basic earning power. Both companies have positive net incomes. Company HD

has a higher debt ratio and, therefore, a higher interest expense. Which of the following

statements is CORRECT?

a. Company HD pays less in taxes.

b. Company HD has a lower equity multiplier.

c. Company HD has a higher ROA.

d. Company HD has a higher times interest earned (TIE) ratio.

e. Company HD has more net income.

5. Which of the following statements is CORRECT?

a. If a firm has the highest price/earnings ratio of any firm in its industry, then, other things

held constant, this suggests that the board of directors should fire the president.

b. If a firm has the highest market/book ratio of any firm in its industry, then, other things held

constant, this suggests that the board of directors should fire the president.

c. Other things held constant, the higher a firm’s expected future growth rate, the lower its P/E

ratio is likely to be.

d. The higher the market/book ratio, then, other things held constant, the higher one would

expect to find the Market Value Added (MVA).

e. If a firm has a history of high Economic Value Added (EVA) numbers each year, and if investors

expect this situation to continue, then its market/book ratio and MVA are both likely

to be below average.

6. Walter Industries’ current ratio is 0.5. Considered alone, which of the following actions

would increase the company’s current ratio?

a. Borrow using short-term notes payable and use the cash to increase inventories.

b. Use cash to reduce accruals.

c. Use cash to reduce accounts payable.

d. Use cash to reduce short-term notes payable.

e. Use cash to reduce long-term bonds outstanding.

7. Nikko Corp.’s total common equity at the end of last year was $305,000 and its net income

after taxes was $60,000. What was its ROE?

a. 16.87%

b. 17.75%

c. 18.69%

d. 19.67%

e. 20.66%

8. Last year Urbana Corp. had $197,500 of assets, $307,500 of sales, $19,575 of net income,

and a debt-to-total-assets ratio of 37.5%. The new CFO believes a new computer program

will enable it to reduce costs and thus raise net income to $33,000. Assets, sales, and the

debt ratio would not be affected. By how much would the cost reduction improve the


a. 9.32%

b. 9.82%

c. 10.33%

d. 10.88%

e. 11.42%

9. Last year Mason Inc. had a total assets turnover of 1.33 and an equity multiplier of 1.75.

Its sales were $195,000 and its net income was $10,549. The CFO believes that the company

could have operated more efficiently, lowered its costs, and increased its net income by

$5,250 without changing its sales, assets, or capital structure. Had it cut costs and increased

its net income in this amount, by how much would the ROE have changed?

a. 5.66%

b. 5.95%

c. 6.27%

d. 6.58%

e. 6.91%

10. Bonner Corp.’s sales last year were $415,000, and its year-end total assets were $355,000.

The average firm in the industry has a total assets turnover ratio (TATO) of 2.4. Bonner’s

new CFO believes the firm has excess assets that can be sold so as to bring the TATO

down to the industry average without affecting sales. By how much must the assets be

reduced to bring the TATO to the industry average, holding sales constant?

a. $164,330

b. $172,979

c. $182,083

d. $191,188

e. $200,747