1. Add your opinion about the choices and decisions being made—if this was your company would you make this choice?

1. Add your opinion about the choices and decisions being made—if this was your company would you make this choice?

2. What would you do differently?

Sandy Clark has worked for Healthy Meals Company for 10 years in a facility that cooks and packages prepared, frozen meals. Sandy is part of a crew that provides cleaning and sanitation services for the equipment used to prepare the meals. She has always sustained an excellent work record with no complaints about her work performance. She was recently assigned to the night shift to clean and sanitize the equipment used to mix and dispense sauce for the meals. The equipment consists primarily of a large vat and a rotating paddle with wooden blades driven by an electrical motor to continuously stir the sauce. After the meal preparation crew finishes production for the day shift, Sandy’s work begins cleaning and sanitizing the equipment for production the next day. Sandy was trained to clean and sanitize the equipment by observing an experienced member of the sanitizing crew who had been performing the work for the past three years. During her training, she was instructed to use a high-pressure water hose, bleach, and sanitizing cleaner on the paddle blades and the lower part of the vat, then use a sponge pad to scrub the top part of the vat. Her trainer explained that the best way to get the wooden paddles thoroughly clean was to spray them while the machine was running, then turn off the equipment and lock it out before she used the sponge pad to clean the inside of the vat. After two days of training, she demonstrated to the person who trained her that she could satisfactorily perform all the duties of cleaning the equipment. During her second week of working alone cleaning the vat and the wooden paddles of sauce residue, she was spraying the paddles using the high-pressure water hose while the machine was running with the paddles turning in the vat. While holding the sponge pad in one hand and holding the hose nozzle in the other hand, she finished spraying the moving paddles and accidently dropped the pad from her hand into the vat. She reached to grab the sponge pad as a reflex action and the fingertips of her rubber gloves were caught between the wall of the vat and the paddle. The paddle pulled her right hand further into the hopper up to her knuckles. Immediately, a nearby coworker turned off the equipment and freed Sandy’s hand. Fortunately, she suffered only minor injuries to her hand. She later stated that she reacted to reach for the pad and catch it to avoid damage to the equipment. After an investigation was conducted by a safety inspector, the company’s management stated that Sandy did not follow the proper procedure for cleaning the equipment by first unplugging the power cord for the motor then locking out the electrical source to assure that no one started the motor. This procedure was to be followed before any cleaning of the equipment was started. Sandy, during her rebuttal, claims that discharge is too severe when you consider her work performance for ten years of service to the company and she was never told by any management official that her job performance was unacceptable. According to two other employees who previously held this job, training for these duties was typically done with instruction and observation by someone who had earlier carried out the tasks. Sandy points out that she has followed the procedure for cleaning and sanitizing that she was taught by another employee during her training and no one has ever instructed her otherwise. She adds that she has learned by her mistake and that she would not make that mistake again. She believes that progressive discipline should be used in this particular case. Sandy was subsequently fired for “willfully violating the company’s proper safety procedures.”

Modern leadership theory recognizes that: Question options: the democratic style of leadership works well in all situations. the charismatic style of leadership works well in all situations. no single leadership style works well in all situations. the democratic, or participative, leadership style is less likely to have positive results with U.S. employees.

Modern leadership theory recognizes that:

Question options:

the democratic style of leadership works well in all situations.

the charismatic style of leadership works well in all situations.

no single leadership style works well in all situations.

the democratic, or participative, leadership style is less likely to have positive results with U.S. employees.

Question 2

The __________ model of leadership style has been recommended by American research studies as the one most likely to have positive results with most U.S. employees.

Question options:





Question 3

__________ research focused on how some people are motivated by internal aspirations and life goals, whereas others are primarily motivated by the job conditions.

Question options:

Abraham Maslow’s

Henry Mintzberg’s

Henri Fayol’s

Frederick Herzberg’s

Question 4

The critical factors necessary for successful leadership abroad have come to be known as the:

Question options:

global mindset.

cultural diversity.

global logistics.

cultural quotient.

Question 5

The continued prevalence of authoritative leadership in Russia has resulted in:

Question options:

the dissolution of the status quo.

flatter organizational structures.

increased participation of employees in the decision-making process.

vertically managed hierarchies.

Question 6

A study of average work hours in various countries conducted by Steers found that __________ worked longer hours and took fewer vacation days.

Question options:





Question 7

Which of the following is typical of the Mexican business culture?

Question options:


Resistance to change

Bottom-up decision making

Flat organizational structure

Question 8

Mike Norris was assigned as a business manager at an American MNC’s Russian subsidiary. In order to motivate his subordinates, Mike delegated limited authority to some of them. However, it did not work out as he expected. Which of the following is most likely the reason behind the plan’s failure?

Question options:

Workers in Russia are less likely to use their own judgment in making decisions.

Workers in Russia prefer self-managed work teams.

The Russian culture is highly individualistic in nature.

The Russian culture is characterized by a low power distance.

Question 9

For most people, the basic meaning of work is tied to:

Question options:


self-actualization needs.

group membership.

economic necessity.

Question 10

Which of the following is true with regard to Japanese workers?

Question options:

Japanese workers typically feel strong kinship to their employers.

Japanese workers do not consider friendship to be an integral part of the workplace.

Japanese workers are typically lazy and are not dedicated to group goals.

Japanese workers consider work to be less important in their lives compared to leisure.

Question 11

Which of the following is NOT one of the typical characteristics of a successful leader with a global mindset?

Question options:

High flexibility

Low cultural quotient

Emotional resilience

Personal autonomy

Question 12

Low power distance implies that:

Question options:

people would be more motivated by teamwork and relations with peers.

most people would be more comfortable with the traditional division of work and roles.

people would be more likely to prefer an autocratic leadership style.

most people would be more comfortable with a clear distinction between managers and subordinates rather than with a blurring of decision-making responsibility.

Question 13

Which of the following is one of the typical roles managers on international assignments must often play to enhance leadership effectiveness?

Question options:

Manager of the local firm

Cultural representative of the neighboring country

Cultural representative of the host country

Representative of competing firms

Question 14

Which of the following is true about highly feminine cultures?

Question options:

People are more comfortable with the traditional division of work and roles.

People are motivated by risky opportunities for variety and fast-track advancement.

The division of work and roles tend to be looser, motivating people through more flexible roles and work networks.

Opportunities for individual advancement and autonomy are the driving factors for people in feminine cultures.

Question 15

Rewarding the individual is frowned upon in __________ because it encourages competition rather than the desired group cooperation.

Question options:



the United States


Question 16

Work centrality refers to:

Question options:

the division of work roles between men and women in a given society.

the degree of general importance that working has in the life of an individual at any given point in time.

employee attitudes toward leaders.

the concentration of work networks in a given region.

Question 17

__________ is/are the most common reasons given by Mexican workers for absenteeism and for failing to return to work.

Question options:

Family reasons

Personal illness

Transportation costs

Job dissatisfaction

Question 18

Which of the following refers to a cultural variable that shapes the content of a leadership situation?

Question options:


Work norms

Level of risk

Elasticity of demand

Question 19

Which of the following is true about collectivist cultures?

Question options:

People are motivated when they feel that the company is providing them with good working conditions, fringe benefits, and training.

People typically opt for risky opportunities for variety and fast-track advancement.

People typically opt for high pay, personal accomplishment, and job advancement.

People place high emphasis on autonomy, opportunities for personal achievements, and a work–life balance.

Question 20

Which of the following is NOT one of the typical reward categories in the United States?

Question options:

Job content

Social status




(1). The utility that is created by moving goods from surplus points to points where demand exists is referred to as:

(1). The utility that is created by moving goods from surplus points to points where demand exists is

referred to as:

(a). Form,

(b). Place,

(c). Time,

(d). Possession.

(2). What activity involves the movement of goods into a warehouse, the placement of goods in a

warehouse, and the movement of goods from storage to order picking areas and eventually to dock

areas for transportation out of the warehouse?

(a). Materials handling,

(b). Physical distribution,

(c). Business logistics,

(d). Order fulfillment.

(3). Logistics decisions about inventory, transportation, and warehouse should relate to which of the


(a). Globalization of business,

(b). Changing of government infrastructure,

(c). Structural changes in business,

(d). Customer service requirements

(4). The network intermediaries engaged in transfer, storage, handling, and communication is a

(a). Link,

(b). Logistics channel,

(c). Node,

(d). Logistics provider.

(5). Which of the follow is not an example of customer service?

(a). Guaranteeing delivery within specified time periods,

(b). Installing the product,

(c). Extending the option to sell on consignment,

(d). Outsourcing financial and credit terms.

(6). Which are the major modes of international transportation?

(a). Water and air,

(b). Water and rail,

(c). Rail and motor,

(d). Rail and air.

(7). Which condition must be present before motor carriers and rail carriers can be used for international


(a). Shipments must be in volume and in bulk,

(b). Shipment must be between adjacent countries,

(c). No custom barriers can be imposed,

(d). Shipment cannot pass through adjacent countries.

(8). Any government unit or authority at any level that owns, operates, or otherwise provides wharf,

dock, and other terminal facilities at port locations refers to:

(a). Country government,

(b). Maritime unit.

(c). Free Trade Zone,

(d). Port Authority.

(9). Which one of the following practices is not generally associated with inventory management?

(a). JIT,

(b). DRP,

(c). MRP,

(d). SEC.

(10). What are the two (2) basic warehouse operations?

(a). Movement and order processing,

(b). Movement and storage,

(c). Storage and inventory control,

(d). Purchasing and storage.

(11). Which of the following costs best applies to the use of public warehousing by a firm?

(a). Fixed,

(b). Marginal,

(c). Variable,

(d). Taxable.

(12). Which of the following is not an objective of materials handling?

(a). Increase effective capacity,

(b). Improve operating efficiency,

(c). Increase heavy labor,

(d). Implement effective working conditions.

(13). Which mode of transportation is characteristic of high fixed costs, low variable costs, long transit

times, low accessibility, and capability of transporting only liquid products?

(a). Pipelines,

(b). Railroads,

(c). Water carriers,

(d). Air carriers

(14). How does containerization change the materials handling function?

(a). From capital intensive to labor intensive,

(b). From labor intensive to capital intensive,

(c). From an ancillary to a primary function,

(d). To a market intensive activity.

(15). Piggyback is an example of which type of transportation?

(a). Intrastate,

(b). Interstate,

(c). Intermodal,

(d). Intercarrier.

(16). Which of the following is an ICC licensed freight intermediary whose propose is to bring shippers

and carriers together?

(a). Shipper’s agent,

(b). Freight wholesaler,

(c). Broker,

(d). Carriage company.

(17). What is an order bill of lading?

(a). Order of goods which a firm issues to a supplier,

(b). Same as a freight bill,

(c). Negotiable instrument that acts as a certificate of title,

(d). Purchase invoice.

(18). Under the term of sale “F.O.B. Delivered”, who has the responsibility of filing a claim for damage

arising from the shipment?

(a). Buyer,

(b). Supplier,

(c). Carrier,

(d). Demurrage agent.

(19). In an effort to offer a lower rate, carriers will try to:

(a). Separate joint and common costs,

(b). Reverse the rate taper,

(c). Offer a quantity discount,

(d). Disregard the weight of the shipment.

(20). The following are all types of 3PLs, except:

(a). Transportation based,

(b). Warehouse based,

(c). Forwarder based,

(d). B2B payments

(21). A firm that manages the resources, capabilities, and technology of its own organization with those

of complimentary service providers to deliver a comprehensive supply chain solution is called a:

(a). 3PL,

(b). 4PL,

(c). 2PL,

(d). 1PL.

(22). What type of change may suggest a need to reevaluate and/or redesign a firm’s logistics network?

(a). Change in customer service requirements,

(b). Change in corporate ownership,

(c). Cost pressures and competitive capabilities,

(d). Shifting locations of customer and/or supply markets.

(23). Which of the following is not a trend in today’s logistics environment that may have significant

effects on decisions involving logistics facility location?

(a). Cross-docking,

(b). Use of third-party suppliers,

(c). Direct, Plant-to-Customer shipments,

(d). Decentralized facilities.

(24). Which of the following is not a supply chain decision area regarding ROA improvement?

(a). Channel structure management,

(b). Inventory management,

(c). Order management,

(d). Information management.

(25). A core competency is said to exist if each of three (3) conditions are satisfied. Which of the

following is not one of these three conditions?

(a). Expertise,

(b). Strategic fit,

(c). Ability to invest,

(d). Sustainable advantage.

1. Retention comprises all of the following activities EXCEPT: A. rewarding employees for performing their jobs effectively. B. ensuring harmonious working relations between employees and managers. C. maintaining a safe, healthy work environment. D. identifying work requirements within an organization.

1. Retention comprises all of the following activities EXCEPT:
A. rewarding employees for performing their jobs
B. ensuring harmonious working relations between employees and managers.
C. maintaining a safe, healthy work environment.
D. identifying work requirements within an organization.

2. All of the following are general categories of HRM activities EXCEPT:
A. managing change.
B. development.
C. outplacement.
D. adjustment.

3. Ron is a senior production manager at an avionics product research and development organization. Which of the following would be part of Ron’s responsibility for managing change?
A. Providing a vision of where his unit is going.
B. Providing expertise to facilitate the overall process of managing change.
C. Developing legally sound performance management systems.
D. Respecting the dignity of each individual in his unit.

4. Which of the following was NOT part of the “Three-C” logic that dominated industrial society’s approach to organizational design throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries?
A. Coordination
B. Command
C. Control
D. Compartmentalized information

5. The measure of output of goods and services relative to the input of labor, capital, and equipment is known as:
A. quality enhancement.
B. profits.
C. productivity.
D. resources.

6. Which of the following is an example of a direct cost associated with mismanaged organizational stress?
A. Dissatisfaction
B. Low motivation
C. Absenteeism
D. Decline in frequency of contact

7. Distrust, disrespect, and animosity pertain to which component of indirect costs associated with mismanaged organizational stress?
A. Quality of work relations
B. Participation and membership
C. Performance on the job
D. Communication breakdowns

8. What is the numerator used in the formula used to calculate turnover over any period?
A. Average workforce size for the period
B. Number of turnover incidents per period
C. Previous period’s turnover
D. Percentage of new employees
9. Indirect measures of training outcomes can often be converted into estimates of the dollar impact of training by using a method known as:
A. work-life initiative.
B. value creation.
C. behavior costing.
D. utility analysis.

10. The Thirteenth Amendment:
A. prohibits slavery and involuntary servitude.
B. guarantees equal protection of the law for all citizens.
C. prohibits the denial, termination, or suspension of government contracts.
D. prohibits each government in the U.S. to stop a citizen from voting based on race.

11. The Civil Rights Act of 1871:
A. prohibits the denial, termination, or suspension of government contracts if an employer is following an affirmative action plan accepted by the federal government for the same facility within the past 12 months.
B. requires that men and women working for the same establishment be paid the same rate of pay for work that is substantially equal in skill, effort, responsibility, and working conditions.
C. grants all citizens the right to sue in federal court if they feel they have been deprived of any rights guaranteed by the Constitution and other laws.
D. provides that a seniority system that intentionally discriminates against the members of a protected group can be challenged within 180 days.

12. The ADA Amendments Act of 2008:
A. broadened the definition of a disability
B. included current drug and alcohol abusers.
C. added individuals who can function normally with mitigating measures.
D. was the first act to define the disabled as a protected group

13. The EEOC:
A. does not have the power to sue on its own behalf.
B. does not have the power to sue on the behalf of a discrimination claimant.
C. can sue on behalf of itself or on the behalf of a discrimination claimant.
D. does not have the power to sue.
14. To establish a prima facie case of age discrimination with respect to termination, an individual must show all of the following EXCEPT:
A. he/she is doing satisfactory work.
B. he/she was discharged despite satisfactory work performance.
C. he/she is within the protected age group (60 years of age and over).
D. the position was filled by a person younger than the person replaced.

15. _____ prohibits practices having an adverse impact on protected groups, unless they are job related.
A. The Thirteenth Amendment
B. The Fourteenth Amendment
C. Executive Order 11478
D. Title VII
16. The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) provides returning veterans with
. The same seniority
. The same status and pay
. Other rights and benefits determined by seniority
D. All of the above

17. When companies discover they can communicate better with their customers through employees who are similar to their customers, those companies then realize they have increased their _____ diversity.
A. primary
B. secondary
C. internal
D. external
18. Which generation was born in the middle of the Great Depression?
A. The silent generation
B. Generation Y
C. The baby-boom generation
D. Generation X

19. Gen Y’ers rate which of the following as at least as important as compensation
A. High quality colleagues
B. Flexible work arrangements
C. Both A and B.
D. None of the above
20. Performance at an acceptable but not outstanding level, coupled with little or no effort to improve one’s current performance is termed:
A. obsolescence.
B. mid-career plateau.
C. glass ceiling.
D. career bottleneck.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the global matrix structure?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the global matrix structure?

Your response should be at least 200 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

Dowling, P., Festing, M., & Engle, Sr., A. (2013). International human resource management (6th ed., pp. 62-65). Andover: Cengage Learning.

In your final project, assume you are a high-level manager of a company that produces a good or service solely in the United States. You strongly believe there is a profitable market for your company’s good or service beyond the United States and have requested the board of director consider broadening production and distribution into foreign countries. This would transform your organization into a multinational company. The board has requested that you develop a strategic plan that creates, exploits, and sustains the company’s resources and capabilities within the globally competitive international marketplace. The strategic plan should be designed to offer a systematic, step-by-step method to bring understanding to what often seems a chaotic situation and to offer a reasoned approach to deciding on a path to sustained advantage. The course textbook provides an outline of a detailed strategic plan applicable to a multinational company. You may utilize this approach or may create/modify a strategic plan that better addresses your particular need or requirement. At a minimum, though, your strategic plan should address the following:

In your final project, assume you are a high-level manager of a company that produces a good or service solely in the United States. You strongly believe there is a profitable market for your company’s good or service beyond the United States and have requested the board of director consider broadening production and distribution into foreign countries. This would transform your organization into a multinational company.

The board has requested that you develop a strategic plan that creates, exploits, and sustains the company’s resources and capabilities within the globally competitive international marketplace. The strategic plan should be designed to offer a systematic, step-by-step method to bring understanding to what often seems a chaotic situation and to offer a reasoned approach to deciding on a path to sustained advantage.

The course textbook provides an outline of a detailed strategic plan applicable to a multinational company. You may utilize this approach or may create/modify a strategic plan that better addresses your particular need or requirement. At a minimum, though, your strategic plan should address the following:

· First, the mission and goal of your organization. The mission should detail the product or service that you want to produce and distribute internationally. Feel free to choose any product or service that you desire (lawn mower, kite, pesticide, clothing, etc.). You will use that product or service throughout your strategic plan.

· Second, perform an environmental analysis. This important step of a strategic plan requires the identification of the resources or capabilities of the firm as well as the external competitive and contextual environment of the firm. Your plan should briefly provide the scale and impact of globalization both within your industry and the economic landscape.

· Third, determine your organization’s international competitive advantage. In other words, what your organization would do better than any other competitor in the marketplace. In general, a competitive advantage occurs when an organization can provide increased value to its customers whether through low prices or through improved products. They, therefore, can attain or surpass their competitors in the marketplace.

· Fourth, propose the preferred method to enter the international marketplace. Alternatives may include licenses, alliances, wholly-owned subsidiaries, joint ventures, and partnerships. Explain your rationale.

· Fifth, execute/implement the strategic plan. This step typically includes the control, coordination and communication needed to implement the strategy, along with a brief discussion on any contingency plans if the goals and objectives are not obtained in a reasonable timeframe. Remember that a good plan makes a solid base for the organization’s strategy, but offers flexibility in execution to allow non-viable plans to be dropped and emerging opportunities pursued.

Note that some of the information related to this project may not be readily available in course materials, requiring you to research contemporary management trends in the public sector. At least five outside scholarly resources are required, including a minimum of two from the Ashford Online Library.

Writing the Final Paper
The Final Paper:

1. Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.