What do the results suggest about the maleability of memory?

Were you surprised by the results?  Why or why not?  What do the results suggest about the maleability of memory?  The second article surveyed experts in eyewitness testimony.  Overall, how do the experts feel about the accuracy of eyewitness testimony?  What is the role of an eyewitness expert?  If this survey were to be completed now, in 2018, what topics could/should be added to this survey and why?

Bob compares his SAT Verbal score of 400 to Marge’s ACT Verbal score of 20. “I beat you,” he exclaims. “My score is 20 times your score!” Although his multiplication is good, his logic is faulty. Explain why.

Bob compares his SAT Verbal score of 400 to Marge’s ACT Verbal score of 20. “I beat you,” he exclaims. “My score is 20 times your score!” Although his multiplication is good, his logic is faulty. Explain why.

When responding to your peers’ posts, explain why you agree or disagree with their point of view.

Discuss whether you agree or disagree with the ideas presented by Nicholas Kristof and Jaweed Kaleem on the value of the humanities. Explain why or why not. Then, review the article Extraordinary Outsiders: The Makers Who Don’t Know They’re Artists. Do you think the creative process is good for the average person? Explain why or why not.

When responding to your peers’ posts, explain why you agree or disagree with their point of view.

Identify similarities and differences between servant leadership’s philosophies and the values evident in the selected cultural context and religious viewpoint.

 Identify similarities and differences between servant leadership’s philosophies and the values evident in the selected cultural context and religious viewpoint. Be sure to provide specific examples of practices and/or values in your discussion. You are required to locate two articles that examine servant leadership from a different cultural perspective and two articles that examine servant leadership from a different religious perspective. Be sure to select academic articles from reputable sources that are 10-20 pages in length. Include information from the articles in your discussion. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines


1. Choose one of these conditioning/learning styles and

discuss how it may be applied to child rearing. In essay

format, create a plan to help get a young child to clean

his/her room.

2. Conditioning still plays a role in punishment, and the

text discusses the pros and cons of punishment and

why reinforcement “beats” punishment. Explain the

theory behind this phenomenon and give an example of

it by how you used it when training an animal.


Begin by reviewing Chapter 6 beginning on page 200.

Chapter 6 discusses memory, how the brain processes information,

and the process involved in forgetting information. In

addition, the chapter discusses how we as humans think,

reason, and solve problems and the role our brains play in

developing language.

Then, write your essay about one of the following topics:

1. Discuss the process of memory. In particular, discuss

the different types of memory and relate each one to a

personal experience.

2. Discuss the different theories on language acquisition.

As our country becomes more multicultural, how can

these theories aid our children and/or you in learning a

second and perhaps a third language?

Motivation and Emotion

Begin by reviewing Chapter 7, which begins on page 243.

Chapter 7 states that humans are born to be motivated to

satisfy our needs, discusses why some of us seek out more

sensation and thrills more than others, explains why emotions

and the need for power rule some of us, and ends with

a discussion of the cultural differences on how we as humans

express emotions.

Then, write your essay about one of the following topics:

1. According to Maslow, our motivation progresses up a

pyramid. Discuss his theory and give your opinion on

whether or not you agree with it. Give concrete examples

(in relation to the hierarchy) to support your opinion.

2. The text discusses three models of emotions. Choose one

of those models and describe what you do in the event of

a crisis. Provide specific examples.


Key figures: who are the main theorists associated with the theory? (This should be like a mini-biography, not just a listing of names.)

  1. Key figures: who are the main theorists associated with the theory? (This should be like a mini-biography, not just a listing of names.)
  2. Key concepts: what are the key components and concepts that make up the theory?
  3. Explanation of disordered personality: how is this theory used to explain the causes of a personality disorder?  What are some of parts used in the explanation? How would a theorist explain the development of a personality disorder based on this theory?
  4. Scientific credibility: is this theory testable?  If yes, what are some of the ways that it is tested?  What are some of the tests used? If not, why is it not testable?
  5. Comprehensiveness: does this theory look at the whole person?  Does it address all parts of personality, or does it look at only various components?
  6. Applicability: how is this theory used in the world of psychology in a professional manner?  Think about different types of psychology that the theory might be used in, and talk about how (i.e. counseling, educational, I.O.). Provide specific examples here.