Brainstorming Worksheet

Complete the Persuasive Essay; Brainstorming Worksheet.


Review “How Should I Brainstorm?” in the media piece “The Writing Process.” The media piece explores six ways to brainstorm:

1)Free Writing

2)Breaking Down a Topic



5)Three Perspectives

6)Journalistic Questions


Assignment Directions:

1.Choose three ways to brainstorm from the list above.

2.Brainstorm about the topic of your Persuasive Essay using each of your chosen three methods.

3.Document your brainstorms in the space provided below.

4.If you choose to brainstorm by mapping/webbing, document your brainstorm within the media piece and save it as a PDF file (directions are included in the media piece), which you will then submit to the drop box along with this completed resource (an assignment drop box can accept more than one assignment).


Documentation of Brainstorm:

Record your brainstorms below, using as much space as needed for each entry.


Brainstorm One:


Brainstorm Two:


Brainstorm Three:

SCI 100 Question Development Worksheet

SCI 100 Question Development Worksheet

Jeimy Jimenez

Answer the following questions. Your instructor will use these answers to evaluate the critical elements for Project 2.

1. Why did you select your news story? I selected the news story because I thought it was interesting

2. What about the story makes it interesting to you both personally and scientifically? Personally, I thought it was interesting to read on how big Tobacco owners have tried to manipulate information for consumers. Scientifically I thought it was interesting to learn on what the effects of smoking and second hand smoking have on people

3. What did you already know about the topic before selecting the news story? What opinions or assumptions had you made about it? I already know that smoking was bad for you and that second-hand smoking is just as bad. I also knew that tobacco owners have tried ways to manipulate the public to keep their interests with Tabaco products

4. Which concepts covered in the course relate to your news story? I don’t any concepts relate to my news story except for research my story has to do with space and the ninth planet

5. What question do you have about the topic in the news story? How many hours of second hand smoke would a person need to experience in a lifetime before contracting some kind of cardiovascular disease

6. Why would this question be important to a natural scientist? It would be the study humans

HS2000 Health Sciences Research Report #1

HS2000 Health Sciences Research Report #1

Health Behaviors in HS2000 Students

100 points

10 points for survey +90 points for report

Submission Document

STEP 1 (6 points)

1. Write your hypothesis. caffeine negatively affects my sleeping pattern, I am unable to sleep continuously after taking caffeine.

2. What is the independent variable? Caffeine

3. What is the dependent variable? Sleep

STEP 2 (18 points)

4. Is this class survey study cross-sectional, longitudinal, or experimental? What is a strength and weakness of this type of study? The main strength of the experimental survey is that an event is created to determine the outcome. The main weakness is that the event is simulated in that it is some factors present in reality are limited or eliminated thus the possibility of changing the results.

5. The class survey included two questionnaires: The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Questionnaire and Dr. Lynch’s Caffeine Consumption survey, which was made up by a Health Sciences professor for this survey. Summarize the content of these surveys and explain what they measured. Do not repeat the questions and answer choices.

The Pittsburgh sleep questionnaire evaluated how much sleep in terms of quality and quantity a person gets. For instance is the sleep interrupted or uninterrupted. The amount of caffeine taken and the frequency of taking the caffeine is evaluated by the consumption survey to determine the levels of caffeine in the body.

6. What is one strength and one weakness of the survey methods used to explore the relationship between sleep and caffeine? One strength is that multiple scenarios are evaluated . The weakness is predetermined.

7. Identify one way that our class survey study could be made stronger. Consider either better measurements for the variables or a different study type. Explain why this is stronger. The class survey would be more effective if a wide variety of techniques would be applied in the determining the results. For instance the quality of sleep should be evaluated in terms of time, consistency and level of consciousness.

STEP 3 (44 points)

8. Compare and contrast the HS2000 class characteristics (Found in Table 1 & 2) to the OU student population on the following variables. Be specific in your answers (use numbers or percent in your comparisons). You may find the following two webpages useful in answering this question.

· About OU (click on Fast Facts):

· Office of Institutional Research and Assessment:

a. Age

b. Male/female ratio

c. Residence

9. Do you think the findings of this survey are generalizable to the OU student population as a whole? Why or why not?

10. Look at Table 3. Compared to recommendations for hours of sleep, how are HS2000 students doing on sleep? Based on this assessment, what are some long-term OR short-term health risks (or benefits) that the average HS2000 student might experience? You must us and cite credible sources. You MAY NOT use your textbook.

11. Again, look at Table 3. Although an average caffeine consumption could not be calculated, you can see ranges in students’ consumption of caffeine. Summarize the caffeine consumption habits of students in HS2000

12. Identify ONE health benefit and ONE health risk of caffeine consumption. You must cite your sources. Again, you may not use your textbook.

13. Identify and interpret the statistical relationship between the following sleep variables and caffeine consumption. Include the statistics (p-values and r-values), an interpretation of the r-value, and a statement about significance.

a. Hours of sleep and caffeine consumption

b. Sleep quality index score and caffeine consumption

14. Based on these results, what do you conclude is the relationship between caffeine intake and sleep?

15. Was your hypothesis supported? Explain WHY you think it was/was not supported. That is, thinking critically, why do you think this result occurred? If your hypothesis was supported, what is the link between variables. If it was not, what are some alternative explanations? You are graded on your assessment of support and for your explanations, NOT that your hypothesis was correct.

16. Identify which variables are significantly different between men and women and explain the differences (e.g. if there is a significant difference in caffeine use, explain whether men or women are higher and by how much).

17. Identify which variables are significantly different between students who live on-campus and those who live off-campus. Again explain the differences.

18. Choose ONE of the findings from #16 or #17 (e.g. differences between on and off-campus living) and comment on whether or not you expected this result and why.

STEP 4 (16 points)

19. Find a peer-reviewed, original research study that examines sleep variables OR caffeine consumption in college students, published in the past 10 years. Cut and paste the abstract here. Include an in-text citation at the end of the abstract.

20. Describe your search process by: naming the search database used, identifying search terms and any limiters you used, how many results the search returned.

21. Describe two ways the peer-reviewed study is similar and different than our class survey study. You MUST comment on at least two of the following: sample characteristics (including size), study design, or how variables were measured. Be sure your comparisons are clearly explained. Be sure to use in-text citations when discussing the peer-reviewed research study.

22. Summarize the findings of the study you found and compare them to the results of the HS2000 class survey study. Be sure to use in-text citations when discussing the peer-reviewed research study.

REFERENCES (6 points)


Fall 2017

Fall 2017


HS2000 Health Sciences Research Report #1

Health Behaviors in HS2000


100 points

10 points for survey +90 points for report

Submission Document


(6 points)

1. Write your hypothesis.

caffeine negatively affects my sleeping pattern, I am

unable to sleep

continuously after taking caffeine


2. What is the independent variable?


3. What is the dependent variable?



(18 points)


Is this

class survey

study cross

sectional, longitudinal, or experimental? What is a strength

and weakness of this type of study?

The main strength of the experimental survey is that an

event is created to determine the outcome. The main weakness is that the event is simulate

d in

that it is some factors present in reality are limited or eliminated thus the possibility of

changing the results.


The class survey included two questionnaires: The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Questionnaire

and Dr. Lynch’s Caffeine Consumption survey

, which was made up by a Health Sciences

professor for this survey



the content of these surveys and explain what they

measured. Do not repeat the questions and answer choices.

The Pittsburgh sleep questionnaire evaluated how much sleep in terms

of quality and quantity

a person gets. For instance is the sleep interrupted or uninterrupted. The amount of caffeine

taken and the frequency of taking the caffeine is evaluated by the consumption survey to

determine the levels of caffeine in the body.


What is one strength and one weakness of

the survey methods used to

explore the

relationship between sleep and caffeine?

One strength is that multiple scenarios are

evaluated . The weakness is predetermined.


Identify one way that our

class survey


y could be made stronger. Consider either

better measurements for the variables or a different study type.



this is stronger.

The class survey would be more effective if a wide variety of techniques would be applied in the

determining the

results. For instance the quality of sleep should be evaluated in terms of time,

consistency and level of consciousness.


(44 points)


Compare and contrast the




characteristics (Found in T

able 1

& 2

) to the OU

student population

on the following variables.

Be specific in your answers (use numbers or


in your comparisons)

. You may find the following two webpages us

eful in answering

this question


Fall 2017 1

HS2000 Health Sciences Research Report #1

Health Behaviors in HS2000 Students

100 points

10 points for survey +90 points for report

Submission Document

STEP 1 (6 points)

1. Write your hypothesis. caffeine negatively affects my sleeping pattern, I am unable to sleep

continuously after taking caffeine.

2. What is the independent variable? Caffeine

3. What is the dependent variable? Sleep

STEP 2 (18 points)

4. Is this class survey study cross-sectional, longitudinal, or experimental? What is a strength

and weakness of this type of study? The main strength of the experimental survey is that an

event is created to determine the outcome. The main weakness is that the event is simulated in

that it is some factors present in reality are limited or eliminated thus the possibility of

changing the results.

5. The class survey included two questionnaires: The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Questionnaire

and Dr. Lynch’s Caffeine Consumption survey, which was made up by a Health Sciences

professor for this survey. Summarize the content of these surveys and explain what they

measured. Do not repeat the questions and answer choices.

The Pittsburgh sleep questionnaire evaluated how much sleep in terms of quality and quantity

a person gets. For instance is the sleep interrupted or uninterrupted. The amount of caffeine

taken and the frequency of taking the caffeine is evaluated by the consumption survey to

determine the levels of caffeine in the body.

6. What is one strength and one weakness of the survey methods used to explore the

relationship between sleep and caffeine? One strength is that multiple scenarios are

evaluated . The weakness is predetermined.

7. Identify one way that our class survey study could be made stronger. Consider either

better measurements for the variables or a different study type. Explain why this is stronger.

The class survey would be more effective if a wide variety of techniques would be applied in the

determining the results. For instance the quality of sleep should be evaluated in terms of time,

consistency and level of consciousness.

STEP 3 (44 points)

8. Compare and contrast the HS2000 class characteristics (Found in Table 1 & 2) to the OU

student population on the following variables. Be specific in your answers (use numbers or

percent in your comparisons). You may find the following two webpages useful in answering

this question.

Lab #3 – Assessment Worksheet

Lab #3 – Assessment Worksheet

Case Study on PCI DSS Noncompliance: CardSystems Solutions

Course Name and Number: _____________________________________________________     Student Name: ________________________________________________________________

Instructor Name: ______________________________________________________________

Lab Due Date: ________________________________________________________________


In this lab, you reviewed a real-world case study that involved a PCI DSS noncompliance

scenario, and you recommended mitigation remedies to prevent the loss of private data for

similar organizations.

Lab Assessment Questions & Answers

1.  Did CardSystems Solutions break any federal or state laws?

2.  In June 2004, an external auditor certified CardSystems Solutions as Payment Card Industry Data

Security Standard-(PCI DSS-) compliant. What is your assessment of the auditor’s findings?

3.  Can CardSystems Solutions sue the auditor for not performing his or her tasks and deliverables

with accuracy? Do you recommend that CardSystems Solutions pursue this avenue?

4.  Who do you think is negligent in this case study and why?

5.  Do the actions of CardSystems Solutions warrant an “unfair trade practice” designation as stated

by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)?

26| LAB #3 Case Study on PCI DSS Noncompliance: CardSystems Solutions

6.  What security policies do you recommend to help with monitoring, enforcing, and ensuring PCI

DSS compliance?

7.  What security controls and security countermeasures do you recommend for CardSystems

Solutions to be in compliance with PCI DSS requirements?

8.  What was the end result of the attack and security breach to CardSystems Solutions and its


9.  What are the possible consequences associated with the data loss?

10. Who do you think is ultimately responsible for CardSystems Solutions’ lack of PCI DSS


11. What should CardSystems Solutions have done to mitigate possible SQL injections and data

breaches on its credit card transaction-processing engine?

12. True or false: Although CardSystems Solutions had proper security controls and security

countermeasures, it was not 100 percent PCI DSS-compliant because the company failed to

properly implement ongoing monitoring and testing on its development and production systems.

Unit VI Research Report

Unit VI Research Report

Understanding the importance of how fire investigation leads to identifying the cause and origin of a fire is vital in aiding the fire prevention bureau in the design and implementation of any fire prevention program.

Review the data compiled by the NFPA related to structural fire causes: Campbell, R. (2017). Intentional fires. Retrieved from statistics-and-reports/US-Fire-Problem/Fire-causes/osintentional.ashx

Read Section One, “Intentional Structural Fires,” and choose any two structural fire causes that you think are relevant to and/or currently problematic in your community or jurisdiction. For each cause, include the information listed below.

Explain whether the cause would indicate a primarily individual or community risk. Identify whom you would target with a relevant fire safety education program and how a cause-and-origin investigation is used to determine this. Recall how you would use the five-step model to compose the fire safety education program. Write one measurable, actionable fire prevention objective for this program. Briefly describe the fire prevention message you would try to deliver to this audience. Identify the groups in the community that could be helpful or involved in message delivery. Briefly explain how you could evaluate this program’s effectiveness.

Your written assignment should be at least two pages in length. Be sure to utilize APA formatting for all sources cited. You should use at least two sources for this assignment.

Properties of Matter Lab

Properties of Matter Lab


To observe how a fluid cornstarch solution reacts to changes in temperature and pressure.



· Clear plastic cup

· Newspapers

· Crushed ice

· Hot water

· Watch or clock

· Spoon

· Measuring cups

· Cornstarch

· One bowl deep enough to hold the plastic cup


1. Cover your kitchen table or counter with the newspaper to help make clean up easier.

2. Add 1 cup of cornstarch to ½ cup of water in the plastic cup. Stir with the spoon until a thick fluid forms. If needed, more water/cornstarch can be added until you have a thick fluid.

3. While over the newspapers, pour some of the cornstarch fluid into your hand. Tilt your hand slightly and record your observations on how the cornstarch behaves below.

4. While holding your hand over the cup, squeeze the fluid cornstarch. Record your observations below.

5. Place your fluid cornstarch back into the plastic cup.

6. Half-fill the bowl with crushed ice. Place the plastic cup into the ice. Leave it there for 5 minutes until the cornstarch has reached a colder temperature.

7. Pour some of the fluid cornstarch into your hand. Tilt your hand slightly and record your observations on how the cornstarch behaves below.

8. While holding your hand over the cup, squeeze the cooled fluid cornstarch. Record your observations below.

9. Place your fluid cornstarch back into the plastic cup.

10. Empty the crushed ice from the bowl. Half-fill the bowl with hot water. Place the plastic cup into the hot water and allow it to sit for 5 minutes.

11. Pour some of the fluid cornstarch into your hand. Tilt your hand slightly and record your observations on how the cornstarch behaves below.

12. While holding your hand over the cup, squeeze the warmed fluid cornstarch. Record your observations below.

13. Place your fluid cornstarch back into the plastic cup.

Conclusions: Answer in complete sentences.

Make a general statement relating the properties of fluid cornstarch to temperature and pressure (when you squeezed your hand). Does this match what you’ve learned about the motion of particles at different temperatures? Explain.

A non-Newtonian fluid is a fluid whose viscosity is variable depending on applied stress. A non-Newtonian fluid is one in which the shear stress and shear rate are linear, with the constant of proportionality being the coefficient of viscosity. At room temperature cornstarch fluid is thick and gooey. But, if we heat it up, it becomes thin and flows easily. Newtonian fluids behave like cornstarch fluid. Their viscosities (the resistance of a liquid to flow) are directly related to temperature, the higher the temperature the lower the viscosity and vice versa. A non-Newtonian fluid’s viscosity is also determined by the forces that act upon it. The viscosity also is correlated with how the force is applied.