Topic 1


Topic 1

: Jennifer Doudna on CRISPR. View the NBC News story about CRISPR (1)*, including an interview with its co-discoverer, Jennifer Doudna. Then, address the following issues:

  • (a) What applications of CRISPR look particularly promising for improving human well-being?
  • (b)  What sort of ethical issues have arisen or are likely to arise with the deployment of CRISPR?

Topic 2 [Reading]: Societal Aspects of Human Gene Editing. Read the article by Neuhaus (2)* and/or the article by Ossola (3)*, then address the following:

  • (a) Where do you think our procedures, regulations, and laws ought to come down regarding human genome editing, with CRISPR (or any other tool)? Take a clear position on this.
  • (b) Explain your rationale.

Topic 3 [Reading]: Esvelt’s Regret. In the article by Zimmer (4)*, Kevin Esvelt says that he made a huge mistake by championing the application of a technology that he now says is far too dangerous to actually deploy. Based on the article, address the following:

  • (a) What is the technology that he championed? What does it consist of and why does he think it’s too risky to use outside the lab?
  • (b) In your opinion, what sorts of laws and regulations, if any, should society put into place to regulate the technology that Esvelt regrets championing?

Topic 1

Topic 1

: Population Distribution of Termites in a Savanna. Watch the video (1) describing Corina Tarnita’s research on the spacing of termite mounds in savanna ecosystems, and then address the following:

  • (a) What were Tarnita’s findings about the spacing of termite mounds?
  • (b) What does Tarnita think is the main factor that governs the spatial distribution of the termite mounds?
  • (c) How do the termite mounds benefit other organisms on the savanna?

Topic 2

:  Pacific Lampreys. Watch the video about Pacific Lampreys (2)*, then address the following:

  • (a) Where do Pacific lampreys fall in the taxonomy of vertebrates?
  • (b) What challenges do Pacific lamprey populations face?
  • (c) Why are Native American tribes of the Northwest concerned about them? (Please note: take care not to confuse the Pacific lamprey (described in the video) with the Sea Lamprey, which is a completely different species that is considered an invasive species in the Great Lakes).

Topic 3 [article]: Supporting the Energy Needs of a Large Brain. As discussed in the article by Zimmer (3)*, brain tissue is energetically expensive. For a species to evolve a large brain, it may need to make certain adjustments to ensure that enough energy is available to support brain function. Zimmer discusses various hypotheses about such adjustments in the human line of descent. Explain one of these adjustments.

References (in Strayer Writing Standards format).

Topic 1

Topic 1:  Ashleigh is a vegetarian.  She stopped eating meat and dairy products when she was 15 years old. She does eat fish and eggs, though, along with a variety of other foods. Ashleigh is now 28 years old and wants to start a family.  What nutrients should concern her?  What should she do to make sure her intake is adequate?

Topic 2: Anna has just had a baby.  Now she must decide if she should breastfeed her baby or not.  She does not want the hassle of breastfeeding, but she hears it is good for her child. Discuss the pros and cons of breastfeeding. Should you breastfed or bottle fed?

Topic 3:  Tommy is five years old, and he is a picky eater.  He prefers chicken tenders, soda, and cookies, and occasionally he will eat fruit because it is sweet.  He does not like vegetables.  What nutrients are a concern?  What should his parents do to change his eating habits?

Topic 4: Charlie is a freshman in high school and skips breakfast because he does not like to eat typical breakfast foods.  His parents are concerned because they have heard the news stories stating scientific studies show breakfast improves performance in school.  They want him to do well.  What can Charlie’s parents do to make sure he gets nutritious foods before school starts?

3. Based on these observations, which color of light causes the greatest amount of plant growth?

3. Based on these observations, which color of light causes the greatest amount of plant growth?

4. Based on these observations, which color of light causes the least amount of plant growth?

5. In a short paragraph, explain how these observations are consistent with the information presented in the short video?

6. Given that white light contains all colors of the spectrum, what growth results would you expect under white light?

How does gene regulation involving the trp repressor protein differ from what you observed with the lac repressor in the previous lesson? (2 points)

  1. How does gene regulation involving the trp repressor protein differ from what you observed with the lac repressor in the previous lesson? (2 points)
  2. Based on your understanding of gene regulation in the cell and the function of the trp operon, describe how this process would be affected if there was a mutation in the operator region so that the operator could not carry out its function. (4 points)
  3. What would be the result in this process of a genetic mutation that altered the shape of the trp repressor protein? (4 points)

Discuss the concept of epigenesis in light of your family history and the article you read. Aim for one page for this section of your paper.


  1. Discuss the concept of epigenesis in light of your family history and the article you read. Aim for one page for this section of your paper.
  2. Complete the Living to 100 Questionnaires. Integrate your findings on the questionnaire into your discussion. Aim for another page.
  3. Discuss how you can improve your health and longevity in light of your findings in this questionnaire, your understanding of epigenetics, and your knowledge of your family history.