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This discussion question is based on your understanding of what it expected in your Assessment Project that is due in Week 7:

Computer Applications class. Must be 250 words.   This discussion question is based on your understanding of what it expected in your Assessment Project that is due in Week 7: By reading the Assessment Project directions, what kind of paragraph editing and formatting tools will you use when you create your paper? By reviewing the […]

Assignment 9

Throughout this unit, you have learned about many changes and social problems that impact families. In this Assignment, you will choose one of the three following social problems that impact families: divorce, one-parent families, family violence. Project Specifics: Your paper should be between 800 and 1000 words, double spaced, not including your title and reference […]


please let me know if you can do it ?Although the revision process is long, the importance of it is clear after reviewing the following articles. They illustrate the negative impact resulting from a failure to proofread. These “mistakes” not only cost these respected corporations money, but also impact their credibility in the minds of […]


International and Domestic Drug Markets What are the major international illegal drug producing areas of the world? What is the link between politics and these areas? What are the different drugs available on the domestic drug market? Why is it easy to enter into the world of the street-level drug business? What is money laundering […]