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Power point for a Veterans Employment workshop. THe topic wil be “knowing yourself” in regards to employment etc. atleast 10 slides


Assignment Choice #2: Brainstorming and Team Creativity Presentation This week you explored team creativity and brainstorming.  For five days, keep a creative idea journal.  Each day you should come up with 5-10 fresh ideas (these can be business concepts or strategies, for example) and reflect upon the merit of those ideas.  Additionally, identify the brainstorming […]

Need help for research paper

Paper is about (DRONES) military and commercial use. I  have the paper done you just need to assemble it in order according to the instructions. I will submit all the essays I have done about it. The rest you will have to do on your own. THANKS. 

Data Flow Diagram

Please read the attached in structions.   Add the information to the Decision Support system document.