#2 Managing High Performance

Individual Project 500- 750 words


 Assignment Description




Research indicates that many employees who have input into job design and who are given greater responsibility frequently show far greater motivation. These innovative ideas are considered forms ofemployee empowerment.


Answer the following questions:


What exactly is employee empowerment?What are the pros from the perspective of the employee?What are the pros from the perspective of the supervisor?How does employee empowerment relate to whether management believes in theory X or Y style of management and the decision-making process?Generally speaking, how does employee empowerment work in unionized environments? 



Discussion Board 150-250 words


students to learn through sharing ideas and experiences as they relate to course content and the DB question. Because it is not possible to engage in two-way dialogue after a conversation has ended, no posts to the DB will be accepted after the end of each unit.


Delegation is one of the basic activities of front-line supervisors and managers. It is a skill that not all of them possess. In fact, whether delegation occurs represents different management views on how the workforce should be managed and the assumptions about the workforce.




Answer the following question:


What is delegation? Give an example.


Suggestions for Responding to Peer Posts


Review your peer’s response regarding their delegation example, and consider the following questions:What are the pros and cons of delegation from the perspective of the employee?What are the pros and cons of delegation from the perspective of the supervisor?


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