Question 1 


Question 1
Three purposes of a career research interview are to
Answer get references, get referrals, write your resume.
be remembered, prepare a resume, get references
read, remember, write.
conduct research, be remembered, get referrals. 

Question 2
To avoid plagiarism when using information from an Internet document in your speech, your textbook recommends that you keep a record of
Answer the title of the document.
the author or organization responsible for the document.
the date on which you accessed the document.
a and b only.

Question 3
Communication based on a speaker’s body and voice, rather than on the use of words, is called
Answer implicit communication
non-verbal communication 
unintentional communication
instinctive communication
physical communication.


You are thinking of adding one of two investments to your already well-diversified portfolio.
Security A Security B
Expected return = 12% Expected return = 12%
Standard deviation of returns = 11.0% Standard deviation of returns = 20.1%
Beta = 2.0 Beta = 0.9
If you are a very risk-averse investor, which security is the better choice? (1)
a. Security A.
b. Security B.
c. Either security would be acceptable.
d. Cannot be determined with the information given.

Question 1
People spend more time __________ than in any other communication activity.

Question 2
Malcolm said “um” or “uh” every time he got to a new PowerPoint slide in his informative speech. His instructor told Malcolm to reduce the number of _________ in his next speech.
vocal inflections
vocalized pauses 


Question 3
According to your textbook, a common mistake students make when developing their first speech is
using PowerPoint improperly.
trying to cover too much material. 
not doing enough library research.
a and c only.

Question 1
Survey results indicate that the leading factor shaping interviewers’ initial impressions of the candidates is
the appearance of the resume.
the clothing the candidate wears to the interview. 
the candidate’s eye contact during the rapport stage of the interview.
the firmness of the candidate’s handshake.

Question 2
Which of the following is mentioned in your textbook as a responsibility of every member in a small group?
develop hidden agendas
reach solutions swiftly
call for a vote on major decisions
all of the above
none of the above 

Question 3
According to your textbook, when citing sources during a speech, a speaker should usually identify the
book, magazine, newspaper, or Web document being cited.
author or sponsoring organization responsible for the document.
qualifications of the author with regard to the topic.

Question 1
Which of the following is an instance of informative speaking?
a teacher praising parents for contributing to the school carnival
a teacher arguing that phonics is a successful method for teaching reading
a teacher explaining the requirements for an assignment 
all of the above

Question 2
How do the following main points for a speech about the achievements of Ida Wells-Barnett violate the guidelines presented in your textbook for organizing main points?
I. As a teacher, Wells-Barnett spoke out against inferior school facilities for African-American children.
II. As a journalist, Well-Barnett campaigned against lynching.
III. In the early 20th century, Wells-Barnett expanded her activities.
Answer The main points should have been arranged in causal order.
The main points don’t each deal with a separate aspect of the topic.
The main points don’t divide the topic consistently. 
all of the above.


Question 3
The _____ is a one-sentence statement that sums up or encapsulates the major ideas of a speech.
specific purpose
central idea 
general purpose

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