Case 1 The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) provides a list of non-U.S. companies listed on its exchange on its website ( . (Hint: Search the Internet for “NYSE List of Non-U.S. Listed Issuers.”)

Case 1

The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) provides a list of non-U.S. companies listed on its exchange on its website ( . (Hint: Search the Internet for “NYSE List of Non-U.S. Listed Issuers.”)


  • Look the number of foreign companies listed on the NYSE and the number of countries they represent.
  • Select one of the foreign companies listed on the NYSE.
  • Speculate as to why non-U.S. companies have gone to the effort to have their shares listed on the NYSE and what modifications they would need to make to their financial statements.

Case 2

Refer to Case 2-1 (The Impact of Culture on Conservatism) in your textbook, found in Chapter 2, page 60 and discuss the following.


  • Part 1: Discuss the implications for the global convergence of financial reporting standards raised by Gray’s model.
  • Part 2: Discuss the implications this argument has for the comparability of financial statements across countries, even in an environment of substantial international accounting convergence. Identify areas in which differences in cultural dimensions across countries could lead to differences in the application of financial reporting.
  • Part 3: Discuss the implications that the model presented in Part 2 of this case has for the internal auditors of Cancan Enterprises in carrying our their responsibilities.
  • Part 4: Discuss any ethical concerns.


Case 3

Refer to Case 3-1 (Jardine Matheson Group) in your textbook, found in Chapter 3 and complete the following.


  1. Access Jardine Matheson’s most recent annual report on the company’s website ( . Once on their website, choose Investors, then Financial Reports, and choose 2015’s report. Be patient as it will take the PDF a few minutes to load or download.
  2. Review the company’s consolidated financial statements to evaluate whether the financial statements presented comply with the presentation requirements in IAS 1, Presentation of Financial Statements.
  3. Explain your reasoning.


  • Each case should have approximately 200 to 300 words
  • Source: Scholarly articles and the book
  • Properly document your sources using APA style in-text references and a reference list.
  • Plagiarism free work


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