2.F.1.b. The multiple professional roles and functions of    counselors across specialty areas, and their relationships with    human service and integrated behavioral health care systems,    including interagency and interorganizational collaboration and consultation.

This assignment meets the following CACREP Standards:

2.F.1.b. The multiple professional roles and functions of    counselors across specialty areas, and their relationships with    human service and integrated behavioral health care systems,    including interagency and interorganizational collaboration and consultation.

2.F.1.c. Counselors’ roles and responsibilities as members    of interdisciplinary community outreach and emergency management    response teams.

2.F.1.d. The role and process of the professional counselor    advocating on behalf of the profession.

2.F.1.e. Advocacy processes needed to address institutional and    social barriers that impede access, equity, and success for clients.

2.F.1.l. Self-care strategies appropriate to the    counselor role. 

5.C.2.a. Roles and settings of clinical mental health counselors.

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