Price fluctuations affect all aspects of an economy. When future prices are unknown and unpredictable, it poses many problems to buyers and sellers of goods or services, as well as investors. If future prices can be fixed in some way, it can bring in a lot more certainty and shield businesses and individuals from volatility in the markets. With the risk of price shocks covered, you can confidently make crucial business and investing decisions. Futures trading serve this important purpose by allowing you to freeze the future price of an underlying asset.
Student is expected to select ONE derivative product in a particular country and its past 10 year’s historical price. Prepare a written and technical analysis on the futures derivative product based on the below: (Note: Each question carries 25 marks) 3000 words
a) Overview of the selected product and substitute product in the industries.
brief introduction on the country
overview on the product,
importance of the product,
subsitutes and how the substitutes affect the the derivative product in the industry
b) Using the historical data, check the trend of derivative product mispricing.
atleast for three years using monthly data
is there mispricing or not explain why
c) Discuss the determinant’s factors that affecting the derivative product pricing.
d) Determinants of the risk management factors and importance contributions of the futures trading to the derivatives market.

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