1. When making assumptions about crime and subcultures, it is important that assumptions are based on __________ data.   2. The crimes…

1. When making assumptions about crime and subcultures, it is important that assumptions are based on __________ data.


2. The crimes in the UCR that are not reported to police are called the __________ of crime.


3. Participants in the National Crime Victimization Survey are interviewed every __________ months.


4. Research on crime suggests that the majority of crimes are committed by __________ male individuals.


5. Clearance rates refer to crimes that can be solved by either __________ or exceptional means.


6. Biological explanations for gender differences in offending suggest a difference in __________ development between males and females.


7. Data from the Uniform Crime Reports show that __________ Americans are over represented in each offense type


8. The __________ perspective suggests that Blacks and Whites are treated differently by criminal justice professionals, and this differential treatment may result in higher arrest and incarceration rates for Blacks.


9. The accomplice hypothesis is one explanation for __________ differences in the commitment of crimes.


10. Part II offenses are technically __________ than Part I offenses.

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