2. How would you handle the following three situations? What would you do in each?

1. Read the ACA and NAADAC Codes of Ethics and compare the positions that each takes on issues of dual relationships. Provide examples of dual relationships for which these codes do not give definitive guidance about the appropriateness of the relationship. How should a counselor make a decision to enter or not enter into a dual relationship?

2. How would you handle the following three situations? What would you do in each?

1. Your client expresses emotional or physical attraction toward you and you have similar feelings for your client.

2. You have feelings of attraction toward your client, but you do not know if your client has similar feelings toward you.

3. Your client expresses attraction to you, but you do not have any feelings of attraction toward your client.

3. You are a counselor working at a publicly funded alcohol and drug treatment program. Your client, Doug, attends one of your counseling groups. Although he has a previous conviction and is on probation for possession of an illegal substance, he entered treatment as a voluntary client. Doug’s probation officer recently learned from another probationer that Doug is in treatment, and the officer has sent you a letter requesting that you provide a progress report and an assessment of Doug’s likelihood of relapse. The probation officer will use this information, if favorable, to petition the court for Doug’s early release from probation.

Discuss your options for responding to the probation officer’s request and describe what you would do. Cite relevant legal issues, including federal confidentiality and privacy regulations in your discussion. Identify the specific circumstances under which you would provide the information requested by the probation officer. How would you handle this differently if Doug were involuntarily attending the group?

4. Judith is a licensed professional counselor (LPC) in private practice. She has a contract to facilitate psycho-educational groups for students in a local public high school. Many of the students in her groups are dealing with the divorce of their parents. Judith has decided to create a specific psychoeducational group for adolescents whose parents are divorcing or divorced. What should be covered in her pregroup screening interviews with the students?

5. You are the executive director of a small publicly funded behavioral health agency that serves indigent clients. After 10 years of being able to serve all clients seeking help, your agency has just received a 20% budget cut and must prioritize which services to discontinue and which clients to turn away. The community has many suggestions: stop serving undocumented immigrants and their children; stop serving substance abuse clients, limit all clients to six sessions, discontinue providing expensive services like psychiatry, lay off professional counselors and hire non-licensed paraprofessionals, stop providing counseling and instead simply offer peer self-help groups and parenting classes, serve only the most seriously ill (or the least seriously ill), and serve only children. How would you approach the difficult task of cutting services by 20% in a manner that reflects your ethical obligations as a community counselor? Would your plan differ if you were in a private sector? If yes, how? What criteria would you consider? What theoretical or standard of care practice will you follow to make a final decision about what to cut from your program? Reference the ACA and/or NAADAC Code of Ethics to support your answer.

6. A managed care clinician completed a utilization review and has just denied authorization for you to continue treating a client. You believe that the client could benefit from four additional sessions. At the same time, you understand that the managed care clinician must apply criteria of medical necessity to justify continued treatment, and you are aware that many of your agency’s clients have problems much more severe than your client’s. Make a list of all of the ways that you could try to ensure that the managed care system does not prevent you from giving your client the type and duration of treatment services that he or she needs. Categorize each of the items into two groups reflecting those that would be considered professionally appropriate and ethical, and those that would be considered to be a violation of professional ethical standards.

7. You are counseling in an agency setting in which your supervision consists of a weekly group staff meetings. At these meetings, agency policies, procedures, and other administrative issues are discussed. You are uneasy with this situation because you believe that true clinical supervision would help you improve your counseling skills and your current work with clients. You are also aware that you need a minimum number of documented hours of clinical supervision in order to obtain your independent counseling license, and you wonder if your supervisor’s brief notes about “staffing cases” as the activity in these staff meetings are sufficient documentation. Discuss the ethical issues involved in this situation, describe your options for how to proceed, and identify the option(s) you would choose. Explain your reasoning. Cite an ethical code in your response.

8. Darla is a Master’s of Arts in Professional Counseling student working at her practicum site. Mike is a practicum student assigned to the same practicum site as Darla. Both Darla and Mike report directly to the same site supervisor. About halfway through the practicum, Darla realizes that many of the clients assigned to Mike for counseling are coming to see her. Comments from Mike’s clients have led Darla to believe that Mike is acting unethically. How should Darla handle this situation? What are the ethical and legal implications?

If Darla tells her supervisor, and her supervisor does not act on her concerns, what are the ethical and legal implications?

All questions must be answered by them-self with 150-200 words each. Each must have a cite in the answer and pass TURN IT IN with less than 5%.

 Discussion1: Working With and Advocating for Clients With Somatic Symptom Disorders

Discussion1: Working With and Advocating for Clients With Somatic Symptom Disorders

Clients who exhibit somatic symptom disorders are often disregarded and not taken seriously because the physical symptoms are difficult to measure. However, these clients are in distress and they need mental health attention along with medical care. Working with clients with any of the somatic symptom disorders highlights the need for a biopsychosocial approach to social work.

For this Assignment, read the Somatic Symptom Disorders criteria in the DSM-5. Then read the articles by Dimsdale, Patel, Xin, and Kleinman, and by Kirmayer and Sartorius.

• Post and Select one of the three major Somatic Symptom Disorders (F45.1 Somatic symptom disorder, F45.21 Illness Anxiety Disorder or, 300.11 Conversion Disorder), and provide an explanation for why you as a social worker might need to take a biopsychosocial approach to social work when working with clients who have the chosen somatic symptom disorder.

• Then explain why a multidisciplinary approach is necessary when working with clients who have this somatic symptom disorder.

• Finally, explain why advocacy would be an integral part of working with these clients.

Support your post with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.

References (use 3 or more)

Dimsdale, J. E., Patel, V., Xin, Y., & Kleinman, A. (2007). Somatic presentations—A challenge for DSM-V. Psychosomatic Medicine, 69, 829

Kirmayer, L. J., & Sartorius, N. (2007). Cultural models and somatic syndromes. Psychosomatic Medicine, 69, 832–840.

American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing.

Bernstein E.M., & Putnam, F. W. (1986). Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES) [Measurement instrument]. Retrieved from http://serene.me.uk/tests/des.pdf


Briere, J. (2006). Dissociative symptoms and trauma exposure: Specificity, affect dysregulation, and posttraumatic stress. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 194(2), 78–82.


Using Power in Social Work Practice

Politics represents efforts by people in governmental and nongovernmental settings to secure their policy wishes by developing and using power resources.

—Bruce S. Jansson, Becoming an Effective Policy Advocate: From Policy Practice to Social Justice (8th ed.)

Social workers are in the business of empowering people. They are also often faced with power structures that are entrenched and difficult to navigate. Skillful policy practitioners recognize the many kinds of power resources that exist, thus expanding their options in specific situations. As a social worker, you will learn various strategies that can create and expand personal networks that might be useful in negotiating your policy practice within an agency. You want your power resources to be recognized as effective ways to get things done, not as coercion and force.

In this Discussion, you identify various kinds of power resources (including person-to-person, substantive, process, and procedural) that you can use to secure the adoption of a policy proposal.

To prepare: Review Chapter 10 in your text, focusing on Jansson’s categorization of types of power resources in the policy-enacting task.

• Post a description of how social workers use power resources in their social work practice and advocacy.

• Select a type of power resource you would use in your practice and advocacy.

• Describe the ethical issues or concerns in using the type of power resource you selected.

Background Information on the Article

Background Information on the Article

The main focus of the study includes influences caused by global health activities undertaken by volunteers from the United States who work in developing nations. Low-or-middle-income countries benefit a lot from collaborations and health partnerships. This is because partnerships enhance the spread of ideas and knowledge derived from US based medical institutions. However, a number of gaps exist when it comes to the operations of volunteers working through health partnerships in developing nations. The study identifies a failure of capturing the type of change occurring to US-based partners because of engagement in international health collaborations and partnerships.

This takes into consideration individuals and institutional levels. As described above, the main objective of the study looks into identifying the outcome of global health partnerships on developed countries as caused by volunteers from the U.S. This means bringing together different knowledge bodies and creating a comprehension of assessing improvements made on the above variables (partnerships and developed nations).

Persistent Link to the Article

Many people continue to question the effectiveness of international health system. The aspect of volunteers moving to developing nations means creating more intitiatives and mobilizing resources to address existing issues. The study has a persisitent link to the article because of its focus on health. The study tries to create a positive impact on the global health by creating a standardized framework that eliminates errors and any barriers to development.

Comprehending the article and its relationship to the study influences the identification of a gap that leads to the improement of the sector. When the study researches the health systems in developing nations, it becomes easy to create comprehensive analysis of the different variables used by the article to conduct its studies. Global health is a sensitive topic that requires further study and development to improve its status.

Reasons for Selecting the Article for the Study

The study is selected because of its clarity in seeking to identify various issues affecting health systems in developing nations. The United States has an extensive and flexible health framework that initiates development from a local to an international status. The article comprehends the fact that the aspect of solving international health problems is not a perfect approach. This is because most countries have problems in terms of building capacity among staff members and ensuring integration of resources for positive outcome.

New countries are new systems that require support for them to coordinate health structures, and limit the implementation of existing leadership to motivate development. Stakeholders should be engaged from a personal level and motivate cultural values that create trust and continous communication in the developing nations’ health systems.

Reasons for the Method of Data Collection

The data collection method is qualitative in nature. This is because it uses descriptive design as a way to assess the data in regard to the contribution of U.S volunteers to influence development in the developing nations. The article focuses on 80 individuals working in Ethiopian healthcare institutions (Busse, Aboneh, & Tefera, 2014). The individuals are medical professionals from South Africa, Canada, and the United States. The paper uses web-based techniques with open-ended questions in evaluating competencies in the international community. The method is flexible in such a way that it influences the development of a clear analysis of the topic of study.

How would you characterize Gabriel’s natural therapy style? 

  1. How would you characterize Gabriel’s natural therapy style?
  2. What strategies does he use to facilitate the therapeutic process
  3. Pick a 2 theorists discussed thus far, and compare and contrast Gabriel’s style to the theorist.  Please make sure you are showing a clear understanding of the theorist you are  comparing him too, and being clear in your understanding of the theory in practice
  4. Could Gabriel benefit from using any additional theories you have learned about thus far? If so, what and how?
  5. What did you think of Gabriel’s style? Did you like it? Why or why not?
  6. Based on the supplemental learning this week, any cultural issues you noticed?

By Day 3

By Day 3


  • Describe how a social worker would conceptualize a presenting problem of poverty from the two theories you selected.
  • Explain how this conceptualization differs from an individual-related versus a structural/cultural-related theoretical lens.
  • Compare how the two theoretical lenses differ in terms of how the social worker would approach the client and the problem and how the social worker would intervene.

1.Question 1 – Critical Thinking – Identify three research method(s) used to accumulate the data which served as the basis for this article. Name one strength and weakness associated with each methods.

2.  Question 2 – Visual and Quantitative Analysis Draw three conclusions that can be deduced from the infographs, bar graphs or pie charts presented in this article. Use the information to make a prediction (inference) about the future.  Support your prediction with reasons and details.

3. Question 3 – Written Communication Skills In the study done by Lieberman and Morelli, what were the physiological and psychological processes involved in their study of empathy. Elaborate fully on the physiological and psychological processes by providing ample description and details.

4. Question 4 – Social Responsibility In the quote by Morelli, “Being distracted reduces our empathy for others and blunts responses in the brain,” what are three implications of this quote for civic engagement?