· Discuss the study or case scenario and applicable qualities that relate to the APA ethical codes.   

· Discuss the study or case scenario and applicable qualities that relate to the APA ethical codes.

· Write your own critical review on the imperfections in this article and your analysis on how to address the problems noted.

· Take an affirmative position on whether or not these ethical challenges affect the validity of the study or case, and if there are additional test biases noted.

Week 1 – Question 1:

Week 1 – Question 1:

1. What are the laws that were in effect, or should have been in effect, at the time when the environmental issue occurred?

Recent Environmental Issues versus the Environmental Health Laws

The media are replete with examples of environmental issues exposing us to health risks. The growing concern of environmental issues is the reason why the environmental health laws, such as CAA and CWA, were introduced in the 1970s. There have been several amendments throughout these years.

Research on examples of the following topics:

  • Environmental      Issues that Have Occurred in Last One Year
  • Major Environmental      Health Laws that Have Been Introduced in Past Ten Years

· On the basis of your research and understanding of the topic, answer the following questions:

  • In the past      one year, which environmental health issue is the most grave one and why?
  • What is the      role of various government agencies that are charged with enforcing and      evaluating the impact of the law?
  • How have      the government agencies been able to assess the gravity of the issue?
  • Which one      is the most important environmental health law that has been introduced      within the past few years and why?
  • Analyze the      intended impact of environmental health laws on your local community.

Week 2 – Question 2:

2. What do you think is the impact of these events on the communities where they occurred?

Environmental Epidemiology and Health Hazards

Environmental epidemiology is the primary scientific discipline that establishes exposure-disease relationships in environmental health. For example, epidemiologists determined that exposure to asbestos causes mesothelioma. This is one example of chemical agent leading to health hazards. Other environmental hazards, such as air and water pollution, have been linked to adverse health outcomes.

Research on the following topics:

  • Significant Episodes in which an Environmental Hazard      Caused Adverse Health Outcomes in Humans
  • Three Major Historical Events in Environmental      Epidemiology

· On the basis of your research and your readings and understanding of the above topics, answer the following questions:

  • Which environmental hazard, such as the pollutant or      pollutants, caused the most adverse health outcomes and why?
  • What are the various adverse health outcomes that      occurred as a result of exposure to the environmental hazard?
  • What are the steps that were taken to prevent the      adverse health outcomes from occurring? Should there be any other step      that was necessary to prevent the adverse health outcome? Explain.
  • Suggest the ways to prevent future occurrences of      such episodes.
  • Is there an association between environmental hazards      and adverse health outcomes in humans? Why or why not?
  • Analyze and explain the exposure-disease relationship      for each of these three events.

· What do you think is the impact of these events on the communities where they occurred?

Week 3 – Question 3:

3. Explain the association between exposure to pesticides and health effects?

Health Effects of Exposures to Pesticides

Pesticides have a broad application, including their use in occupational and nonoccupational settings. Many pesticides have been linked to adverse health effects, and as a result, have been banned from use.

Research on episodes of exposure to pesticides that caused adverse health outcomes in humans. Choose one episode and respond to the following questions:

· What are the health effects that the pesticide exposure caused in humans?

· What are the steps that could have been taken to prevent the adverse health outcomes from occurring?

· What are the changes required in the existing law that could discourage the reoccurrence of such exposures?

· Apart from law enforcement, what are the other ways to prevent future occurrences of such episodes?

Week 4 – Question 4:

4. Discuss the association between environmental pollution and hazards to aquatic life?

Environmental Hazards Due to Polluted Air and Water

Many environmental hazards, such as air and water pollution, have been linked to adverse health outcomes not only in humans but also in aquatic life.

Research on episodes in which environmental pollution caused hazards to the aquatic environment. Choose one episode and answer the following questions:

  • What were the main pollutants that caused hazards to      aquatic life?
  • How did these pollutants affect the      health of aquatic life adversely?
  • What are the various ways to      prevent occurrences of such episodes in the future? Explain how these ways      will help in the prevention of such episodes.

Week 5 – Question 5:

5. What is the intended impact of food safety–related law on your local (Georgia) community?

Safety of Food from Carcinogens

The Office of Food Additive Safety (OFAS) at the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) of FDA is charged with, among other responsibilities, regulating industry to ensure that food contact substances and food additives are safe.

Research on major regulations related to food safety. On the basis of your research, answer the following questions:

  • What are the ten microbiological      agents that are implicated in food-borne illness? What are the measures      for preventing food-borne illness?
  • Describe practical methods for the      prevention of food-borne illness and indicate how you apply them in your      home or business.
  • What are the procedures that a      local health department might use for investigating an outbreak of      food-borne illness?
  • Explain a major regulation for      protecting food from carcinogens and discuss its purpose. Do you think      there should be any change in this regulation? Why or why not?

Compare the research design of the two studies chosen.

  1. Compare the research design of the two studies chosen.
  2. Were the research designs appropriate to their hypothesis (the goal of the research or research question)? Why or why not?
  3. Discuss the limitations of drawing conclusions from a nonexperimental study.
  4. Did the study have a random sample? Were there other problems that were noticed?

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

o Factors to consider when choosing between the two interventions

o The social work skills that the staff would require to implement the intervention

o The training required to implement each intervention

· An evaluation of the usefulness of an evidenced-based practice registry based on your reaction to the experience, in which you address the following questions:

o Would you, as a beginning researcher, have enough knowledge to benefit from using the NREPP registry? Why or why not?

o How might the research that you conducted increase your confidence in the intervention with Tiffani?

o Is the information provided enough to make a decision regarding interventions? Why or why not?

· A description of the key program elements

· A description of the key program elements

· A description of the strategies that the program uses to produce change

· A description of the needs of the target population

· An explanation of why a process evaluation is important for the program

· A plan for building relationships with the staff and management

· Broad questions to be answered by the process evaluation

· Specific questions to be answered by the process evaluation

· A plan for gathering and analyzing the information

1. A genogram of the Hernandez family

  • 1. A genogram of the Hernandez family
  • 2. An analysis of the Hernandez family’s case based on the genogram including the following information.
    • 3. Identify an element of the Hernandez family’s case that may influence the way Juan and Elena Hernandez address their issue with the social worker.
    • 4. Explain how the genogram you created might help you address the needs of the Hernandez family.