Describe how a student who appears to be dismissing the value of an education might be encouraged to move out of a lower level and into subsequent stages of reflective judgment.

Describe how a student who appears to be dismissing the value of an education might be encouraged to move out of a lower level and into subsequent stages of reflective judgment.

Integrate the possible selves and stages of reflective judgment theories in the text.

Discuss ethical and cultural strategies for promoting resilience, optimum development, and wellness in adults.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is required.

What was the question being answered or addressed by this research report?

  • What was the question being answered or addressed by this research report?
  • What method or methods were used to address/answer the research question?
  • How appropriate and effective the methods seem to be.
  • Are there legal concerns?
  • Are there ethical concerns?
  • Is the research report intended to be generalized? If so, can these results be appropriately generalized to a broader population?
  • Are there issues related to validity or reliability, and if so, how are these issues addressed?
  • Any other issues that you would like to address.
  • You do not need to write about all of the examples above; this list is to give you an idea as to how to begin. You may also write about other issues as well.

Identify and articulate the key issue(s) in the article in a brief and pointed summary.

  1. Identify and articulate the key issue(s) in the article in a brief and pointed summary.
  2. Identify information/evidence in the article that supports the point of view and conclusions presented in the article. Quote and paraphrase with internal APA citations.
  3. Identify background information relevant to the point of view and conclusions presented in the article.  Use prior knowledge and you may use your course materials.
  4. Identify strengths and weaknesses of the findings and conclusions presented.
  5. Explore and evaluate the issue(s) relevance to real-world problems and solutions.
  6. Clarify your own position, perspective, or hypothesis on the ideas presented in the article.
  7. Explain the conclusions, implications, and consequences of the article as it pertains to the field of psychology or the subject being addressed.

Your critique should be between 5-7 pages long, in addition to a title page and reference page.

Additional sources are not required, but you may choose to include them.  You may reference your text.

Use APA format to style your paper and to cite your sources. Your source(s) should be integrated into the paragraphs.  Use internal citations pointing to evidence in the literature and supporting your ideas.  You will need to include a reference page listing those sources.

Be sure to allow time for proofreading and editing.

Suggested Topic Heading: Trait Constructs

Question Two: Some psychologists have suggested that while individuals tend to use traits to describe themselves and others, this merely tells us something about the cognitive functioning of individuals and about their interpersonal perceptions– it does not tell us that traits represent the best tools for the scientific analysis of personality. How important is the fact that the layperson finds the trait a useful construct? If we accept the importance of the layperson’s use of this construct for theory development, does this also commit us to accepting the specific trait names and categorizations used by the layperson (e.g., honest, aggressive, sympathetic)?
Suggested Topic Heading: Trait Constructs
Question Three: Big five terms are great for describing differences between people. But are they also good for explaining people’s behavior? Is it reasonable to say that “Liz smiled and greeted people happily because she is an extravert”? Or is that similar to saying “It is sunny and warm in San Diego this week because San Diego has nice weather”? In other words, is this sort of “explanation” one that just takes you around in circles?
Suggested Topic Heading: The Five-Factor Model
Question Four: The text discusses research on brain systems involved in higher-level psychological functions, such as self-concept. How much do we learn about such psychological functions by studying the brain? In other words, since we know that some systems in the brain have to be involved in any psychological function, does an analysis of underlying neuroanatomy answer the most pressing questions about personality? Or does it leave unanswered critical questions about the ways in which these psychological capacities develop and function in the social world? In short: Can there be a neuroscience of personality?
Suggested Topic Heading: The Brain and Psychological Functions

Identifying Bias in Scientific Reporting

Identifying Bias in Scientific Reporting

After discussing bias in class and lab this week, find a news article (about something scientific) that includes an example of one type of bias.

Answer the following:

a) Give the title and a link to the article you read.

b) Definition of the type of bias you identified.

c) Description of the example you found in a recent scientific news article.

d) Explain why this kind of bias is problematic.

d) Give a few possible ways that this bias could have been mitigated in your given example.

How do scientific theories of personality differ from lay theories? Use an example for each type to explain your answer and support your assertions with data and results from scientific investigations.

How do scientific theories of personality differ from lay theories? Use an example for each type to explain your answer and support your assertions with data and results from scientific investigations.