What important elements are necessary for achieving policy objectives, when successfully using diplomacy as an instrument of power?

What important elements are necessary for achieving policy objectives, when successfully using diplomacy as an instrument of power? Draw from the Fedyszyn’s article for this assessment.
Assume you are in charge of public diplomacy at the State Department. What recommendations would you offer to make public diplomacy more effective?

Describe an ethical decision you have made at some time in your life, and try to remember what your reasoning was in coming to a final course of action

Describe an ethical decision you have made at some time in your life, and try to remember what your reasoning was in coming to a final course of action. Now rate your moral reasoning according to Bentham’s Hedonistic Calculus, and then compare your reasoning in the situation with Mill’s revised Utilitarian thesis. Does your thinking coincide with the tenets of either Bentham’s or Mill’s version of Utilitarianism? Reflect on your own moral decision-making process from the standpoint of Utilitarian ethics (be sure to explain how Mill’s version of Utilitarianism differs from Bentham’s). Do you live your life according to some version of Utilitarianism? Why or why not?

Describe an ethical decision you have made at some time in your life, and try to remember what your reasoning was in coming to a final course of action

Describe an ethical decision you have made at some time in your life, and try to remember what your reasoning was in coming to a final course of action. Now rate your moral reasoning according to Bentham’s Hedonistic Calculus, and then compare your reasoning in the situation with Mill’s revised Utilitarian thesis. Does your thinking coincide with the tenets of either Bentham’s or Mill’s version of Utilitarianism? Reflect on your own moral decision-making process from the standpoint of Utilitarian ethics (be sure to explain how Mill’s version of Utilitarianism differs from Bentham’s). Do you live your life according to some version of Utilitarianism? Why or why not?

Why did the communication system break down hours after Hurricane Katrina?

1. Why did the communication system break down hours after Hurricane Katrina?
2. How is the issue of “interoperability” dangerous to the concept of federalism and our entire system of government?
3. What was the purpose of the Hurricane Pam exercise? List at least 3 reasons why was it unsuccessful? What lessons could have been learned, had it been completed?
4. Discuss some of the criticisms of FEMA over the years?
5. Who is the current director of FEMA? Is this person qualified for the position?
6. Research some of the criticisms of President George W. Bush’s initial response to Hurricane Katrina? Were those criticisms justified after seeing this video? Why or why not?
7. Discuss what some experts feel can be done differently next time? This requires additional research.
8. What are the overall lessons learned from Hurricane Katrina?
A minimum of three scholarly sources must be referenced and properly cited in this essay.
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1. Provide three (3) examples of how federalism has evolved from its origins to the American political system in place today.

1. Provide three (3) examples of how federalism has evolved from its origins to the American political system in place today.
2. Examine three to five (3-5) factors that have allowed the concept of federalism to shape American political behavior.
3. Discuss at least two (2) factors that illustrate how the relationship between the states and the U.S. federal government influences the creation of American policies overall.
4. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment.
200 points Write a three to four (3-4) page paper.

How have the past few weeks contributed to your ideas for what the future of intimacy can look like?

  • How have the past few weeks contributed to your ideas for what the future of intimacy can look like?
  • What have you learned in the course about representations of sex, love, and intimacy that you didn’t know before?
  • What information, frameworks, and issues do you believe we must consider in order to have more ethical and just conversations around sexuality