Given the readings and assignments in the course, identify and discuss two concepts or lessons learned that you believe will be most applicable to your professional discipline.

Given the readings and assignments in the course, identify and discuss two concepts or lessons learned that you believe will be most applicable to your professional discipline.
Concept A (points 10/20):
Identify /define (points 4/20): …
Your professional discipline: …
How applicable (points 6/20): …
Concept B (points 10/20):
Identify /define (points 4/20): …
Your professional discipline: …
How applicable (points 6/20): …

1. Are there certain governmental or institutional profiles that distinguish repressive regimes from non-repressive regimes? If so, please list and discuss the profiles you are referring to in your response.

1. Are there certain governmental or institutional profiles that distinguish repressive regimes from non-repressive regimes? If so, please list and discuss the profiles you are referring to in your response.
2. Read the mission statements of the monitoring organizations. Do they reflect objective and professionally credible approaches for monitoring the behavior of states? If so, discuss how; if not discuss why you are taking this position and then discuss how monitoring might better be accomplished.
3. In your opinion, how effective are these organizations? You should support your opinion with research that addresses this issue and supports your opinion.
Recommended Websites
The following Web sites are links to international organizations that provide information about countries and human rights conditions.
· Amnesty International
· CIA (World Factbook)
· Doctors of the World
· Human Rights Watch
· Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières

Provide at least three examples of known groups who have committed what some consider to be acts of terror for the above reasons. Take a position as to the actions, and support your position with research.

Provide at least three examples of known groups who have committed what some consider to be acts of terror for the above reasons. Take a position as to the actions, and support your position with research.
Remember that to truly know an issue you must know both sides of the issue, activities perpetrated, and the individuals orchestrating the activities. Also remember to support the position you take with valid, substantive, journal-based research.

Provide at least three examples of known groups who have committed what some consider to be acts of terror for the above reasons. Take a position as to the actions, and support your position with research.

Provide at least three examples of known groups who have committed what some consider to be acts of terror for the above reasons. Take a position as to the actions, and support your position with research.
Remember that to truly know an issue you must know both sides of the issue, activities perpetrated, and the individuals orchestrating the activities. Also remember to support the position you take with valid, substantive, journal-based research.

Take a position on the following question and provide support for your position: Does the failed attempt to bomb Northwest Airlines flight 253 in 2009 (“underwear bomber”) reflect policy failure or policy success?

Take a position on the following question and provide support for your position: Does the failed attempt to bomb Northwest Airlines flight 253 in 2009 (“underwear bomber”) reflect policy failure or policy success?

Identify and select a present-day issue that can potentially polarize a specific risk group. Develop and explore the issue and why it can serve as a polarizing and divisive issue. Discuss how certain risk populations can become radicalized and justify the use of violence to elevate their position.

Identify and select a present-day issue that can potentially polarize a specific risk group.
Develop and explore the issue and why it can serve as a polarizing and divisive issue. Discuss how certain risk populations can become radicalized and justify the use of violence to elevate their position.
Place yourself in the role of a policy maker. Articulate and develop some potential policy options to prevent radicalization of these risk groups. Outline a way ahead for implementing your policies.
Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.