In the aftermath of a shooting at a local high school, Helen starts a movement to ban the fluoridation of water in the community. She uses statistics that demonstrate how more school shootings have occurred in the years since the fluoride was added to the water. Assuming that this is the only evidence she provides in her argument, explain what fallacy Helen is committing and why her argument doesn't work.

In the aftermath of a shooting at a local high school, Helen starts a movement to ban the fluoridation of water in the community. She uses statistics that demonstrate how more school shootings have occurred in the years since the fluoride was added to the water. Assuming that this is the only evidence she provides in her argument, explain what fallacy Helen is committing and why her argument doesn’t work.
· Does the presence of a fallacy in the above argument automatically prove that the conclusion is false? Explain your answer.
· Deborah argues that it would help the environment if Ron recycled. Ron responds that the environmentalism movement has gotten so politicized to the point that people often just support environmentalist policies based on party lines. Explain what the red herring is in Ron’s fallacy.
· In your opinion, are there ever any situations in which appealing to popularity (i.e., arguing that everyone else is doing it) is an appropriate justification for an action? Explain your answer.
Look the video
· 4.2 Occ accuses Cooter of falling prey to confirmation bias when Cooter argues that peeing in the fire helped him bag more deer because it “worked every time, except for the few times it didn’t.” Explain why this is confirmation bias.
· While Cooter’s theories about fire and hunting are clearly absurd, what contemporary beliefs do you think this video might be implicitly criticizing?
· Father McDowell presents an anti-abortion argument in which he argues that life begins at conception and that scientific studies have demonstrated that fetuses can feel pain. Roger responds to this argument by saying, “You can’t listen to Father McDowell—he’s biased because he’s a Catholic priest, so he has to be against abortion!” Explain why Roger’s statement fails to adequately rebut Father McDowell’s argument.
· Father McDowell presents an anti-abortion argument in which he argues that life begins at conception and that scientific studies have demonstrated that fetuses can feel pain. Roger responds to this argument by saying, “You can’t listen to Father McDowell—he’s biased because he’s a Catholic priest, so he has to be against abortion!” Explain why Roger’s statement fails to adequately rebut Father McDowell’s argument.
4.4 look the video
· Summarize the conclusion of Nadelmann’s primary argument, as well as at least two premises that he uses to support it.
· Colbert opens the interview by summarizing Nadelmann’s argument to the audience, saying, “Ethan, you say we should legalize drugs and that would solve all of our problems. Go on. Sell ‘em on the idea of giving weed to my kids.” Explain how this is a straw man fallacy by describing what Nadelmann’s argument really is and how it differs from Colbert’s interpretation.
Consider the following argument:
· Kids should develop reading habits from an early age. Kids who don’t read are more likely to fall behind in school. Kids are who fall behind in school are more likely to drop out before they graduate. And kids who don’t graduate from high school will have a much harder time getting a well-paying job than those with a diploma
Would you consider this to be a fallacious use of a slippery slope argument? Explain your answer.
· Give an example of a time when either you or someone you know has been persuaded to do or believe something because of emotional appeals rather than pure reason.
4.6 look the video
· Jon Stewart suggests that bringing disease into the immigration debate is just a scare tactic. Using one of the video clips Hodgman cites, give an example of a way that emotions are appealed to in the arguments presented.
· The straw man fallacy occurs when the arguer presents an extreme version of the opposing position in order to make it easier to attack or ridicule. Do you believe that Stewart and Hodgman are attacking a straw man version of one side of the immigration debate, or making a fair critique of common beliefs and hypocrisy? Explain your answer.

In this 6 paragraph essay, you will explore assumptions vs facts regarding two chosen issues (from a list of four below) regarding capital punishment, based on some careful web research, and you will use what you have learned about logic to analyze the results. This essay is NOT about whether you are in favor of or opposed to the death penalty. See below for detailed, paragraph by paragraph instructions.

In this 6 paragraph essay, you will explore assumptions vs facts regarding two chosen issues (from a list of four below) regarding capital punishment, based on some careful web research, and you will use what you have learned about logic to analyze the results. This essay is NOT about whether you are in favor of or opposed to the death penalty. See below for detailed, paragraph by paragraph instructions.

Sources: At least two factual, unbiased, detailed internet sources for each of the two issues (so 2 x 2 = 4 sources total). Don’t use the same 2 sources for both issues. Take great pains to make sure that you are not just looking for things that prove that you are right. If you look hard enough, you can always find someone who agrees with you; however, the point is not that but rather to find out what the preponderance of the best research says on the subject. Your sources should be reasonably current. Be sure to use quotation marks when taking more than 3 words in a row from the text or any source, even for definitions. Work on putting things in your own words to demonstrate your understanding of the material, using no more than about 10% quotations for the paper.

Length: Approximately 1000-1200 words, not including quotes or the list of sources. Think of your word count as your budget; it’s good to make the most of it, but not to go over by much. Stay within 10% of the maximum. If you paste in charts or other numerical data, this would not be included in the word count. No more than 10% quotations. If your paper is well below the minimum word count, that’s an indication that you haven’t gone into enough detail to do well.

Format: Single spaced, 12 pt Arial font, 1″ margins all around, no extra space between paragraphs, no separate title page. At the top, list the title of the paper (which has been given to you), your name, student ID, date, and the word count.

Style: APA or MLA style are not needed. You should use the 1st person (I, me), in your first two paragraphs at least, since you are asked to talk about your assumptions.

Citations: When you are paraphrasing or quoting a source, in parentheses, simply note which source it is. For example, if your sentence or paragraph has been discussing information taken from The Innocence Project website, at the end of that passage of your paper, put it in parentheses like this (Innocence Project). URLs are not used in citations; if the webpage doesn’t have a name, give it one. The URL will go in your reference list, instead.

References list: At the bottom of your paper, write the word References, and then list the exact URL for all of your sources. This should not be a homepage such as, but rather the exact URLs within the sites that you used. When I click on your links, I should be taken straight to your source data without any further searching. The references page does not need to be fancy; it does not have to follow APA or MLA style, although it could if you prefer.

Philosophy Assessment Paper:

Detailed paragraph-by-paragraph writing instructions

What are your assumptions about capital punishment, and how do they compare to the facts? Do some web research regarding capital punishment: You will choose 2 of 4 issues to research & report your findings (mostly in your own words, although you can use quotes or lists of data as needed). Try to find web sources that are as factual & unbiased as possible.

A.      the cost of capital punishment compared to life in prison

B.      the history of how many innocent people have been put to death

C.      the deterrent effect of capital punishment

D.      racial bias in the death penalty

Again, you will choose 2 of these 4 issues to research. Here is the exact structure for your paper:

1st paragraph: In about 4-6 sentences, briefly explain your initial assumptions about the first issue you have chosen (of the four listed), and the reasoning behind your assumptions. Simply be honest in your statement of your initial assumptions; you are not being graded on how accurate your assumptions were. However, I will expect to see some thoughtful reasoning to explain your assumptions. Place your assumptions within the context of typical American assumptions about the issue; you can do a little quick research to check that, if needed.

2nd paragraph: In about 4-6 sentences, briefly explain your initial assumptions about the second issue you have chosen (of the four listed), and the reasoning behind your assumptions. Place your assumptions within the context of typical American assumptions about the issue; you can do a little quick research to check that, if needed.

3rd paragraph: In a longer paragraph, explain the facts you have discovered in your research regarding the first issue you have chosen (the same issue you discussed in the first paragraph). Just the facts—at this point, I don’t want to hear any reactions or comparisons to your initial assumptions. Work on putting things in your own words to demonstrate your understanding of the material. Use no more than about 10% quotes in the entire essay. Be sure to use quotation marks when taking more than 3 words in a row from the text or any source (unless it’s the name of something, such as The United States Supreme Court).

4th paragraph: In another longer paragraph, explain the facts you have discovered in your research regarding the second issue you have chosen (the same issue you discussed in the second paragraph). Again, work on putting things in your own words.

5th paragraph: Give your reaction to your research and compare the facts to your initial assumptions. Discuss any surprises and the reason why any facts turned out to be different than what you expected. You may also discuss whether the results reflect typical American assumptions regarding the controversy.

6th paragraph: In your final paragraph, discuss the importance of checking the facts in an unbiased way when it comes to moral, social and political controversies. What is its importance for personal development, social interaction, politics and law? Give several examples outside of the capital punishment debate. The end of this paragraph will wrap up your findings in the paper with a strong closing sentence.

Consider the eras, life histories, and personalities of Freud and Rogers.Identify two research articles published in the last 5 years: one that investigates a psychoanalytic or Freudian construct and one that investigates a client-centered, humanistic, or Rogerian construct.

Consider the eras, life histories, and personalities of Freud and Rogers.Identify two research articles published in the last 5 years: one that investigates a psychoanalytic or Freudian construct and one that investigates a client-centered, humanistic, or Rogerian construct.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper about Freud and Rogers that addresses the following:

  • Provide a summary of each article, highlighting the processes that contemporary psychologists use to develop the theories of Freud and Rogers.
  • Explain their views of human nature and their worldviews as expressed in their respective theories.
  • Which aspect of their theory do you think would be different if they were alive and working today?
  • Explain how social and cultural factors influenced the development of Freud’s and Rogers’ respective theories of personality.

corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become an important part of business for many of today’s companies. Many times, however, its CSR efforts are overshadowed by publicized ethical dilemmas. Wal-Mart is a great example of this. They have a webpage devoted to their CSR efforts

corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become an important part of business for many of today’s companies. Many times, however, its CSR efforts are overshadowed by publicized ethical dilemmas. Wal-Mart is a great example of this. They have a webpage devoted to their CSR efforts: Global Responsibility. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Wal-Mart also has a page devoted to Ethics & Integrity. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. The other side of the Wal-Mart coin, however, contains a slew of ethical issues including claims about labor law, discrimination, etc.
Visit and evaluate both Wal-Mart webpages provided and summarize its efforts for CSR and ethics.

  • Do you feel the CSR/ethics strategies Wal-Mart employs benefit the community, or do you feel it is more of a ploy to make itself look better? Explain and support your conclusion.
  • How does Wal-Mart ensure equitably of CSR globally? Does Wal-Marts’ CSR violate foreign companies’ laws or ethics? Justify and support your response.

corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become an important part of business for many of today’s companies. Many times, however, its CSR efforts are overshadowed by publicized ethical dilemmas. Wal-Mart is a great example of this. They have a webpage devoted to their CSR efforts

corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become an important part of business for many of today’s companies. Many times, however, its CSR efforts are overshadowed by publicized ethical dilemmas. Wal-Mart is a great example of this. They have a webpage devoted to their CSR efforts: Global Responsibility. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Wal-Mart also has a page devoted to Ethics & Integrity. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. The other side of the Wal-Mart coin, however, contains a slew of ethical issues including claims about labor law, discrimination, etc.
Visit and evaluate both Wal-Mart webpages provided and summarize its efforts for CSR and ethics.

  • Do you feel the CSR/ethics strategies Wal-Mart employs benefit the community, or do you feel it is more of a ploy to make itself look better? Explain and support your conclusion.
  • How does Wal-Mart ensure equitably of CSR globally? Does Wal-Marts’ CSR violate foreign companies’ laws or ethics? Justify and support your response.

You may create and / or make all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of these assignments. Using the scenario from Assignment 1, write a six to seven (6-7) page paper in which you: Identify three (3) job requirements (e.g., needed certifications, previous work experience, external influences, etc.) that could apply to your chosen scenario. Determine two (2) ways these requirements could impact staffing at your organization.

You may create and / or make all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of these assignments. Using the scenario from Assignment 1, write a six to seven (6-7) page paper in which you: Identify three (3) job requirements (e.g., needed certifications, previous work experience, external influences, etc.) that could apply to your chosen scenario. Determine two (2) ways these requirements could impact staffing at your organization. Next, suggest one (1) strategy that you could utilize to ensure that all applicants meet the identified job requirements for your organization. Justify your response.

  1. Outline a long-term recruitment plan that contains at least four (4) components, is aligned with your company’s recruitment strategy, but also addresses possible job skill or credential shortages. Note: Consider concepts such as succession planning and hiring retirees.
  2. Describe three (3) branding strategies that you would employ to attract qualified applicants to your organization. Next, suggest three (3) communication methods that you would utilize to reach out to applicants. Predict the outcome of integrating your branding strategies and communication methods at your organization. Provide a rationale for your response.
  3. Determine two (2) selection processes for recruiting new employees that could apply to your chosen scenario and then identify five (5) selection criteria that you could use when hiring new employees. Next, analyze the effect of the five (5) identified selection criteria on long-term employee retention and preservation of organizational knowledge. Justify your response.
  4. Suggest two (2) assessment methods that you could employ to select new employees for your organization and then analyze the validity and reliability of each method in regards to the job your organization is offering. Next, identify four (4) job predictors that you believe can assess candidates’ knowledge, skills, abilities, and other skills and experiences (KSAO’s). Provide support for your rationale.
  5.  Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Explain the role of staffing to support an organization’s strategy and improve productivity.
  • Explain the planning considerations for staffing organizations, the use of job analysis, and the components of a staffing plan.
  • Develop recruitment plans using both internal and external recruitment.
  • Design a selection process that incorporates a variety of assessment methods and a supporting decision method for candidate selection.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in staffing organizations.
  • Write clearly and concisely about staffing organizations using proper writing mechanics.

Click here to view the grading rubric.