Describe characteristics required to provide safe and quality healthcare experiences.  Apply the necessary characteristics required to provide safe, quality healthcare experiences. Justify best practices and guidelines to limit medical mistakes and reduce potential liability. What are some of the main problems in the current healthcare system? What are some new advancements and improvement in healthcare? What are the laws and programs to be aware of?

This week, you will submit your polished, final version of Final Project II: Bioethics. Before you submit, make sure you have incorporated all the suggestions you received from your instructor for Milestone Three.
To complete this assignment, review the Final Project II Guidelines and Rubric document.
Note: This is the final activity related to the completion of the final projects. See the Final Project Assignment Table for more information.
Describe characteristics required to provide safe and quality healthcare experiences. 
Apply the necessary characteristics required to provide safe, quality healthcare experiences.
Justify best practices and guidelines to limit medical mistakes and reduce potential liability.
What are some of the main problems in the current healthcare system?
What are some new advancements and improvement in healthcare?
What are the laws and programs to be aware of?

 Identify a character in a show with whom you have developed (in the past or present) a parasocial relationship. Remember, this personal can be “real” or a character role. Explain why this character/person is compelling to you. How do you “know” or view this character outside of their role on the show? Have they influenced you in any way besides the aspect of entertainment? 

Identify a character in a show with whom you have developed (in the past or present) a parasocial relationship. Remember, this personal can be “real” or a character role. Explain why this character/person is compelling to you. How do you “know” or view this character outside of their role on the show? Have they influenced you in any way besides the aspect of entertainment?
After studying the assigned reading The Handbook of Communication Science, Second Edition: Chapter 20: Media Entertainment, considering the topic of parasocial relationships, answer the following questions or prompts.
A) Identify a character in a show with whom you have developed (in the past or present) a parasocial relationship. Remember, this personal can be “real” or a character role. Explain why this character/person is compelling to you.
B) How do you “know” or view this character outside of their role on the show? Have they influenced you in any way besides the aspect of entertainment?
C) Explain any emotional attachment to the character or person. Have they disappointed you? Motivated you? How and why?

Schemata are sets of information based on cognitive and experiential knowledge that guide our interaction. We rely on schemata to help us make sense of the world around us

Schemata are sets of information based on cognitive and experiential knowledge that guide our interaction. We rely on schemata to help us make sense of the world around us. Sometimes schemata become so familiar that we use them as scripts, which prompts mindless communication and can lead us to overlook new information that may need to be incorporated into the schema.  Choose one of the videos below and apply this concept.
·  Explain how schemata is used in the video.
·  Cite the video and use MLA style

You work for the Federal Trade Commission and you need to come up with a brief list of federal guidelines for selling marijuana based products based on each of the the 5 elements of the TARES ethics test.

You work for the Federal Trade Commission and you need to come up with a brief list of federal guidelines for selling marijuana based products based on each of the the 5 elements of the TARES ethics test.

 You are an advertising agency that has been approached to help a company create a campaign for the sale of their products. Utilizing each of elements of the TARES ethics test briefly explain how you would create an ethical advertising campaign.

You are an advertising agency that has been approached to help a company create a campaign for the sale of their products. Utilizing each of elements of the TARES ethics test briefly explain how you would create an ethical advertising campaign.

What is the Birks' purpose in this essay? Do they seem more intent on explaining or arguing their position? Point to specific language that they use that led you to your conclusions.

What is the Birks’ purpose in this essay?  Do they seem more intent on explaining or arguing their position?  Point to specific language that they use that led you to your conclusions.

3. How do the Birks organize their essay?  Do you think the organizational pattern is appropriate given their subject matter and purpose?  Explain, giving specific reasons and explanations.

4. According to the Birks, how is slanting different from the principle of selection?  What devices can a speaker or writer use to slant knowledge?  When is it appropriate, if at all, to slant language?

5. Do you find the examples about Toddy the dog and Corlyn particularly helpful?  Why or why not?  What would have been lost, if anything, had the examples not been included?

6. Why is it important for writers and others to be aware of charged words?  What can happen if you use charged language unknowingly?  What are some of the difficulties in living in a world with charged language?