Topic: “Describe the ethics relevant to giving orders or directives.” Given this “field” (i.e., Criminal Justice, Public Relations, Pharmaceuticals, Healthcare) or “organization” (C.A.R.E., NFL, Red Cross) and explain what morals lay at the heart of one's reasoning when giving orders or directives?

Topic: “Describe the ethics relevant to giving orders or directives.” Given this “field” (i.e., Criminal Justice, Public Relations, Pharmaceuticals, Healthcare) or “organization” (C.A.R.E., NFL, Red Cross) and explain what morals lay at the heart of one’s reasoning when giving orders or directives?

Developing an ER diagram involves the discovery of probably hundreds of entity types and their respective relationships. As a design nears completion, the ERD will contain hundreds of entities and relationships that crowd the diagram to the point of making it unreadable and inefficient as a communication tool. In such cas

Developing an ER diagram involves the discovery of probably hundreds of entity types and their respective relationships. As a design nears completion, the ERD will contain hundreds of entities and relationships that crowd the diagram to the point of making it unreadable and inefficient as a communication tool. In such cases, entity clusters are used to minimize the number of entities shown in the ERD. An entity cluster is formed by consolidating multiple interrelated entities into a single abstract entity object. An entity cluster is considered “virtual” or “abstract” in the sense that it is not actually an entity in the final ERD. It is a temporary entity used to depict multiple entities and relationships, with the purpose of simplifying the ERD and thus improving its readability.

Developing an ER diagram involves the discovery of probably hundreds of entity types and their respective relationships. As a design nears completion, the ERD will contain hundreds of entities and relationships that crowd the diagram to the point of making it unreadable and inefficient as a communication tool. In such cas

Developing an ER diagram involves the discovery of probably hundreds of entity types and their respective relationships. As a design nears completion, the ERD will contain hundreds of entities and relationships that crowd the diagram to the point of making it unreadable and inefficient as a communication tool. In such cases, entity clusters are used to minimize the number of entities shown in the ERD. An entity cluster is formed by consolidating multiple interrelated entities into a single abstract entity object. An entity cluster is considered “virtual” or “abstract” in the sense that it is not actually an entity in the final ERD. It is a temporary entity used to depict multiple entities and relationships, with the purpose of simplifying the ERD and thus improving its readability.

1) In three to six sentences describe what kind of view Achilles holds about human existence (for example, ‘Achilles holds an optimistic view of human existence, in which life is paradise’) and explain how the image of Zeus and the jars (lines 566-573) conveys this view.In two to five sentences explain how Achilles is characterized in this passage (for example, ‘Achilles is described as/appears to be angry in this passage’). Illustrate your points with reference to specific lines from the passage.

In the final book of the Iliad, Priam, the King of Troy, comes to beg Achilles to give him the body of his son Hector, whom Achilles has killed. Achilles is also grieving over the loss of his beloved Patroclus, whom Hector killed. In the passage below, Achilles addresses Priam and reflects upon the human condition (the way things are for human beings). Read the passage below carefully (at least once) and then answer the two questions.
“Ah, the suffering you’ve had, and the courage.
To come here alone to the Greek ships
and meet my eye, the man who slaughtered
your many fine sons! You have a heart of iron. 560
But come, sit on this chair. Let our pain
lie at rest a while, no matter how much we hurt.
There’s nothing to be gained from cold grief.
Yes, the gods have woven pain into mortal lives,
while they are free from care. 565
Two jars sit at the doorstep of Zeus,
filled with gifts that he gives,
one full of good things, the other of evil.
If Zeus gives a man a mixture from both jars,
sometimes life is good for him, sometimes not. 570
But if all he gives you is from the jar of woe,
you become a pariah, and hunger drives you
over the bright earth, dishonored by gods and men…”
(Iliad, Book 24, lines 557-573)
1) In three to six sentences describe what kind of view Achilles holds about human existence (for example, ‘Achilles holds an optimistic view of human existence, in which life is paradise’) and explain how the image of Zeus and the jars (lines 566-573) conveys this view.In two to five sentences explain how Achilles is characterized in this passage (for example, ‘Achilles is described as/appears to be angry in this passage’). Illustrate your points with reference to specific lines from the passage.

How does mass media and morality function combine to connect horror, mass media, adultery,  and punishment  in the film The Ring? Follow the link below to my documentary "Wrath of Samara" and use it to help guide your analytical outline. Try and include references to Marshall McLuhan, Sigmund Freud, and Carl Jung and the manner in which I use their ideas to critically engage The Ring.

How does mass media and morality function combine to connect horror, mass media, adultery,  and punishment  in the film The Ring? Follow the link below to my documentary “Wrath of Samara” and use it to help guide your analytical outline. Try and include references to Marshall McLuhan, Sigmund Freud, and Carl Jung and the manner in which I use their ideas to critically engage The Ring.
I’ve re-arranged the information above into numbered list to form the assignment matrix:
How does mass media and morality function combine to connect horror, mass media, adultery,  and punishment  in the film The Ring?
Follow the link below to my documentary “Wrath of Samara” and use it to help guide your analytical outline.
Try and include references to Marshall McLuhan, Sigmund Freud, and Carl Jung and the manner in which I use their ideas to critically engage The Ring.

A description of the proposed portfolio process. You are explaining it to the executives. The reasons it was selected (tie to strategies as appropriate.) A description of the proposed selection criteria. How will the process be applied in your SBU? The method for applying the selection criteria, and the justification for both. How are you going to score the projects and evaluate the scores?

A description of the proposed portfolio process. You are explaining it to the executives.
The reasons it was selected (tie to strategies as appropriate.)
A description of the proposed selection criteria. How will the process be applied in your SBU?
The method for applying the selection criteria, and the justification for both. How are you going to score the projects and evaluate the scores?
First, develop project selection criteria and a high level process for applying the criteria and managing the portfolio. The criteria should be consistent with the business environment for the industry, consistent with your company’s overall mission/strategies, and consistent with the mission and strategies of your strategic business unit. You are proposing a process, not individual projects.
The deliverable for Part 1 is a written proposal for the project selection criteria and a high level description of a proposed portfolio management process. You may also be expected to make an informal presentation of the report in class.
The proposal should be in the form of a memorandum to your Vice President (your instructor) outlining your proposal. The memorandum should be no more than 10 pages, including any figures and tables. It should be double-spaced, 10 or 12 point font with one-inch margins. This is a summary for an executive, so be concise, to the point, and leave out the fluff. If you don’t need 10 pages to document your proposal fully, I am sure that your Vice President will be happy with less as long as it is complete. Using appropriate grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure will be part of your grade.
The actual proposal should include the following:
A description of the proposed portfolio process. You are explaining it to the executives.
The reasons it was selected (tie to strategies as appropriate.)
A description of the proposed selection criteria. How will the process be applied in your SBU?
The method for applying the selection criteria, and the justification for both. How are you going to score the projects and evaluate the scores?