Choose three concepts, from three different modules, that you consider to be particularly important and/or interesting. Explain each concept using your own examples and references to the readings, and explain why each concept stands out to you as being particularly important/interesting.

Choose three concepts, from three different modules, that you consider to be particularly important and/or interesting. Explain each concept using your own examples and references to the readings, and explain why each concept stands out to you as being particularly important/interesting.
Requirements for this question:

  • 250 words minimum
  • 3 references to readings minimum (including page number)
  • worth 10 pts

Topic: “Describe the ethics relevant to giving orders or directives.” Given this “field” (i.e., Criminal Justice, Public Relations, Pharmaceuticals, Healthcare) or “organization” (C.A.R.E., NFL, Red Cross) and explain what morals lay at the heart of one's reasoning when giving orders or directives?

Topic: “Describe the ethics relevant to giving orders or directives.” Given this “field” (i.e., Criminal Justice, Public Relations, Pharmaceuticals, Healthcare) or “organization” (C.A.R.E., NFL, Red Cross) and explain what morals lay at the heart of one’s reasoning when giving orders or directives?

Which of the following statements regarding the nature of the business market is true? Distribution channels for business products are significantly longer than those for consumer products. Customer relationships for business products tend to be short-term and transactions-based. Personal selling plays a larger role in business products markets than in consumer markets.

Which of the following statements regarding the nature of the business market is true?
Distribution channels for business products are significantly longer than those for consumer products.
Customer relationships for business products tend to be short-term and transactions-based.
Personal selling plays a larger role in business products markets than in consumer markets.
Customer service plays a smaller role in the distribution of business products, as compared to the consumer market.
2. Which of the following is the largest segment of the business market?
Trade industries, which include retailers, wholesalers, and resellers.
The commercial market, which includes anyone who acquires products to support production of other goods and services.
Government organizations, including the military, state, and federal governments.
Institutions such as schools, hospitals, and churches.
3. Which of the following statements does not describe the advantage of leasing?
Requires a high level of capital commitment
Provides the ability to easily upgrade equipment as needs change
Provides flexibility for a growing business
Spreads out costs compared with lump-sum costs for up-front purchases
4. Businesses choose outsourcing as an alternative to making goods in-house or providing in-house services when:
in-house processes often do not incur costs for overheads that an outside vendor would otherwise charge.
proprietary technology has the potential to raise security concerns.
conflicts arise between nonunion outside workers and in-house union employees.
they need to reduce costs to remain competitive.
5. Which of the following statements is true regarding the influence of organizational factors on purchasing decisions?
A company with a centralized procurement function operates very similarly to one that delegates purchasing decisions to divisional or geographic units.
Centralized buying tends to emphasize short-term results.
Decentralized buying focuses more on long-term relationships with suppliers.
Personal selling skills and user preferences carry more weight in decentralized purchasing situations.
6. Related party trade is defined as the trade relationship between:
countries with free trade agreements.
countries with the same language.
companies in the same industries.
a corporation and its overseas subsidiaries.
7. A nation’s size, per-capita income, and stage of economic development determine its prospects as a host for _____.
regional economic integration
international business expansion
free trade association
public private partnership
8. The Export Trading Company Act of 1982, exempts companies from _____ so they can form export groups that offer a variety of products to foreign buyers.
few international laws
business monitoring
specific quotas and tariffs
antitrust regulations
9. A complete ban on the import of a product is known as a(n) _____.
import quota
revenue tariff
protective tariff
10. The ideal way for a nation to stop a foreign company from dumping is to:
pay the exporter with soft currency.
impose protective tariffs.
cite international law.
appeal to the IMF.
11. In recent years, advances in computer technology have significantly changed the nature of marketing research by:
narrowing the focus of the data collection process.
allowing marketers to evaluate alternatives through the use of computer simulations.
eliminating the need for outside research firms.
providing an in-house market research group with primary data.
12. Wal-Mart prefers transaction records sorted by customer type, product, sales method, type of order, and order size. Analyzing internal data sorted in this manner is called:
sales analysis.
financial iteration.
transactional hypothesis.
marketing cognizance.
13. Information collected for the first time specifically for a marketing research study is called _____ data.
14. Which of the following is a limitation of secondary data not found in primary data?
Secondary data is more expensive to collect and analyze than primary data.
Secondary data requires that market researchers spend more time to locate and analyze.
Published information can quickly become obsolete.
Published data often involves non-standardized analytic patterns.
15. Which of the following federal agencies is the most important source of secondary data for marketing research studies?
Federal Reserve
Treasury Department
Census Bureau
Bureau of Labor Statistics
16. The division of the total market into smaller, _____ groups is called market segmentation.
randomly selected
relatively homogeneous
conveniently stratified
17. Which of the following is a basic requirement for effective market segmentation?
The firm must avoid focusing on non-variables, such as profitability and volume.
The market segment must have measurable purchasing power and size.
The company must expand beyond its marketing capabilities to capture growing markets.
The market segment must reflect the population’s changing attitudes and lifestyles.
18. Japanese automaker, Subaru, generates approximately one-half of its sales in just four states (Alaska, Colorado, Maine, and Washington). These states constitute Subaru’s:
primary market.
core region.
secondary market.
sales region.
19. The most common method of market segmentation is:
product sampling.
demographic segmentation.
economic segmentation.
psychographic segmentation.
20. In terms of numbers, which age group is the largest?
Baby Boomers
Generation X
9/11 Generation
World War II Generation
21. The government segment of the B2B market commonly buys products:
for resale to the public.
to provide public benefits.
to export them to other countries.
to improve its gross domestic product.
22. A strategy for going global through contractual agreements in which the production of goods or services is assigned to local companies is termed as _____.
offset strategy
23. One of the very first marketing research studies involved of an examination of people’s:
phone bills.
literacy levels.
newspaper reading habits.
24. A positioning map:
is used primarily by companies utilizing undifferentiated marketing strategies.
will remain constant through the entire product life cycle.
Shows how consumers view a product relative to competitive products
outlines how to introduce a new product to the marketplace.
25. One of the characteristics of relationship marketing is:
the short-term goal of creating an immediate sale.
consolidating purchases based on promotions and other inducements.
an orientation toward added value through superior customer service.
longer distribution channels between suppliers and buyers.

When developing an ethical culture, there has to be a(n)_______element because every organization has employees that will try to take advantage if there is an opportunity for misconduct. rules-based statement of mission ethical compliance punitive

When developing an ethical culture, there has to be a(n)_______element because every organization has employees that will try to take advantage if there is an opportunity for misconduct.
statement of mission
2 points
1. The apathetic organizational culture exhibits
high concern for people but minimal concern for performance.
little concern for people but a high concern for performance.
minimal concern for people and performance
high concern for people and performance.
no concern for maintaining a cohesive organizational culture.
2 points
1. Which of the following statements about corporate culture is false?
Corporate culture refers to the patterns and rules that govern the behavior of an organization and its employees, particularly the shared values, beliefs, and customs.
The values and ethical beliefs that actually guide a firm’s employees tend not to be the same ones that management states as defining the firm’s culture.
Corporate culture includes the behavioral patterns, concepts, values, ceremonies, and rituals that take place in an organization.
The culture of an organization may be explicitly stated or unspoken.
Failure to monitor or manage an organization’s culture may foster unethical behavior.
2 points
1. A cultural audit may be used to identify
how cultured a firm’s employees are.
unethical employees
unethical organizations
an organization’s culture
organizational structure
2 points
1. The 2010 passage of the Dodd-Frank Act proposed additional monetary incentives for whistle-blowers. A primary concern about these new incentives is:
they will encourage too many employees to attempt to blow the whistle on firms, even those that have done nothing wrong
people do not generally respond at all to monetary incentives
whistle-blowers might be tempted to report to the SEC with their reports and not report the misconduct to the company’s internal compliance program.
people may exaggerate their claims in order to get a reward.
the funds paid out to whistle-blower might bankrupt companies
2 points
1. Marcus is the top-performing development director his non-profit organization has ever had. He possesses countless tricks and tips to continue to bring in donations, positive publicity, and supporters. Marcus would likely have _____ over new development department staff.
coercive power
group power
legitimate power
expert power
democratic power
2 points
1. _____ bring together the functional expertise of employees from several different areas of the organization on a single project.
Quality circles
Informal groups
Work groups
2 points
1. In order for whistle-blowing to be effective,
financial compensation must be very high
employees must wish ill on the organization for which they work.
lawmakers must make an effort to force employees to discuss details about the misconduct.
it requires that the individual have adequate knowledge of wrongdoing that could damage society.
it must occur at a very large multinational corporation
2 points
1. Which of the following statements about group norms is false?
Group norms define the limit on deviation from group expectations
Group norms have the power to force a strong degree of conformity among group members
Management must carefully monitor the norms of all the various groups within the organization, as well as the organization’s corporate culture
Sanctions may be necessary to bring in line a group whose norms deviate sharply from the overall culture
Group norms never conflict with the overall organization’s culture
2 points
1. Motivation is defined as
a person’s incentive or drive to work
a force within the individual that focuses his or her behavior on achieving a goal.
personal ambition without regard to the impact on others
a desire to be finished with a project.
individual goals.
2 points
1. A strong ethics program includes all of the following elements except
a clause promising good stock market performance.
a written code of conduct or ethics.
formal ethics training.
auditing, monitoring, enforcement, and revision of standards.
an ethics officer to oversee the program.
2 points
1. _____ are formal statements that describe what an organization expects of its employees in terms of ethical behavior.
Mission statements
Codes of conduct
Policies on confidentiality
Environmental policies
The Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations
2 points
1. What is not a common mistake when designing and implementing an ethics program?
Failing to fully understand the goals of the program.
Not setting realistic or measurable goals.
Having top management take ownership of the ethics program.
Developing materials that do not address the needs of the average employee.
Transferring a program between countries and cultures without making adjustments.
2 points
1. Which of the following is the most comprehensive?
Code of values.
Code of conduct.
Code of ethics.
Statement of values.
Statement of principles
2 points
1. The Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations require federal judges to increase fines for organizations that continually
improve their ethics programs.
eliminate misconduct.
fail to install a Federal Sentencing Guidelines program.
fail to report ethics program activities.
tolerate misconduct.
2 points
1. Which of the following legislation has increased the responsibilities on ethics officers and boards of directors to monitor financial reporting?
Sarbanes-Oxley Act
Robinson Patman Act
Ethics Officer Responsibility Act
Sherman Antitrust Act
Enron Financial Responsibility Act
2 points
1. Individuals, often from the same department, who band together for purposes that may or may not be relevant to the organization are called
Quality circles
informal groups
work groups
2 points
1. When a foreman orders an assembly-line employee to carry out a task, which the employee perceives as unethical yet the employee feels compelled to complete, the foreman is exercising
legitimate power
expert power
reward power
contingent punishment power
non contingent reward behavior
2 points
1. To motivate employees, an organization offers _____ to _____ employees to work toward organizational objectives.
punishment; force
peer pressure; guilt
incentives; encourage
rewards; bribe
threats; frighten
2 points
1. Which of the following cultures combines high levels of concern for people and performance?
Apathetic culture
Caring culture
Integrative culture
Exacting culture
Cooperative culture
2 points
1. Ethical concerns in centralized structures can occur because of very little
upward communication
downward communication
communication rigidity
2 points
1. A code of ethics that does not address specific high-risk activities within the scope of daily activities is
acceptable as long as individual values prevent misconduct
acceptable according to the Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations
2 points
1. All of the following are useful in monitoring ethical conduct and measuring the effectiveness of the ethical program except
observation of employees
internal audits
reporting systems
2 points
1. Most executives feel that which of the following is the primary reason for much of the unchecked misconduct in business?
Bad employees
An inattentive board of directors
Customer pressures
Financial performance pressures
inadequate ethics and compliance programs
2 points
1. Which of the following is an advantage of a values-based ethics program over a compliance-based one?
Employees learn to make decisions based on values such as fairness, compassion, respect, and transparency
Diverse employees have differing values.
It requires employees to identify with and commit to specific required conduct.
A values orientation uses legal terms, statutes, and contracts that teach employees the rules and penalties for noncompliance.
Values and compliance programs both take basically the same approach.

When developing an ethical culture, there has to be a(n)_______element because every organization has employees that will try to take advantage if there is an opportunity for misconduct. rules-based statement of mission ethical compliance punitive

When developing an ethical culture, there has to be a(n)_______element because every organization has employees that will try to take advantage if there is an opportunity for misconduct.
statement of mission
2 points
1. The apathetic organizational culture exhibits
high concern for people but minimal concern for performance.
little concern for people but a high concern for performance.
minimal concern for people and performance
high concern for people and performance.
no concern for maintaining a cohesive organizational culture.
2 points
1. Which of the following statements about corporate culture is false?
Corporate culture refers to the patterns and rules that govern the behavior of an organization and its employees, particularly the shared values, beliefs, and customs.
The values and ethical beliefs that actually guide a firm’s employees tend not to be the same ones that management states as defining the firm’s culture.
Corporate culture includes the behavioral patterns, concepts, values, ceremonies, and rituals that take place in an organization.
The culture of an organization may be explicitly stated or unspoken.
Failure to monitor or manage an organization’s culture may foster unethical behavior.
2 points
1. A cultural audit may be used to identify
how cultured a firm’s employees are.
unethical employees
unethical organizations
an organization’s culture
organizational structure
2 points
1. The 2010 passage of the Dodd-Frank Act proposed additional monetary incentives for whistle-blowers. A primary concern about these new incentives is:
they will encourage too many employees to attempt to blow the whistle on firms, even those that have done nothing wrong
people do not generally respond at all to monetary incentives
whistle-blowers might be tempted to report to the SEC with their reports and not report the misconduct to the company’s internal compliance program.
people may exaggerate their claims in order to get a reward.
the funds paid out to whistle-blower might bankrupt companies
2 points
1. Marcus is the top-performing development director his non-profit organization has ever had. He possesses countless tricks and tips to continue to bring in donations, positive publicity, and supporters. Marcus would likely have _____ over new development department staff.
coercive power
group power
legitimate power
expert power
democratic power
2 points
1. _____ bring together the functional expertise of employees from several different areas of the organization on a single project.
Quality circles
Informal groups
Work groups
2 points
1. In order for whistle-blowing to be effective,
financial compensation must be very high
employees must wish ill on the organization for which they work.
lawmakers must make an effort to force employees to discuss details about the misconduct.
it requires that the individual have adequate knowledge of wrongdoing that could damage society.
it must occur at a very large multinational corporation
2 points
1. Which of the following statements about group norms is false?
Group norms define the limit on deviation from group expectations
Group norms have the power to force a strong degree of conformity among group members
Management must carefully monitor the norms of all the various groups within the organization, as well as the organization’s corporate culture
Sanctions may be necessary to bring in line a group whose norms deviate sharply from the overall culture
Group norms never conflict with the overall organization’s culture
2 points
1. Motivation is defined as
a person’s incentive or drive to work
a force within the individual that focuses his or her behavior on achieving a goal.
personal ambition without regard to the impact on others
a desire to be finished with a project.
individual goals.
2 points
1. A strong ethics program includes all of the following elements except
a clause promising good stock market performance.
a written code of conduct or ethics.
formal ethics training.
auditing, monitoring, enforcement, and revision of standards.
an ethics officer to oversee the program.
2 points
1. _____ are formal statements that describe what an organization expects of its employees in terms of ethical behavior.
Mission statements
Codes of conduct
Policies on confidentiality
Environmental policies
The Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations
2 points
1. What is not a common mistake when designing and implementing an ethics program?
Failing to fully understand the goals of the program.
Not setting realistic or measurable goals.
Having top management take ownership of the ethics program.
Developing materials that do not address the needs of the average employee.
Transferring a program between countries and cultures without making adjustments.
2 points
1. Which of the following is the most comprehensive?
Code of values.
Code of conduct.
Code of ethics.
Statement of values.
Statement of principles
2 points
1. The Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations require federal judges to increase fines for organizations that continually
improve their ethics programs.
eliminate misconduct.
fail to install a Federal Sentencing Guidelines program.
fail to report ethics program activities.
tolerate misconduct.
2 points
1. Which of the following legislation has increased the responsibilities on ethics officers and boards of directors to monitor financial reporting?
Sarbanes-Oxley Act
Robinson Patman Act
Ethics Officer Responsibility Act
Sherman Antitrust Act
Enron Financial Responsibility Act
2 points
1. Individuals, often from the same department, who band together for purposes that may or may not be relevant to the organization are called
Quality circles
informal groups
work groups
2 points
1. When a foreman orders an assembly-line employee to carry out a task, which the employee perceives as unethical yet the employee feels compelled to complete, the foreman is exercising
legitimate power
expert power
reward power
contingent punishment power
non contingent reward behavior
2 points
1. To motivate employees, an organization offers _____ to _____ employees to work toward organizational objectives.
punishment; force
peer pressure; guilt
incentives; encourage
rewards; bribe
threats; frighten
2 points
1. Which of the following cultures combines high levels of concern for people and performance?
Apathetic culture
Caring culture
Integrative culture
Exacting culture
Cooperative culture
2 points
1. Ethical concerns in centralized structures can occur because of very little
upward communication
downward communication
communication rigidity
2 points
1. A code of ethics that does not address specific high-risk activities within the scope of daily activities is
acceptable as long as individual values prevent misconduct
acceptable according to the Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations
2 points
1. All of the following are useful in monitoring ethical conduct and measuring the effectiveness of the ethical program except
observation of employees
internal audits
reporting systems
2 points
1. Most executives feel that which of the following is the primary reason for much of the unchecked misconduct in business?
Bad employees
An inattentive board of directors
Customer pressures
Financial performance pressures
inadequate ethics and compliance programs
2 points
1. Which of the following is an advantage of a values-based ethics program over a compliance-based one?
Employees learn to make decisions based on values such as fairness, compassion, respect, and transparency
Diverse employees have differing values.
It requires employees to identify with and commit to specific required conduct.
A values orientation uses legal terms, statutes, and contracts that teach employees the rules and penalties for noncompliance.
Values and compliance programs both take basically the same approach.

What is Ryle's objection to mentalism? Explain What is Bertrand Russell trying to do in the work by him referred to in the text? Explain.

What is Ryle’s objection to mentalism? Explain What is Bertrand Russell trying to do in the work by him referred to in the text? Explain.
3-Are there any flaws in the argument by Russell? Explain.
4-Is abduction used by Russell in his argument? If so, how? If not, how would adding abduction change the argument? Explain.
5-Explain Logical Behaviorism’s analysis of mental states.
6-What does the example of curare show about Logical Behaviorism? Explain.
7-What is a disposition? Explain.
8-How does Logical Behaviorism differ from Cartesian Dualism on the question of what a mind is? Explain.
9-Is the dispositional analysis of desire complete? Explain.