Assignment: Personal Journal Entry 5

Assignment: Personal Journal Entry 5

This is the final entry for your Personal Journal. Describe the overall process of the group and your feelings about the group experience.

Choose an evaluation method described by Toseland & Rivas (2017) or London (2007), and use it to evaluate your group (i.e., analysis of the product, group questionnaire).

Identify something you might have changed during this process, and describe what you could have done differently.

As a final evaluation, grade each of your team members and yourself with a score from 1–5 (5 being the highest score) on their level of input and support to the success of your project. You may NOT give any member the same score. For example, the scores may be 1, 4, 5. They cannot be 4, 4, 4.

Explain, with as much visual information as possible, the client’s cognitive or behavioral symptoms based on your selected theoretical orientation.

Education: Explain, with as much visual information as possible, the client’s cognitive or behavioral symptoms based on your selected theoretical orientation. You may choose to create diagrams, figures, or charts to illustrate the relationship between the client’s cognitions, affect, and behavior.

Intervention: Create a self-help exercise (e.g., a dysfunctional thought record, meditation, deep breathing, guided imagery, muscle relaxation, thought stopping, etc.) to assist the client in monitoring or reducing maladaptive cognitions, affect, and/or behavior outside of therapeutic sessions. Include an explanation about how the handout could be useful in reducing the client’s symptoms. You may choose to visually represent this exercise with charts, scripts, steps, or other media.

Resources: Assess current trends in psychotherapy, and list complete APA reference entries for five sources that would help the client learn more about his or her presenting problem(s), early warning signs of relapse, and managing symptoms. Please include hyperlinks if such exist for your resources.
Guided Response: Review several of your colleagues’ posts and respond to at least two of your peers, including one response that covers a case different from the one you chose by 11:59 p.m. on Day 7 of the week. You are encouraged to post your required replies earlier in the week to promote more meaningful interactive discourse in this discussion.

Review your classmate’s handout and provide feedback regarding each component of the document. Provide an evaluation of your peer’s explanation of the client’s symptoms, and share an alternative explanation using a different theoretical orientation. Suggest ways in which the document might be improved, and include a rationale for all modifications. Recommend two bibliotherapy resources to supplement the handout.

NOTE:The Case Study I choose is Julia which is attached 

Briefly explain Corrigan’s model of the stages of stigma and his recommendations and hierarchy about recovery.

  • Briefly explain Corrigan’s model of the stages of stigma and his recommendations and hierarchy about recovery.
  • Explain whether Delle’s experience follows that model. Use specific examples to argue your perspective. If you agree, identify which stage of recovery Delle is in.
  • Analyze Delle’s reports about his own experiences with both types of stigma. Provide specific examples, and in your analysis consider the following questions:
    • Does one type of stigma predominate in his talk?
    • Which of Delle’s personal values or beliefs were challenged by his internalizations about his own illness and help-seeking?
    • What strengths does he exhibit?
    • What was the primary benefit of his diagnosis?
    • Do you think his experience would be different if his culture was different? Explain why or why not?

1.  Laws against shoplifting

For each of the following kinds of Laws, pick at least one of the four grounds for justification: legal moralism, the harm principle, legal paternalism, and the offense principle.  And construct an argument designed to justify the law.  You may not agree either with the law or  with the argument; the exercise is to see if you can connect the law to the (allegedly} justifying principle.  For many laws, more than one kind of justification is possible, so there can be more than one good answer for many of these.

1.  Laws against shoplifting

2.  Laws against adultery

3.  Laws against suicide

4.  Laws against forgery

5.  Laws against spitting on the sidewalk

6.  Laws against driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol

7.  Laws against marriage between two of the same sex

8.  Laws that require drivers of cars to have driver’s licenses

Explain the full diagnosis, matching the symptoms of the case to the criteria for any diagnoses used.

  • Explain the full diagnosis, matching the symptoms of the case to the criteria for any diagnoses used.
  • Identify 2–3 of the close differentials that you considered for the case and have ruled out. Concisely explain why these conditions were considered but eliminated.
  • Identify the assessments you recommend to validate treatment. Explain the rationale behind choosing the assessment instruments to support, clarify, or track treatment progress for the diagnosis.
  • Explain your recommendations for initial resources and treatment. Use scholarly resources to support your evidence-based treatment recommendations.
  • Explain how you took cultural factors and diversity into account when making the assessment and recommending interventions.
  • Identify client strengths, and explain how you would utilize strengths throughout treatment.
  • Identify specific knowledge or skills you would need to obtain to effectively treat this client, and provide a plan on how you will do so.

1. Identify the following portions of the research study: 

1. Identify the following portions of the research study:

1. hypothesis, 2. independent variable,3. dependent variable, 4. extraneous variables, 5. control group, and 6. experimental group.

2. Was this a Single Blind Procedure or a Double Blind Procedure? How do you know?

3. Was this study Experimental Research or Correlational Research?  How do you know?