All American is an independent film series that serves as a microcosm of our society, and highlights many of the social issues affecting our society today. The series focuses on the coming together of two families and two worlds who will discover that the differences that divide us on the surface hide a deeper connection- the complicated, imperfect humanity that unites us all

All American is an independent film series that serves as a microcosm of our society, and highlights many of the social issues affecting our society today. The series focuses on the coming together of two families and two worlds who will discover that the differences that divide us on the surface hide a deeper connection- the complicated, imperfect humanity that unites us all. The series often demonstrations the intersectionality of race and social class, showing how these two categories overall to shape our experiences and interactions with each other. Using Netflix, watch season 2, episode 11 (S:2, Ep: 11) and discuss how this episode highlights the impacts of racial stratification within the healthcare system.

All American is an independent film series that serves as a microcosm of our society, and highlights many of the social issues affecting our society today. The series focuses on the coming together of two families and two worlds who will discover that the differences that divide us on the surface hide a deeper connection- the complicated, imperfect humanity that unites us all

All American is an independent film series that serves as a microcosm of our society, and highlights many of the social issues affecting our society today. The series focuses on the coming together of two families and two worlds who will discover that the differences that divide us on the surface hide a deeper connection- the complicated, imperfect humanity that unites us all. The series often demonstrations the intersectionality of race and social class, showing how these two categories overall to shape our experiences and interactions with each other. Using Netflix, watch season 2, episode 11 (S:2, Ep: 11) and discuss how this episode highlights the impacts of racial stratification within the healthcare system.

In a minimum of 200 words, respond to the following: · What value do you find in the development of the logic model as part of the program evaluation process after considering the development and application of the logic model?

In a minimum of 200 words, respond to the following:
· What value do you find in the development of the logic model as part of the program evaluation process after considering the development and application of the logic model?
· What conditions within an organization or agency lead to the development of a strong logic model?
· What conditions within an organization or agency make the development of a sound logic model challenging?
· What steps can you take to address or overcome those challenges?
Goldman, K. D., & Schmalz, K. J. (2006). Logic models: The picture worth ten thousand words. Health Promotion Practice, 7(1), 8–12.
Kaplan, S. A., & Garrett, K. E. (2005). The use of logic models by community- based initiatives. Evaluation and Program Planning, 28(2), 167–172.

Create a Popplet that compares and contrasts IFSPs and IEPs.

Create a Popplet that compares and contrasts IFSPs and IEPs.
Include the following:

    • A description of the plans
    • How each plan benefits children and families
    • What is included in each plan
    • Who oversees the plans
    • Who is involved in the plan and to what capacity

Submit the assignment.

Develop a minimum 5-slide Prezi presentation featuring a self-created mentoring program that addresses the academic, physical, and emotional well-being of young children from diverse ethnic, racial, and religious backgrounds.

Develop a minimum 5-slide Prezi presentation featuring a self-created mentoring program that addresses the academic, physical, and emotional well-being of young children from diverse ethnic, racial, and religious backgrounds.
Include the following:

    • Name of the program
    • Purpose of the program? How does it support children?
    • How is a child admitted into the program?
    • What are the age groupings within the program? How many children will be served?
    • Who are staff members in the program?
    • How are mentors selected to work with children? Are background checks done on each potential mentor?
    • What are the daily hours?
    • How will your program be funded?

Submit the team assignment.

Create a 4-panel pamphlet or brochure for the Family Literacy Night that includes graphics for visual appeal. This brochure will be sent home with children to encourage busy parents to attend your Family Literacy Night.

Create a 4-panel pamphlet or brochure for the Family Literacy Night that includes graphics for visual appeal. This brochure will be sent home with children to encourage busy parents to attend your Family Literacy Night.