1- In the extension activity, you constructed a simple triboelectric series for the three materials in the simulation (diamond, circle and square). According to the simulation evidence, which one of the choices below is the correct order for how they should be placed in this series? A ‘1’ is for the material most likely to be positively (+) charged, a ‘2’ is equally likely to be either positively (+) or negatively (–) charged, and a ‘3’ is most likely to be negatively (-) charged

1- In the extension activity, you constructed a simple triboelectric series for the three materials in the simulation (diamond, circle and square). According to the simulation evidence, which one of the choices below is the correct order for how they should be placed in this series? A ‘1’ is for the material most likely to be positively (+) charged, a ‘2’ is equally likely to be either positively (+) or negatively (–) charged, and a ‘3’ is most likely to be negatively (-) charged.
Select one:
(1) Diamond; (2) Square; (3) Circle.
(1) Circle; (2) Square; (3) Diamond.
(1) Diamond; (2) Circle; (3) Square.
(1) Circle; (2) Diamond; (3) Square.
(1) Square; (2) Circle; (3) Diamond.
(1) Square; (2) Diamond; (3) Circle.
2- According to the triboelectric series shown here, what would happen if Vinyl were rubbed on Teflon?
Select one:
Both the Vinyl and the Teflon would become positively (+) charged.
Both the Vinyl and the Teflon would become negatively (–) charged.
The Teflon would become positively (+) charged and the Vinyl would become negatively (–) charged.
d.The Vinyl would become positively (+) charged and the Teflon would become negatively (–) charged.
3- Earlier in the unit you determined that when an acrylic sheet is rubbed with a Styrofoam plate (which is a trade name for a particular form of polystyrene), the acrylic becomes positively (+) charged and the Styrofoam becomes negatively (–) charged. From this information where should acrylic be placed in the triboelectric series shown here?
Select one:
Somewhere below polystyrene
It is impossible to say with this information.
Somewhere above polystyrene
4-You have probably experienced the phenomenon of ‘static cling’, particularly when taking your laundry out of the dryer. A student dries three separate loads of laundry as described in the choices below. For which load (if any) is she most likely to notice a large amount of ‘static cling’?
Select one:
A load consisting of only cotton materials.
A load consisting of only nylon materials.
A load consisting of a mixture of cotton and nylon materials.
All of these loads (A, B, and C) will produce a large amount of ‘static cling’.

1. A block initially at rest is given a quick push by a hand. The block slides across the floor, gradually slows down, and comes to rest. a. In the spaces provided, draw and label separate free-body diagrams for the block at each of the three instants shown.

1. A block initially at rest is given a quick push by a hand. The block slides across the floor, gradually slows down, and comes to rest.
a. In the spaces provided, draw and label separate free-body diagrams for the block at each of the three instants shown.
A quick push by a hand…
1. (Initially at rest)
the sliding block slows…
and is finally at rest.
b. Rank the magnitudes of all the horizontal forces in the diagram for instant 1. Explain.
c. Are any of the forces that you drew for instant 1 missing from your diagram for instant 2?
If so, for each force that is missing, explain how you knew to include the force on the first diagram but not on the second.
d. Are any of the forces that you drew for instant 1 missing from your diagram for instant 3? If so, for each force that is missing, explain how you knew to include the force on the first diagram but not on the third.
2. Two crates, A and B, are in an elevator as shown. The mass of crate A is greater than the mass of crate B.
a. The elevator moves downward at constant speed.
i. How does the acceleration of crate A compare to that of crate B? Explain.
ii. In the spaces provided below, draw and label separate free-body diagrams for the crates.
Free-body diagram for crate A
Free-body diagram for crate B
iii. Rank the forces on the crates according to magnitude, from largest to smallest. Explain your reasoning, including how you used Newton’s second and third laws.
iv. In the spaces provided at right, draw arrows to indicate the direction of the net force on each crate. If the net force on either crate is zero, state so explicitly. Explain.
Is the magnitude of the net force on crate A greater than, less than, or equal to that on crate B? Explain.
Elevator (moving down
at constant speed)
Crate A Crate B
Direction of net force
b. As the elevator approaches its destination, its speed decreases. (It continues to move downward.)
i. How does the acceleration of crate A compare to that of crate B? Explain.
ii. In the spaces provided below, draw and label separate free-body diagrams for the crates in this case.
Free-body diagram for crate A
Free-body diagram for crate B
iii. Rank the forces on the crates according to magnitude, from largest to smallest. Explain your reasoning, including how you used Newton’s second and third laws.
iv. In the spaces provided at right, draw arrows to indicate the direction of the net force on each crate. If the net force on either crate is zero, state so explicitly. Explain.
Is the magnitude of the net force on crate A greater than, less than, or equal to that on crate B? Explain.
Crate A Crate B
Direction of net force
3. A hand pushes three identical bricks as shown. The bricks are moving to the left and speeding up. System A consists of two bricks stacked together. System B consists of a single brick. System C consists of all three bricks. There is friction between the bricks and the table. a. In the spaces
provided at right, draw and label separate free-body diagrams for systems A and B.
b. The vector representing the acceleration of system A is shown at right. Draw the acceleration vectors for systems B and C using the same scale. Explain.
c. The vector representing the net force on system A is shown at right. Draw the net force vectors for systems B and C using the same scale. Explain.
d. The vector representing the frictional force on system A is shown below. Draw the remaining force vectors using the same scale.
f AT
f BT
Explain how you knew to draw the force vectors as you did.
Free-body diagram for system A
Free-body diagram for system B
Acceleration of A
Acceleration of B
Acceleration of C
Net force on A
Net force on B
Net force on C

1. Two gliders, A aad B, collide on a level, frictionless track, as shown below, The mass of glider A is less than the mass of gliderB (i.e., mr< ma). Thefinal speedof glider A is greater than the final speed of glider B (i.e., ztn > as). " Boforc collieion Affer collision Is the magnitude of the final momentum of glider , lFd, greater than, less than, or equal to the magnitude of the final momentum of glider B, lft/? Diaw a monrentum vector diagram to support your answer.

1. Two gliders, A aad B, collide on a level, frictionless track, as shown below,
The mass of glider A is less than the mass of gliderB (i.e., mr as). ”
Boforc collieion Affer collision
Is the magnitude of the final momentum of glider , lFd, greater than, less than, or equal to the magnitude of the final momentum of glider B, lft/? Diaw a monrentum vector diagram to support your answer. (An example of a momentum vector diagram can be found on tha second page of the tutorial.)
2. Two gliders, c and D, collide on a level, frictionless track, as shown below. The mas er D (i.e., fitc 1mo). The initial speed of glider C D (i.e,, uci )opi). Arter the collision, Gliders C and D m final speed, ur.
Before collision After collision
Is the magnitude of the initial momentum of glider C_rlF./, greater than, less than, or equal to the magnitude of the initial momentum of glider D, lFD/? Draw a momentum vector diigram to support your answer.
3. Two astronauts, A and B, participate in three collision experiments in a weightless, frictionless environment. In each experimenl, astronaut B is initially at rest, and astronaut A has initial momentumi*= 20 kg-m/s to the right. (The velocities of the astronauts are measured with respect to a nearby space station.)
Before After
The astronauts push on each other in different ways so that the outcome of each experiment is different. As shown in the figure at right, astronaut A has a different final momentum in each experiment.
a. Determine the magnitude of the final momentum of astronaut B in each experiment. Explain.
b. Rank the three experiments according to the final kinetic energy of astronaut B, from largest to smallest. Explain.
c. Is the totalkinetic energy after the collision in experirfient2 greater than, less than, or equal to the total kinetiCenergy after the collision in experiment 3? (In this case, total kinetic energy means the sum of the kinetic energies of the two astronauts.) Explain.
d. Consider the following statement: “The momentum of the system is conserved in eoch experiment becouse there is no net f orce on the system. ff momentum is conserved, then kinetic ene?gY must olso be conserved, becouse both momentum ond kinetic energy ore mode up of moss ond velocity.”
One of the sentences above is completely correct. Discuss the error(s) in reasoning in the other sentence.
Experirnents 1,2, and3
At rest
Consentation of momentum in one ditnenston Name
e. In the boxes below, draw the initial mompntum, the change in momentum, andthe final momentum for each astronaut in the three experiments. The initial momentum is shown for astronaut A. Draw the other vectors using the same scale.
Mech HW-61
If the net force on a system of two colliding objecls is zero, how does the change in momentum of one object compare to the change in momentum of the other object:
. in magnitude?
. in direction?
Bxplain how your answers to part f are consistent with Newton’s third law and the impulse- momentum theorem ( 4″t N = [F) for:
. each astronaut considered separately, and
. for the system of both astronauts together.
4. A pyrotechnician releases a 3-kg firecracker from rest. At t = 0.4 s, the firecracker is moving downward with speed 4 mls. At this same instant, the firecracker begins to explode into two pieces, “top” and “bottom,” with masses nt op 1 kg and ffibotto – 2kg. At the end of the explosion (/ = 0.6 s), the top piece is moving upward with speed 6 m/s.
The mass of the explosive substance is negligible in comparison to the mass of the two pieces.
The questions below can serve as a guide to completing the diagram below right:
a. Determine the magnitude of the net force on the firecracker system before the explosion. (Use I = 10 m/s’.) ExPlain.
b. Determine’the magnitude of the net force on the firecracker system at an instant during the explosion. (Hint: Does the net force on a system depend on forces that are internal to that system?)
Determine the magnitude and direction of the net impulse (“rN) on the firecracker system during the explosion (i.e., over the interval from t =0.4 s until r = 0.6 s). Explain.
Use the impulse-momentum theorem to determine the magnitude and direction of the change in momentum of the firecracker system during the explosion. Enter this vector in the table using the scale set by the initial momentum of the system.
Determine the final momentum of the firecracker system and enter it in the table. (Hint: Is it the same as the initial momentum?)
Complete the vector diagram at right.
Initial l: 0.4 s
Final /: 0.6 s
Change Final /=0.6s
Initial /=0.4s
12 kg-m/s
lfrl = 4 mls
,onl= 6 m/s
rurot, = I kg
ffiborton – 2 kg
A -t”bottom – :
I !
i1tirt -Tj -t–j
Tutorials in Introductory Physics McDermoff, Shaffer, and the P.E.G., U. Wash.
OPearson Custom 2″d H, for U.CO. Boulder

1. Two gliders, A aad B, collide on a level, frictionless track, as shown below, The mass of glider A is less than the mass of gliderB (i.e., mr< ma). Thefinal speedof glider A is greater than the final speed of glider B (i.e., ztn > as). " Boforc collieion Affer collision Is the magnitude of the final momentum of glider , lFd, greater than, less than, or equal to the magnitude of the final momentum of glider B, lft/? Diaw a monrentum vector diagram to support your answer.

1. Two gliders, A aad B, collide on a level, frictionless track, as shown below,
The mass of glider A is less than the mass of gliderB (i.e., mr as). ”
Boforc collieion Affer collision
Is the magnitude of the final momentum of glider , lFd, greater than, less than, or equal to the magnitude of the final momentum of glider B, lft/? Diaw a monrentum vector diagram to support your answer. (An example of a momentum vector diagram can be found on tha second page of the tutorial.)
2. Two gliders, c and D, collide on a level, frictionless track, as shown below. The mas er D (i.e., fitc 1mo). The initial speed of glider C D (i.e,, uci )opi). Arter the collision, Gliders C and D m final speed, ur.
Before collision After collision
Is the magnitude of the initial momentum of glider C_rlF./, greater than, less than, or equal to the magnitude of the initial momentum of glider D, lFD/? Draw a momentum vector diigram to support your answer.
3. Two astronauts, A and B, participate in three collision experiments in a weightless, frictionless environment. In each experimenl, astronaut B is initially at rest, and astronaut A has initial momentumi*= 20 kg-m/s to the right. (The velocities of the astronauts are measured with respect to a nearby space station.)
Before After
The astronauts push on each other in different ways so that the outcome of each experiment is different. As shown in the figure at right, astronaut A has a different final momentum in each experiment.
a. Determine the magnitude of the final momentum of astronaut B in each experiment. Explain.
b. Rank the three experiments according to the final kinetic energy of astronaut B, from largest to smallest. Explain.
c. Is the totalkinetic energy after the collision in experirfient2 greater than, less than, or equal to the total kinetiCenergy after the collision in experiment 3? (In this case, total kinetic energy means the sum of the kinetic energies of the two astronauts.) Explain.
d. Consider the following statement: “The momentum of the system is conserved in eoch experiment becouse there is no net f orce on the system. ff momentum is conserved, then kinetic ene?gY must olso be conserved, becouse both momentum ond kinetic energy ore mode up of moss ond velocity.”
One of the sentences above is completely correct. Discuss the error(s) in reasoning in the other sentence.
Experirnents 1,2, and3
At rest
Consentation of momentum in one ditnenston Name
e. In the boxes below, draw the initial mompntum, the change in momentum, andthe final momentum for each astronaut in the three experiments. The initial momentum is shown for astronaut A. Draw the other vectors using the same scale.
Mech HW-61
If the net force on a system of two colliding objecls is zero, how does the change in momentum of one object compare to the change in momentum of the other object:
. in magnitude?
. in direction?
Bxplain how your answers to part f are consistent with Newton’s third law and the impulse- momentum theorem ( 4″t N = [F) for:
. each astronaut considered separately, and
. for the system of both astronauts together.
4. A pyrotechnician releases a 3-kg firecracker from rest. At t = 0.4 s, the firecracker is moving downward with speed 4 mls. At this same instant, the firecracker begins to explode into two pieces, “top” and “bottom,” with masses nt op 1 kg and ffibotto – 2kg. At the end of the explosion (/ = 0.6 s), the top piece is moving upward with speed 6 m/s.
The mass of the explosive substance is negligible in comparison to the mass of the two pieces.
The questions below can serve as a guide to completing the diagram below right:
a. Determine the magnitude of the net force on the firecracker system before the explosion. (Use I = 10 m/s’.) ExPlain.
b. Determine’the magnitude of the net force on the firecracker system at an instant during the explosion. (Hint: Does the net force on a system depend on forces that are internal to that system?)
Determine the magnitude and direction of the net impulse (“rN) on the firecracker system during the explosion (i.e., over the interval from t =0.4 s until r = 0.6 s). Explain.
Use the impulse-momentum theorem to determine the magnitude and direction of the change in momentum of the firecracker system during the explosion. Enter this vector in the table using the scale set by the initial momentum of the system.
Determine the final momentum of the firecracker system and enter it in the table. (Hint: Is it the same as the initial momentum?)
Complete the vector diagram at right.
Initial l: 0.4 s
Final /: 0.6 s
Change Final /=0.6s
Initial /=0.4s
12 kg-m/s
lfrl = 4 mls
,onl= 6 m/s
rurot, = I kg
ffiborton – 2 kg
A -t”bottom – :
I !
i1tirt -Tj -t–j
Tutorials in Introductory Physics McDermoff, Shaffer, and the P.E.G., U. Wash.
OPearson Custom 2″d H, for U.CO. Boulder

Two gliders, A and B, collide on a level, frictionless track

 Two gliders, A aad B, collide on a level, frictionless track, as shown below,


The mass of glider A is less than the mass of gliderB (i.e., mr< ma). Thefinal speedof glider A is greater than the final speed of glider B (i.e., ztn > as). ”
Boforc collieion Affer collision
Is the magnitude of the final momentum of glider , lFd, greater than, less than, or equal to the magnitude of the final momentum of glider B, lft/? Diaw a monrentum vector diagram to support your answer. (An example of a momentum vector diagram can be found on tha second page of the tutorial.)
2. Two gliders, c and D, collide on a level, frictionless track, as shown below. The mas er D (i.e., fitc 1mo). The initial speed of glider C D (i.e,, uci )opi). Arter the collision, Gliders C and D m final speed, ur.
Before collision After collision
Is the magnitude of the initial momentum of glider C_rlF./, greater than, less than, or equal to the magnitude of the initial momentum of glider D, lFD/? Draw a momentum vector diigram to support your answer.
3. Two astronauts, A and B, participate in three collision experiments in a weightless, frictionless environment. In each experimenl, astronaut B is initially at rest, and astronaut A has initial momentumi*= 20 kg-m/s to the right. (The velocities of the astronauts are measured with respect to a nearby space station.)
Before After
The astronauts push on each other in different ways so that the outcome of each experiment is different. As shown in the figure at right, astronaut A has a different final momentum in each experiment.
a. Determine the magnitude of the final momentum of astronaut B in each experiment. Explain.
b. Rank the three experiments according to the final kinetic energy of astronaut B, from largest to smallest. Explain.
c. Is the totalkinetic energy after the collision in experirfient2 greater than, less than, or equal to the total kinetiCenergy after the collision in experiment 3? (In this case, total kinetic energy means the sum of the kinetic energies of the two astronauts.) Explain.
d. Consider the following statement: “The momentum of the system is conserved in eoch experiment becouse there is no net f orce on the system. ff momentum is conserved, then kinetic ene?gY must olso be conserved, becouse both momentum ond kinetic energy ore mode up of moss ond velocity.”
One of the sentences above is completely correct. Discuss the error(s) in reasoning in the other sentence.
Experirnents 1,2, and3
At rest
Consentation of momentum in one ditnenston Name
e. In the boxes below, draw the initial mompntum, the change in momentum, andthe final momentum for each astronaut in the three experiments. The initial momentum is shown for astronaut A. Draw the other vectors using the same scale.
Mech HW-61
If the net force on a system of two colliding objecls is zero, how does the change in momentum of one object compare to the change in momentum of the other object:
. in magnitude?
. in direction?
Bxplain how your answers to part f are consistent with Newton’s third law and the impulse- momentum theorem ( 4″t N = [F) for:
. each astronaut considered separately, and
. for the system of both astronauts together.
4. A pyrotechnician releases a 3-kg firecracker from rest. At t = 0.4 s, the firecracker is moving downward with speed 4 mls. At this same instant, the firecracker begins to explode into two pieces, “top” and “bottom,” with masses nt op 1 kg and ffibotto – 2kg. At the end of the explosion (/ = 0.6 s), the top piece is moving upward with speed 6 m/s.
The mass of the explosive substance is negligible in comparison to the mass of the two pieces.
The questions below can serve as a guide to completing the diagram below right:
a. Determine the magnitude of the net force on the firecracker system before the explosion. (Use I = 10 m/s’.) ExPlain.
b. Determine’the magnitude of the net force on the firecracker system at an instant during the explosion. (Hint: Does the net force on a system depend on forces that are internal to that system?)
Determine the magnitude and direction of the net impulse (“rN) on the firecracker system during the explosion (i.e., over the interval from t =0.4 s until r = 0.6 s). Explain.
Use the impulse-momentum theorem to determine the magnitude and direction of the change in momentum of the firecracker system during the explosion. Enter this vector in the table using the scale set by the initial momentum of the system.
Determine the final momentum of the firecracker system and enter it in the table. (Hint: Is it the same as the initial momentum?)
Complete the vector diagram at right.
Initial l: 0.4 s
Final /: 0.6 s
Change Final /=0.6s
Initial /=0.4s
12 kg-m/s
lfrl = 4 mls
,onl= 6 m/s
rurot, = I kg
ffiborton – 2 kg
A -t”bottom – :
I !
i1tirt -Tj -t–j
Tutorials in Introductory Physics McDermoff, Shaffer, and the P.E.G., U. Wash.
OPearson Custom 2″d H, for U.CO. Boulder


[heading tag=”h2″ align=”center” color=”#000″ style=”lines” color2=”#000″]GET A PREWRITTEN ANSWER @$25.99[/heading]

1. Two gliders, A aad B, collide on a level, frictionless track, as shown below, The mass of glider A is less than the mass of gliderB (i.e., mr< ma). Thefinal speedof glider A is greater than the final speed of glider B (i.e., ztn > as). " Boforc collieion Affer collision Is the magnitude of the final momentum of glider , lFd, greater than, less than, or equal to the magnitude of the final momentum of glider B, lft/? Diaw a monrentum vector diagram to support your answer.

1. Two gliders, A aad B, collide on a level, frictionless track, as shown below,
The mass of glider A is less than the mass of gliderB (i.e., mr< ma). Thefinal speedof glider A is greater than the final speed of glider B (i.e., ztn > as). ”
Boforc collieion Affer collision
Is the magnitude of the final momentum of glider , lFd, greater than, less than, or equal to the magnitude of the final momentum of glider B, lft/? Diaw a monrentum vector diagram to support your answer. (An example of a momentum vector diagram can be found on tha second page of the tutorial.)
2. Two gliders, c and D, collide on a level, frictionless track, as shown below. The mas er D (i.e., fitc 1mo). The initial speed of glider C D (i.e,, uci )opi). Arter the collision, Gliders C and D m final speed, ur.
Before collision After collision
Is the magnitude of the initial momentum of glider C_rlF./, greater than, less than, or equal to the magnitude of the initial momentum of glider D, lFD/? Draw a momentum vector diigram to support your answer.
3. Two astronauts, A and B, participate in three collision experiments in a weightless, frictionless environment. In each experimenl, astronaut B is initially at rest, and astronaut A has initial momentumi*= 20 kg-m/s to the right. (The velocities of the astronauts are measured with respect to a nearby space station.)
Before After
The astronauts push on each other in different ways so that the outcome of each experiment is different. As shown in the figure at right, astronaut A has a different final momentum in each experiment.
a. Determine the magnitude of the final momentum of astronaut B in each experiment. Explain.
b. Rank the three experiments according to the final kinetic energy of astronaut B, from largest to smallest. Explain.
c. Is the totalkinetic energy after the collision in experirfient2 greater than, less than, or equal to the total kinetiCenergy after the collision in experiment 3? (In this case, total kinetic energy means the sum of the kinetic energies of the two astronauts.) Explain.
d. Consider the following statement: “The momentum of the system is conserved in eoch experiment becouse there is no net f orce on the system. ff momentum is conserved, then kinetic ene?gY must olso be conserved, becouse both momentum ond kinetic energy ore mode up of moss ond velocity.”
One of the sentences above is completely correct. Discuss the error(s) in reasoning in the other sentence.
Experirnents 1,2, and3
At rest
Consentation of momentum in one ditnenston Name
e. In the boxes below, draw the initial mompntum, the change in momentum, andthe final momentum for each astronaut in the three experiments. The initial momentum is shown for astronaut A. Draw the other vectors using the same scale.
Mech HW-61
If the net force on a system of two colliding objecls is zero, how does the change in momentum of one object compare to the change in momentum of the other object:
. in magnitude?
. in direction?
Bxplain how your answers to part f are consistent with Newton’s third law and the impulse- momentum theorem ( 4″t N = [F) for:
. each astronaut considered separately, and
. for the system of both astronauts together.
4. A pyrotechnician releases a 3-kg firecracker from rest. At t = 0.4 s, the firecracker is moving downward with speed 4 mls. At this same instant, the firecracker begins to explode into two pieces, “top” and “bottom,” with masses nt op 1 kg and ffibotto – 2kg. At the end of the explosion (/ = 0.6 s), the top piece is moving upward with speed 6 m/s.
The mass of the explosive substance is negligible in comparison to the mass of the two pieces.
The questions below can serve as a guide to completing the diagram below right:
a. Determine the magnitude of the net force on the firecracker system before the explosion. (Use I = 10 m/s’.) ExPlain.
b. Determine’the magnitude of the net force on the firecracker system at an instant during the explosion. (Hint: Does the net force on a system depend on forces that are internal to that system?)
Determine the magnitude and direction of the net impulse (“rN) on the firecracker system during the explosion (i.e., over the interval from t =0.4 s until r = 0.6 s). Explain.
Use the impulse-momentum theorem to determine the magnitude and direction of the change in momentum of the firecracker system during the explosion. Enter this vector in the table using the scale set by the initial momentum of the system.
Determine the final momentum of the firecracker system and enter it in the table. (Hint: Is it the same as the initial momentum?)
Complete the vector diagram at right.
Initial l: 0.4 s
Final /: 0.6 s
Change Final /=0.6s
Initial /=0.4s
12 kg-m/s
lfrl = 4 mls
,onl= 6 m/s
rurot, = I kg
ffiborton – 2 kg
A -t”bottom – :
I !
i1tirt -Tj -t–j
Tutorials in Introductory Physics McDermoff, Shaffer, and the P.E.G., U. Wash.
OPearson Custom 2″d H, for U.CO. Boulder