Chapter 6 Fluids and Motion 1. About how fast can a small fish swim before experiencing turbulent flow around its body?

Chapter 6 Fluids and Motion
1. About how fast can a small fish swim before experiencing turbulent flow around its body?
2. How much higher must your blood pressure get to compensate for 5% narrowing in your blood vessels? (The pressure difference across your blood vessels is essentially equal to your blood pressure.)
3. If someone replaced the water in your home plumbing with olive oil, how much longer would it take you to fill a bathtub?
4. You are trying to paddle a canoe silently across a still lake and know that turbulence makes noise. How quickly can the canoe and the paddle travel through water without causing turbulence?
5. The pipes leading to the showers in your locker room are old and inadequate. Although the city water pressure is 700,000 Pa, the pressure in the locker room when one shower is on is only 600,000 Pa. Use volume=(π* pressure different* pipe diameter^4)/ (128* pipe length*fluid viscosity)] to calculate the approximate pressure if three showers are on.
6. If the plumbing in your dorm carried honey instead of water filling a cup to brush your teeth could take awhile. If the faucet takes 5 s to fill a cup with water, how long will it take to fill your cup with honey, assuming all the pressures and pipes remain uncharged?
7. How quickly would you have to move a 1-cm-diameter stick through olive to reach a Reynolds number of 2000, so that you would begin to see turbulence around the stick? (Olive oil has a density of 918 kg/m^3)
8. The effective obstacle length of a blimp is its width- the distance to which the air is separated as it flows around the blimp. How slowly would a 15-m-wild blimp have to move to keep the airflow around it laminar? (Air has a density of 1.25kg/m^3)

Chapter 6 Fluids and Motion 1. About how fast can a small fish swim before experiencing turbulent flow around its body?

Chapter 6 Fluids and Motion
1. About how fast can a small fish swim before experiencing turbulent flow around its body?
2. How much higher must your blood pressure get to compensate for 5% narrowing in your blood vessels? (The pressure difference across your blood vessels is essentially equal to your blood pressure.)
3. If someone replaced the water in your home plumbing with olive oil, how much longer would it take you to fill a bathtub?
4. You are trying to paddle a canoe silently across a still lake and know that turbulence makes noise. How quickly can the canoe and the paddle travel through water without causing turbulence?
5. The pipes leading to the showers in your locker room are old and inadequate. Although the city water pressure is 700,000 Pa, the pressure in the locker room when one shower is on is only 600,000 Pa. Use volume=(π* pressure different* pipe diameter^4)/ (128* pipe length*fluid viscosity)] to calculate the approximate pressure if three showers are on.
6. If the plumbing in your dorm carried honey instead of water filling a cup to brush your teeth could take awhile. If the faucet takes 5 s to fill a cup with water, how long will it take to fill your cup with honey, assuming all the pressures and pipes remain uncharged?
7. How quickly would you have to move a 1-cm-diameter stick through olive to reach a Reynolds number of 2000, so that you would begin to see turbulence around the stick? (Olive oil has a density of 918 kg/m^3)
8. The effective obstacle length of a blimp is its width- the distance to which the air is separated as it flows around the blimp. How slowly would a 15-m-wild blimp have to move to keep the airflow around it laminar? (Air has a density of 1.25kg/m^3)

A car travels along a straight line at a constant speed of 41.5 mi/h for a distance d and then another distance d in the same direction at another constant speed. The average velocity for the entire trip is 25.0 mi/h. (a) What is the constant speed with which the car moved during the second distance d?

A car travels along a straight line at a constant speed of 41.5 mi/h for a
distance d and then another distance d in the same direction at another constant speed. The average velocity for the entire trip is 25.0 mi/h.
(a) What is the constant speed with which the car moved during the second
distance d?
Your response is within 10% of the correct value. This may be due to roundoff
error, or you could have a mistake in your calculation. Carry out all intermediate
results to at least four-digit accuracy to minimize roundoff error. mi/h
(b) Suppose the second distance d were traveled in the opposite direction; you forgot something and had to return home at the same constant speed as found
in part (a). What is the average velocity for this trip?
Your response differs significantly from the correct answer. Rework your solution
from the beginning and check each step carefully. mi/h
(c) What is the average speed for this new trip?
2.–/3 pointsSerPSE8 2.P.013.My Notes |
A velocity—time graph for an object moving along the x axis is shown in the figure. Every division along the vertical axis corresponds to 2.00 m/s and each
division along the horizontal axis corresponds to 2.50 s.
(a) Plot a graph of the acceleration versus time.
This answer has not been graded yet.
(b) Determine the average acceleration of the object in the following time
interval t = 12.5 s to t = 37.5 s. m/s2
(c) Determine the average acceleration of the object in the following time
interval t = 0 to t = 50.0 s. m/s2
3.–/3 pointsSerPSE8 2.P.016.WI.My Notes | A particle starts from rest and accelerates as shown in the figure below.
(a) Determine the particle’s speed at t = 10.0 s. m/s
Determine the particle’s speed at t = 20.0 s? m/s
(b) Determine the distance traveled in the first 20.0 s. (Enter your answer to one
decimal places.)
4.–/3 pointsSerPSE8 2.P.017.MI.My Notes |
A particle moves along the x axis according to the equation x = 1.99 + 2.99t − 1.00t2,
where x is in meters and t is in seconds. (a) Find the position of the particle at t = 2.50 s. m
(b) Find its velocity at t = 2.50 s. m/s
(c) Find its acceleration at t = 2.50 s. m/s2
5.–/2 pointsSerPSE8 2.P.020.My Notes | Draw motion diagrams for the following items. (Do this on paper. Your instructor
may ask you to turn in your work.)
(a) an object moving to the right at constant speed
(b) an object moving to the right and speeding up at a constant rate
(c) an object moving to the right and slowing down at a constant rate
(d) an object moving to the left and speeding up at a constant rate
(e) an object moving to the left and slowing down at a constant rate
This answer has not been graded yet.
(f) How would your drawings change if the changes in speed were not uniform;
that is, if the speed were not changing at a constant rate?
This answer has not been graded yet.
6.–/5 pointsSerPSE8 2.P.021.My Notes | A parcel of air moving in a straight tube with a constant acceleration of –
4.10 m/s2 and has a velocity of 13.5 m/s at 10:05:00 a.m.
(a) What is its velocity at 10:05:01 a.m.?
(b) What is its velocity at 10:05:04 a.m.?
(c) What is its velocity at 10:04:59 a.m.?
(d) Describe the shape of a graph of velocity versus time for this parcel of air.
This answer has not been graded yet.
(e) Argue for or against the following statement: “Knowing the single value of an
object’s constant acceleration is like knowing a whole list of values for its
This answer has not been graded yet.
7.–/3 pointsSerPSE8 2.P.024.MI.My Notes | We investigated a jet landing on an aircraft carrier. In a later maneuver, the jet
comes in for a landing on solid ground with a speed of 95 m/s, and its
acceleration can have a maximum magnitude of 5.52 m/s2 as it comes to rest.
(a) From the instant the jet touches the runway, what is the minimum time
interval needed before it can come to rest?
(b) Can this jet land on a small tropical island airport where the runway is 0.800
km long?
Yes No
(c) Explain your answer.
This answer has not been graded yet.
8.3/5 points | Previous AnswersSerPSE8 2.P.027.My Notes | A speedboat travels in a straight line and increases in speed uniformly
from vi = 12.5 m/s to vf = 41.5 m/s in a displacement Δx of 150 m. We wish to find the time interval required for the boat to move through this displacement.
(a) Draw a coordinate system for this situation. (Do this on paper. Your
instructor may ask you to turn in this work.)
(b) What analysis model is most appropriate for describing this situation?
particle under constant speed particle under constant acceleration particle in
(c) From the analysis model, what equation is most appropriate for finding the
acceleration of the speedboat?
vf = vi + at
Δx = vi + 1 2
vf2 = vi2 + 2aΔx
(d) Solve the equation selected in part (c) symbolically for the boat’s acceleration in terms of vi, vf, and Δx.
a =
(e) Substitute numerical values to obtain the acceleration numerically.
(f) Find the time interval mentioned above.
9.1/4 points | Previous AnswersSerPSE8 2.P.033.My Notes | An object moves with constant acceleration 4.10 m/s2 and over a time interval
reaches a final velocity of 12.8 m/s.
(a) If its initial velocity is 6.4 m/s, what is its displacement during the time
(b) What is the distance it travels during this interval?
(c) If its initial velocity is -6.4 m/s, what is its displacement during the time
Your response differs from the correct answer by more than 10%. Double check
your calculations. m
(d) What is the total distance it travels during the interval in part (c)?
Your response differs from the correct answer by more than 10%. Double check
your calculations. m
10.–/4 pointsSerPSE8 2.P.038.My Notes | An attacker at the base of a castle wall 3.90 m high throws a rock straight up
with speed 9.00 m/s from a height of 1.70 m above the ground.
(a) Will the rock reach the top of the wall?
Yes No
(b) If so, what is its speed at the top? If not, what initial speed must it have to
reach the top?
(c) Find the change in speed of a rock thrown straight down from the top of the
wall at an initial speed of 9.00 m/s and moving between the same two points.
(d) Does the change in speed of the downward-moving rock agree with the
magnitude of the speed change of the rock moving upward between the same
elevations? Explain physically why it does or does not agree.
This answer has not been graded yet.
11.0/1 points | Previous AnswersSerPSE8 2.P.041.WI.My Notes | A ball is thrown directly downward with an initial speed of 8.65 m/s from a
height of 29.6 m. After what time interval does it strike the ground?
You know the initial velocity, the distance and the acceleration. Which equation
in Table 2.2 will allow you to find the time? You may need to use the quadratic
equation. s
12.–/1 pointsSerPSE8 2.P.042.My Notes |
The height of a helicopter above the ground is given by h = 2.80t3, where h is in meters and t is in seconds. At t = 1.70 s, the helicopter releases a small mailbag. How long after its release does the mailbag reach the ground?
13.2/4 points | Previous AnswersSerPSE8 2.P.043.MI.My Notes | A student throws a set of keys vertically upward to her sorority sister, who is in a
window 2.00 m above. The second student catches the keys 2.30 s later.
(a) With what initial velocity were the keys thrown?
magnitude Your response differs from the correct answer by more than 100%. m/s
(b) What was the velocity of the keys just before they were caught?
magnitude The correct answer is not zero. m/s
14.–/3 pointsSerPSE8 2.P.048.My Notes |
Question Part
Submissions Used
A student drives a moped along a straight road as described by the velocity
versus time graph in the figure. The divisions along the horizontal axis
represent 1.0s and the divisions along the vertical axis represent 2.0 m/s.
Sketch this graph in the middle of a sheet of graph paper. (Do this on paper.
Your will need it to do part (a) and (b).)
(a) Directly above your graph, sketch a graph of the position versus time,
aligning the time coordinates of the two graphs. (Do this on paper. Your
instructor may ask you to turn in your work.)
(b) Sketch a graph of the acceleration versus time directly below the velocity-
versus time graph, again aligning the time coordinates. On each graph, show the
numerical values of x and ax for all points of inflection. (Do this on paper. Your instructor may ask you to turn in your work.)
(c) What is the acceleration at t = 6.0 s? m/s2
(d) Find the position (relative to the starting point) at t = 6.0 s. m
(e) What is the moped’s final position at t = 9.0 s? m
15.–/5 pointsSerPSE8 2.P.053.MI.My Notes |
Question Part
Submissions Used
An inquisitive physics student and mountain climber climbs a 54.0-m-high cliff
that overhangs a calm pool of water. He throws two stones vertically downward,
1.00 s apart, and observes that they cause a single splash. The first stone has an
initial speed of 1.88 m/s.
(a) How long after release of the first stone do the two stones hit the water?
(b) What initial velocity must the second stone have if the two stones are to hit
the water simultaneously?
magnitude m/s
(c) What is the speed of each stone at the instant the two stones hit the water?
first stone m/s
second stone m/s

Directions: Log in to and click on Physics in the left hand column and then choose the Balancing Act icon. Choose “Run Now” to start the simulation. 1. Investigate Balancing Act using the Intro tab at the top by moving the tanks and trash cans around and removing the supports to try to balance the seesaw. While you play with this tool, make observations about when the beam balances and when it doesn’t. Use the tools on the side (mass labels, rulers, forces from objects and the level) to help you make your observations. Describe what you discovered about balancing the seesaw.

Directions: Log in to and click on Physics in the left
hand column and then choose the Balancing Act icon. Choose “Run Now” to start the
1. Investigate Balancing Act using the Intro tab at the top by moving the tanks and trash
cans around and removing the supports to try to balance the seesaw. While you play
with this tool, make observations about when the beam balances and when it doesn’t.
Use the tools on the side (mass labels, rulers, forces from objects and the level) to
help you make your observations. Describe what you discovered about balancing the
! !
2. Use the scenarios below to make predictions about where the 10kg trash can would
need to be placed, without using Balancing Act. Sketch what you think the beams
would look like for the following scenarios and justify your reasoning.
Scenario 1:
Scenario 2:
! ! Scenario 3:
3. Now, use the Balancing Act simulation to verify or correct your predicted scenarios and
justification with a different color pen.
Next, click on the Game tab in the upper left. Try several scenarios at the different levels for
a minute or two each.
4. What changes can you make to your reasoning about how to balance the beam to
reconcile your previous thinking with the things you have discovered?
! 5. Explain what factors affect the balancing of the beam and describe how each factor
appears to affect the balancing.
! ! !
6. Now suppose you go to the park with a younger, smaller child. How would you use this
information so the two of you could use the seesaw even though you are not the same
! ! !
! ! ! Balancing Act Activity 2 Name
Learning Goal: Students will calculate where a mass needs to be placed on a beam to
balance the beam and then confirm or correct their calculations using the Balancing Act
1. Calculate where the 80 kg man would need to sit to balance the beam. Show all work
including formulas and substitutions with units.
! !
Click on the Balance Lab tab on the upper left of the simulation and test your calculations.
You may need to use the yellow arrows in the brick box to scroll to the man and child.
Evaluate your calculations. (How’d you do?)
! ! !
2. Predict where you would place the 20kg pile of bricks to balance the beam? Show all
calculations including formula and substitutions with units.
Now test your predictions and calculations using the Balance Lab tab. Evaluate your
! 3. Calculate where a 15kg pile of bricks would need to be placed to balance the beam.
Show all calculations.
Evaluate your calculations using the simulation.
! ! ! ! Finally, using the Balancing Lab tab and scrolling to the mystery packages, determine
the mass of each package. Show all work including formulas and substitutions with
! Package
! Calculation
Where did you place the package on the beam?
Where did you place the package on the beam?

A modern-day zeppelin holds 9,770 m3 of helium. Compute its maximum payload at sea level. (Assume the helium and air to be at 0°C and 1 atm.) N=

A modern-day zeppelin holds 9,770 m3 of helium. Compute its maximum payload at sea level. (Assume the helium and air to be at 0°C and 1 atm.)
12. A boat (with a flat bottom) and its cargo weigh 6,400 N. The area of the boat’s bottom is 5 m2. How far below the surface of the water is the boat’s bottom when it is floating in water?
13. A scale reads 378 N when a piece of iron is hanging from it. What does it read (in N) when it is lowered so that the iron is submerged in water?
14. A dentist’s chair with a person in it weighs 2000 N. The output plunger of a hydraulic system starts to lift the chair when the dental assistant’s foot exerts a force of 44 N on the input piston. Neglecting any difference in the heights of the piston and the plunger, what is the ratio of the area of the plunger to the area of the piston?
Aplunger/Apiston =
15. The wing of an airplane has an average cross-sectional area of 13 m2 and experiences a lift force of 91,000 N. What is the average difference in the air pressure between the top and bottom of the wing?
16. Air flows through a heating duct with a square cross-section with 9-inch sides at a speed of 4.1 ft/s. Just before reaching an outlet in the floor of a room, the duct widens to assume a square cross-section with sides equal to 15 inches. Compute the speed of the air flowing into the room (in ft/s), assuming that we can treat the air as an incompressible fluid.
17. A metal bowl with a weight of 1.45 N is placed in a larger kitchen container filled with olive oil. How much olive oil must the bowl displace in order to float? For reference, the mass density of olive oil is about 910 g/liter and its weight density is about 8.92 N/liter. Please give your answer in liters.

A modern-day zeppelin holds 9,770 m3 of helium. Compute its maximum payload at sea level. (Assume the helium and air to be at 0°C and 1 atm.) N=

A modern-day zeppelin holds 9,770 m3 of helium. Compute its maximum payload at sea level. (Assume the helium and air to be at 0°C and 1 atm.)
12. A boat (with a flat bottom) and its cargo weigh 6,400 N. The area of the boat’s bottom is 5 m2. How far below the surface of the water is the boat’s bottom when it is floating in water?
13. A scale reads 378 N when a piece of iron is hanging from it. What does it read (in N) when it is lowered so that the iron is submerged in water?
14. A dentist’s chair with a person in it weighs 2000 N. The output plunger of a hydraulic system starts to lift the chair when the dental assistant’s foot exerts a force of 44 N on the input piston. Neglecting any difference in the heights of the piston and the plunger, what is the ratio of the area of the plunger to the area of the piston?
Aplunger/Apiston =
15. The wing of an airplane has an average cross-sectional area of 13 m2 and experiences a lift force of 91,000 N. What is the average difference in the air pressure between the top and bottom of the wing?
16. Air flows through a heating duct with a square cross-section with 9-inch sides at a speed of 4.1 ft/s. Just before reaching an outlet in the floor of a room, the duct widens to assume a square cross-section with sides equal to 15 inches. Compute the speed of the air flowing into the room (in ft/s), assuming that we can treat the air as an incompressible fluid.
17. A metal bowl with a weight of 1.45 N is placed in a larger kitchen container filled with olive oil. How much olive oil must the bowl displace in order to float? For reference, the mass density of olive oil is about 910 g/liter and its weight density is about 8.92 N/liter. Please give your answer in liters.