An infinitely long single wire with current I1 = 2.5 A and a rectangle wire loop with current I2 = 0.25 A are in the same plane as shown. The dimensions of the loop are a = 0.025 m and b = 0.025 m. The infinite wire is parallel to side AD of the loop and at a distance d = 0.025 m from it. Randomized Variables I1 = 2.5 A I2 = 0.25 A a = 0.025 m b = 0.025 m d = 0.025 m Part (a) Express the magnitude of the magnetic force Fad, from I1 on wire AD in terms of I1, I2, d and the loop dimensions.

An infinitely long single wire with current I1 = 2.5 A and a rectangle wire loop with current I2 = 0.25 A are in the same plane as shown. The dimensions of the loop are a = 0.025 m and b = 0.025 m. The infinite wire is parallel to side AD of the loop and at a distance d = 0.025 m from it.
Randomized Variables
I1 = 2.5 A
I2 = 0.25 A
a = 0.025 m
b = 0.025 m
d = 0.025 m
Part (a) Express the magnitude of the magnetic force Fad, from I1 on wire AD in terms of I1, I2, d and the loop dimensions.
Part (b) Calculate the numerical value of Fad in N.
Part (c) Express the magnitude of the magnetic force Fbc, from I1 on wire BC in terms of I1, I2, a, b, and d.
Part (d) Calculate the numerical value of Fbc in N.
Part (e) Is the force of Fad repulsive or attractive?
Part (f) Is the force of Fbc repulsive or attractive?
Part (g) The forces of Fad and Fbc both act on the infinite wire I1. Do they sum to produce a net attractive or repulsive force?
Part (h) Calculate the numerical value of the sum of the forces F = Fab – Fbc on the infinite wire in N.
2nd question:
A solenoid is created by wrapping a L = 90 m long wire around a hollow tube of diameter D = 4.5 cm. The wire diameter is d = 0.9 mm. The solenoid wire is then connected to a power supply so that a current of I = 9 A flows through the wire.
Randomized Variables
L = 90 m
D = 4.5 cm
d = 0.9 mm
I = 9 A
Part (a) Write an expression for the number of turns, N, in the solenoid. You do not need to take into accountthe diameter of the wire in this calculation.
Part (b) Calculate the number of turns, N, in the solenoid.
Part (c) Write an expression for the length of the solenoid (L2) in terms of the diameter of the hollow tube D, assuming it is constructed by using only 1 layer of loops (note that most solenoids are actually constructed with many layers, to maximize the magnetic field density).
Part (d) Calculate the length of the solenoid (L2) in meters.
Part (e) Calculate the magnitude of the magnetic field at the center of the solenoid in Teslas

A. Draw a triangle with sides measuring 8, 12, and 14.4 units. With a protractor measure the angles. Then compute the angles trigonometrically.

A. Draw a triangle with sides measuring 8, 12, and 14.4 units. With a protractor measure the angles. Then compute the angles trigonometrically.
B. What would happen in your previous experiments if the wall or building were not perpendicular to the ground?
C. What uncertainty is introduced into the experiment by using a tape measure to measure the sides of the triangle?
D. To what degree of accuracy can you read a protractor?
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2.9 (220)
Physics homework help
Lab Report Name: ____________________
Section: ___________________
EXPERIMENT: Trigonometric Measurements
Data Tables:
Procedure 1:
Experimental measurement of the angles and sides of a right triangle:
Side “a” (cm)
Side “b” (cm)
Side “c” (cm)
Angle “A”
Angle “B”
59 ½ cm
41.6 cm
72.5 cm
55 degrees
35 degrees
Procedure 2:
Determination of the sides of a right triangle when the hypotenuse and one angle are measured:
Hypotenuse “c”
Angle “B”
70 cm
Procedure 3:
Determination of the hypotenuse and angles of a right triangle when the sides are measured:
Side “a”
Side “b”
Measurement (cm)
Procedure 4:
Indirect measurements of heights by trigonometry

1) A rectangular plate has a length of (24.0 ± 0.2) cm and a width of (9.4 ± 0.1) cm. Calculate the area of the plate, including its uncertainty?

1) A rectangular plate has a length of (24.0 ± 0.2) cm and a width of (9.4 ± 0.1) cm. Calculate the area of the plate, including its uncertainty?
2)Carry out the following arithmetic operations. (Give your answers to the correct number of significant figures.)
-(a) the sum of the measured values 756, 37.2, 0.83, and 2
-(b) the product 0.003 2 ✕ 356.3
-(c) the product 5.620 ✕ π
3)A rectangular building lot has a width of 69.0 ft and a length of 123 ft. Determine the area of this lot in square meters.
4)Suppose your hair grows at the rate 1/31 in. per day. Find the rate at which it grows in nanometers per second. Because the distance between atoms in a molecule is on the order of 0.1 nm, your answer suggests how rapidly layers of atoms are assembled in this protein synthesis.

1) A rectangular plate has a length of (24.0 ± 0.2) cm and a width of (9.4 ± 0.1) cm. Calculate the area of the plate, including its uncertainty?

1) A rectangular plate has a length of (24.0 ± 0.2) cm and a width of (9.4 ± 0.1) cm. Calculate the area of the plate, including its uncertainty?
2)Carry out the following arithmetic operations. (Give your answers to the correct number of significant figures.)
-(a) the sum of the measured values 756, 37.2, 0.83, and 2
-(b) the product 0.003 2 ✕ 356.3
-(c) the product 5.620 ✕ π
3)A rectangular building lot has a width of 69.0 ft and a length of 123 ft. Determine the area of this lot in square meters.
4)Suppose your hair grows at the rate 1/31 in. per day. Find the rate at which it grows in nanometers per second. Because the distance between atoms in a molecule is on the order of 0.1 nm, your answer suggests how rapidly layers of atoms are assembled in this protein synthesis.

The stainless steel pump and casing might contribute trace amount of:

The stainless steel pump and casing might contribute trace amount of:
Chromium (Cr)
Iron (Fe)
Nickel (Ni)
All of above
1 points
Question 27
Explain which one of the following has the least potential for cross contamination:
1 points
Question 28
Which of the following sampling device/media is based on absorption (not adsorption) and/or chemical reaction:
Tedlar bag
XRD sorbent
1 points
Question 29
In general and for practical purpose, how much water sample you would collect for metal analysis (assuming the amount would be sufficient at least for dupliacte analysis):
100 mL
1 L
5 L
10 L
1 points
Question 30
Which one of the following should be monitored in the field if possible:
dissolved oxygen (DO)
1 points
Question 31
Which one of the following analyte in water has the maximum holding time (MHTs) of “days” rather than “hours” or “months”?
Dissolved oxygen
1 points
Question 32
Which of the following sample container material may leach boron (B) and silicon (Si):
stainless steel
1 points
Question 33
Which one of the following generally requires the least volume of sample (in liter) needed for subsequent analysis:
TPH in liquid wastes
Total metals in water
Trace pesticide in water
Water to perform acute toxicity test
1 points
Question 34
Which of the following is an effective way to preserve water sample containing cyanide (CN-) as a result of potential volatilization loss:
Add HNO3 to pH < 2
Add H2SO4 to pH 12
Add Na2S2O3
1 points
Question 35
Coliwasa is generally used for collecting:
solid samples from a pile of solid wastes
liquid samples from a drum of hazardous materials
solid samples from a drum of solid hazardous materials
none of above
1 points
Question 36
For practical purpose, the minimum amount of water sample sufficient for the single analysis of trace organics is approximately:
10 mL
100 mL
1 L
10 L
1 points
Question 37
Which one of the following is NOT true regarding sample container?
Plastic container is preferred over glass one for inorganic analytes
Containers should have Teflon-lined caps for extractable organic analytes
If both plastic and glass containers can be used, then glass container is preferred
Certain glass containers may leach significant amount of boron (B) and silicon (Si)
1 points
Question 38
Which one of the following is used in the sampling of hazardous waste in 50-gallon drums:
Ekman dredge
1 points
Question 39
Well purging is used primarily to:
remove stagnant water
clean sampling pump and tubing
minimize cross-contamination
none of above
1 points
Question 40
For which of the following allocation method of stratified random sampling design, its cost is considered through either the optimal precision for a fixed study cost or the optimal cost for a fixed level of precision:
equal allocation
optimal allocation
proportional allocation
Neyman allocation
1 points
Question 41
A stratified sampling plan was adopted for a contaminated site as a result of a recent oil spill in an open agricultural land. Three strata were chosen: 1) the heavily contaminated surface soil (0-2 ft); 2) the unsaturated soil (2 ft to the groundwater level at 7ft deep); and 3) the saturated zone (7 ft-27 ft). Results for benzene concentrations (mg/kg) are surface soil ( = 25, s = 4.0, n = 15), unsaturated soil ( = 17, s = 2.0, n = 6), and saturated soil ( = 10, s = 1.0, n = 5). If the proportional allocation method is based on the depth or volume ratio, then the weight of surface soil, unsaturated soil, and saturated soil are, respectively:
0.58, 0.23, 0.19
0.07, 0.19, 0.74
15, 6, 5
2, 5, 20
1 points
Question 42
Which one of the following is likely the most appropriate if you have an adequate budget and you are interesting in knowing the information of a spatial or temporal pattern of contamination
Simple random sampling
Stratified random sampling
Systematic grid sampling
Search sampling
1 points
Question 43
A stratified sampling plan was adopted for a contaminated site as a result of a recent oil spill in an open agricultural land. Three strata were chosen: 1) the heavily contaminated surface soil (0-2 ft); 2) the unsaturated soil (2 ft to the groundwater level at 7ft deep); and 3) the saturated zone (7 ft-27 ft). Results for benzene concentrations (mg/kg) are surface soil ( = 25, s = 4.0, n = 15), unsaturated soil ( = 17, s = 2.0, n = 6), and saturated soil ( = 10, s = 1.0, n = 5). If the proportional allocation method is based on the depth or volume ratio, then the overall mean concentration is:
none of above
1 points
Question 44
If you are estimating a population mean and you have budget constraints. The analytical costs are much higher compared to sampling costs. Your goal is to produce an equally precise or a more precise estimate of the mean with fewer analyses and lower cost.
Simple random sampling
Systematic random sampling
Stratified random sampling
Composite sampling
1 points
Question 45
Which of the following may represent the challenge of collecting the “representative” (e.g., due to heterogeneity) biological samples (e.g., fish) for bioaccumulative contaminant concentrations?
types of fish species
all of above
various fish tissues
fish size
1 points
Question 46
Preliminary data show a pile of solid waste from a solvent recovery facility has trichloroethene concentration of 7.0 mg/kg (average of 4 samples) and standard deviation of 1.2 mg/kg. The regulatory soil screening level for trichloroethene is 6 mg/kg. The required minimum number of sample for an estimation at the 80% confidence is _____.
1 points
Question 47
Which of the following statement is generally NOT true:
Quality of data is primarily determined by the nature of analytical methods (instrumentations).
Analytical data can be reported to the 3rd decimal points , if sampling error are known to dominate.
Errors in the analytical results often are influenced much more by the measurement steps than sampling and sample preparation techniques.
All of above
1 points
Question 48
Which of the following is likely the least preferable sampling approach if the objective is to delineate the extent of contamination:
Search sampling
Simple random sampling
Judgmental sampling
Systematic sampling
1 points
Question 49
Which one of the following may represent cost saving if the “average” concentration is of the primary concern
Simple random sampling
Stratified random sampling
Systematic random sampling
Composite sampling
1 points
Question 50
The issue of collecting “representative” solid samples may be the result of:
concentration variations along with different soil depths
contaminants present in the “nugget” form
contaminants present in two immiscible phases
all of above

Discuss possible factors that may have been responsible for the development of the stone and use this case to show how the patient's diet and water intake can help analyze the composition of the calculi. What would be the test results of his white blood cells, blood calcium levels, CT scan, and x-ray? Suggest the best treatment for the patient and a plan to prevent recurrence post-treatment.

Discuss possible factors that may have been responsible for the development of the stone and use this case to show how the patient’s diet and water intake can help analyze the composition of the calculi. What would be the test results of his white blood cells, blood calcium levels, CT scan, and x-ray? Suggest the best treatment for the patient and a plan to prevent recurrence post-treatment.
A 45-year-old grocery sales clerk has been suffering from bouts of severe pain in his left flank region. He blamed it on prolonged standing for 8 hours straight while working. He was taking over-the-counter pain medications for his pain. One day, he found fresh blood in his urine. He went to a doctor who performed urine tests, CT scans, and x-rays. He was diagnosed with urinary calculi.

  • Discuss possible factors that may have been responsible for the development of the stone and use this case to show how the patient’s diet and water intake can help analyze the composition of the calculi.
  • What would be the test results of his white blood cells, blood calcium levels, CT scan, and x-ray?
  • Suggest the best treatment for the patient and a plan to prevent recurrence post-treatment.