Describe the differences and similarities between assimilation, ethnic pluralism, and transnationalism for immigrants. Which do you think is the best way for immigrants to adapt to the host society and why?

 Describe the differences and similarities between assimilation, ethnic pluralism, and transnationalism for immigrants.  Which do you think is the best way for immigrants to adapt to the host society and why?

Describe the differences and similarities between assimilation, ethnic pluralism, and transnationalism for immigrants. Which do you think is the best way for immigrants to adapt to the host society and why?

 Describe the differences and similarities between assimilation, ethnic pluralism, and transnationalism for immigrants.  Which do you think is the best way for immigrants to adapt to the host society and why?

Describe the differences and similarities between assimilation, ethnic pluralism, and transnationalism for immigrants. Which do you think is the best way for immigrants to adapt to the host society and why?

 Describe the differences and similarities between assimilation, ethnic pluralism, and transnationalism for immigrants.  Which do you think is the best way for immigrants to adapt to the host society and why?

examining U.S. security strategies and foreign policy as it relates to the country of your choice (excluding the United States). This paper should be written as if you are the U.S. Secretary of State and preparing a report on the country to determine U.S. policy and action.

examining U.S. security strategies and foreign policy as it relates to the country of your choice (excluding the United States). This paper should be written as if you are the U.S. Secretary of State and preparing a report on the country to determine U.S. policy and action. You will need to discuss the impact of globalization and how it affects your target country, its partners, and its enemies. You should also address the following: The relationship between foreign policy decisions and security operations; How potential policy decisions might impact international politics; Your recommendations, as U.S. Secretary of State, for future interactions, policy, and security. Feel free to incorporate other political science concepts and ideas from other units in the course. Your paper may utilize any resource used in the course. You may also reference news articles if you desire. All references must be properly cited in APA format.

Identify and describe a current issue (this could be a controversy or just an issue of importance) in American Government. Explain in 1-2 pages how one of the modern philosophers we've studied would respond to that issue. Make sure to answer the question as given and stay on the topic and be precis. Make sure to use references and intext citation.

Identify and describe a current issue (this could be a controversy or just an issue of importance) in American Government. Explain in 1-2 pages how one of the modern philosophers we’ve studied would respond to that issue. Make sure to answer the question as given and stay on the topic and be precis. Make sure to use references and intext citation.

If you were just elected governor of your state, which of your qualities and skills do you think would lend themselves most to that position? Which qualities or skills do you think you would need to add to your repertoire, and why?

If you were just elected governor of your state, which of your qualities and skills do you think would lend themselves most to that position? Which qualities or skills do you think you would need to add to your repertoire, and why?