movie :  Do the Right Thing (1989) Develop a thesis statement pertaining to the assigned film text and whether or not it, the film, in your view has the power to transform one’s political sensibilities. Your argument should express your point of view regarding the politics of difference, political sensibilities, and political transformation(s) as related to the

movie :  Do the Right Thing (1989)
Develop a thesis statement pertaining to the assigned film text and whether or not it, the film, in your view has the power to transform one’s political sensibilities. Your argument should express your point of view regarding the politics of difference, political sensibilities, and political transformation(s) as related to the film. Remember, you’re writing (developing) an analytical essay. Submit your thesis statement in the box located to the right. Be sure to proofread your work.
2. Develop three (3) topic sentences that articulate the major ideas that will comprise the body of your essay. Remember that your topic sentences should clearly state the argument or point to be made in the respective paragraphs and must map back to your thesis statement. Submit your topic sentences in the box located to the right. Be sure to proofread your work.
3. Identify three (3) scenes from the film that support your thesis statement. Briefly explain your choices of scenes and how the scenes specifically support your thesis statement. Also, provide the exact time the scenes begin and end within the film text. Submit your reply in the box located to the right. Be sure to proofread your work.
4. Lastly, fully develop your introductory paragraph. Remember that the best possible thesis will answer some specific question about the text. In this case a question related to the film’s power to transform political sensibilities regarding difference. Your thesis statement should appear parenthetically within the paragraph you present. Submit your answer in the box located to the right. Be sure to proofread your work.
The Introductory Paragraph – Some Approaches
In your essay, an opening or introductory paragraph may not always be the first one you write.  But it will be the first one your readers read and you need to engage your readers’ attention and interest and present all you need to make your thesis clear and convincing.
Some Pitfalls to Avoid
Dictionary definitions:  Define key terms and concepts in your opening paragraph, but don’t quote directly from the dictionary to do so. Use a dictionary – more than one dictionary – to formulate the definition in your own words.
Generalizations about “life,” “society,” “people today,” etc.: You don’t want to begin your essay with the kind of statement that teeters on that fine line between opinion (those ideas you will go on to prove) and belief (those ideas unprovable with the evidence offered by the text).  Rather than a statement like, “Almost every man has a sense of pride and will go to war to prove it,” try something more specific to the text you are analyzing.  “The character of Roland exemplifies how personal pride and personal valor do not always lead to the most fortunate conclusion.”
The painfully obvious:  Avoid opening statements like “Dante’s Inferno is about a journey to hell,” or “Roland is the hero of The Song of Roland,” unless such statements are in some way controversial and challenging to traditional interpretations of the text. Try to avoid any kind of tautological formula – “something is something else” – in the opening sentence, especially, but also elsewhere as an “argument.”
Try to distinguish between historical or biographical fact:  “Dante’s Inferno was written in fourteenth-century Italy,” and interpretation, especially when you are considering the intention of an author:  “Dante wrote his Inferno to expose the problem of Florentine political corruption to the world.” The latter may be a part of your theory or thesis (or conclusion) but if you use it as a statement of fact (an “intentional fallacy”) you will have to prove it rather than merely argue it – a slippery and difficult and perhaps not particularly useful task. Beware also of using vague or imprecise generalizations of terms such as “dramatic,” “realistic,” or “critical,” which differ in their literary and historical significance.Challenges to Meet
Try for a (syntactically) shapely and relevant opening sentence: be thoughtful and original and persuasive.  Always look for interesting ways into your essay: an epigraph, perhaps, or an important episode that seems to set the stage for what you want to say, or a succinct comparison with another well-known work, which will help your reader understand the point you want to make.
Always (particularly in a comparative essay) identify your texts early on. (Usually with full title, full authors’ names, and date/period of publication.)
Think of your thesis statement as the logical goal of the first paragraph. Everything you say here should lead towards (or from) that thesis. Anything that doesn’t lead in that direction – unless you are presenting a view different from yours, which you want to argue against—doesn’t belong in your paragraph.  Think of the paragraph as a funnel, where the contents are being concentrated and filtered to one end

Discuss substantive ways in which armed conflict can contribute to or distract a developing economy and infrastructure. Analyze specific reasons why developed nations do not experience the same kinds of social upheaval.

Discuss substantive ways in which armed conflict can contribute to or distract a developing economy and infrastructure. Analyze specific reasons why developed nations do not experience the same kinds of social upheaval.

you will analyze a broadcast advertisement by a current or former candidate for elective office. You are not limited to ads by presidential candidates

you will analyze a broadcast advertisement by a current or former candidate for elective office. You are not limited to ads by presidential candidates. Ads are available on,, and on a variety of PAC websites. You are to write a 1-2 page Apa style analysis using the criteria outlined below:
Content Requirements
Your analysis should include the following elements:

  1. Provide political background for the ad. Briefly describe or explain the following:
    1. In which election year and in which race was the ad presented?
    2. Who were the contestants?
    3. What were the key campaign issues?
    4. What interest/issue/demographic groups provided the strongest support for each candidate?
  2. Describe the content of the ad.
    1. What images/symbols are used?
    2. Does the candidate appear in the ad?
    3. Does the opponent appear in the ad?
  3. Identify the message.
    1. What is the ad trying to say?
  4. Identify the goal/strategy of the ad.
    1. Who is the intended audience? (women, older Americans, racial/ethnic minorities, Republicans/Democrats)
    2. What techniques are used to generate emotion (appeal to patriotism, loyalty, reason)?
    3. Is the ad positive or negative in tone?
  5. Evaluate the ad’s effectiveness.
    1. Has anything been said about the ad in newspapers, blogs, or elsewhere?
    2. What is your opinion of the ad?
    3. Does the ad achieve its goal?

you will analyze a broadcast advertisement by a current or former candidate for elective office. You are not limited to ads by presidential candidates

you will analyze a broadcast advertisement by a current or former candidate for elective office. You are not limited to ads by presidential candidates. Ads are available on,, and on a variety of PAC websites. You are to write a 1-2 page Apa style analysis using the criteria outlined below:
Content Requirements
Your analysis should include the following elements:

  1. Provide political background for the ad. Briefly describe or explain the following:
    1. In which election year and in which race was the ad presented?
    2. Who were the contestants?
    3. What were the key campaign issues?
    4. What interest/issue/demographic groups provided the strongest support for each candidate?
  2. Describe the content of the ad.
    1. What images/symbols are used?
    2. Does the candidate appear in the ad?
    3. Does the opponent appear in the ad?
  3. Identify the message.
    1. What is the ad trying to say?
  4. Identify the goal/strategy of the ad.
    1. Who is the intended audience? (women, older Americans, racial/ethnic minorities, Republicans/Democrats)
    2. What techniques are used to generate emotion (appeal to patriotism, loyalty, reason)?
    3. Is the ad positive or negative in tone?
  5. Evaluate the ad’s effectiveness.
    1. Has anything been said about the ad in newspapers, blogs, or elsewhere?
    2. What is your opinion of the ad?
    3. Does the ad achieve its goal?

 Do the benefits of migration outweigh the costs of migration for women?  In other words, do women have more to gain or more to lose from migration (for instance, compared to men)? 

 Do the benefits of migration outweigh the costs of migration for women?  In other words, do women have more to gain or more to lose from migration (for instance, compared to men)?  You can think about this issue in terms of the causes of migration, the relative difficulty/ease of migrating for women, the occupational and economic status of women migrants in the host society, or the impact of migration on women’s gender and social status within the family/household.

Explain the process behind your selection of sources: the ones you picked, the ones you left out of your infographic and why. Remember: 4 (four) minimum sources. Explain why you think they are reliable or, if you think they are somewhat biased, explain what kind of bias they can have.

  1. Explain the process behind your selection of sources: the ones you picked, the ones you left out of your infographic and why. Remember: 4 (four) minimum sources.
  2. Explain why you think they are reliable or, if you think they are somewhat biased, explain what kind of bias they can have.
  3. Include a full list of the sources you have considered (data sources list), split between the ones you included in the infographic file and the ones you did NOT include in it.
  4. Include a web link to your infographic online (as from the instruction above, make sure it is visible from a computer other than yours.

Methodology file: you are free to choose your font, spacing and other features of formatting. Your only constraint is a one-inch margin minimum throughout your document.
Data sources list: you are free to choose whichever bibliographic format you prefer (APA, MLA, etc.) as long as you include all the relevant information. That includes author, year, title, source, web link (when applicable). A simple list of links is NOT acceptable.