Autobiography and Research Synthesis Paper Instructions Rationale: The Autobiography and Research Synthesis Paper is the course benchmark assignment. It is to reflect (1) influences on your life that led you to become a teacher, (2) key thoughts about the teaching field, and (3) research related to your key thoughts. You will focus on your development as a learner and your decisions to choose teaching as a career.

Autobiography and Research Synthesis Paper Instructions
Rationale: The Autobiography and Research Synthesis Paper is the course benchmark assignment. It is to reflect (1) influences on your life that led you to become a teacher, (2) key thoughts about the teaching field, and (3) research related to your key thoughts. You will focus on your development as a learner and your decisions to choose teaching as a career. Ensure that context is relevant to the topic and does not digress from these topics.  As an academic paper, it is to be supported and illustrated by the body of knowledge in the field, which is to include references to the literature on educational topics.
Alignment with Measurable Learning Outcomes: This assignment aligns with the following outcomes:
· MLO: A – Demonstrate skills in writing in that incorporate biblical worldview principles.
· MLO: C – Apply information from the knowledge base on teaching and learning to your own teaching and learning experiences.
· MLO: E – As you convey your personal experiences, analyze them in light of principles related to individual differences.
Specific Guidelines
Current APA: The paper is to be formatted in current APA.
Number of Sources: Cite at least 3 sources throughout the paper and list them on the reference page. One of your sources must be the Sousa and Tomlinson (2018) textbook. The other 2 sources are to be research articles from academic journals. At least one of these two articles must be an article you have not used in a previous assignment for this or any other course. The other article(s) may be ones you have used in other assignments, such as the previous Research Article Review assignment that you have already submitted. All articles must have been published within the past five years.
Length: This paper must be 4–5 pages from the introductory paragraph to the conclusion, which does not count the title page or reference page. Per current APA, font is at 12 points, and the manuscript is to be double spaced without any additional space/lines between headings and paragraphs.
Structure: The structure and headings of your paper should align with the rubric and also with the description below.
1. Title Page

  • Pagination: In current APA,      all pages are numbered. The title      page should be page 1.
  • Running      Head:      The running head on the title page is different than the others. It should be left-justified,      capitalized, and worded as shown here:

Note that the words “Running head” are inserted before the all-caps abbreviated title and that it is followed by a colon. Also, the “h” in the word “head” is not capitalized.

  • Title: The title      should not be the name of the      assignment (i.e., Autobiography-Research Synthesis). Instead, it should be a phrase drawn      from the thesis statement in the introductory paragraph. It should provide the reader a hint of      the topic and the main idea supported throughout the paper and may be      phrased in a clever, unique fashion. The first letter of all words should be capitalized except for      articles (e.g. aanthe), conjunctions (e.g., and,      but), and short prepositions      (e.g., ofabout), unless they appear as the first word, which is always      capitalized. Center your title and      position it near the middle of the page or slightly above the middle. Do not use bold font anywhere on the      title page.
  • Other      Information on Title Page: Position the items below in the      bottom third of the page.

o Student Name
o Course Number
o Liberty University
o Year
2. Introduction: Do not use the word “Introduction” as a heading for this section. Per current APA, it is optional to insert the title again as the heading above the introduction; however, no heading above the introduction is required. If you choose to insert the manuscript title here, it should be in non-bolded, centered font and should be capitalized that same way as it is on the title page.
· The running head on the abstract and subsequent pages is different from the running head on the title page. The only difference is that it omits the words “Running head,” so that it looks like this:
· The purpose of this paragraph is to introduce the thesis statement that will be developed throughout the paper. The thesis statement is the main idea you are presenting. All other ideas will serve to support the thesis statement.
It is best to place the thesis statement at the end of the introduction. It is typically one or two sentences that serve as a transition into the rest of the paper. Some writers choose to place it as the first sentence of the introduction. Either option is acceptable as long as the introduction is well written and has a logical progression of thought.
3. Life Influences: This required heading should be centered and in bold. You have a great degree of latitude to explain the life experiences that led you to consider teaching as a career. However, you may use the questions below to help you think about how to proceed. Do not simply answer the questions; instead, use them to spark your thought.
· How would you describe your personality/character traits and to what would you attribute them?
· What life experiences helped develop you as an individual who has come to consider teaching as a profession?
· What abilities and skills have you developed that may help you serve as a teacher?
· Has there been a role model that has influenced you?
4. Learner and Future Teacher: This required heading should be centered and in bold. As with the ones above, use the questions below as suggestions. This section would be a good place to cite some ideas from your sources, especially as they address your own learning processes and thoughts about becoming a teacher.
· What learning and teaching experiences have influenced you?
· How have work experiences impacted you as a learner and future teacher?
· Have you set goals for yourself as a learner and/or a future teacher? What influenced you to decide on those goals?
· How has your university coursework so far influenced you as a learner and future teacher?
· How would you reflect on your own learning preferences? What implications does your learning profile have for your own teaching?
5. Research Considerations: This required heading should be centered and in bold. In this section synthesize your life experiences and thoughts about education with related concepts in research. Consider topics from Sousa and Tomlinson (2018) and also include at least two research articles from academic journals that address your topic of interest. The questions below might help:
· How does research address life experiences you have had in your own educational experience?
· Is there research that addresses your own educational and/or professional goals?
· What research have you read that has influenced your thoughts as a learner and a future teacher?
· What research is there on your own learning preferences and the implications your own learning profile has for your future teaching?
6. Conclusion: This final required heading should be centered and in bold. Although your conclusion should include concepts from the thesis statement in the introduction and should have some alignment with the title of the paper, you should not simply restate the thesis statement. Wrap up the paper by emphasizing your main idea and draw a clear conclusion. Typically, a good conclusion does not introduce new information. The conclusion is where you are to discuss implications for the future about what you have already shared. Draw together the strands from your life experience, thoughts about teaching, and relevant research that addresses your thoughts about teaching.

(Chapter 10): There have been many books and opinion pieces writ-ten about the impact of AI on jobs and ideas for societal responses to address the issues. Two ideas were mentioned in the chapter – UBI and SIS. What are the pros and cons of these ideas? How would these be implemented?

(Chapter 10): There have been many books and opinion pieces writ-ten about the impact of AI on jobs and ideas for societal responses to address the issues. Two ideas were mentioned in the chapter – UBI and SIS. What are the pros and cons of these ideas? How would these be implemented?

Charts and graphs are used quite often in newspaper articles, magazines, books, and various online articles. There are pros and cons to using these types of visual representations. Describe one pro and one con for using a graph or chart. Share an example of a time when this type of visual changed your mind about something or gave you a deeper understanding of a topic or current event.

 Charts and graphs are used quite often in newspaper articles, magazines, books, and various online articles. There are pros and cons to using these types of visual representations. Describe one pro and one con for using a graph or chart. Share an example of a time when this type of visual changed your mind about something or gave you a deeper understanding of a topic or current event.

Health Care Organizations in U.S. Conduct a research on one of the top fifteen health care organizations in the U.S. Your research should include the following questions: How will you find listings of the top fifteen health care systems?

Health Care Organizations in U.S.

Conduct a research on one of the top fifteen health care organizations in the U.S.
Your research should include the following questions:

  • How will you find listings of the top fifteen health care systems?
  • What are the various components of the selected health care system? How does it rank in terms of reduced mortality and infection rates?
  • What are the services provided by the healthcare delivery system?
  • What are the current trends contributing to the high ranking and the future path of this health care organization?
  • How does the organization manage and distribute resources for improved patient care?

In a Microsoft Word document, create a 2- to 3-page report, on the basis of your research. Provide at least two resources or journal articles referring to the selected organization.

Musculoskeletal conditions affect the locomotor system and is one of the causes of disability. It is a health dysfunction that affects both young and old but more in older people. It is a condition that decreases mobility and dexterity, leading to early retirement from work and inability to participate in social activities

Musculoskeletal conditions affect the locomotor system and is one of the causes of disability. It is a health dysfunction that affects both young and old but more in older people. It is a condition that decreases mobility and dexterity, leading to early retirement from work and inability to participate in social activities. Musculoskeletal conditions are associated with highest proportion of non- cancer persistent pain. Musculoskeltal conditions can lead to depression and increase in developing other chronic health conditions. Musculosketal conditions that are common include osteoarthritis, back and neck pain, fractures associated with bone fragility injuries and systemic inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid joint deformitycan occur in some cases, as result of delay in diagnosis and treatment(World health organization, 2019).

Select two clients you observed or counseled this week during a group therapy session for children and adolescents. Note: The two clients you select must have attended the same group session. If you select the same group you selected for the Week 8 or Week 9 Journal Entries, you must select different clients.

Select two clients you observed or counseled this week during a group therapy session for children and adolescents. Note: The two clients you select must have attended the same group session. If you select the same group you selected for the Week 8 or Week 9 Journal Entries, you must select different clients.
Then, address in your Practicum Journal the following:

  • Using the Group Therapy Progress Note in this week’s Learning Resources, document the group session.
  • Describe each client (without violating HIPAA regulations), and identify any pertinent history or medical information, including prescribed medications.
  • Using the DSM-5, explain and justify your diagnosis for each client.
  • Explain any legal and/or ethical implications related to counseling each client.
  • Support your approach with evidence-based literature.