1. The mass of the Earth is 5.98 ✕ 1024 kg, and the mass of the Moon is 7.36 ✕ 1022 kg. The distance of separation, measured between their centers, is 3.84 ✕ 108 m. Locate the center of mass of the Earth-Moon system as measured from the center of the Earth.

1. The mass of the Earth is 5.98 ✕ 1024 kg, and the mass of the Moon is 7.36 ✕ 1022 kg. The distance of separation, measured
between their centers, is 3.84 ✕ 108 m. Locate the center of mass of the Earth-Moon system as measured from the center
of the Earth.
2. Explorers in the jungle find an ancient monument in the shape of a large isosceles triangle as shown in the figure below.
The monument is made from tens of thousands of small stone blocks of density 3 752 kg/m3. The monument is 14.6 m
high and 61.9 m wide at its base and is everywhere 3.90 m thick from front to back. Before the monument was built many
years ago, all the stone blocks lay on the ground. How much work did laborers do on the blocks to put them in position
while building the entire monument? Note: The gravitational potential energy of an object-Earth system is given by Ug =
MgyCM, where M is the total mass of the object and yCM is the elevation of its center of mass above the chosen reference
3. A uniform piece of sheet metal is shaped as shown in the figure below. Compute the x and y coordinates of the center of
mass of the piece.
x = 11.7 cm
y = 13.3 cm
4. A rod of length 20.50 cm has linear density (mass per length) given by
where x is the distance from one end, and λ is measured in grams/meter.
5. A water molecule consists of an oxygen atom with two hydrogen atoms bound to it (figure). The angle between the two
bonds is 106°. If the bonds are long, where is the center of mass of the molecule? (Use a coordinate
system centered in the oxygen atom, with the x axis to the right and the y axis upward.)
6. Consider the following distribution of objects: a 4.00-kg object with its center of gravity at (0, 0) m, a 5.20-kg object at
(0, 3.00) m, and a 4.40-kg object at (4.00, 0) m. Where should a fourth object of mass 7.00 kg be placed so that the
center of gravity of the four-object arrangement will be at (0, 0)?
7. A circular pizza of radius R has a circular piece of radius R/2 removed from one side as shown in the figure below. The
center of gravity has moved from C to C’ along the x axis. Show that the distance from C to C’ is R/6. Assume the
thickness and density of the pizza are uniform throughout.

1) Estimate the order of magnitude of the length, in meters, of each of the following: (a) a mouse, (b) a pool cue, (c) a basketball court, (d) an elephant, (e) a city block.

1) Estimate the order of magnitude of the length, in meters, of each of the following: (a) a mouse, (b) a pool cue, (c) a basketball court, (d) an elephant, (e) a city block.
2) What types of natural phenomena could serve as time standards?
3) A carpet is to be installed in a room of length 9.72m and width 5.3m. Find the area of the room retaining the proper number of significant figures.
4) How many significant figures are there in (a) 78.9, (b) 3.788 x 109, (c) 2.46 x 10-­‐6, (d) 0.0032
5) The speed of light is defined to be 2.99792458 x 108 m/s. Express the speed of light to (a) three significant figures, (b) five significant figures, and (c) seven significant figures.
6) A fathom is a unit of length, usually reserved for measuring the depth of water. A fathom is approximately 6 ft in length. Take the distance from Earth to the Moon to be 250 000 miles, and use the given approximation to find the distance in fathoms.
7) A small turtle moves at a speed of 186 furlongs per fortnight. Find the speed of the turtle in centimeters per second. Note that 1 furlong = 220 yards and 1 fortnight = 14 days.
8) A firkin is an old British unit of volume equal to 9 gallons. How many cubic meters are there in 6.00 firkins?
9) A car is traveling at a speed of 38.0 m/s on an interstate highway where the speed limit is 75.0 mi/h. Is the driver exceeding the speed limit? Justify your
10) A ladder 9.00m long leans against the side of a building. If the ladder is inclined at an angle of 75.0o to the horizontal, what is the horizontal distance from the bottom of the ladder to the building?
11) If is added to , under what conditions does the resultant vector have a magnitude equal to A + B (the magnitude of both vectors and ? Under what conditions is the resultant vector equal to zero?
12) Vector has a magnitude of 29 units in the positive y-­‐direction. When vector is added to vector , the resultant vector ( + ) points in the negative y-­‐ direction with a magnitude of 14 units. Find the magnitude of and direction of .
13) Vector has a magnitude of 8.00 units and makes an angle of 45.0O with the positive x-­‐axis. Vector also has a magnitude of 8.00 units and is directed along the negative x-­‐axis. Find (a) the vector sum + and the vector difference − . Draw all the vectors.
14) Vector has a magnitude of 3.00 units and points along the positive x-­‐axis. Vector also has a magnitude of 4.00 units and is directed along the negative y-­‐axis. Find (a) the vector sum + and the vector difference − . Draw all the vectors.
15) A roller coaster moves 200 ft horizontally and then rises 135 ft at an angle of 30.0O above the horizontal. Next, it travels 135 ft at an angle of 40.0O below the horizontal. Find the coaster’s displacement from its starting point to the end of his movement.
16) A person walks 25.0O north of east for 3.10 km. How far due north and how far due east would she have to travel to arrive at the same location (break the vector into components)?
17) A girl delivering newspapers covers her route by traveling 3.00 blocks west, 4.00 blocks north, and then 6.00 blocks east. (a) What is her resultant displacement? (b) What is the total distance she travels?
18) A vector has an x-­‐component of -­‐25.0 units and a y-­‐component of 40.0 units. Find the magnitude and direction (angle) of the vector.

1. Estimate the average power output of the Sun, given that about 1350 W/m2 reaches the upper atmosphere of the Earth. The distance from the Sun to the Earth is 1.5 × 1011 m.

1. Estimate the average power output of the Sun, given that about 1350 W/m2 reaches the upper atmosphere of the Earth. The distance from the Sun to the Earth is 1.5 × 1011 m.
1 × 1026 W
4 × 1026 W
3 × 1026 W
2 × 1026 W
Question 2
1. A flux of 4.0 × 10-5 Wb is maintained through a coil for 0.50 s. What emf is induced in this coil by this flux?
4.0 x 10-5 V
No emf is induced in this coil.
2.0 x 10-5 V
8.0 x 10-5 V
Question 3
1. A beam of light traveling in air is incident on a transparent plastic at an angle of incidence of 50o. The angle of refraction is 35o. What is the index of refraction of the plastic?
Question 4
1. A concave mirror with a radius of 30 cm creates a real image 40 cm from the mirror. What is the object distance?
70 cm
10 cm
5.0 cm
24 cm
Question 5
1. A long, straight wire carries a current of 2.5 A. Find the magnitude of the magnetic field 25 cm from the wire.
Question 6
1. If the force between two charges increases by a factor of 16 because the charges are moved closer together, how much closer are they moved?
Question 7
1. See the figure. The net force on the 1 nC charge is zero. What is q?
8.0 nC
0.68 nC
16 nC
Question 8
1. If a current is flowing with a value of 5.9 A, how much electron charge passes any single point in 25 seconds?
2.3 x 1020 e
9.2 x 1020 e
1.5 x 1020 e
1.9 x 1020 e
Question 9
1. Starting from rest, a proton falls through a potential difference of 2700 V. What speed does it acquire?
7.2 × 105 m/s
2.4 × 105 m/s
3.6 × 105 m/s
4.8 × 105 m/s
Question 10
1. Which of the equations here is valid for the circuit shown?
2 – 2I1 – 2I2 – 4I3 = 0
4 – I1 + 4I3 = 0
6 – I1 – 2I2 = 0
-2 – I1 + 4 – 2I2 = 0

A 39.0 kg child is in a swing that is attached to ropes 1.60 m long. The acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s2 . Find the gravitational potential energy associated with the child relative to the child’s lowest position under the following condi- tions: a) when the ropes are horizontal.

A 39.0 kg child is in a swing that is attached to ropes 1.60 m long. The acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s2 . Find the gravitational potential energy associated with the child relative to the child’s lowest position under the following condi- tions: a) when the ropes are horizontal.
Answer in units of J.
Question 2, chap 8, sect 4.
part 2 of 3 10 points
b) when the ropes make a 37.0◦ angle with the vertical. Answer in units of J.
Question 3, chap 8, sect 4.
part 3 of 3 10 points
c) at the bottom of the circular arc. Answer in units of J.
Question 4, chap 8, sect 4.
part 1 of 3 10 points
A 54 kg skier is at the top of a slope, as in the figure. At the initial point A, the skier is 7.08 m vertically above the final point B. The acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s2 .
7.08 m
a) Find the difference in gravitational po- tential energy associated with the skier at the points A and B if the zero level for gravita- tional potential energy is at point B. Answer in units of J.
Question 5, chap 8, sect 4.
part 2 of 3 10 points
b) Find the difference in potential energy if the zero level is at point A. Answer in units of J.
Question 6, chap 8, sect 4.
part 3 of 3 10 points
c) Find the difference in potential energy if the zero level is midway down the slope, at a height of 3.54 m. Answer in units of J.
Question 7, chap 8, sect 4.
part 1 of 3 10 points
A 1.8 kg ball is attached to a ceiling by a 3.94 m long string. The height of the room is 5.18 m . The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 . What is the gravitational potential energy
associated with the ball relative to the ceiling? Answer in units of J.
Question 8, chap 8, sect 4.
part 2 of 3 10 points
What is its gravitational potential energy relative to the floor? Answer in units of J.
Question 9, chap 8, sect 4.
part 3 of 3 10 points
What is its gravitational potential energy relative to a point at the same elevation as the ball? Answer in units of J.
Question 10, chap 8, sect 5.
part 1 of 1 10 points
In an arcade game a 0.09 kg disk is shot across a frictionless horizontal surface by com- pressing it against a spring and releasing it. If the spring has a spring constant of
248 N/m and is compressed from its equi- librium position by 4 cm, find the speed with which the disk slides across the surface. Answer in units of m/s.
Question 11, chap 8, sect 5.
part 1 of 3 10 points
A(n) 139 g arrow is shot straight up into the air with a speed of 16 m/s. It reaches a maximum height of 12.0612 m. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 . Find the initial kinetic energy.
Answer in units of J.
Question 12, chap 8, sect 5.
part 2 of 3 10 points
Find the potential energy at its highest position. Answer in units of J.
Question 13, chap 8, sect 5.
part 3 of 3 10 points
Find the magnitude of the energy lost due to air resistance. Answer in units of J.
Question 14, chap 8, sect 5.
part 1 of 2 10 points
A bead slides without friction around a loop-the-loop. The bead is released from a height 24.2 m from the bottom of the loop- the-loop which has a radius 9 m. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 .
24.2 m 9 m
What is its speed at point A ? Answer in units of m/s.
Question 15, chap 8, sect 5.
part 2 of 2 10 points
How large is the normal force on it at point A if its mass is 4 g?
Answer in units of N.
Question 16, chap 8, sect 5.
part 1 of 3 10 points
A block starts at rest and slides down a fric- tionless track (as shown in the figure below). It leaves the track horizontally, flies through
the air, and subsequently strikes the ground. The acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s2 .
b b b b b b
b b
b b
434 g
4 .6
2 .3
9 .8 1 m / s2
What is the speed v of the ball when it leaves the track? Answer in units of m/s.
Question 17, chap 8, sect 5.
part 2 of 3 10 points
What is the horizontal distance x the block travels in the air? Answer in units of m.
Question 18, chap 8, sect 5.
part 3 of 3 10 points
What is the speed of the block when it hits the ground? Answer in units of m/s

Imagine a superfast fish that is able to swim faster than the speed of sound in water. Would this fish produce a “sonic boom”?

Imagine a superfast fish that is able to swim faster than the speed of sound in water. Would this fish produce a “sonic boom”?
· Use the concepts from this module to explain why flying bees buzz.
· If the handle of a tuning fork were to be handled firmly against a table, would the sound from the tuning fork change? If so, what would change?
· The strings of a harp have different length in order to produce different notes. However, given that the strings in a guitar have all the same length, how are the different notes produced?

Imagine a superfast fish that is able to swim faster than the speed of sound in water. Would this fish produce a “sonic boom”?

Imagine a superfast fish that is able to swim faster than the speed of sound in water. Would this fish produce a “sonic boom”?
· Use the concepts from this module to explain why flying bees buzz.
· If the handle of a tuning fork were to be handled firmly against a table, would the sound from the tuning fork change? If so, what would change?
· The strings of a harp have different length in order to produce different notes. However, given that the strings in a guitar have all the same length, how are the different notes produced?