1. As a baseball is being thrown, it goes from 0.0 to 40.0 m/s in 0.18 s. (a) What is the acceleration of the baseball?

As a baseball is being thrown, it goes from 0.0 to 40.0 m/s in 0.18 s.
(a) What is the acceleration of the baseball?
(b) What is the acceleration in g’s?
A child sits on the edge of a spinning merry-go-round that has a radius of 3.0 m. The child’s speed is 5 m/s. What is the child’s acceleration?
During a NASCAR race a car goes 78 m/s around a curved section of track that has a radius of 240 m. What is the car’s acceleration?
Initially stationary (the train starts at rest), a train has a constant acceleration of 0.6 m/s2.
(a) What is its speed after 38 s?
(b) What would be the total time it would take to reach a speed of 43 m/s?
A rock is dropped off the side of a bridge and hits the water below 5.9 s later.
(a) What was the rock’s velocity when it hit the water?
(b) What was the rock’s average velocity as it fell?
(c) What is the height of the bridge above the water?
During takeoff, an airplane goes from 0 to 56 m/s in 9 s.
(a) What is its acceleration?
(b) How fast is it going after 4 s?
(c) How far has it traveled by the time it reaches 56 m/s?
A high-performance sports car can go from 0 to 100 mph in 8.0 s. (Assume the car travels in the positive direction. Indicate the direction with the sign of your answer.)
(a) What is the car’s average acceleration (in SI units; meter-kilogram-second)?
(b) The same car can come to a complete stop from 26 m/s in 5.7 s. What is its average acceleration?
A passenger jet flies from one airport to another 1,353 miles away in 2.7 h. Find its average speed in the mks system of units.
What are the “basic” or “fundamental” physical quantities? (Select all that apply.)
Why are they called that?
List the physical quantities identified in this chapter. From which of the fundamental physical quantities is each derived? Which of them are vectors, and which are scalars?
What is the distinction between speed and velocity? Describe a situation in which an object’s speed is constant but its velocity is not.
What does the slope of a distance-versus-time graph represent physically?

1. A diamond has a mass of 56.6 g and the gold ring it is set in has a mass of 125.6 g. How many carbon atoms are there compared to gold atoms?

1. A diamond has a mass of 56.6 g and the gold ring it is set in has a mass of 125.6 g. How many carbon atoms are there compared to gold atoms?
2. On a warm summer day in California it can get as hot as 115oF, and on some cold winter days it can get as cold as -20oF. What are these temperatures in Celsius?
3. An aluminum sphere is 5.50 cm in radius. What is its volume expansion coefficient if it increases in volume 2.00 cm3 when heated from 100 oC to 151 oC?
4. Carbon 12 is defined such that 12g is one mole. So if a diamond is 37.5 g, how many moles of carbon are in it? How many molecules of carbon are in it?
5. 400 L of water is at 4 oC. If it took a heat 600 seconds to heat this up to 6 oC, what is the power rating of the heater?
6. A 95g cup of tea at 85 oC is poured into a 1.25 L large tub of water at 30 oC . What is the equilibrium temperature?
7. 150 g of ice at -10.5 oC is raised to the melting point and then raised to 76.0 oC. How much heat is added to the system?
8. A distant star is 7000 K and radiates 1.20 x1027 W. What is the star’s radius? Assume ε = 1.0.

06.1 A system of two paint buckets connected by a lightweight rope (see diagram) is released from rest with the 6.0-kg bucket 2.00 m above the floor. Find the speed of buckets when the 6.0-kg bucket hits the ground.

06.1 A system of two paint buckets connected by a lightweight rope (see diagram) is released from rest with the 6.0-kg bucket 2.00 m above the floor. Find the speed of buckets when the 6.0-kg bucket hits the ground. You can assume that there is no friction and that the pulley and rope are massless.
06.2 A mass m = 0.50 kg is pushed against the end of a spring, compressing it by an amount d = 40 cm from its relaxed position. The spring has spring constant k = 15 N/m. The mass is released from rest and slides along a flat frictionless surface. It then slides into a frictionless semicircle of radius R = 60 cm (see diagram).
(a) What is the largest angle the mass reaches before it stops?
(b) What is the normal force when the mass reaches its largest angle obtained in part (a)?
06.3 A 3.0-kg block is connected to two ideal horizontal springs having force constants k1 = 14.0 N/cm and k2 = 20.0 N/cm (see diagram). The system is initially in equilibrium on a horizontal frictionless surface. The block is then pushed 12 cm to the right and released from rest. (a) What is the maximum speed of the block, and where does this occur? (b) As the block moves to the left, what is the maximum compression of spring 1? 06.4 An 80-kg bicyclist coasts down a hill that makes a 12o angle with the horizontal at a speed of 8.0 m/s. (a) If the drag force is given by Fdrag = -bv, what is the drag coefficient b? (b) If when peddling the bicyclist can generate 0.60 hp, how fast can he go up the hill?

#1 Helium-neon laser light with the wavelength of 632.8 nm is sent through a 0.300-mm wide single slit. a) What is the width of the central maximum observed on the screen 1.50 m from the slit? b) How far is the second dark band from the central maximum?

#1 Helium-neon laser light with the wavelength of 632.8 nm is sent through a 0.300-mm wide single slit.
a) What is the width of the central maximum observed on the screen 1.50 m from the slit?
b) How far is the second dark band from the central maximum?
#2 Magnesium fluoride is used in photography to apply a thin film of coating onto lens surface of a
camera in order to minimize reflection The index of refraction of the lens is 1.60 while the covering
coating layer has the index of refraction of 1.38. If the coating layer helps to produce destructive
interference for the green light of 550 nm, find the minimum thickness of the coating layer.
b) how many phase reversals does occur in this case? Explain.
#3 What is the minimum frequency of the visible prominent lines emitted by hydrogen gas discharge?
(Determine using the Balmer series formula).
#4 A parallel beam of light from a He-Ne laser, with a wavelength of 656 nm falls on two slits
and produces an interference pattern in which the third order fringe is 32 mm from the central fringe
on a screen 1.6 m away. a) What is the separation of the two slits?
b) What is the width of the central bright band?
An oil film (n=1.45) floating on water (n = 1.33) is illuminated by white light an normal
incidence. The film is 2.80×102 nm thick. Find a) the wavelength and color of the light in the
visible spectrum most strongly reflected and b) the wavelength and color of the light in the
visible spectrum most strongly transmitted.

1. hyperopia is usually corrected with……

1. hyperopia is usually corrected with
cylindrical lenses
achromatic doublet lenses
diverging lenses
converging lenses
5 points
1. myopia is usually corrected with
cylindrical lenses
achromatic doublet lenses
diverging lenses
converging lenses
5 points
1. The far point of a near-sighted person
is usually closer than 25 cm from the eye
is at infinity
is usually farther than 25 cm from the eye but less than infinity
is 25 cm from the eye
5 points
1. As a person ages, their eyelenses become less and less able to squeeze themselves into the proper shape needed to bring light from nearby sources into a focus on the retina. This occurs because
The eyelens changes shape as we age
The index of refraction of the eyelens becomes smaller as we age
Additional layers form on the eyelens, insulating it from the vitreous humor liquid and making it less flexible
The eyelens moves farther into the eye as we age
5 points
1. For three people, their eyeglass prescriptions specify the following: +3D, -3D and bifocals. These three people are, respectively
Hyperopic, myopic, presbyopic
Astigmatic, myopic, presbyopic
Myopic, presbyopic, hyperopic
None of the above
5 points
1. The benefit of using a Schmidt corrector plate in a reflecting telescope is that
It bends the incoming parallel rays just enough to correct for the spherical aberration of the primary mirror
It covers the top of the telescope tube, keeping dirt and air currents out of the tube
Both A and B
It brings the rays to a focus
5 points
1. An object sits at the focal point of a parabolic mirror. At what distance from the mirror will the image of the object be created?
It will be imaged at half its focal length
It will be imaged at its focal length
It will be imaged at twice its focal length
None – the beams will be reflected parallel to each other and no image will be formed
5 points
1. Why do reflecting telescopes use curved mirrors instead of flat mirrors?
To make converging beams of light become parallel
To redirect parallel beams of light to converge to a point
Because curved mirrors reflect light in a wavelength-dependent way
None of the above
5 points
1. The reason why chromatic aberration isn’t a problem for reflecting telescopes is that
The law of reflection holds for all wavelengths, so blue light and red light are reflected by the same amount
The shape of the mirror in a reflector telescope can compensate for the chromatic aberration
Only specific wavelengths of light are reflected
A and C
5 points
1. The more curved a convex lens becomes, the smaller its focal length becomes, and vice versa. What then is the focal length of a flat, plane piece of glass?
depends on the index of refraction, n, of the glass
it’s effectively infinite
it’s very small if illuminated by red light, and very large if illuminated by blue light
5 points
1. How does the light-gathering power of an 8-meter telescope compare to a 3-meter telescope?
It is about 2.5 times larger
It is about 5 times larger
It is about 7 times larger
It is about 7 times smaller
5 points
1. I am nearsighted (myopic), so instead of my far point being infinitely far away, it’s ony 80 cm away. How many diopters will my prescription glasses need?
none; my vision is fine!
5 points
1. The figure shows a schematic diagram of a defective eye and some lenses. Which of the lenses shown can correct for this defect?
(biconvex lens)
(planar lens)
(plano-concave lens)
(bi-concave lens)
(negative meniscus lens)
5 points
1. When the ciliary muscles of the eye remain tensed for a significant period of time, eyestrain results. Which of the following instruments is least related to eye strain?
A telescope
A microscope
A magnifying glass
5 points
1. Observatories are usually located on mountaintops because
On the mountaintop it’s closer to the stars
Higher up the air is steadier and drier, and this makes for better seeing of the sky
There is less wind on a mountaintop
It’s usually warmer on mountaintops, making it easier on astronomers
5 points
1. I have a refracting telescope with an objective lens focal length f=200 mm. I have three possible eyepieces I can use with this telescope, having focal lengths of 9 mm, 25mm and 50 mm. I want to look at the planet Jupiter though the telescope, and I would like to make out details on the banded clouds encircling the planet (i.e., I’d like to see a highly magnified view). Which eyepiece would I best use for this?
9 mm
25 mm
50 mm
It doesn’t matter which one
5 points
1. Similar to the above question, I have a refracting telescope with an objective lens focal length f=200 mm. I have three possible eyepieces I can use with this telescope, having focal lengths of 9 mm, 25mm and 50 mm. I want to look at a cluster of stars which are well spread apart from each other on the sky. Which eyepiece would I best use for this?
9 mm
25 mm
50 mm
It doesn’t matter which one
5 points
1. By the Rayleigh criterion, if I use a 4-meter telescope, I can make out stars that are ____ as far apart
as stars observed through a 2-meter telescope
None of the above
5 points
1. Parallel rays of light are shown entering the lens system in the attached diagram. The two lenses are separated by their combined focal lengths. Which answer best describes the rays after they pass through the second lens?
Beam widens (but rays still parallel)
Beam narrows (but rays still parallel)
Beam is focused
Beam diverges
5 points
1. Which of these statements best explains why a telescope enables us to see details of a distant object such as the Moon or a planet more clearly?
The telescope only lets through shorter wavelengths which are easier for our eye to detect
The image formed by the telescope allows us to make out the object in more detail
The image formed by the telescope is larger than the object
Both B and C: the image is larger and we resolve more detail

1) You discover an Earth-like planet around another star (50 light years away from Earth) with the same mass and diameter as the Earth. You determine that it takes 400 days for the planet to make one orbit around the star. One scientist says that the planet has to have semi-major axis that is greater than 1 AU. Another scientist corrects him and says that it is possible for the planet to have a semi-major axis of less than 1 AU. How could the second scientist be correct?

1) You discover an Earth-like planet around another star (50 light years away from Earth) with the same mass and diameter as the Earth. You determine that it takes 400 days for the planet to make one orbit around the star. One scientist says that the planet has to have semi-major axis that is greater than 1 AU. Another scientist corrects him and says that it is possible for the planet to have a semi-major axis of less than 1 AU. How could the second scientist be correct?
2) Your friend says there is a star with an azimuth of 8 degrees, altitude of 74 degrees, and an apparent magnitude of 2.0 in the sky at 10:00 pm on July 28, 2014 in South Hadley. It is a perfectly clear night. Should you be able to see this star in South Hadley on July 28, 2014 at 10:00 pm using just your eyes? Why or why not?
3) In movies, planets appear to have the same acceleration of gravity as the Earth. Would you typically expect this be true for planets in our galaxy? Give a reason to support your answer.
4) If you are floating in space, is the force of attraction between you and the Earth exactly zero? Why or why not?
5) You travel to another star system and meet some aliens. They say there are 50 constellations in the sky and not 88? Why would they say this?
6) Somebody says the reason the Earth has seasons is because the Earth is closer to the Sun during the summer and farther away during the winter. Is this person correct? If the person is incorrect, give a reason why that person is incorrect.
7) A photon has a wavelength of 3 meters. What is this photon’s frequency and energy? What part of the electromagnetic spectrum does this photon fall in? Where are the telescopes that observe this part of the electromagnetic spectrum usually located? Why?
8) A 20-km asteroid is discovered by a spacecraft to currently be on the exact opposite side of the Sun from the Earth so it is currently not observable with telescopes on Earth. It is in a counter-clockwise orbit around the Sun. It has a semi-major axis of 1.0 AU and its orbit is almost completely circular with an eccentricity of 0.0167. Would you expect this asteroid to be ever visible in the sky with a telescope from Earth? Why or why not?
9) Do you think Eris should be considered a planet? Why or why not? Give two reasons for your opinion.
10) The bottom spectrum contains spectral lines measured in a laboratory while the top spectrum contains spectral lines measured for a supernova (exploding star). Are the star’s spectral lines redshifted or blueshifted? How do you know for sure? Estimate the velocity the supernova appears to be moving away or towards you.
11) What are two reasons why one star may appear brighter than another star in the sky on a perfectly clear night?
12) A newly discovered element has an atomic number of 114 and an atomic mass of 289. How many protons, neutrons, and electrons does a neutral atom of this element have?
13) An asteroid takes 12 years to orbit the Sun. What is its semi-major axis?
14) Why can radio telescopes be located on the surface of the Earth while gamma-ray telescopes are not?
15) Why do people say when you are looking at galaxies, you are looking backwards in time?
16) An object is 200 oC. What is this temperature in Kelvin? What would happen to water at this temperature on the surface of the Earth?
17) What are two problems with building a refracting telescope with a 2-meter diameter lens?
18) Over the summer, you see an object travelling through the constellation Orion. Could it be one the eight planets?
19) In a perfect vacuum, would you expect visible wavelength photon or a gamma-ray photon to travel faster? Why or why not?
20) What would have a larger force on you when you were born: a doctor in the delivery room or the star Sirius. Show all calculations for full credit.
21) Why was Pluto considered a planet when it was discovered in 1930 but is now considered a dwarf planet? Be detailed in your answer.
22) Would you expect a star that appears red in the sky to have a hotter surface temperature than the Sun or a cooler one? Why?
23) If you can travel at the speed of light, approximately how long will it take you to travel to the star Sirius (8.611 light years away)?
24) Why has the number of known planets in our solar system changed over the last ~200 years?
25) Name one thing that you have learned so far in the class that you didn’t know before.