In this lesson, you explored the feudal systems of Japan and Europe. You also learned about the similarities and differences between bushido and chivalry. Use this knowledge to complete an outline of your own modern code of chivalry.

In this lesson, you explored the feudal systems of Japan and Europe. You also learned about the similarities and differences between bushido and chivalry. Use this knowledge to complete an outline of your own modern code of chivalry.
Part I
Answer each question using three to four complete sentences.
· What are the main elements of Japanese bushido?
· What are the main elements of European chivalry?
· Which of the elements of bushido and chivalry would work well for a code of chivalry in today’s world? Explain.
Part II
Complete this chart to outline your modern code of chivalry. Your code of chivalry should be designed for today’s world, but based on five elements related to the bushido code of feudal Japan and the code of chivalry of feudal Europe. A sample element in the chart has been completed for you.

Your Elements Which culture influenced it? Why is it helpful in today’s world?
Example  loyalty to your government The bushido of Japan and the chivalry of Europe both emphasized strong loyalty to a lord. Strong loyalty to your government promotes involvement in civic and societal issues and promotes a willingness to work together to solve problems.

What social and economic conditions contributed to the various reform movements in the early to mid-1800s? In what areas do you see a connection between abolitionism and women's rights movement?

  1. What social and economic conditions contributed to the various reform movements in the early to mid-1800s?
  2. In what areas do you see a connection between abolitionism and women’s rights movement?

A précis is a short summary of a longer written work.  A good précis will summarize, as succinctly and accurately as possible, the main point(s) of the article and illustrate the basic structure of its argument. 

A précis is a short summary of a longer written work.  A good précis will summarize, as succinctly and accurately as possible, the main point(s) of the article and illustrate the basic structure of its argument.  Imagine yourself preparing a short memorandum for a busy colleague or superior who must wade through a vast quantity of important information in a short period of time.  What does he or she need to know about the arguments in this article?   How effectively can you communicate that in no more than 300 words?
Concision, clarity, and accuracy are the goals of this assignment.  Extensive quotation of the article is both unnecessary and unwise.  If done properly, this assignment will be quite difficult.  As with all course essays, please prepare and upload your precis in a Canvas-compatible file format such as .doc, .docx, .rtf, or .pdf.  Please note that Canvas cannot digest OS X Pages documents at this time.

Prepare a presentation about a vacation or a retreat to a sacred place in mythology, for example, the Oracle at Delphi or the Mahabodhi Temple. This place may or may not currently exist. The mythological origins, history, and functions of the place Any sacred objects and attributes associated with the deities and mythological origins of this place, for example, Apollo's snake and lyre or Buddha's bodhi tree — Discuss the symbolism of these objects as used by contemporary people and cultures.

Prepare a presentation about a vacation or a retreat to a sacred place in mythology, for example, the Oracle at Delphi or the Mahabodhi Temple. This place may or may not currently exist. The mythological origins, history, and functions of the place Any sacred objects and attributes associated with the deities and mythological origins of this place, for example, Apollo’s snake and lyre or Buddha’s bodhi tree — Discuss the symbolism of these objects as used by contemporary people and cultures.

  • A comparison of this place to those that serve similar functions in other cultures, for example, mountain tops, temples, burial sites or memorials, and so on
  • The relevance of this place and these objects in contemporary culture — What significance do these places or things hold in the minds and emotions of the people? How do these places or things connect to mythological stories from that culture? What is the role of place and the associated objects?
  • The most important facts to know about the surrounding culture, and etiquette and dress to follow when visiting to this place — With what knowledge and experiences would you hope to return home?

Based on your understanding of nursing today, discuss how the Healthy People 2020 initiative could be used by you, as a nurse, to make a difference in the health and wellness of people in your area.

one-two paragraphs, apa , please include reference
Based on your understanding of nursing today, discuss how the Healthy People 2020 initiative could be used by you, as a nurse, to make a difference in the health and wellness of people in your area.
(2)Using one of the theories, explain the importance of health and wellness models to professional nursing practice and the impact it has on individual nurses.
I’ve attached the different model theories below.

Based on the “Healing and Autonomy” case study, fill out all the relevant boxes below. Provide the information by means of bullet points or a well-structured paragraph in the box. Gather as much data as possible.

Based on the “Healing and Autonomy” case study, fill out all the relevant boxes below. Provide the information by means of bullet points or a well-structured paragraph in the box. Gather as much data as possible.

Medical Indications
Beneficence and Nonmaleficence
Patient Preferences
Medical indications are the clinical data that is required to diagnose a patient and the extent of severity relating the medical problem thus determining the treatment options. Beneficence indicates acting with the best intentions in mind while non-beneficence emphasizes on do not harm. The parents of James were acting in his best interests despite the medical indications that James’s conditions would get worse if not treated. They had no intention of harming him and came back when his condition did not improve. Patient preferences refer to the expressed choice of the patient or the substitute decision maker. Autonomy emphasizes on the right of a person to make his/her own decision (Beever, 2016). James is an underage kid that is 8 years old thus cannot exercise autonomy rights. However, the parents should have consulted James before making their decision despite his age to know whether he was comfortable with their decision. The physician could hardly impact this decision but could have at least talked to the parents.
Quality of Life
Beneficence, Nonmaleficence, Autonomy
Contextual Features
Justice and Fairness
Quality of life refers to the relevant medical features of the life of a patient before and after the treatment. James condition before treatment was worse but after constantly undergoing dialysis his condition improved. However, he needs a kidney transplant to effectively address his condition and his father is thinking his brother should give him the kidney or they should rely on faith. Based on the previous encounter, the parents should first consult James and listen to his views regarding the issue. The last time they depended on their faith, the condition of James got worse, thus they should act with his best interests in mind and allow him to get a kidney transplant from his brother. Contextual features determine the legal, social and familial setting that influences one’s medical decisions (Gillon, 2018). The faith of James’s parents that he can be healed through prayers influenced their medical decisions. They are also considering on depending on their faith instead of allowing James to have a kidney transplant from his brother. Justice and fairness emphasizes on equality. The conflict of interest came up when the ideal tissue match was identified as that of his brother. The parents therefore were willing to allow other people including themselves to donate a kidney for James but are not willing for his brother to do so.

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Part 2: Evaluation

Answer each of the following questions about how principlism would be applied:

1. In 200-250 words answer the following: According to the Christian worldview, which of the four principles is most pressing in this case? Explain why. (45 points)

According to the Christian worldview, beneficence is the principle that is most pressing. This is because the parents are acting with the best of intentions in mind about their son. They have faith that their son will be healed through intensive prayers. They therefore prefer prayers more compared to treatment because of the faith. We cannot put a blame on them because of the deteriorating health of their son because they acted in good faith and as soon as they noticed his condition was getting worse they brought him back to the hospital.

2. In 200-250 words answer the following: According to the Christian worldview, how might a Christian rank the priority of the four principles? Explain why. (45 points)

A Christian can rank the priority of the four principles in such a manner that beneficence comes first then non-maleficence followed by justice and fairness and lastly autonomy. This is because according to Christians, parents should show love to their children by acting in their best interests which is associated to the principle of autonomy. Parents should also ensure that no matter what, they should not harm their children which relates to the principle of non-maleficence (Carr, 2017). Christians are supposed to practice justice and fairness in all their encounters and experiences. Lastly, Christians should also give one another a chance to indicate they thought regarding a certain decision which is associated with the principle of autonomy.