Develop a vision statement for any organization of your choice. Your vision statement should be designed to encourage a high-performing and competitive future for the organization and promote servant leadership. Keep the vision under 50 words.  How can servant leadership impact followers’ attitudes and behaviors in organizations? What is the role of followership in supporting servant leaders?

 Develop a vision statement for any organization of your choice. Your vision statement should be designed to encourage a high-performing and competitive future for the organization and promote servant leadership. Keep the vision under 50 words.  How can servant leadership impact followers’ attitudes and behaviors in organizations? What is the role of followership in supporting servant leaders? Explain how servant leadership can improve communities and society. Why is leadership courage important to realize these changes? What could lead to Greenleaf’s theology of institutions becoming a viable model for making societal change? What stands in the way of this idea being achievable?

In Chapter 9 of the textbook, Laub argues that a servant organization “is one in which the characteristics of servant leadership are displayed through the organizational culture and practiced by the leadership and the workforce.” Select one of the servant leader organizations from “Fortune’s Best Companies to Work for With Servant Leadership” and explain how the characteristics of servant leadership are displayed and practiced within that organization. (*Note: Do not use SWA or TDIndustries.)
Develop a vision statement for any organization of your choice. Your vision statement should be designed to encourage a high-performing and competitive future for the organization and promote servant leadership. Keep the vision under 50 words.  How can servant leadership impact followers’ attitudes and behaviors in organizations? What is the role of followership in supporting servant leaders? Explain how servant leadership can improve communities and society. Why is leadership courage important to realize these changes? What could lead to Greenleaf’s theology of institutions becoming a viable model for making societal change? What stands in the way of this idea being achievable?

For this assignment, you will apply what you have learned during the course to develop and present a case and treatment plan for a fictional or real client encountered in clinical practice. Your case analysis will be completed in three sections totaling five to seven pages (excluding title page and references) and will be graded using the case study grading rubric.

For this assignment, you will apply what you have learned during the course to develop and present a case and treatment plan for a fictional or real client encountered in clinical practice. Your case analysis will be completed in three sections totaling five to seven pages (excluding title page and references) and will be graded using the case study grading rubric.
Part A: Clinical Assessment
1. Record your client assessment, diagnosis (medical and psychiatric differentials), medical and psychiatric history and psychosocial factors that impact the case. This information should be presented in the same format as your Wheeler (2014) textbook’s Sample Clinical Assessment Form, found on pages 143–145. The link is below, pages 54-56.
2. Conclude Part A with a one-page description of this fictional patient, including all the relevant information outlined in the clinical assessment form as well as relevant and realistic information acquired from your research. Refer to the APA  Clinical Practice Guidelines .
Part B: Therapy Session
You will design a therapy session for your client based on his or her preceding clinical assessment. Part B of your assignment will be assessed on your demonstration of proper therapeutic communication. The empathy demonstrated should be consistent with the following operational definition: Empathy is a critical tool for establishing a trusting therapeutic relationship. Rather than parrot back what your client has said, good empathy reflects the thoughts and feelings of your client and notes the importance of what has been communicated. In doing so, it invites the client to self-explore. Empathic feedback avoids “why” questions. When appropriately relayed in a tentative manner, good therapeutic empathy also gives the client a chance to redirect or correct what the counselor has said.
Your session transcript should:
· Use your personal experiences to replicate realistic patient responses as well as clinical responses.
· Be a written transcript of more than 2,100 words (at least 15 minutes in length).
· Evidence empathic feedback that adheres to the operational definition of empathy in the counselor’s responses to most of the client’s remarks.
Part C: Therapeutic Intervention
Much of the information you learn through your research can help inform the development of your patient. Research evidence-based interventions involving both psychopharmacological and nonpharmacological services to individuals who have been assessed in a mental health setting.
There should be three to five evidence-based articles and interventions that encompass both medication and non-medication modalities. Be sure to include two different therapeutic approaches when discussing non-medication interventions. For example, when selecting therapeutic approaches, you can select client-centered and cognitive behavioral therapy.

How do different parts of the brain influence our behavior? How do central nervous system depressants, such as alcohol, affect our behavior?

How do different parts of the brain influence our behavior? How do central nervous system depressants, such as alcohol, affect our behavior?
Make sure to reference and cite your textbook as well as any other source you may use to support your answers to the question. Your initial post must include appropriate APA references at the end.

Using the revised treatment plan completed in Topic 7, complete a discharge summary for your client using the "Discharge Summary" template. This discharge summary should address the following: What behaviors would indicate that the client is sustaining at a healthy baseline? How would you determine if Eliza met her treatment goals?

Using the revised treatment plan completed in Topic 7, complete a discharge summary for your client using the “Discharge Summary” template. This discharge summary should address the following: What behaviors would indicate that the client is sustaining at a healthy baseline? How would you determine if Eliza met her treatment goals?

  1. What factors would determine if the treatment needed to be reevaluated, extended, or possibly referred to another clinician or setting?
  2. Based on your assessment of current symptomology, does your client, Eliza, need wraparound services, outpatient references, and/or step-down services? (Recommendations should be based on the information gathered for second mandatory evaluation).
  3. How would you encourage involvement in community-based resources?

Using the revised treatment plan completed in Topic 7, complete a discharge summary for your client using the "Discharge Summary" template. This discharge summary should address the following: What behaviors would indicate that the client is sustaining at a healthy baseline? How would you determine if Eliza met her treatment goals?

Using the revised treatment plan completed in Topic 7, complete a discharge summary for your client using the “Discharge Summary” template. This discharge summary should address the following: What behaviors would indicate that the client is sustaining at a healthy baseline? How would you determine if Eliza met her treatment goals?

  1. What factors would determine if the treatment needed to be reevaluated, extended, or possibly referred to another clinician or setting?
  2. Based on your assessment of current symptomology, does your client, Eliza, need wraparound services, outpatient references, and/or step-down services? (Recommendations should be based on the information gathered for second mandatory evaluation).
  3. How would you encourage involvement in community-based resources?

Write a 400-500-word exegetical essay discussing how to faithfully apply their selected passage in a contemporary setting. The essay should bein 12 point, Times New Romans font. Format per the Turabian guidelines.Resources for Turabian formatting may be found in the Online Writing Center. Your paper should follow the footnote method of citation.

Write a 400-500-word exegetical essay discussing how to faithfully apply their selected passage in a contemporary setting. The essay should bein 12 point, Times New Romans font. Format per the Turabian guidelines.Resources for Turabian formatting may be found in the Online Writing Center. Your paper should follow the footnote method of citation.