Discuss strengths/limitation of the theory.

  • Discuss strengths/limitation of the theory.
  • How does it apply to your selected individual?
  • Images to support your points.
  • Evaluation of cultural influences on personality development of your celebrity.
  • A minimum of two (2) educational/peer reviewed sources from the library. These should be journal articles from psychology journals related to course topics.
  • Speaker notes to add details to your slides.

Please select at least two (2) of the following theories in discussing your selected individual:

  • Trait theory: Discuss the traits the celebrity possesses according to the different trait theories discussed in the text. (i.e Allport, Cattell, Eysenck, the Big Five, etc.)
  • Psychodynamic Theory: Discuss any unconscious conflicts the celebrity might be experiencing, and whether they are fixated at any of the psychosexual stages. (i.e. Freud, Jung, Adler, Erickson, Horney, etc.)
  • Cognitive-Behavioral:  What thought patterns might the celebrity have learned?  How do their thoughts, behaviors, and environment influence each other? (i.e. Skinner, Kelly, Mischel, Bandura, etc.)
  • Humanistic Theories:  What sort of self-image does this celebrity have?  Is their ideal self similar to their actual self? (i.e. Rogers, Maslow, Buddhism, etc.)

1. Code the data.

1. Code the data.

2. Present the results in a table similar to Table 1 in Assignment Tables document.

3. Create a codebook in a table similar to Table 2 in Assignment Tables document.

4. Words or Phrases That Appear Frequently

5. Create a table for each theme similar to Table 3 in Assignment Tables document.

6. Inductively Developed Themes

7. Write a report of the results. Include an introduction, discussion of your sample and instruments, data analysis, results, recommendations, and references.

8. See complete directions in “Assignments Document.”

· Construct research questions

· Construct research questions

· Evaluate research design through research questions

· Analyze correlation and bivariate regression

· Analyze measures for correlation and bivariate regression

· Analyze significance of correlation and bivariate regression

· Analyze results for correlation and bivariate regression testing

· Analyze assumptions of correlation and bivariate regression

· Analyze implications for social change

· Evaluate research related to correlation and bivariate regression

Learning Resources

By Day 7

By Day 7

Submit a 2 page paper that addresses the following:

  • Briefly describe three reasons why employees may resist the organizational change described in the case study.
  • Using the follower typologies in this week’s readings, describe two types of employees that are likely to resist the change and two types of employees that are likely to embrace the change, and explain why.
  • Recommend two leadership strategies for reducing employee resistance to organizational change. Provide specific examples of how each strategy would reduce employee resistance to change.

Topic 1 DQ 1

Topic 1 DQ 1

Messias (2014) outlined five epochs in the history of psychology. Consider the progression of these epochs and the factors that marked the end of one epoch and the beginning of the next. Which epoch do you believe to be the most significantly different from the one immediately prior? Why? How does this difference advance the field of psychology? Explain.

Unit 1 DQ 2

Derrida, Brault, and Naas (1994) asserted a philosophy of psychoanalysis that claims “madness” is not necessarily a disease, but a cognitive process lacking reason. Do you agree? Why or why not? Does the philosophy of Derrida, Brault, and Naas affirm or refute Freudian principles? Explain.

Unit 2 DQ 1

Freud started his theoretical postulations by studying patients with hysterical or conversion reactions. This led to his realization that his patients had conscious and unconscious aspects of memory. Why was this realization significant? How did this influence the development of the field of psychology? Explain.

Unit 2 DQ 2

What is the relationship between Freud’s notion of a “secondary system” and his abandonment of the “seduction hypothesis?” Do you believe his abandonment of the “seduction hypothesis” was the right choice for future of psychology? Why or why not?

Unit 3 DQ 1

What do you believe to be optimal stimulation and optimal frustration during Freudian psychosexual stages? Support your view.

Unit 3 DQ 2

Is the topographical model a better model than Freud’s structural model? Why or why not?

Unit 4 DQ 1

Klein found different children have alternative psychosexual periods to that of Freud. Why was this significant in the rise of Neo-Freudian theory? Support your view.

Unit 4 DQ 2

Klein found different children have alternative psychosexual periods to those proposed by Freud such as girls in their oral stage who may turn to their fathers. Do you agree with Klein’s assertions? Why or why not?

Unit 5 DQ 1

Winnicott described “early processes” including integration, personalization, and realization. Which of these do you believe to be the most significant? Why?

Unit 5 DQ 2

Watts and Erguner-Tekinalp (2017) discussed how several Neo-Freudian approaches have been influenced by Alfred Adler’s theory. Does this rise of positive psychology signal the beginning of the decline of psychoanalytic theory? Why or why not?

Unit 6 DQ 1

In Chapter 13 of the textbook on page 482, Heinz Kohut (the Father of Self Psychology) is credited with expressing the notion of a “joyful creative activity” as important for analytic success. Given Kohut’s ideas, what do you believe are the best ways to achieve this state? Support your position with relevant literature and specific “real world” examples. (Be sure not to present information that might specifically identify any individual.)

Unit 6 DQ 2

Kirsch and Mertens (2018) found, through their neuroscientific research, biological correlates to Freudian drive states. Why do you believe these findings are significant in the evolution of psychoanalytic theory? Explain.

Unit 7 DQ 1

Review the De Carli et. al. (2018) study regarding psychoanalysis and empirical research. What were the findings? Do you agree with the findings? Why or why not?

Unit 7 DQ 2

Consider the information in Chapter 18 of the Ellman text. What points do you believe are the most useful for conducting dissertation research? Why?

Unit 8 DQ 1

Bruno, Dell’Aversana, and Guidetti (2018) discussed how they used gaming theory and psychoanalytic approaches to better understand how to teach conflict management within an organization. Does this alter your view (positively or negatively) of Neo-Freudian and psychodynamic theory? Why or why not?

Unit 8 DQ 2

Consider the four major areas of psychoanalytic theory addressed in this course. Which of these, if any, do you believe will be of help to you as you consider the theoretical foundation and other aspects of your dissertation? Why?

Briefly describe the threat in the context of the study description,

(1) Briefly describe the threat in the context of the study description, (2) name the threat, and (3) explain how internal validity is threatened.