1. A 10.0 cm radius piston compresses a gas isothermally from a height of 15.0 cm to 2.50 cm at a constant pressure of 2.0 atm. a) How much heat was added to the gas?

1. A 10.0 cm radius piston compresses a gas isothermally from a height of 15.0 cm to 2.50 cm at a constant pressure of 2.0 atm.
a) How much heat was added to the gas?
b) Now if 7000 J of heat is added to the system and the piston is only moves 5.0 cm up, what is the change in the internal energy of the system is the pressure is again constant at 2.0 atm?
2. Sketch a PV diagram for the following process:
a) A 2.0 L gas undergoes an isovolumetric increase in pressure from 1.0 atm to 2.0 atm
b) An isothermal compression from 2.0 atm and 2.0 L to 1.0 atm and 1.0 L
c) An isobaric compression from 2.0 L to 1.0 L
3. An ideal gas expands at a constant total pressure of 2.5 atm from 3.45 L to 6.70 L. Heat then flows out of the gas at constant volume, and the pressure and temperature are allowed to drop until the temperature reaches its original value. Calculate:
a) the total work done by the gas in the process
b) the total heat flow into the gas.
4. Heat flows into an ideal gas at a constant volume. The pressure increases from 1.5 atm to 5.5 atm. Next the gas is compressed at constant pressure from 5.0 L to 2.5 L and goes back to its original temperature.
a) What is the total work done on the gas in the process?
b) What is the total change in internal energy?
c) What is the total heat flow of the process?

Question# 1:- You throw a ball vertically upward from the roof of a tall building. The ball leaves your hand at a point even with the roof railing with an upward speed of 15.0 m/s; the ball is then in free fall. On its way back down, it just misses the railing. Find a) the ball’s position and velocity 1.00 s, 2.00 s, 3.00 s, and 4.00 s after leaving your hand;

Question# 1:- You throw a ball vertically upward from the roof of a tall building. The ball leaves your hand at a point even with the roof railing with an upward speed of 15.0 m/s; the ball is then in free fall. On its way back down, it just misses the railing. Find
a) the ball’s position and velocity 1.00 s, 2.00 s, 3.00 s, and 4.00 s after leaving your hand;
b) the ball’s velocity when it is 5.00 m above the railing;
c) the maximum height reached;
d) the ball’s acceleration when it is at its maximum height.
e) At what time after being released has the ball fallen 5.00 m below the roof railing? and what will it’s speed be at that time?
f) At what time after being released has the ball fallen 2.00 m below the roof railing? and what will it’s speed be at that time?
Question# 2:- The boat in Figure 1 is heading due north as it crosses a wide river with a velocity of 10.0 km/h relative to the water. The river has a uniform velocity of 5.00 km/h due east. Determine the magnitude and direction of the boat’s velocity with respect to an observer on the riverbank.
Figure 1: Problem-2
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Question# 3:- A batter hits a baseball so that it leaves the bat at speed v0 = 37.0 m/s at an angle ↵0 = 53.1�.
a) Find the position of the ball and its velocity (magnitude and direction) at t = 2.00 s.
b) Find the time when the ball reaches the high- est point of its flight, and its height h at this time.
c) Find the horizontal range R that is, the hor- izontal distance from the starting point to where the ball hits the ground. Figure 2: Problem-3
Question# 4:- Two tanks are engaged in a training exercise on level ground. The first tank fires a paint-filled training round with a muzzle speed of 250 m/s at 10.0� above the horizontal while advancing toward the second tank with a speed of 15.0 m/s relative to the ground. The second tank is retreating at 35.0 m/s relative to the ground, but is hit by the shell. You can ignore air resistance and assume the shell hits at the same height above ground from which it was fired. Find the distance between the tanks
a) when the round was first fired and
b) at the time of impact.
Question# 5:- Workmen are trying to free an SUV stuck in the mud. To extricate the vehicle, they use three horizontal ropes, producing the force vectors shown Figure 3.
a) Find the x� and y�components of each of the three pulls.
b) Use the components to find the magnitude and direction of the resultant of the three pulls. Figure 3: Problem-5
Question# 6:- Two horses are pulling a barge with mass 2.00⇥103 kg along a canal, as shown in Figure 4. The cable connected to the first horse makes an angle of ✓1 = 30.0� with respect to the direction of the canal, while the cable connected to the second horse makes an angle of ✓1 = 30.0�. Find the initial acceleration of the barge, starting at rest, if each horse exerts a force of magnitude 6.00 ⇥ 102 N on the barge. Ignore forces of resistance on the barge.
Figure 4: Problem-6
Question# 7:- Two dogs pull horizontally on ropes attached to a post; the angle between the ropes is 60.0�. If dog A exerts a force of 270 N and dog B exerts a force of 300 N, find the magnitude of the resultant force and the angle it makes with dog A’s rope.
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Question# 8:- A 68.5-kg skater moving initially at 2.40 m/s on rough horizontal ice comes to rest uniformly in 3.52 s due to friction from the ice. What force does friction exert on the skater?
Question# 9:- You walk into an elevator, step onto a scale, and push the “up” button. You also recall that your normal weight is 625 N. Start answering each of the following questions by drawing a freebody diagram.
a) If the elevator has an acceleration of magnitude 2.50 m/s2, what does the scale read?
b) If you start holding a 3.85-kg package by a light vertical string, what will be the tension in this string once the elevator begins accelerating?
Question# 10:- A box rests on a frozen pond, which serves as a frictionless horizontal surface. If a fisherman applies a horizontal force with magnitude 48.0 N to the box and produces an acceleration of magnitude 3.00 m/s2, what is the mass of the box?
Question# 11:- Boxes A and B are in contact on a hor- izontal, frictionless surface, as shown in Figure 5. Box A has mass 20.0 kg and box B has mass 5.0 kg. A horizontal force of 100 N is exerted on box A. What is the magnitude of the force that box A exerts on box B? Figure 5: Problem-11
Question# 12:- Two objects of mass m1 and m2, with m2 > m1, are connected by a light, inextensible cord and hung over a frictionless pulley, as in Ac- tive Figure 6. Both cord and pulley have negligible mass. Find the magnitude of the acceleration of the system and the tension
Figure 6: Problem-12
Question# 13:- A 150-N bird feeder is supported by three cables as shown in Figure 7. Find the tension in each cable.
Figure 7: Problem-13
Question# 14:- An object with mass m1 = 5.00 kg rests on a frictionless horizontal table and is con- nected to a cable that passes over a pulley and is then fastened to a hanging object with mass m2 = 10.0 kg, as shown in Figure 8. Find
a) the acceleration of each object and
b) the tension in the cable. Figure 8: Problem-14

During heavy rain, a section of a mountainside measuring 3.8 km horizontally (perpendicular to the slope), 0.44 km up along the slope, and 2.7 m deep slips into a valley in a mud slide. Assume that the mud ends up uniformly distributed over a surface area of the valley measuring 1.2 km x 1.2 km and that the mass of a cubic meter of mud is 1900 kg. What is the mass of the mud sitting above a 3.7 m2 area of the valley floor?

During heavy rain, a section of a mountainside measuring 3.8 km horizontally (perpendicular to the slope), 0.44 km up along the slope, and 2.7 m deep slips into a valley in a mud slide. Assume that the mud ends up uniformly distributed over a surface area of the valley measuring 1.2 km x 1.2 km and that the mass of a cubic meter of mud is 1900 kg. What is the mass of the mud sitting above a 3.7 m2 area of the valley floor?
you push with a 20-n horizonal force on a 2-kg mass resting on a horizonal surface. the horizonal frictional force is 12 N . show that the accerleration is 4m/s2.
how many joules of potential energy does 1.5-kg book gain when it is elevated 2 m? when it is elevated 4 m
(let g= 10 N/kg)
calculated the number of joules of kinetic energy a 1-kg parrot has when it flies at 6m/s.
A skateboarder in a death-defying stunt decides to launch herself from a ramp on a hill. The skateboarder leaves the ramp at a height of 1.4 m above the slope, traveling 15 m s-1 and at an angle of 40o to the horizontal. The slope is inclined at 45o to the horizontal. a) How far down the slope does the skateboarder land? b) How long is the skateboarder in the air? c) With what velocity does the skateboarder land on the slope?

During heavy rain, a section of a mountainside measuring 3.8 km horizontally (perpendicular to the slope), 0.44 km up along the slope, and 2.7 m deep slips into a valley in a mud slide. Assume that the mud ends up uniformly distributed over a surface area of the valley measuring 1.2 km x 1.2 km and that the mass of a cubic meter of mud is 1900 kg. What is the mass of the mud sitting above a 3.7 m2 area of the valley floor?

During heavy rain, a section of a mountainside measuring 3.8 km horizontally (perpendicular to the slope), 0.44 km up along the slope, and 2.7 m deep slips into a valley in a mud slide. Assume that the mud ends up uniformly distributed over a surface area of the valley measuring 1.2 km x 1.2 km and that the mass of a cubic meter of mud is 1900 kg. What is the mass of the mud sitting above a 3.7 m2 area of the valley floor?
you push with a 20-n horizonal force on a 2-kg mass resting on a horizonal surface. the horizonal frictional force is 12 N . show that the accerleration is 4m/s2.
how many joules of potential energy does 1.5-kg book gain when it is elevated 2 m? when it is elevated 4 m
(let g= 10 N/kg)
calculated the number of joules of kinetic energy a 1-kg parrot has when it flies at 6m/s.
A skateboarder in a death-defying stunt decides to launch herself from a ramp on a hill. The skateboarder leaves the ramp at a height of 1.4 m above the slope, traveling 15 m s-1 and at an angle of 40o to the horizontal. The slope is inclined at 45o to the horizontal. a) How far down the slope does the skateboarder land? b) How long is the skateboarder in the air? c) With what velocity does the skateboarder land on the slope?

During heavy rain, a section of a mountainside measuring 3.8 km horizontally (perpendicular to the slope), 0.44 km up along the slope, and 2.7 m deep slips into a valley in a mud slide. Assume that the mud ends up uniformly distributed over a surface area of the valley measuring 1.2 km x 1.2 km and that the mass of a cubic meter of mud is 1900 kg. What is the mass of the mud sitting above a 3.7 m2 area of the valley floor?

During heavy rain, a section of a mountainside measuring 3.8 km horizontally (perpendicular to the slope), 0.44 km up along the slope, and 2.7 m deep slips into a valley in a mud slide. Assume that the mud ends up uniformly distributed over a surface area of the valley measuring 1.2 km x 1.2 km and that the mass of a cubic meter of mud is 1900 kg. What is the mass of the mud sitting above a 3.7 m2 area of the valley floor?
you push with a 20-n horizonal force on a 2-kg mass resting on a horizonal surface. the horizonal frictional force is 12 N . show that the accerleration is 4m/s2.
how many joules of potential energy does 1.5-kg book gain when it is elevated 2 m? when it is elevated 4 m
(let g= 10 N/kg)
calculated the number of joules of kinetic energy a 1-kg parrot has when it flies at 6m/s.
A skateboarder in a death-defying stunt decides to launch herself from a ramp on a hill. The skateboarder leaves the ramp at a height of 1.4 m above the slope, traveling 15 m s-1 and at an angle of 40o to the horizontal. The slope is inclined at 45o to the horizontal. a) How far down the slope does the skateboarder land? b) How long is the skateboarder in the air? c) With what velocity does the skateboarder land on the slope?

A 10.0 cm radius piston compresses a gas isothermally from a height of 15.0 cm to 2.50 cm at a constant pressure of 2.0 atm. a) How much heat was added to the gas?

A 10.0 cm radius piston compresses a gas isothermally from a height of 15.0 cm to 2.50 cm at a constant pressure of 2.0 atm.
a) How much heat was added to the gas?
) Now if 7000 J of heat is added to the system and the piston is only moves 5.0 cm up, what is the change in the internal energy of the system is the pressure is again constant at 2.0 atm?
Sketch a PV diagram for the following process:
a) A 2.0 L gas undergoes an isovolumetric increase in pressure from 1.0 atm to 2.0 atm
b) An isothermal compression from 2.0 atm and 2.0 L to 1.0 atm and 1.0 L
) An isobaric compression from 2.0 L to 1.0 L
An ideal gas expands at a constant total pressure of 2.5 atm from 3.45 L to 6.70 L. Heat then flows out of the gas at constant volume, and the pressure and temperature are allowed to drop until the temperature reaches its original value. Calculate:
a) the total work done by the gas in the process
Heat flows into an ideal gas at a constant volume. The pressure increases from 1.5 atm to 5.5 atm. Next the gas is compressed at constant pressure from 5.0 L to 2.5 L and goes back to its original temperature.
What is the total work done on the gas in the process?
b) What is the total change in internal energy?
An object has a weight of 400 N when it is dry. When it is completely submerged in water is has a weight of 150 N. What is the density of the material is the density of water is 1000 kg/m3?
A piece of gold with a mass of 5.50 kg and density of 19300 kg/m3 is suspended from a string and then totally immersed in a beaker of water. Using density of water is 1000 kg/m3
a) Determine the volume of the piece of gold.
b) Determine buoyant force on the gold when it is submersed.
A CD with a diameter of 12.5 cm goes from rest to a tangential velocity of 5.6 m/s. If it does this in 2.5 seconds, what is its angular acceleration?
A) 36 rad/s2
B) 16 rad/s2
If a car horn honking that is 450 m is heard 1.3 seconds after it goes off, what is the temperature in degrees Celsius?
.50 moles of an ideal gas is at 560K. Is the gas undergoes an adiabatic compression and 3750 J of work is done on the gas, what is the final temperature of the gas?