1. Consider a plane that flies due east on a trip, and then returns due west following the same exact route. Imagine also that there are no winds in each trip. Flying due east, the plane flies with the rotation of the Earth, while flying due west, it flies against the rotation. Will the flight times be the same? Different? Why?

1. Consider a plane that flies due east on a trip, and then returns due west following the same exact route. Imagine also that there are no winds in each trip. Flying due east, the plane flies with the rotation of the Earth, while flying due west, it flies against the rotation. Will the flight times be the same? Different? Why?
2.The velocity of an object falling in free fall increases with time. Does the acceleration also increase? Why or why not?
3.Why is that a cat that accidentally falls from a 50-story building hits a safety net below with the same speed as if it fell from a 20-story building?
4.What is the acceleration at the top of a jump?

A 5-kg fish swallows an absentminded 1-kg fish swimming towards it at a velocity that brings both fish to a halt immediately after lunch. What is the velocity of the smaller fish before it becomes lunch?

A 5-kg fish swallows an absentminded 1-kg fish swimming towards it at a velocity that brings both fish to a halt immediately after lunch. What is the velocity of the smaller fish before it becomes lunch?
· Use the concepts of this chapter to describe what would happen if you fire a gun that has bullet ten times as massive as the gun.
· An apple falls from a tree and strikes the ground without bouncing. What happens to its momentum? Is momentum conserved?
· You and your friend toss a ball back and forth in the middle aisle of an airplane in flight. Does the kinetic energy of the ball depend on the speed of the airplane?

1) A gas changes its state quasi-statically from A to C along the paths shown in the figure below. The work done by the gas is …

1) A gas changes its state quasi-statically from A to C along the paths shown in the figure below. The work done by the gas is
2) When 23 cal of heat are absorbed by a gas, the system performs 25 J of work. What is the change in the internal energy of the gas?
3) An ideal gas is allowed to expand isothermally until it reaches its final volume. It is then heated at constant volume until it reaches its final pressure. The initial state of the gas is P1 = 3.25 atm, V1 = 1.00 L, and Eint 1 = 470 J, and its final state has volume V2 = 3.25 L and Eint 2 = 974 J.
a) Calculate the work done by the gas. Be careful with signs: if the work you calculate turns out to be, for example, -50 J in our sign convention, this means that 50 J of work were done by the gas.
b) Find the heat absorbed by the gas during this process.

In a two-page paper, research three examples of technologies that use quantum mechanics. Explain, in your own words, how these applications impact society.

In a two-page paper, research three examples of technologies that use quantum mechanics. Explain, in your own words, how these applications impact society. If you or someone you know has ever had an MRI scan for a medical diagnosis, you have experienced the result of quantum physics for measuring bodily structures. Finally, provide another specific example from your own life that could be influenced by these applications.

In a two-page paper, research three examples of technologies that use quantum mechanics. Explain, in your own words, how these applications impact society.

In a two-page paper, research three examples of technologies that use quantum mechanics. Explain, in your own words, how these applications impact society. If you or someone you know has ever had an MRI scan for a medical diagnosis, you have experienced the result of quantum physics for measuring bodily structures. Finally, provide another specific example from your own life that could be influenced by these applications.

Two blocks of masses 5 kg and 10 kg are in contact on a smooth horizontal surface. A horizontal force of magnitude 15 N pushes them from left to right (a) Find the magnitude of the acceleration of the system,

Two blocks of masses 5 kg and 10 kg are in contact on a smooth horizontal surface. A horizontal force of magnitude 15 N pushes them from left to right (a) Find the magnitude of the acceleration of the system, (b) Find the magnitude of the reaction force between the blocks.
A block moves up an incline of angle 25° under the action of the three forces. One force of 40 N is applied horizontally, another force of 20N is applied parallel to the incline and the last force of 15 N is applied perpendicular to the incline. Find the work done by each force as the block moves a distance of
2m up the incline.
A small ball of mass m is attached to a massless thread that is fixed to the roof of a car. (a) Find the angle does the thread make with the vertical when the car has a constant acceleration of 5 m/s2. (b) What is the angle when the car is moving at constant velocity of magnitude v = 50 km/h?