Q1: Electromagnetic spectrum is divided into different regions depending on their frequency and application. Explain the relationship between the frequency and wavelength of the electromagnetic waves, illustrating this with the presentation of the electromagnetic spectrum for the radio frequencies between very low frequency (VLF) and the Extra High Frequency (EHF) bands.

Q1: Electromagnetic spectrum is divided into different regions depending on their frequency and application. Explain the relationship between the frequency and wavelength of the electromagnetic waves, illustrating this with the presentation of the electromagnetic spectrum for the radio frequencies between very low frequency (VLF) and the Extra High Frequency (EHF) bands.
(250 words)
Q2: For each of the frequency bands between VLF and EHF, calculate the wavelength of the electromagnetic wave and state an application for each.

Question 1 A car with 60 cm diameter tires is traveling at a constant speed of 100 km/hr. What is the angular velocity of the tires in rad/s?

Question 1
A car with 60 cm diameter tires is traveling at a constant speed of 100 km/hr. What is the angular velocity of the tires in rad/s?
Question 2
A 3 kg ball is traveling in a circle of radius 2 meters with a tangential velocity of 2 meters/second. Find the centripetal acceleration of the ball and the centripetal force acting on it.
Question 3
An arrow is shot at an angle such that it’s horizontal velocity is 40 m/s and it’s vertical velocity is 20 m/s. Find the horizontal distance the arrow will travel before hitting the ground.
Question 4
A bolt requires 15 Nm or torque to loosen it. How much force needs to be applied to a 20 cm long wrench to loosen the bolt? Assume the force is applied perpendicular to the handle of the wrench.
Question 5
A baseball is thrown such that it is in the air for 4 seconds and lands 100 m away. Find the initial vertical and horizontal components of the baseball’s velocity.

Question 1 A car with 60 cm diameter tires is traveling at a constant speed of 100 km/hr. What is the angular velocity of the tires in rad/s?

Question 1
A car with 60 cm diameter tires is traveling at a constant speed of 100 km/hr. What is the angular velocity of the tires in rad/s?
Question 2
A 3 kg ball is traveling in a circle of radius 2 meters with a tangential velocity of 2 meters/second. Find the centripetal acceleration of the ball and the centripetal force acting on it.
Question 3
An arrow is shot at an angle such that it’s horizontal velocity is 40 m/s and it’s vertical velocity is 20 m/s. Find the horizontal distance the arrow will travel before hitting the ground.
Question 4
A bolt requires 15 Nm or torque to loosen it. How much force needs to be applied to a 20 cm long wrench to loosen the bolt? Assume the force is applied perpendicular to the handle of the wrench.
Question 5
A baseball is thrown such that it is in the air for 4 seconds and lands 100 m away. Find the initial vertical and horizontal components of the baseball’s velocity.

1. A spring with negligible mass stretches 34.0 cm when a 144 g gram mass is suspended from it. Now I suspend a mass m from the spring. If it oscillates at an angular frequency of 4.51 rad/s, what is the mass?

1. A spring with negligible mass stretches 34.0 cm when a 144 g gram mass is suspended from it. Now I suspend a mass m from the spring. If it oscillates at an angular frequency of 4.51 rad/s, what is the mass?
2. A 3.45 kg mass vertically compresses a spring 67.0 cm before it starts to rebound. How high will the Mass move above the uncompressed it the mass is left to “bounce” back up?
3. A transverse traveling wave on a cord is represented by D = 0.25 sin (6.8x + 28t) where D and x are in meters and t is in seconds.
a) Determine the wavelength of this wave.
b) Determine the frequency of this wave.
c) Determine the speed of this wave.
d) Determine the amplitude of this wave.
f) Determine maximum and minimum speeds of particles of the cord.
4. A person is watching water waves at the ocean and they notice the peak to peak distance between the waves is 3.4 m. They also notice there are 55 waves every 10.0 seconds passing the end of a pier. How fast are the waves going?
5. A whale sends an undersea signal to its mate and then gets a response 4.5 seconds later. How far away is the whale’s mate?
6. A person sees a distant lightning strike, then 4.5 seconds later he hears the thunder clap. If it is 35 degrees Celsius, how far away was the lightning strike?
7. A single bass amplifier produces a volume of 102 dB. What is the sound level if a guitar amplifier what produces 98 dB is played at the same time?
8. A string on a guitar vibrates at 420 Hz. If the tension on the string is 102 N, what is the mass of the string if the portion that vibrates is 63.7 cm long?

1.A rail car of mass 4500 kg is moving with a velocity of 12.4 m/s collides with a stationary rail car of mass 6700 kg. What is the velocity of the two cars if they stick after they collide?

1.A rail car of mass 4500 kg is moving with a velocity of 12.4 m/s collides with a stationary rail car of mass 6700 kg. What is the velocity of the two cars if they stick after they collide?
2. A tennis player hits a 1.45 kg tennis ball with a racket of mass 2.5 kg. If he hits the ball with a velocity of 7.5 m/s and then stops, what impulse did he imply on the ball? What is the ball’s velocity?
3. A 35 g bullet is fired in a ballistic pendulum device (see page 178 In text) and increases the height of the center of mass of the device and the bullet by 2.1 cm. If the level arm has a mass of 3.4 kg, what was the initial velocity of the bullet?
4. A puck slides on a surface for 5.6 m before it stops. If it was moving at a velocity of 15 m/s and has a mass of 1.2 kg, what is the force of friction exerted on the puck? There is a non-conservative work done on the puck equal to the change in kinetic energy, or:
5. If a tire on a semi-truck is 1.1 m. How many FULL rotations will the tire roll if the truck moves 24.5 meters?
6. A large circus ride has a centripetal acceleration at 6.0 m/s2. If the circular ride has a radius of 11.0 m, what is its velocity at the edge?
7. If a 56 diameter circular disk is uniformly angularly accelerating at a rate of 5.0 rad/s2, what will the final angular velocity be after 4.0 seconds if it starts at a rate of 10.0 rad/s? What angle is subtended over that time?
8. A 40.0 N force is applied to a 46.0 cm long torque wrench. What is the net torque applied to the nut? Also if this force is applied for 3.0 seconds and the bolt starts from rest and ends with an angular velocity of 0.5 rad/s, what is the bolt’s moment of inertia?

Danica traveling at a speed of 200 km/hr on a straight road applies brakes to her car at point A and reduces her speed at a uniform rate to 150 km/hr at C in a total distance of 300 meters. a) Calculate the magnitude and direction of the total acceleration of her car immediately after she passes point B.

Danica traveling at a speed of 200 km/hr on a straight road applies brakes to her car at point
A and reduces her speed at a uniform rate to 150 km/hr at C in a total distance of 300 meters.
a) Calculate the magnitude and direction of the total acceleration of her car immediately after she passes point B. Assume BC to be a part of a circular path. [So, AB is a straight
line while BC is a circular arc.] (20)
b) Compute the time she took to go from A to C. (15)
A disc from point O (as shown) is launched at time t = 0 with an initial speed u at an angle β (0°< β
0), and a deceleration in the x-direction which is proportional to the horizontal
component of its velocity at any instant. Precisely, given this information, one can write the acceleration
of the disc as ⃗ where ̈ ̇ (i.e. q is some positive real number). i, j are the standard Cartesian unit vectors.
Find expressions for instantaneous position vector and velocity vector of the disc as functions of time t.
Justify whether or not the path of the disc in the medium would be parabolic. (20+20+5)