1. Using the standard form of a wave x = A cos(t), for this wave: 2.5 cos(6.0 t) please determine the following with the correct units:

1. Using the standard form of a wave x = A cos(t), for this wave: 2.5 cos(6.0 t) please determine the following with the correct units:
a. The amplitude.
b. The frequency.
c. The maximum and minimum speed
d. The maximum acceleration
2. A 0.300 kg piece of metal is heated to 88°C and placed in a copper calorimeter with mass 0.150 kg which contains 0.500 L of water that are both initially at 12.6°C. Over a short period of time the mixture comes to an equilibrium temperature of 22.5°C, what is the specific heat of the metal?
A) b. 1075 J/(kg ∙ °C)
B) d. 3400 J/(kg ∙ °C)
C) c. 1500 J/(kg ∙ °C)
D) a. 1250 J/(kg ∙ °C)
3. A CD with a diameter of 12.5 cm goes from rest to a tangential velocity of 5.6 m/s. If it does this in 2.5 seconds, what is its angular acceleration?
A) 24 rad/s2
B) 16 rad/s2
C) 18 rad/s2
D) 36 rad/s2
4. An object has a weight of 400 N when it is dry. When it is completely submerged in water is has a weight of 150 N. What is the density of the material is the density of water is 1000 kg/m3?
A) b. 4500 kg/m3
B) a. 2300 kg/m3
C) c. 1200 kg/m3
D) d. 1600 kg/m3
5. 4.50 moles of an ideal gas is at 560K. Is the gas undergoes an adiabatic compression and 3750 J of work is done on the gas, what is the final temperature of the gas?
A) c. 2590 K
B) b. 572 K
C) d. 977 K
D) a. 627 K
6. A piece of gold with a mass of 5.50 kg and density of 19300 kg/m3 is suspended from a string and then totally immersed in a beaker of water. Using density of water is 1000 kg/m3
a) Determine the volume of the piece of gold.
b) Determine buoyant force on the gold when it is submersed.
7. A gas is taken through the cycle illustrated here. During one cycle, how much work is done by an engine operating on this cycle?
A) 3PV
C) 4PV
D) 2PV
8. If a car horn honking that is 450 m is heard 1.3 seconds after it goes off, what is the temperature in degrees Celsius?
A) c. 56 °C
B) a. 25 °C
C) d. 12 °C
D) b. 34 °C

1. A charge of +1.0 nanoC is uniformly distributed along the line connecting the origin and point (x=0.0 m, y=2.0 m). An additional point charge of +1.0 nanoC is placed at (x=2.0 m, y=3.0). What are the xand y-components of the vector of electric field at (x=0.0 m, y=3.0 m)?

1. A charge of +1.0 nanoC is uniformly distributed along the line connecting the origin and point (x=0.0 m, y=2.0 m). An additional point charge of +1.0 nanoC is placed at (x=2.0 m, y=3.0). What are the xand y-components of the vector of electric field at (x=0.0 m, y=3.0 m)?
2. A current of 1.0 A is flowing along the z-axis in the positive z direction from the origin to z=2 m. Find the magnetic field (direction and magnitude) at the following three points of interest (x,y,z):
P1 (1 m, 0 m, 0 m), P2 (1 m, 0 m, 1 m), P3 (1 m, 0 m, 2 m). Which field is the strongest? Why?
3. A wire loop with an area of 2.0 m^2 and a resistance of 5.0 Ohms lies flat in the x-y plane. A spatially uniform but time-dependent magnetic field (given below) exists throughout the region. What is the induced current in the loop at t=2.0 s? Next, the loop is rotated so that it now lies in the x-z plane.
What is the induced current in the loop at t=2.0 s in this new orientation? Make a diagram clearly
showing the direction of the induced current in the loop at t=2.0 s in each orientation.
4. By(t)=B0 sin(wt);
Bz(t)=B0 cos(wt), where B0=1.5T and w=3.0 rad/s.
A 1.0E-6 F capacitor has a charge of 10.0 microC. It is connected to a 1.0 H inductor at t=0. Find
when the energy of the system is split equally between the capacitor and inductor. What is the
energy of the inductor at that time moment?
5. In the circuit shown, the switch has been closed for a long time prior to t=0. At t=0, the switch is
opened. What is the energy stored in the capacitor at t=1.1E-5 s ? Now, the capacitor is replaced with a 1.1 microH inductor, the circuit is reset and the switch is opened and closed as described above. What is the energy stored in the inductor at t=1.1E-5 s ?
V=9.0 V, R1=10 Ohm, R2= 1.0 Ohm, C= 1 microF
6. A 1-microF capacitor, a 10-Ohm resistor and a 1 microH inductor are connected in series with a
sinusoidal signal generator of 10V peak voltage amplitude operating at a frequency ω of 2.0E+6 rad/s.
(a) Make a phasor diagram to represent this circuit. Show the phasors of all circuit elements. Draw
phasors to scale. Find the phase shift between the current and the generator voltage.
(b) How would you change this circuit to achieve resonance? Explain your reasoning.
7. A beam of light travels in air and then enters water (n=1.33) at an angle of incidence of 30 degrees.
Indicate whether each statement below is true or false and explain why you think so.
light will experience total internal reflection
the angle of reflection will depend on the wavelength of light
the angle of refraction will be 35 degrees
the angle of refraction will be smaller than 30 degrees

Radio transmitters are widely used in business, broadcasting and leisure activities. They are usually regulated through government agencies such as Ofcom in the UK. Discuss how radio transmitter operations are regulated, and explain the legal requirements for transmitters to operate in the UK.

Radio transmitters are widely used in business, broadcasting and leisure activities. They are usually regulated through government agencies such as Ofcom in the UK. Discuss how radio transmitter operations are regulated, and explain the legal requirements for transmitters to operate in the UK. Include frequency of operation and power of transmitted waves in your discussion.
(300 words)

Radio transmitters are widely used in business, broadcasting and leisure activities. They are usually regulated through government agencies such as Ofcom in the UK. Discuss how radio transmitter operations are regulated, and explain the legal requirements for transmitters to operate in the UK.

Radio transmitters are widely used in business, broadcasting and leisure activities. They are usually regulated through government agencies such as Ofcom in the UK. Discuss how radio transmitter operations are regulated, and explain the legal requirements for transmitters to operate in the UK. Include frequency of operation and power of transmitted waves in your discussion.
(300 words)

Q1: Describe the ionosphere layers and discuss their influence on radio wave propagation during both the day and at night.

Q1: Describe the ionosphere layers and discuss their influence on radio wave propagation during both the day and at night.
(250 words)
Q2: Discuss how are the modes of electromagnetic wave propagation between a transmitter and a receiver influenced by the ionosphere layers. Illustrate in a diagram the following dependent variables of the high frequency (HF) path:
· Frequency
· Range of path
· Antenna elevation angle

Q1: Describe the ionosphere layers and discuss their influence on radio wave propagation during both the day and at night.

Q1: Describe the ionosphere layers and discuss their influence on radio wave propagation during both the day and at night.
(250 words)
Q2: Discuss how are the modes of electromagnetic wave propagation between a transmitter and a receiver influenced by the ionosphere layers. Illustrate in a diagram the following dependent variables of the high frequency (HF) path:
· Frequency
· Range of path
· Antenna elevation angle