1) A ball is thrown directly upwards at a velocity of 20m/s from a height of 2m. Assuming no effect of air resistance or wind, calculate the time in seconds that it takes for the ball to reach the ground??

1) A ball is thrown directly upwards at a velocity of 20m/s from a height of 2m. Assuming no effect of air resistance or wind, calculate the time in seconds that it takes for the ball to reach the ground??
2) A 10kg weight is travelling at 3m/s downwards when it strikes a spring of rate 4kN/m. Calculate the maximum deflection of the spring in metres?
For the image shown calculate the magnitude of vA in mm/s
For the image shown calculate the magnitude of vB in mm/s 5)
For the image shown calculate the magnitude of vB/A in mm/s
For the image shown calculate the magnitude of ω in rad/s 7)
The vehicle is used to transport supplies to and from the bottom of the 25-present grade. Each pair of wheels, one at A and the other at B, has a mass of 140 kg with a radius of gyration of 150 mm. The drum C has a mass of 40 kg and a radius of gyration of 100 mm. The total mass of the vehicle is 520 kg. The vehicle is released from rest with a restraining force T of 500 N in the control cable which passes around the drum and is secured at D. The wheels roll without slipping. Calculate the inertia of wheel A about its centre in kg.m2
The vehicle is used to transport supplies to and from the bottom of the 25-present grade. Each pair of wheels, one at A and the other at B, has a mass of 140 kg with a radius of gyration of 150 mm. The drum C has a mass of 40 kg and a radius of gyration of 100 mm. The total mass of the vehicle is 520 kg. The vehicle is released from rest with a restraining force T of 500 N in the control cable which passes around the drum and is secured at D. The wheels roll without slipping. Calculate the inertia of wheel C about its centre in kg.m2 9)
The vehicle is used to transport supplies to and from the bottom of the 25-present grade. Each pair of wheels, one at A and the other at B, has
a mass of 140 kg with a radius of gyration of 150 mm. The drum C has a mass of 40 kg and a radius of gyration of 100 mm. The total mass of the vehicle is 520 kg. The vehicle is released from rest with a restraining force T of 500 N in the control cable which passes around the drum and is secured at D. The wheels roll without slipping. Determine the initial acceleration a of the vehicle in m/s2 Answer 10)
11) from Q10, Calculate the magnitude of the force at the exhaust in Newtons 12) from Q10, Determine the tension T in the diagonal member of the supporting test stand in kN 13)from Q10, Calculate the force F (in kN) exerted on the nozzle flange at B by the bolts and gasket to hold the nozzle to the engine housing.

At the instant the traffic light turns green, a car that has been waiting at an intersection starts ahead with a constant acceleration of 3.20 metre per second squred. At the same instant atruck, travelling with a constant speed of 20.0 m/s, overtakes and passes the car. How far beyond its starting point does the car overtakes the truck?

At the instant the traffic light turns green, a car that has been waiting at an intersection starts ahead with a constant acceleration of 3.20 metre per second squred. At the same instant atruck, travelling with a constant speed of 20.0 m/s, overtakes and passes the car. How far beyond its starting point does the car overtakes the truck?
To push a certain box across a level floor at constant velocity requires that a horizontal force be applied to the box. The magnitude of this force is half as great as the vertical force required to lift the box. Find the coefficient of kinetic friction between box and floor.
A spring is hanging down from the ceiling, and an object of mass m is attached to the free end. The object is pulled down, thereby stretching the spring, and then released. The object oscillates up and down, and the time T required for one complete up-and-down oscillation is given by the equation T = 2sqrt(m/k), where k is known as the spring constant. What must be the dimension of k for this equation to be dimensionally correct?
A penny sits on the edge of a CD and travels through a distance of 1.00 m. What is its angular displacement if it has a diameter of .100 m? (Give answers in radians, revolutions, and degrees)

Chap 18: #2. (I) A service station charges a battery using a current of 6.7 A for 5.0 h. How much charge passes through the battery?

Chap 18: #2. (I) A service station charges a battery using a current of 6.7 A for 5.0 h. How much charge passes through the battery?
Chap 18: # 16. (II) A certain copper wire has a resistance of 10.0 . At what point along its length must the wire be cut so that the resistance of one piece is 4.0 times the resistance of the other? What is the resistance of each piece?
Chap 18: # 34. (II) At $0.095 per kWh, what does it cost to leave a 25-W porch light on day and night for a year?
Chap 19: #4. (II) A 1.5-V dry cell can be tested by connecting it to a low-resistance ammeter. It should be able to supply at least 22 A. What is the internal resistance of the cell in this case, assuming it is much greater than that of the ammeter?
Chap 19: #16(II) A close inspection of an electric circuit reveals that a 480- resistor was inadvertently soldered in the place where a 320- resistor is needed. How can this be fixed without removing anything from the existing circuit?.

Question 1 A car with 60 cm diameter tires is traveling at a constant speed of 100 km/hr. What is the angular velocity of the tires in rad/s?

Question 1
A car with 60 cm diameter tires is traveling at a constant speed of 100 km/hr. What is the angular velocity of the tires in rad/s?
Question 2
A 3 kg ball is traveling in a circle of radius 2 meters with a tangential velocity of 2 meters/second. Find the centripetal acceleration of the ball and the centripetal force acting on it.
Question 3
An arrow is shot at an angle such that it’s horizontal velocity is 40 m/s and it’s vertical velocity is 20 m/s. Find the horizontal distance the arrow will travel before hitting the ground.
Question 4
A bolt requires 15 Nm or torque to loosen it. How much force needs to be applied to a 20 cm long wrench to loosen the bolt? Assume the force is applied perpendicular to the handle of the wrench.
Question 5
A baseball is thrown such that it is in the air for 4 seconds and lands 100 m away. Find the initial vertical and horizontal components of the baseball’s velocity.

A spring (k=80 N/m) is used to propel a 150 gram steel ball along a track that includes a ramp inclined 32 degrees above the vertical. The ball is pushed to the left, compressing the spring, and is then released and allowed to roll along the track. You may neglect friction. a) After it is relased, the ball's speed on the horizontal section of the track is 3.75 m/s. How far was the spring compressed before the ball was released?

A spring (k=80 N/m) is used to propel a 150 gram steel ball along a track that includes a ramp inclined 32 degrees above the vertical. The ball is pushed to the left, compressing the spring, and is then released and allowed to roll along the track. You may neglect friction.
a) After it is relased, the ball’s speed on the horizontal section of the track is 3.75 m/s. How far was the spring compressed before the ball was released?
b) What maximum vertical height does the ball reach before rolling back down the ramp?
c) What linear distance does the ball travel along the ramp?

1-In spite of the fictional exploits of the starship Enterprise, "Relativity" teaches us that the maximum possible speed is what?

1-In spite of the fictional exploits of the starship Enterprise, “Relativity” teaches us that the maximum possible speed is what? (hint: warp = v/c)
2-A spaceship, traveling at WARP 1/2 away from the Earth, launches a shuttle moving away from the ship at c/2 (c/2 seen from the ship). Classically one expects to see the shuttle moving at c from the Earth, but relativistically what speed do we expect seen from the Earth?
3-A proton (1.67 × 10-27 kg) is accelerated to 99.8% the speed of light. How much energy did the accelerator have to impart?