Complete all the activities in this lab instruction packet: SCIN 130 Lab 3: Stickleback Evolution, Part 1. Work through the instruction packet step by step. Record your results in the worksheet as you progress through this instruction packet.

Complete all the activities in this lab instruction packet: SCIN 130 Lab 3: Stickleback Evolution, Part 1. Work through the instruction packet step by step. Record your results in the worksheet as you progress through this instruction packet.

This assessment is the online equivalent of tutorial participation. This task encourages students to critically engage with the course materials, their peers and their tutor through weekly on-line discussions

This assessment is the online equivalent of tutorial participation. This task encourages students to critically engage with the course materials, their peers and their tutor through weekly on-line discussions

Description: Responses to ILTs (see Study Guide for tasks). To be posted to the Discussion Board on a weekly basis from Week 1-12.

Weighting: 20%

Length: 100-200 words per post (2000 words total)

Due: Monday, Week 13, 10pm AEST.

Assessment Rationale

This assessment is the online equivalent of tutorial participation. This task encourages students to critically engage with the course materials, their peers and their tutor through weekly on-line discussions.

Assignment procedure

1. Each week write a response of 100-200 words to the Independent Learning Task (ILT) provided in your study guide. The response should demonstrate your critical engagement with the unit content, the textbook and readings. Post your response in the COM21 Discussion Board under the thread titled Independent Learning Tasks and under the correct week for each specific task.

2. Each week comment on the ILT responses made by two of your peers. Your response should elaborate some issue with reference to your own experience or academic argument. This is a place for informed comment and not unsubstantiated opinion or chatting. You required to post a minimum of two responses.

3. Each week collect your own original responses to the ILTs and your two best responses to peers in a Word document, that is, one ILT and two posts to peers for each week.

This will be the document you submit to your tutor at the end of the study period.

While we do want you to post across the study period, we understand that sometimes work or family pressures may make this difficult. Please note that students will be marked down if the tasks are all posted in just the final weeks of the Study Period.


Your need to nominate your best ILT posts and peer responses for two specific weeks as your strongest posts for marking and feedback. At the top of your document include a statement such as:


A general mark for your participation will be allocated but specific feedback on these two weeks discussions will be provided.


Have you completed the ILT for each week?

Have you responded to at least two posts made by a peer?

Have you collected all posts into Word document including:

· your name and student number

· Assignment Cover Sheet

· each of your ILTs and two responses to your peers for each week?

Have you clearly identified your two best weekly ILT responses?

Have you submitted your assignment through SafeAssign?

If required, have you organised an extension with your tutor?

Have you spent some time doing something fun now this assignment is completed?

Both a man and a woman are heterozygous for bent little fingers. Bent little fingers are dominant over straight little fingers. What is the chance that their child will have bent little fingers

Both a man and a woman are heterozygous for bent little fingers. Bent little fingers are dominant over straight little fingers. What is the chance that their child will have bent little fingers

Work through the following genetics problems and submit their answers as part of the introduction to your lab report. Please show your work! You will not receive full credit for problems that only have an answer! The problems belong in your introduction portion of the lab report.

1. Both a man and a woman are heterozygous for bent little fingers. Bent little fingers are dominant over straight little fingers. What is the chance that their child will have bent little fingers?

2. Both a brother and a sister do not have freckles, but their parents have freckles. Freckles (F) are dominant over no freckles (f). What are the genotypes of the parents?

3. A father is far-sighted, the mother has normal vision, and all five of their children are far-sighted. Being far-sighted (F) is dominant over having normal vision (f). Give the probable genotypes of all persons concerned.

4. A woman is heterozygous for polydactyly (which is a dominant condition in which a person has more than the normal number of fingers and/or toes). The woman has a child with a man who is homozygous normal. What is the chance that their child will have more than ten fingers and/or toes?

5. Sarah can’t curl her tongue – which is a recessive trait. Both of her parents can curl their tongues – which is dominant. Give the genotypes of all persons involved (use T and/or t in the genotypes).

6. A man has type AB blood and his child has type B blood. What are all of the possible blood types of the child’s mother? (Hint: think about the genotypes of blood types. You will need to work more than one Punnett Square.)

7. A child who does not have dimples or freckles is born to a man who has dimples and freckles (both dominant) and a woman who does not. What are the genotypes of all persons concerned?

Try typing in “Baby Steps Through Punnett Squares” in your search engine or try this site: (Links to an external site.)


Be sure to show your work! If you give me answers only, I will not give you full credit. Use graphs/Punnett squares, explain your logic, etc.
Try out several blood types on #6. Using the actual genotypes is very helpful.
Be aware that on #7 we have 2 traits, so a complete genotype will have 4, not 2 letters for each person. It is called a Dihybrid Cross.

For this weeks lab, you will be using a tool called the virtual genetics lab. Here you will create crosses of experimental animals and try to predict what mode of inheritance your organisms have. This lab requires that you complete 3 crosses in the software, the first one is practice with the answer and two additional experimental crosses in which there is no answer, you must make crosses until you are sure that you have enough evidence to reject or support your hypothesis.

VirtualGeneticLabNewton2019.pdfPreview the document

Website needed to download the virtual genetics lab: (Links to an external site.)

Upload your lab report, including the information from all 3 crosses as your experiment.

How many nuclei are present at the end of meiosis II? How many chromosomes are in each?


· On your own and without assistance, complete this Lab 5Answer Sheet electronically and submit it via the Assignments Folder by the date listed intheCourse Schedule (under Syllabus).
· To conduct your laboratory exercises, use the Laboratory Manual located under Course Content. Read the introduction and the directions for each exercise/experiment carefully before completing the exercises/experiments and answering the questions.
· Save your Lab 5Answer Sheet in the following format: LastName_Lab5 (e.g., Smith_Lab5).
· You should submit your document as a Word (.doc or .docx) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) file for best compatibility.

Pre-Lab Questions

Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis.

What major event occurs during interphase?

Experiment 1: Following Chromosomal DNA Movement through Meiosis

In this experiment, you will model the movement of the chromosomes through meiosis I and II to create gametes.



2 Sets of Different Colored Pop-it® Beads (32 of each – these may be any color)

8 5-Holed Pop-it® Beads (used as centromeres)


Part 1: Modeling Meiosis without Crossing Over

As prophase I begins, the replicated chromosomes coil and condense…

Build a pair of replicated, homologous chromosomes. 10 beads should be used to create each individual sister chromatid (20 beads per chromosome pair). Two five-holed beads represent each centromere. To do this…
Figure 3: Bead set-up. The blue beads represent one pair of sister chromatids and the black beads represent a second pair of sister chromatids. The black and blue pair are homologous.

Figure 3: Bead set-up. The blue beads represent one pair of sister chromatids and the black beads represent a second pair of sister chromatids. The black and blue pair are homologous.

Start with 20 beads of the same color to create your first sister chromatid pair. Five beads must be snapped together for each of the four different strands. Two strands create the first chromatid, and two strands create the second chromatid with a 5-holed bead at the center of each chromatid. This creates an “I” shape.
Connect the “I” shaped sister chromatids by the 5-holed beads to create an “X” shape.
Repeat this process using 20 new beads (of a different color) to create the second sister chromatid pair.
Assemble a second pair of replicated sister chromatids; this time using 12 beads, instead of 20, per pair (six beads per each complete sister chromatid strand).
Pair up the homologous chromosome pairs created in Step 1 and 2. DO NOT SIMULATE CROSSING OVER IN THIS TRIAL. You will simulate crossing over in Part 2.
Configure the chromosomes as they would appear in each of the stages of meiotic division (prophase I and II, metaphase I and II, anaphase I and II, telophase I and II, and cytokinesis).
Diagram the corresponding images for each stage in the sections titled “Trial 1 – Meiotic Division Beads Diagram”. Be sure to indicate the number of chromosomes present in each phase.
Figure 4: Second set of replicated chromosomes.

Figure 4: Second set of replicated chromosomes.

Disassemble the beads used in Part 1. You will need to recycle these beads for a second meiosis trial in Steps 8 – 13.
Part 1 – Meiotic Division Beads Diagram

Prophase I

Metaphase I

Anaphase I

Telophase I

Prophase II

Metaphase II

Anaphase II

Telophase II


Part 2: Modeling Meiosis with Crossing Over

Build a pair of replicated, homologous chromosomes. 10 beads should be used to create each individual sister chromatid (20 beads per chromosome pair). Two five-holed beads represent each centromere. To do this…
a. Start with 20 beads of the same color to create your first sister chromatid pair. Five beads must be snapped together for each of the four different strands. Two strands create the first chromatid, and two strands create the second chromatid with a 5-holed bead at the center of each chromatid. This creates an “I” shape.
Connect the “I” shaped sister chromatids by the 5-holed beads to create an “X” shape.
Repeat this process using 20 new beads (of a different color) to create the second sister chromatid pair.
Assemble a second pair of replicated sister chromatids; this time using 12 beads, instead of 20, per pair (six beads per each complete sister chromatid strand). Snap each of the four pieces into a new five-holed bead to complete the set up.
Pair up the homologous chromosomes created in Step 8 and 9.
SIMULATE CROSSING OVER. To do this, bring the two homologous pairs of sister chromatids together (creating the chiasma) and exchange an equal number of beads between the two. This will result in chromatids of the same original length, there will now be new combinations of chromatid colors.
Configure the chromosomes as they would appear in each of the stages of meiotic division (prophase I and II, metaphase I and II, anaphase I and II, telophase I and II, and cytokinesis).
Diagram the corresponding images for each stage in the section titled “Trial 2 – Meiotic Division Beads Diagram”. Be sure to indicate the number of chromosomes present in each cell for each phase. Also, indicate how the crossing over affected the genetic content in the gametes from Part1 versus Part 2.
Part 2 – Meiotic Division Beads Diagram:

Prophase I

Metaphase I

Anaphase I

Telophase I

Prophase II

Metaphase II

Anaphase II

Telophase II


Post-Lab Questions

1. What is the ploidy of the DNA at the end of meiosis I? What about at the end of meiosis II?

2. How are meiosis I and meiosis II different?

3. Why do you use non-sister chromatids to demonstrate crossing over?

4. What combinations of alleles could result from a crossover between BD and bd chromosomes?

5. How many chromosomes were present when meiosis I started?

6. How many nuclei are present at the end of meiosis II? How many chromosomes are in each?

7. Identify two ways that meiosis contributes to genetic recombination.

8. Why is it necessary to reduce the number of chromosomes in gametes, but not in other cells?

9. Blue whales have 44 chromosomes in every cell. Determine how many chromosomes you would expect to find in the following:

Sperm Cell:

Egg Cell:

Daughter Cell from Mitosis:

Daughter Cell from Meiosis II:

10. Research and find a disease that is caused by chromosomal mutations. When does the mutation occur? What chromosomes are affected? What are the consequences?

11. Diagram what would happen if sexual reproduction took place for four generations using diploid (2n) cells.

Experiment 2: The Importance of Cell Cycle Control

Some environmental factors can cause genetic mutations which result in a lack of proper cell cycle control (mitosis). When this happens, the possibility for uncontrolled cell growth occurs. In some instances, uncontrolled growth can lead to tumors, which are often associated with cancer, or other biological diseases.

In this experiment, you will review some of the karyotypic differences which can be observed when comparing normal, controlled cell growth and abnormal, uncontrolled cell growth. A karyotype is an image of the complete set of diploid chromosomes in a single cell.



*Computer Access

*Internet Access

*You Must Provide

Begin by constructing a hypothesis to explain what differences you might observe when comparing the karyotypes of human cells which experience normal cell cycle control versus cancerous cells (which experience abnormal, or a lack of, cell cycle control). Record your hypothesis in Post-Lab Question 1.

Note: Be sure to include what you expect to observe, and why you think you will observe these features. Think about what you know about cancerous cell growth to help construct this information
Go online to find some images of abnormal karyotypes, and normal karyotypes. The best results will come from search terms such as “abnormal karyotype”, “HeLa cells”, “normal karyotype”, “abnormal chromosomes”, etc. Be sure to use dependable resources which have been peer-reviewed
Identify at least five abnormalities in the abnormal images. Then, list and draw each image in the Data section at the end of this experiment. Do these abnormalities agree with your original hypothesis?
Hint: It may be helpful to count the number of chromosomes, count the number of pairs, compare the sizes of homologous chromosomes, look for any missing or additional genetic markers/flags, etc.


Post-Lab Questions

1. Record your hypothesis from Step 1 in the Procedure section here.

2. What do your results indicate about cell cycle control?

3. Suppose a person developed a mutation in a somatic cell which diminishes the performance of the body’s natural cell cycle control proteins. This mutation resulted in cancer, but was effectively treated with a cocktail of cancer-fighting techniques. Is it possible for this person’s future children to inherit this cancer-causing mutation? Be specific when you explain why or why not.

4. Why do cells which lack cell cycle control exhibit karyotypes which look physically different than cells with normal cell cycle.

5. What are HeLa cells? Why are HeLa cells appropriate for this experiment?

What major event occurs during interphase?

What major event occurs during interphase?

A person, residing in a location where they are exposed to the sun often, develops a mutation in some of their skin cells resulting in cancer. Consider whether their offspring will be born with the same mutation. Use scientific evidence to support your answer.

Experiment 1: Following Chromosomal DNA Movement through Meiosis

Data Tables and Post-Lab Assessment

Part 1 – Meiotic Division Beads Diagram without Crossing Over

Prophase I

Metaphase I

Anaphase I

Telophase I

Prophase II

Metaphase II

Anaphase II

Telophase II


Part 2: Meiotic Division Beads Diagram with Crossing Over

Prophase I

Metaphase I

Anaphase I

Telophase I

Prophase II

Metaphase II

Anaphase II

Telophase II


Post-Lab Questions

1. What is the ploidy of the DNA at the end of meiosis I? What about at the end of meiosis II?

2. How are meiosis I and meiosis II different?

3. Why do you use non-sister chromatids to demonstrate crossing over?

4. What combinations of alleles could result from a crossover between BD and bd chromosomes?

5. How many chromosomes were present when meiosis I started?

6. How many nuclei are present at the end of meiosis II? How many chromosomes are in each?

7. Identify two ways that meiosis contributes to genetic recombination.

8. Why is it necessary to reduce the number of chromosomes in gametes, but not in other cells?

9. Blue whales have 44 chromosomes in every cell. Determine how many chromosomes you would expect to find in the following:

Sperm Cell:

Egg Cell:

Daughter Cell from Meiosis I:

Daughter Cell from Meiosis II:

10.Research and find a disease that is caused by chromosomal mutations. When does the mutation occur? What chromosomes are affected? What are the consequences?

11.Diagram what would happen if sexual reproduction took place for four generations using diploid (2n) cells.

Experiment 2: The Importance of Cell Cycle Control


Post-Lab Questions

1. Record your hypothesis from Step 1 in the Procedure section here.

2. What do your results indicate about cell cycle control?

3. Suppose a person developed a mutation in a somatic cell which diminishes the performance of the body’s natural cell cycle control proteins. This mutation resulted in cancer, but was effectively treated with a cocktail of cancer-fighting techniques. Is it possible for this person’s future children to inherit this cancer-causing mutation? Be specific when you explain why or why not.

4. Why do cells which lack cell cycle control exhibit karyotypes which look physically different than cells with normal cell cycle.

5. What are HeLa cells? Why are HeLa cells appropriate for this experiment?

Imagine a scenario in which you and a new partner are discussing testing for sexually transmitted infections. Devise a strategy for addressing this issue with your partner. Write out a role-play conversation with your partner using the effective communication strategies discussed in this lesson. Your script must be at least 650 words long

Imagine a scenario in which you and a new partner are discussing testing for sexually transmitted infections. Devise a strategy for addressing this issue with your partner. Write out a role-play conversation with your partner using the effective communication strategies discussed in this lesson. Your script must be at least 650 words long.

Feeling creative? Write a script between people other than a “typical” heterosexual pair– instead, write about a same-sex pair, a pair where one or both people have significant disabilities, where there is a language difference, or a significant age difference