What kind of changes do you predict will impact the oil industry based on the following trends in new energy sources: fracking, hydrogen fuel cells, biomass or bio fuel, solar, or a break-through in car batteries for electric cars? What are these market types and how does that matter to the pricing and production of oil.

What kind of changes do you predict will impact the oil industry based on the following trends in new energy sources: fracking, hydrogen fuel cells, biomass or bio fuel, solar, or a break-through in car batteries for electric cars? What are these market types and how does that matter to the pricing and production of oil.

PART 1– Analytical Report

Write a short analytical report (4 pages) on how organizations with market power set the price of their product in a mass market in accordance with the prompt below. In this topic, you have to introduce different price strategies that involve price discrimination.

Go to the library and find and read the following articles.

Vara, V. (2017). How frackers beat OPEC: the surprising ingenuity of the American shale-oil industry–and its huge global consequences. The Atlantic, (1). 20.

Oil & gas firms call for extension of pricing freedom to existing fields. (2016). FRPT- Chemical Snapshot, 14-16.

Ford, N. (2016). Winners and losers in an era of cheap oil: the impact of low oil and gas prices varies from country to country but the effects are not as straightforward as might be expected. African Business, (431). 51.

You may also find helpful information at:http://www.economist.com/topics/oil-prices

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is a cartel that attempts to keep oil prices high by restricting output. As part of that process, each member nation is assigned a production quota; most members have nationalized their oil industry so that the government controls overall production. However, member nations routinely exceed their production targets. Explain why OPEC often has difficulty keeping output low and prices high.

Public utility companies (you may stay with the topic of oil/gas) customarily charge more to business customers than to residential customers. Discuss this price discrimination as it relates to gas and oil.

What kind of changes do you predict will impact the oil industry based on the following trends in new energy sources: fracking, hydrogen fuel cells, biomass or bio fuel, solar, or a break-through in car batteries for electric cars? What are these market types and how does that matter to the pricing and production of oil.

For all of the industries that you discuss in this paper, state which of the four market types that it is (Perfect Competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic Competition or Oligopoly).

Ensure that you include Porter’s Five Forces Model in describing the pricing effects or strategies from these newer industries (or you may select one and discuss it in depth).

Part 2 – Quantitative Analysis Case

Write a Quantitative Analysis report on the following problems:

The manufacturer of high-quality flatbed scanners is trying to decide what price to set for its product. The costs of production and the demand for product are assumed to be as follows:
TC = 500,000 + 0.85Q + 0.015 Q2
Q = 14,166 – 16.6P
Determine the short-run profit-maximizing price.
Plot this information on a graph showing AC, AVC, MC, P, and MR.
An amusement park, whose customer set is made up of two markets, adults, and children, has developed demand schedules as follows:

The marginal operating cost of each unit of quantity is $5. (Hint: Because marginal cost is a constant, so is average variable cost, Ignore fixed cost.). The owners of the amusement park want to maximize profits.

Calculate the price, quantity, and profit if
The amusement park charges a different price in each market
The amusement park charges the same price in the two markets combined.
Explain the difference in the profit realized under the two situations.
(Mathematical solution) The demand schedules presented in Problem 2 can be expressed in equation form as follows (where subscript A refers to the adult market, subscript C to the market for children, and subscript T to the markets combined)
QA = 20 – PA
QC = 30 – 2PC
QT = 50 – 3PT
Solve these equations for the maximum profit that the amusement park will attain when it charges different prices in the two markets and when it charges a single price for the combined market.


This Has To Be 150 Words

In certain industries, firms buy their most important inputs in markets that are close to perfectly competitive and sell their output in imperfectly competitive markets. Cite as many examples as you can of these types of businesses. Explain why the profits of such firms tend to increase when there is an excess supply of the inputs they use in their production process.

Solve for n: –6(n – 8) = 4(12 – 5n) + 14n. For f(x) = 2|x+3| – 5, name the type of function and describe each of the three transformations from the parent function f(x) = |x|. Determine whether f(x) = –5 – 10x + 6 has a maximum or a minimum value. Find that value and explain how you know

Directions: Use what you have learned in this course to answer the following questions. Justify your responses completely. Each question is worth 5 points.

1. Solve for n: –6(n – 8) = 4(12 – 5n) + 14n.

2. For f(x) = 2|x+3| – 5, name the type of function and describe each of the three transformations from the parent function f(x) = |x|.

3. Determine whether f(x) = –5 – 10x + 6 has a maximum or a minimum value. Find that value and explain how you know.

4. The median weekly earnings for American workers in 1990 was $412 and in 1999 it was $549. Calculate the average rate of change between 1990 and 1999.

5. Find the roots of the parabola given by the following equation.

2×2+ 5x – 9 = 2x

6. Describe the end behavior and determine whether the graph represents an odd-degree or an even-degree polynomial function. Then state the number of real zeros.

7. GEOMETRY Recall the formula for finding the area of a rectangle. Define a variable for the width and set up an equation to find the dimensions of a rectangle that has an area 144 square inches, given that the length is 10 inches longer than its width.


Length: Width:

8. The amount f(t) of a certain medicine, in milligrams, in a patient’s bloodstream t minutes after being taken is given by f(t) = .

Find the amount of medicine in the blood after 20 minutes.

9. Graph f(x) = x2 + 2x – 3, label the function’s x-intercepts, y-intercept and vertex with their coordinates. Also draw in and label the axis of symmetry.

Image result for x y axis

Image result for x y axis

10. Determine whether the relation shown is a function. Explain how you know.



11. Solve the inequality and graph the solution on a number line.

–3(5y – 4) ≥ 17

12. Assume that the wooden triangle shown is a right triangle.


a. Write an equation using the Pythagorean Theorem and the measurements provided in the diagram.

Hint: (leg 1)2 + (leg 2)2 = (hypotenuse)2

b. Transform each side of the equation to determine if it is an identity.

13. Use long division or synthetic division to find the quotient of .

14. Simplify (9 + 8 – 6)(4 – 5).

15. Find the inverse of h(x) = .

16. If f(x) = 2x – 1 and g(x) = – 2, find [g ◦ f](x).

17. Graph the function y = – 2. Then state the domain and range of the function.



18. If f(x) = 3×2 – 2 and g(x) = 4x + 2, what is the value of f + g 2 ?

The price of a sweatshirt at a local shop is twice the price of a pair of shorts. The price of a T-shirt at the shop is $4 less than the price of a pair of shorts. Brad purchased 3 sweatshirts, 2 pairs of shorts, and 5 T-shirts for a total cost of $136.

19. Let w represent the price of one sweatshirt, t represent the price of one T-shirt, and h represent the price of one pair of shorts. Write a system of three equations that represents the prices of the clothing.

20. Solve the system. Find the cost of each items

One way bones are classified is by their shape. How would you classify the bones fractured by Mrs. Morgan?

One way bones are classified is by their shape. How would you classify the bones fractured by Mrs. Morgan?

Look Out Below: A Case Study on Bone Tissue Structure and Repair

Mrs. Debbie Morgan is a 45-year-old female who works as a stocking clerk for a local home improvement store. While she was at work today a large box of metal rivets fell from a 20-ft.-high overhead shelf, striking her outstretched arm and knocking her to the ground. The ambulance personnel reported that she had lost quite a bit of blood at the accident scene and was “knocked out” when they arrived. To minimize further hemorrhage, the paramedics applied a pressure bandage to her arm.

You meet the paramedics as they bring Mrs. Morgan into the emergency room and begin to assess her for injuries. She is awake and alert, but complaining of severe left arm and back pain, plus she has a “killer headache.” To fully examine her injuries you remove four blood-soaked bandages from her arm. You notice a large open wound on her arm with what appears to be bone tissue sticking out of the skin. She also has bruises covering her left shoulder, left wrist, and lower back. To determine the extent of her injuries Mrs. Morgan undergoes several x-rays, which reveal the following:

1) fracture of the left humerus at the proximal diaphysis,

2) depressed fracture of the occipital bone,

3) fracture of the 3rd lumbarvertebral body.

Short Answer Questions

2. One way bones are classified is by their shape. How would you classify the bones fractured by Mrs. Morgan?

3. The body of Mrs. Morgan’s vertebra is fractured. What type of bone tissue makes up the majority of the vertebral body? Describe the structure and function of this type of bone.

4. The diaphysis of Mrs. Morgan’s humerus is fractured. What type of bone makes up the majority of the diaphysis of long bones like the humerus? Describe the layers of bone tissue found here.

5. Most connective tissue, including bone, is highly vascular. Which anatomical structures in Mrs. Morgan’s compact bone house blood vessels? What sign or symptom in Mrs. Morgan’s case is directly related to disruption of these structures by her bone fractures? How is the sign or symptom related to these anatomical structures?

6. Within days after a fracture, a “soft callus” of fibrocartilage forms. What fibers are found in this type of cartilage? Identify the cells required for fibrocartilaginous callus formation and list their functions.

7. As a fracture is repaired, new bone is added to the injury site. What term is used to describe the addition of new bone tissue? Identify which bone cell is responsible for this process and explain how it occurs.

8. In the final stage of bone repair, some of the osseous tissue must be broken down and removed. What term is used to define the breaking down of osseous tissue? Which bone cell would be best suited for this task?

9. The extracellular matrix (ECM) of bone is considered to be a composite material made up of organic and inorganic matter. What makes up the organic and inorganic portions of the matrix? Describe the cellular mechanism involved in breaking down this matrix; include the bone cell required for the process.

From each change perspective, what are the key issues to understanding the wildcat strike?

From each change perspective, what are the key issues to understanding the wildcat strike?
The case study: The British Airways Swipe Card Debacle
Read the case study: The British Airways Swipe Card Debacle from the end of chapter 8 in your text. Review the swipe card story, drawing on each of the following change perspectives discussed in chapters 7 and 8: organizational development, sense-making, change management, contingency, and processual. Answer the following questions in a three page APA style paper; include outside sources to support your answers.
a. From each change perspective, what are the key issues to understanding the wildcat strike?
b. Assume that you have been retained as a change consultant by BA management to advise them on how to avoid such a situation in the
future. What lessons emerge from each perspective and what recommendations would you draw from each in constructing your advice
to BA management? If appropriate, role-play the presentation of this advice to senior management of BA.
c. Is there one change perspective, or a combination of change perspectives, that provides the best way of understanding the swipe card
issue? Why?
d. What broad conclusions emerge from this analysis?

At 1.00am, someone breaks a window in the back of a store and robs the safe. On the way out, the thief cuts himself (or herself) on a piece of broken glass. You are a forensic detective called to the scene. You test a sample of blood left behind by the thief. It is O-. While you are there, police bring in a suspect with a cut forearm who was arrested just three blocks from the store. You take a sample of the suspect’s blood and mix it with anti-A. You immediately know that the suspect is not the person who cut himself on broken glass in the store. How do you know this

At 1.00am, someone breaks a window in the back of a store and robs the safe. On the way out, the thief cuts himself (or herself) on a piece of broken glass. You are a forensic detective called to the scene. You test a sample of blood left behind by the thief. It is O-. While you are there, police bring in a suspect with a cut forearm who was arrested just three blocks from the store. You take a sample of the suspect’s blood and mix it with anti-A. You immediately know that the suspect is not the person who cut himself on broken glass in the store. How do you know this

Blood group questions:

1. For each of the given blood types, give the expected agglutination (clumping) results when the blood is mixed with Anti-A, Anti-B and Anti-Rh antibodies. Enter ‘Yes’ for presence of agglutination, ‘No’ for absence of agglutination

2. At 1.00am, someone breaks a window in the back of a store and robs the safe. On the way out, the thief cuts himself (or herself) on a piece of broken glass. You are a forensic detective called to the scene. You test a sample of blood left behind by the thief. It is O-. While you are there, police bring in a suspect with a cut forearm who was arrested just three blocks from the store. You take a sample of the suspect’s blood and mix it with anti-A. You immediately know that the suspect is not the person who cut himself on broken glass in the store. How do you know this?

3. (Continued from question 2) Suppose the suspect’s blood does not agglutinate when tested with anti-A or anti-B, but does agglutinate when tested with anti-Rh. Would this connect the suspect with the crime scene? Explain your answers

A partial pedigree of hemophilia in the descendants of Victoria and Albert is shown in Figure 2. Affected individuals are indicated with darknened circles or squares. For each individual in the pedigree, fill in his/her probable genocide

A partial pedigree of hemophilia in the descendants of Victoria and Albert is shown in Figure 2. Affected individuals are indicated with darknened circles or squares. For each individual in the pedigree, fill in his/her probable genocide