This assignment should take you approximately 1.5 hours. This includes the time to explore the material and complete the assignment.

This assignment should take you approximately 1.5 hours. This includes the time to explore the material and complete the assignment.

In this activity you will be explore materials on gene expression in cells. This is important because it helps you see how DNA (genes) and RNAs function to make a protein.

This assignment should take you approximately 1.5 hours. This includes the time to explore the material and complete the assignment.

Watch the video. Then, download and review this PowerPoint.
After completing this simulation, write a paragraph of at least 150 words describing how DNA, mRNA, tRNA, and ribosomes work together to form a functioning protein.
Submit your work to the Module 3 Assignment: Gene Expression
See the Course Schedule and Course Rubrics sections in the Syllabus module for due dates and grading information.

Here’s a link to the video incase the attachment does not open

Where are antibodies found? How can they be used in the laboratory?The watery fluid of the blood is called



Go to

Start the Virtual Lab and maximize the screen if you wish. Answer the following questions


1. Where are antibodies found?

2. How can they be used in the laboratory?

3. What does ELISA stand for?

4. What are ELISA assays used for in labs?

5. What are the three important limitations of an ELISA? Explain each.


1. What test can be used to determine whether a patient has an infectious or autoimmune disease?

2. What does a positive result indicate?

3. The watery fluid of the blood is called ____________________.

4. What is allowed to react with the target antigen?

5. Detection is possible when _________________________________________________.

6. Once isolated, the secondary antibody can be ____________________________________

7. What is the signaling system?

8. What happens when the appropriate chemical (substrate) is added?

9. How is the test quantified?

10. What does the amount of color reflect?


Proceed through the entire lab simulation protocol. Be sure to read the captions below the pictures (left side) and the information in the lab notebook (right side). Be sure to “start over” to begin the lab. You CANNOT skip any steps. Answer the following questions as you proceed.

1. What is systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)?

2. From Figure 1 (click on it), what are the four steps of an ELISA protocol?

a. ___________________________________________________________

b. ___________________________________________________________

c. ___________________________________________________________

d. ___________________________________________________________

3. In step 1, you centrifuge the samples. What does a centrifuge do?

4. What are you preparing in step 2? Why are there three different solutions?

5. In steps 3 and 4, you prepare an ELISA plate. What has the ELISA plate been pretreated with? Why?

a. What is the positive control? (Step 4)

b. What is a primary antibody? Please define.

c. What is the negative control? (Step 4)

d. Why is it necessary to have a positive and a negative control? (Step 4)

6. Why incubate the plate in step 5?

7. Next, in step 6, the plate is washed. Why wash the plate?

8. In step 7, a secondary antibody is added. What is a secondary antibody? Please define.

a. What is the attached enzyme in this assay? (Step 7)

b. What is the specific substrate for HRP? What color does it produce? (Step 7)

9. How can the yellow color be quantitatively measured? At what wavelength? (Step 10, in “why”)

10. Record your results. Indicate on this page and on the computer which boxes turned color.




+ Control

– Control




11. Did you complete the ELISA correctly? (Yes/No) __________

If yes, proceed to #12 and #14.

If no, proceed to #13 and #14.

12. What do the results indicate about:

Patient A:

Patient B:

Patient C:

13. Explain what you did wrong and what you will need to do next time. For more information, check your printable summary page. Did your incorrect procedure provide you any results? Explain what went wrong.

14. This virtual lab was testing for lupus. How is this same test used to test for the presence of HIV? If the results for an HIV test were the same as in this exercise, what would they indicate about the three patients?

Introduction: Provide a description of your selected topic (i.e., health care trend) and a thesis statement. Identify the organization that you have chosen to address, including why the issue of your selected topic is important to the health care administrators in your organization, and to the health care industry in general. This should be about one-third of a page.

Introduction: Provide a description of your selected topic (i.e., health care trend) and a thesis statement. Identify the organization that you have chosen to address, including why the issue of your selected topic is important to the health care administrators in your organization, and to the health care industry in general. This should be about one-third of a page.

HCA459 Week 2 Senior Project Summary Paper

Write a Senior Project Summary paper on the selected topic from Week One. In your paper include the following:

1. Title Page

1. Anticipated title (this may change for the completed project)

2. Your name

3. Course name and number

4. Instructor’s name

5. Date submitted

2. Introduction: Provide a description of your selected topic (i.e., health care trend) and a thesis statement. Identify the organization that you have chosen to address, including why the issue of your selected topic is important to the health care administrators in your organization, and to the health care industry in general. This should be about one-third of a page.

3. Scope of the Senior Project: This section should summarize the content topics and sub-topics related to the health care trend that will be addressed in the Senior Project.

4. Discussion: This section should be a constructive and analytical overview of what was found in the scholarly and professional literature. Make sure to discuss the pros/cons or strengths/weaknesses of the stakeholder group impacted (e.g., patient, provider, third-party payer, administrator, legislator, etc.) as applicable. In developing this section, it is important to demonstrate your understanding of the topic and the interventions and influences. This should be about one page.

5. Conclusion: Provide a summary of the main effects of the contemporary health care trend on costs, quality, and access to services as it impacts various stakeholder groups.

6. Reference Page

HCA 459 Week 2 Individual Assignment Senior Project Summary Paper

HCA 459 Week 2 Senior Project Summary Paper

HCA/459 Week 2 Senior Project Summary Paper

HCA459 Week 2 Senior Project Summary

HCA 459 Week 2 Senior Project Summary Paper

How much paper would North Americans save each year if we consumed paper at the rate of Europeans?

Calculating Ecological Footprints- Chapter 9

Population (millions)

Total paper consumed

(millions of metric tons)

Per capita paper consumed












Latin America



North America









1. How much paper would North Americans save each year if we consumed paper at the rate of Europeans?

2. How much paper would be consumed if everyone in the world used as much paper as the average European? As the average North American?

3. Why do you think people in other regions consume less paper, per capita, than North Americans? Name three things you could do to reduce your paper consumption.

4. Describe three ways in which consuming FSC-certified paper rather than conventional paper can reduce the environmental impacts of paper consumption

(a) Describe three things that you learned from the video. (b) Of the three things you described, which was the most surprising, and why

“Evo-devo, Medical Revolutions and Human Survival”

For your primary post, select ONE of the following discussion topics. Please select only one of the three topics listed. Using your own words, write a primary post of at least 125 words that follows the instructions. Be sure to address everything listed in the instructions. Each topic has two subtopics [a, b]; please address both of them.

Your primary post is worth up to 14 out of 20 points. Also, make a substantive reply to a fellow classmate on any topic. Use your own words. You don’t need to use any sources other than the ones specified, but if you do use other sources, you must cite them.

Topic 1 : Evo-devo. Watch the video (1)* featuring Sean Carroll discussing the science of evolution and the field of evolutionary-developmental biology (evo-devo).

(a) Describe three things that you learned from the video.
(b) Of the three things you described, which was the most surprising, and why?
(c) Discuss what these things teach us about biology.
Topic 2 [article]: The cusp of a revolution in medicine. In a recent op-ed, Craig Venter (2)* shares his opinion that we are “on the cusp of a revolution” in medicine.

(a) Describe three things that you learned from this op-ed.
(b) Of the three things you describe, which was the most surprising, and why?
(c) Discuss what these things teach us about biology.
Topic 3 [article]: Earth will survive; we may not. In a provocative Op-Ed, astrophysicist Adam Frank says that “pretending we can just extend the Holocene in perpetuity” is just a foolish excuse to put off making inevitable choices brought about by climate change.

(a) Summarize Frank’s basic argument.
(b) Some biologists, particularly conservation biologists reacted negatively to this essay. What is your reaction to this essay?
(c) Explain how this relates to biology.
*References (in Strayer Writing Standards format).

Erik Olsen, June 25, 2007, Sean Carroll on evolution and the science of evo-devo,
Craig Venter, December 13, 2017, Genetic sequencing is the future of medicine,
Adam Frank, June 12, 2018, Earth will survive. We may not.,

Delete the sample foods listed in the “Fruits” category. They are there to show you the format for your own additions. List specific foods that you would eat for each group according the numbers indicated in the first column. The second column of the table will help you with your category accuracy. Do not reuse any food under a second category. You will thus select 50 foods for your diet—not a huge variety, but it’s a start! “Leafy greens” or “seafood” are food categories, not specific foods.

Delete the sample foods listed in the “Fruits” category. They are there to show you the format for your own additions. List specific foods that you would eat for each group according the numbers indicated in the first column. The second column of the table will help you with your category accuracy. Do not reuse any food under a second category. You will thus select 50 foods for your diet—not a huge variety, but it’s a start! “Leafy greens” or “seafood” are food categories, not specific foods.

can someone do this for me for tomorrow please

Discussion Board Forum 1

Topic: What Should You Eat?

You probably want to live a long and healthy life on this earth. What are you willing to do to make that possible? Here is an assignment that can improve the quality of what you eat, and hence, the quality of your life. Let’s develop the rudiments of a maintenance diet for you—a desirable, workable, realistic, non-faddish maintenance diet—one you follow permanently. You have several reference sources:

– the Bible’s many prescriptive texts regarding nutrition (ignore “descriptive” texts)

– your textbook’s chapter on biomolecules; how they are built and used

– the course Presentation entitled “Biomolecules and Nutrition”

– trustworthy sources such as

– USDA MyPlate:

– the Mayo Clinic website.

– Very Well website (David Katz’ site):

– Web MD:

The foods you select will contain the same classes of biomolecules that you read about in your textbook: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids, vitamins, and minerals. Use the following procedure to build your diet.

For your Thread:

1. Click on the link below. This will give you a Word document “work table” to add your foods to. You may wish to print a copy for research purposes.

What Should I Eat – Work Table.docx Click for more options

2. Go to the “My Plate Check List Calculator Enter your data to determine how many calories your daily diet should contain. Record this number in your work table.

3. Now go to the USDA MyPlate web site: In the Table, about the middle of the page click on the box representing your caloric needs. Some serving amount data will pop up allocated into 5 food groups.

4. Record the suggested serving amounts in your work table to give quantitative values to the categories you will build your diet around.

“What Should I Eat?” – Work Table:

Total Calories:

/per day

Food Group:

Biomolecules in this Group in Order of Relative Biomass*

Serving Amount:

My Food Choices:

10 Fruits

Carbs, Proteins, Oils

My first food, my second food, my third food, my fourth food, etc.

12 Vegetables

Carbs, Proteins, Oils

12 Grains

Carbs, Proteins, Oils

9 Proteins

Proteins, Fats, Oils

7 Dairy Items

Depends on the Food

*as a generalization

5. Start to choose foods using the guideline comments given on the webpage. Use other web pages listed above to get commentary on foods you think (!) are healthy for you. Here are two useful ones to give you ideas: ,

6. Delete the sample foods listed in the “Fruits” category. They are there to show you the format for your own additions. List specific foods that you would eat for each group according the numbers indicated in the first column. The second column of the table will help you with your category accuracy. Do not reuse any food under a second category. You will thus select 50 foods for your diet—not a huge variety, but it’s a start! “Leafy greens” or “seafood” are food categories, not specific foods.

7. “Mouse over the upper left-hand corner of the table to find the tiny navigation box and click on it. This highlights (“selects”) the whole table. Copy it to your computer’s “clipboard”. You can now paste this table into the “Message Box” of your open “Thread” in the discussion board. Along with your table, you may submit up to two prescriptive Bible passages that you feel most constrain your dietary thinking.


• Your goal is always to improve your own list. Please include about 70 words for your diet (50 foods, some hyphenated as needed) with space left over for two Bible verses for a total of 120 words. That’s your limit!

• Foods differ in their density of a wide variety of nutrients as compared to just the calories they give you. Which sweet would be better for you: hard candy or a fig bar?

• What is in the food item you’ve selected? Check out: to find out.

• Suppose Mayo Clinic wisdom and Biblical wisdom seem to conflict. Which source will you defer to and why?