What is the impact of money on political parties we have studied, since the beginning of the American constitutional government?

What is the impact of money on political parties we have studied, since the beginning of the American constitutional government? What does the Supreme Court decision, “Citizen’s United” mean in terms of candidates, campaigns and party organizations ? would George Washington, Theodore Roosevelt or President Eisenhower have agreed that “corporations are people” and have a first amendment right to free speech through spending unlimited funds on elections?

compare and contrast Mill’s and Nietzsche’s interpretation of human agency (i.e., how do each of them interpret what it means to be a human being). In doing so, you may want to explain how each thinker understands Truth, Freedom of Thought and Expression, and the significance of Individuality.

compare and contrast Mill’s and Nietzsche’s interpretation of human agency (i.e., how do each of them interpret what it means to be a human being). In doing so, you may want to explain how each thinker understands Truth, Freedom of Thought and Expression, and the significance of Individuality.

explain how their interpretation of human agency informs their conception and purpose of politics.

The statements made are:
Mill writes: “of all the things that man is able to perfect, surely his own nature is most important”(87).

To this, Nietzsche responds: “We are unknown to ourselves, we men of knowledge–and with good reason. We have never sought ourselves–how could it happen that we should ever find ourselves?” (15).

May the president be impeached for abuse of power? what abuse? what power? use an example.

May the president be impeached for abuse of power? what abuse? what power? use an example. 200 words

How would you define land degradation, desertification, biodiversity, and ecosystem collapse?

How would you define land degradation, desertification, biodiversity, and ecosystem collapse?
What are the primary social, economic, and policy factors that contribute to ecosystem degradation?
How do these factors put pressure of food systems and the availability of food and water in affected areas?
How does the loss of biodiversity impact human health?
How can you incorporate the information you learned about air pollution and changes to the hydrological system from Weeks One and Two into this discussion?

What political ideologies were in conflict during the Cold War?

What political ideologies were in conflict during the Cold War?

What economic systems were in conflict during the Cold War?

Why did the U.S.S.R ultimately dissolve?

Is the U.S. in or entering into a new Cold War with Russia? Why or why not?

Suppose that all states impose 30% tariffs on all manufactured goods. In such a case how would that affect domestic production in general and how would TNCs react?

Suppose that all states impose 30% tariffs on all manufactured goods. In such a case how would that affect domestic production in general and how would TNCs react? (3 page essay) Times New Roman size 12