Ashleigh is a vegetarian. She stopped eating meat and dairy products when she was 15 years old. She does eat fish and eggs, though, along with a variety of other foods. Ashleigh is now 28 years old and wants to start a family. What nutrients should concern her? What should she do to make sure her intake is adequate?

Ashleigh is a vegetarian. She stopped eating meat and dairy products when she was 15 years old. She does eat fish and eggs, though, along with a variety of other foods. Ashleigh is now 28 years old and wants to start a family. What nutrients should concern her? What should she do to make sure her intake is adequate?

We have discussed a variety of macro and micronutrients. All are essential but the amount we need changes throughout our life cycle. For example, the best time to deposit calcium in our bones is during the first couple of decades of life. Then, as we progress through adulthood and become elderly, calcium is slowly lost from our bones.

This week, you learned about nutrient needs during life’s early years.

Initial Forum: If your last name starts with the following letter, then you will discuss the following topic for your initial post.

First Letter of Last Name


A through F

Topic 1

G through L

Topic 2

M through R

Topic 3

S through Z

Topic 4

Topic 1: Ashleigh is a vegetarian. She stopped eating meat and dairy products when she was 15 years old. She does eat fish and eggs, though, along with a variety of other foods. Ashleigh is now 28 years old and wants to start a family. What nutrients should concern her? What should she do to make sure her intake is adequate?Ashleigh is a vegetarian. She stopped eating meat and dairy products when she was 15 years old. She does eat fish and eggs, though, along with a variety of other foods. Ashleigh is now 28 years old and wants to start a family. What nutrients should concern her? What should she do to make sure her intake is adequate?

Topic 2: Anna has just had a baby. Now she must decide if she should breastfeed her baby or not. She does not want the hassle of breastfeeding, but she hears it is good for her child. Discuss the pros and cons of breastfeeding. Should you breastfed or bottle fed?

Topic 3: Tommy is five years old, and he is a picky eater. He prefers chicken tenders, soda, and cookies, and occasionally he will eat fruit because it is sweet. He does not like vegetables. What nutrients are a concern? What should his parents do to change his eating habits?

Topic 4: Charlie is a freshman in high school and skips breakfast because he does not like to eat typical breakfast foods. His parents are concerned because they have heard the news stories stating scientific studies show breakfast improves performance in school. They want him to do well. What can Charlie’s parents do to make sure he gets nutritious foods before school starts?

Your initial forum must be at least 250 words and posted by Wednesday, 11:55 pm EST. You need to state your thesis and support it with evidence and at least one outside, reputable reference. Your textbook is not an outside reference. Remember, there is no right or wrong. Before you post your initial forum discussion, submit it in the assignment area, so its originality is checked by Your originality index or score should be less than 15%. If it is greater than 15%, rewrite your discussion, submit it again in the assignment area and check the %. Keep doing this until your % is less than 15 and then post your discussion in the forum. Please note, it can take 24 hours for the second submission to be checked, and the score returned. If you do not check your post, then I will take points off.

Follow-up Posts: Once you have posted your initial forum discussion, you must reply to at least two other learner’s post. One of your responses must be the topic that was not your initial forum topic. Of course, you are welcome to respond to more than two posts. Your follow-up forums must be at least 100 words,

What are the frequencies of the two alleles? What are the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium frequencies for these three phenotypes?

Genetics 303

Fourth exam—take home 2019

Answer on SEPARATE paper, show all work, and be neat in the reporting of answers. It is easier to grade if you try to

keep the questions in sequence. STAPLE YOUR RESULTS!

1. In a human population, the genotype frequencies at one locus are 0.75 AA, 0.20 Aa, and 0.05 aa. What is the frequency

of the A allele [f(A)] and a allele [f(a)] for the population? Are they in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium? (5 pts)

2. Calculate the number of heterozygotes in a population with p = 0.6 and q = 0.4 (at time = 0). After 4 generations of

inbreeding between siblings (F = 0.25) in a population of 650. (6 pts)

3. Human albinism is an autosomal recessive trait. Suppose that you find a village in the Andes where 8/1000 of the

population is albino. If the population size was 1600 and the population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium with

respect to this trait, how many individuals are expected to be carriers (heterozygotes)? (5pts)

4. A boatload of 400 Swedish tourists, all of whom bear the MM blood group genotype, are marooned on Haldane Island,

where they are met by an population of Islanders totaling 1000, all bearing blood group NN genotype. In time, the

castaways become integrated into Island society. Assuming random mating, no mutation, no selection (based on

blood group), and no genetic drift, what would you expect the blood group distribution to be among 320 progeny of

the new Haldane Island population? (5 pts)

5. You identify a population of mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) on an island. Their coat color is controlled by a single

gene: BB mice are black, Bb mice are gray, and bb mice are white. You take a census of the population and record

the following numbers of mice:

Black 1156

Gray 408

White 36

(a) What are the frequencies of the two alleles? (4 pts)

(b) What are the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium frequencies for these three phenotypes? (4 pts)

(c) A heat wave hits the island. All mice with black fur die from heat stroke, but the other mice survive. What are the new

allele frequencies for the population? (4 pts)

(d) If the population suffers no further cataclysms after the heat wave, and the surviving animals mate randomly, what will

be the frequency of mice with black fur in the next generation? (4 pts)

(e) If the climate is altered permanently, so that mice with black fur die before reproducing, which following statement is

correct? (5 pts)

(1) At Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, f(B) will equal 0.135.

(2) The fitness of mice with gray fur (ωBb) must be equal to 0.5.

(3) The fitness of mice with black fur (ωBB) is 0.

(4) The B allele will disappear from the population in one generation.

(5) The B allele will disappear from the population in two generations.

6. Which of the following are requirements for evolution by natural selection? Explain your answer. (8 pts)

I Environmental change

II Differential survival and reproduction

III Heritability of phenotypic variation

IV Variation in phenotype

V Sexual reproduction



C) I, II, IV


E) II, IV, V

7. Which of the following processes is the source of genetic variation within populations? (8 pts)

A) Reproductive Isolation

B) Mutation

C) Selection

D) Asexual reproduction

E) Genetic drift

Explain your answer including a description of the impact of each on genetic variation.

8. If the population (17,377 in 2018) of folks in Perry, GA, had an f(a) = 0.2 and folks in Valdosta, GA, has a f(a) = 0.6,

then how many people from Valdosta, GA, would have to migrate to Perry to increase the population to

approximately f(a) = 0.3? (5 pts, remember, you can’t have fractional people)

9. What is the Ne of a population with the following annual censuses, [note: the drop in size due to 2010 and 2011 being

extreme drought years]? (5 pts)

2008: 9730

2009: 8810

2010: 3653

2011: 420

2012: 94

2013: 1560

2014: 5650

2015: 8700

2016: 9700

2017: 12110

2018: 15060

2019: 30789

10. Consider the following populations that have the genotypes shown in the following table:

Population AA Aa aa

1 1.0 0.0 0.0

2 0.0 1.0 0.0

3 0.25 0.50 0.25

4 0.25 0.25 0.50

5 0.333 0.333 0.333

6 0.0225 0.255 0.7225

7 0.5929 0.3542 0.0529

8 0.9604 0.0392 0.0004

a. What are p and q for each population? (4 pts)

b. Which of the populations are in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium? (4 pts)

c. Populations 1 and 2 have a tree fall across their islands so that individuals can cross. If equal numbers of the

individuals occur on each island, what is the new population’s allele frequencies and genotype frequencies

after one generation of random mating? (6 pts)

d. In population 3, the a allele is less fit than the A allele, and the A allele is incompletely dominant. The result

is that AA is perfectly fit (= 1.0), Aa has a fitness of 0.8, and aa has a fitness of 0.6. With no mutation or

migration, graph the allele frequency of the a allele after 10 generations under selection (e.g., Time 0 = q

above, Time 1 = first generation after selection) (8 pts)

e. In population 8, the population size gets radically reduced to 50 individuals, total. What is the most likely

fate of the “a” allele, and what genetic principle would lead you to believe that the case? (4 pts)

11. You digest a linear piece of DNA with two restriction enzymes, BamH1 & Sma1, and get the following sized

fragments (in kb [kilobases]) (10 pts):

BamH1 Xho1 BamH1 & Xho1

10 kb 12 kb 8 kb

6 kb 8 kb 6 kb

4 kb 4 kb

2 kb

Draw the appropriate restriction fragment map based on this data labeling all restriction sites

Examine the efficacy of U.S. welfare programs. What do such programs intend to accomplish? What are some criticisms against them?

Examine the efficacy of U.S. welfare programs. What do such programs intend to accomplish? What are some criticisms against them? Be sure to cite specific academic examples, not just ones from your opinion.

Interview a friend, family member, co-worker, or someone else who is unaffiliated with the political science discipline. Ask them the following questions: *What is your opinion of the Supreme Court? What shaped this perception?

Interview a friend, family member, co-worker, or someone else who is unaffiliated with the political science discipline. Ask them the following questions:

*What is your opinion of the Supreme Court? What shaped this perception?
*How well do you think Supreme Court justices do their job? To what extent do partisan politics influence their rulings?

Summarize this person’s comments and reflect on them. Do you think this person’s opinion reflects that of the majority of Americans? Why or why not? Of all three branches of government, the Supreme Court has a reputation for being insulated from or resistant to party pressures and swings of public opinion. Do you see this reputation eroding today? If so, what impact does that have on American politics and how might citizen’s faith in the Court be restored?

Discuss and evaluate the Huntington theme that we are in a time period of clashes of civilizations?

Discuss and evaluate the Huntington theme that we are in a time period of clashes of civilizations?

Critics maintain that the Huntington view of clashing civilizations is inaccurate and leads to a greater chance of hostility and conflict with especially China and the Islamic world. Discuss.

Name of the book: Samuel P. Huntington, The clash of Civilizations. Simon and Schuster, 2011. ISBN 978-0-1451628975. (updated) (Paperback)

Briefly introduce the impeachment of the president. If it were established that the president sexually harassed women or discriminated against them, would such action be impeachable?

Briefly introduce the impeachment of the president. If it were established that the president sexually harassed women or discriminated against them, would such action be impeachable?

1000words, times new roman, font12, double space