What would you suggest to Jason to help him achieve his personal goal of increasing muscle mass to becoming stronger, more powerful athlete?

What would you suggest to Jason to help him achieve his personal goal of increasing muscle mass to becoming stronger, more powerful athlete?

OPTION 1: Nutritional Ergogenic Aids Case Study
Jason, a 16-year-old high school track athlete, as set a goal to improve his 100 and 200 m sprint times. He has seen the muscle development evident in elite sprinters and therefore desperately wants to increase his muscle mass, strength, and power. After talking about training regimens, daily nutrition, and supplementation with numerous other athletes at track meets, he has decided to begin taking several supplements to help him reach his goals. His mother is very conscientious about preparing a nourishing supper; however, Jason prepares his own breakfast and lunch, which he admits typically do not consist of quality food choices. Currently he is resistance training 2 to 3 times per week and taking the following supplements: “mega” multivitamin/mineral supplement, boron, ornithine and arginine, chromium picolinate, and whey protein.

What would you suggest to Jason to help him achieve his personal goal of increasing muscle mass to becoming stronger, more powerful athlete?

Your Control for this Experiment: So you get a numerical result for the number of definitions you memorized. What does that number mean?

Your Control for this Experiment: So you get a numerical result for the number of definitions you memorized. What does that number mean?
Individual Assignment 2 Instructions

Attention deficit disorder (ADD) is a syndrome in which a person has difficulty focusing sustained attention on a task for a significant amount of time. In some cases this is accompanied by hyperactivity as well. It is currently being diagnosed at an all-time high. Between 1989 and 1996, youth visits for ADD increased 90%, from 1.9% of total physician visits to 3.6%.

Now a psychiatrist, Dr. Edward Hallowell is making a new distinction. He has described a similar set of characteristics in a large number of patients that he terms Attention Deficit Trait (ADT). It looks a lot like ADD in its day to day manifestation, but unlike ADD, ADT symptoms lessen when the sufferer goes on vacation or into a decreased sensory input setting for an extended time period (on the order of days or weeks). In such a long-term placid situation, the ADD sufferer’s problems continue unabated.

We will pretend that you have the general set of symptoms described above. Ahh, but which of the two syndromes are causing your symptoms: the disorder (ADD) or the trait (ADT)? We’ll approach your problem using scientific methodology—developing a question, a hypothesis, an experiment, and a control for the experiment.

Let’s share this assignment. I will supply both the initial question and the experiment we’ll perform on you. Your job is to state the hypothesis and to design the most important and most basic control for this experiment:

Your Question:What’s my problem? Is it ADD or is it ADT?

(1)Your Hypothesis: state your hypothesis based directly on the above question.

Your Experiment: Keeping your same diet, sleep habits, and basic activity level, you will be sent on a two week vacation to the Bahama Islands where you will be given only a beach to walk and your favorite friend to talk to, following which you will be asked to read and memorize 10 sequential definitions from a standard dictionary in 30 minutes’ time.

(2) Your Control for this Experiment: So you get a numerical result for the number of definitions you memorized. What does that number mean? Nothing—unless you have a control for your experiment. What’s the most obvious control for this experiment?

Your assignment:

Click on the link. In the box provided:

1) Write out a testable hypothesis in a brief sentence. Derive it from the question posed above. (Be certain that the experiment addresses it!)

2) In a second sentence describe a basic, critical control situation (additional experiment?) that will give validity to the experiment described above.

Number your sentences: 1 and 2; do not use paragraph form. Sentences must be submitted through the assignment link no later than 11:59 p.m. (ET) Monday of Module/Week 1. The sentencesshouldnotbe submitted as an attached document, but rather should be entered into the text box provided.

Why is it important for a parent plant to disperse its seeds? Notice that this is not asking why reproduction is important.

Why is it important for a parent plant to disperse its seeds? Notice that this is not asking why reproduction is important.

Lab Answers
1. Anatomy of a pine.

a) Place your open seed cone into a cup of tap water.

b) Record: Time into water _2200________

Cone appearance _pine cone ________________________

c) Let the cone sit in the water for at least 30 minutes.

d) Record: Time out of water _2230______

Cone appearance ___cone appeared moist and started to open ______________________

2. Vascular transport.

a) Examine the top of the celery stalk. Record your observations:

The top of the celery had blue stains. The top seemed to have many little blue dots.

b) Make a cross-section cut where the celery stalk has not been split. Record your observations:

3. Answer the following questions about seed dispersal.

Why is it important for a parent plant to disperse its seeds? Notice that this is not asking why reproduction is important.
It is important for a parent plant to disperse its seed for many reasons. The ability for the plant to grow near the parent plant may be unfavorable for the plant. Also this may help increase the plants chance for survival. Seed may land on surfaces that provide better nutrients for it. Weather can also damage the seeds, therefore being dispersed to a place that can protect it from the elements can also increase its survival.

What do gymnosperms use to disperse seeds? What do angiosperms use?
Gymnosperm such as (pine, spruce, and douglas fir) have winged seeds dispersed by wind. Other gymnosperms have nuts which are spread by nut-eating animals such as squirrels.

Angiosperm such as ( willows, apple trees, and mangroves adapt and use the environment around them to disperse their seeds.

Some gymnosperms, such as redwoods, release seeds only after a fire. Suggest a reason why this is done.
Redwoods may only release their seeds during a fire due to them adapting to an environment where fires have become part of their life cycle. Fresh nutrients and low competition for direct sunlight are the product of a fire, giving seeds a better survival.

Design an experiment that would test the hypothesis that you posed in c).

4. Which direction does xylem flow? What about phloem?


Water enters thru the roots of a plant and flows upwards to the rest of the plant.


Water flows down from the leaves to the steam to the roots.

5. Use Figure 5.4 to answer this question. What is the function of:

a) radicle?

Is the embryonic root inside of the seed. It is the first thing to emerge out of a seed and down into the ground to allow the seed to suck up water and send out its leaves so that it can start photosynthesizing.

b) hypocotyl?

The hypocotylis is like a stem of a germinating seed. Hypocotyls

c) epicotyl?


Lab Report 6

Lab Observations

Lab Answers
Lab 6A: Water transport and salinity

6 Examine the top of the celery stalks. Are there differences between the celery in the high salt and low salt water conditions? Record your observations.

6 Record the distance (cm) traveled by the red dye in high salt conditions (S), the blue dye in high salt conditions (S), the red dye in low salt conditions (non-S) and the blue dye in low salt conditions (non-S).

Table 6.1

Distance (cm)

Red dye (S)

Blue dye (S)

Red dye (non-S)

Blue dye (non-S)

6 From Question 2 above, did the dyes travel at the same rate? What can you conclude about the effect of salinity on water transport in celery from this experiment? Propose a biological or physical explanation for your conclusion.

Lab 6B: Seed germination and environmental conditions

6 Observe the radish seed and sprout. Are radishes monocots or dicots? How can you tell?

6 Describe the results of your experiment in Table 6.2. How many sprouted seeds were present in each group per day? Include any other relevant observations, such as appearance, color, etc. Include any alternative treatments or conditions.

Table 6.2. Seed germination.

Initial date (Day 0): ________________

Record # sprouts, appearance, etc. per day.

Saline solution

Day 1:

Day 2:

Day 3:

Day 4:

0% (“0” cup)

3.1% (“1/32” cup)

6.3% (“1/16 cup)

12.5% (“1/8” cup)

25% (“1/4” cup)

50% (“1/2” cup)



6 From your results in Table 6.2, draw a conclusion about the effect of salinity on sprouting success. Include conclusions drawn from alternative treatments or conditions.


Lab Report 7

Lab Observations

Lab Answers
Lab 7A: Fungi

1. List four ways that Fungi are similar to plants.

2. List four differences between Fungi and plants.

3. List four differences between Fungi and animals.

4. List four ways that Fungi are similar to animals.

5. Which two groups are most closely related evolutionarily (explain your answer):

Plants and animals,
Plants and fungi,
Fungi and Animals.

6. List four facts that you learned about Fungi, but did not know before.

Lab 7B: Animalia

7. For the animals that you examined, briefly describe at least three unique or distinctive features for each animal.

8. Compare and contrast the two animals. That is, describe at least four features of their body design that are similar, and at least four ways in which they differ.


Lab Report 8

Lab Observations

Lab Answers
Using Figure 8.1, find each of the listed bones on your body. Then, using Figures 8.2 and 8.3, write in a muscle that attaches to the bone and an artery that runs alongside the bone.

Bone Artery







Radius or Ulna

Coxal bone






Record data for heart rate as measured from the carotid artery (see Figure 8.5).

Table 8.1. Heart rate (carotid artery).






(Exercise 1)

(Exercise 2)

(End Rest)

Check 1 (15 sec)

Check 2 (15 sec)

Check 3 (15 sec)

Check 4 (15 sec)

Sum of all checks

Heart rate

Heart rate

Heart rate

Heart rate





Record data for heart rate as measured from the radial artery (see Figure 8.6).

Table 8.2. Heart rate (radial artery).






(Exercise 1)

(Exercise 2)

(End Rest)

Check 1 (15 sec)

Check 2 (15 sec)

Check 3 (15 sec)

Check 4 (15 sec)

Sum of all checks

Heart rate

Heart rate

Heart rate

Heart rate





Discuss your investigation of heart rate, answering the following:
a) How similar was Resting heart rate (beats/min), as measured on the carotid artery vs. the radial artery?

b) After Exercise 1, did the data change between checks? How does the Exercise 1 heart rate (beats/min) differ from the Resting heart rate?

c) After Exercise 2, did the data change between checks? How does the Exercise 2 heart rate (beats/min) differ from the Resting and Exercise 1 heart rates?

d) Is End Rest heart rate (beats/min) similar to the original Resting heart rate? If not, describe your physical condition at the time of the End Rest heart rate.


The main goal of this week’s Epidemiology project is to help you become familiar with how Public Health data is analyzed, displayed, and interpreted. Chapter 6 of the textbook is filled with graphs and charts to express the findings of many epidemiology studies. This worksheet is designed to help you become comfortable with the many different concepts that epidemiologists deal with on a daily basis. If you want to play around with this a little more, I’ve included a couple of optional extra credit graphs for you to make yourself on Excel.

The main goal of this week’s Epidemiology project is to help you become familiar with how Public Health data is analyzed, displayed, and interpreted. Chapter 6 of the textbook is filled with graphs and charts to express the findings of many epidemiology studies. This worksheet is designed to help you become comfortable with the many different concepts that epidemiologists deal with on a daily basis. If you want to play around with this a little more, I’ve included a couple of optional extra credit graphs for you to make yourself on Excel.

Lesson 3: Measures of Risk: https://www.cdc.gov/ophss/csels/dsepd/ss1978/lesson3/index.html (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Section 1: Frequency Measures:
Section 5: Measures of Association

Read Lesson 4 in the CDC Online Epidemiology Manual:

https://www.cdc.gov/ophss/csels/dsepd/ss1978/lesson4/index.html (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Section 2: Tables

Section 3: Graphs

Section 4: Other Data Displays

Epidemiology Assignment 5 – Module 6.docxPreview the document

The main goal of this week’s Epidemiology project is to help you become familiar with how Public Health data is analyzed, displayed, and interpreted. Chapter 6 of the textbook is filled with graphs and charts to express the findings of many epidemiology studies. This worksheet is designed to help you become comfortable with the many different concepts that epidemiologists deal with on a daily basis. If you want to play around with this a little more, I’ve included a couple of optional extra credit graphs for you to make yourself on Excel.

If you chose animal cells, how are mitochondria replicated within eukaryotic cells?

Answer original forum 300 words minimum

Respond to both class mates 100 words minimum

Follow directions or I will dispute

original forum – page 1 with references

student response – page 2 with references

student response – page 3 with references

Original Forum

There are fundamental differences between the two types of cells but also similarities. An interesting concept in science is that prokaryotic cells are what gave rise to eukaryotic cells via an endosymbiotic relationship. The two primary examples of this are the mitochondria in animal cells and chloroplasts in plant cells that are very similar to bacteria.
Review the information available at Endosymbiosis and The Origin of Eukaryotes
Once you have reviewed this information, choose ONE of the topics below

Topic 1: Animal cell mitochondria


Topic 2: Plant cell chloroplasts

Research and Support your post to address the following questions in your initial post in an expository manner;
If you chose animal cells, how are mitochondria replicated within eukaryotic cells?
If you chose plant cells, how are chloroplasts replicated within plant cells?
How are these processes similar to microbes?
Do endosymbotic relationships still exist today?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of such relationships?

Student response


Good evening class,

From the information that we have been reading about this week, there is a lot to take in and especially trying to understand the prokaryotes and eukaryote relationships. According to the endosymbiotic theory proposed by Lynn Margulis more than 50 years after it was proposed, it was found that mitochondria and chloroplasts originated from prokaryotic organelles due to their “symbiotic relationship within a eukaryotic host” (Parker, 2016). After the theory was widely accepted, she wrote a book and in it explained how endosymbiosis is a huge part of evolution. Prokaryotes arose from eukaryotes with this relationship from the mitochondria. From what I gathered, it sounds like the mitochondria of the prokaryotes find duplicate in the cells of the eukaryotes as its host.

The similarities between this and microbes can be seen through its replication. Throughout its discovery, scientists learned that mitochondria has its own genome and ribosomes. This means that it is capable of its own cellular respiration. These bacterium were taken over by phagocytosis into a host cell where it remained (Parker, 2016). In terms of similarities, microbes have the same behavior when they attach themselves to a host. They remain to have a symbiotic relationship in which the host benefits from its presence, is harmed, or neither of the two.

Endosymbiotic relationships still do exist today as they are part of evolution. As we know, this kind of relationship involves one cell not being able to live without another. We can see this kind of behavior with bacteria. It has been around for millions of years and has learned to adapt itself in order for it to reproduce. Through the use of transformation, they are able to pick up DNA from the surrounding area and transform it to its own (APUS Lessons, 2018). These kinds of relationships are advantageous because cells are able to produce with the help of another cell. However, it is also its downfall. If those cells are not available, an endosymbiotic relationship will not be possible. Without having something to depend on for survival, the evolution of the cell may never be accomplished and thus cease to eventually exist.


APUS Lessons. (2018). Lesson 2. Retrieved October 9, 2018

Parker, N. (2016). Microbiology. OpenStax. Retrieved 2018


Mitochondria and chloroplasts do not divide my mitosis like other cells in the body, but by fission. Mitochondria come from other, established mitochondria; they have their own unique circular shaped DNA, attaching to the inner membrane similar to the DNA of prokaryotes. The processes are similar to microbes in their resemblance of ribosomes and appearance. Organelles have the same sized mitochondria, but different shapes, appearing it to be more rectangular. The cellular shaped DNA loops around super coiled and doubly covalently linked, similar to DNA bacteria, however mitochondria that is ciliated appears more linear. Endosymbotic theory still exist and has been built upon to include the suggestion that eukaryotic flagellum arose from an ectosymbiotic spirochete bacterium and prokaryotes living today are not known to have another prokaryote living inside (Origin of Eukaryotes, n.d.)

I believe endosymbiosis is an explanation of not only what happened between microbes in the past but also what happened today with different types of organisms, termites are just one example of how prokaryotes live within them in order to help digest wood. Studies arguing how “unique microbial consortium living in the guts of lower termites is essential for wood-feeding, host and symbiont cellulolytic enzymes synergize each other in the termite gut to increase digestive efficiency” (Peterson & Scharf, 2016). Bacterial groups in a termite’s lower gut have diverse metabolic methods including acetogenesis, nitrogen fixation, and degradation of lignin phenolics. Though termites are able to digest nitrogen poor wood and digest it, this microbe rich environment makes them vulnerable to pathogenic infections.


What were Tarnita’s findings about the spacing of termite mounds? (b) What does Tarnita think is the main factor that governs the spatial distribution of the termite mounds?

What were Tarnita’s findings about the spacing of termite mounds?
(b) What does Tarnita think is the main factor that governs the spatial distribution of the termite mounds?
Week 9 Discussion AttachmentCOLLAPSEOverall Rating:

“Tarnita’s Termites, Pacific Lampreys, and Large Brains”

This week our discussion is focused on animal evolution. For your primary post, respond to one of the following three topics. Also, please reply to at least one fellow student on any topic.

Topic 1 : Population Distribution of Termites in a Savanna. Watch the video (1) describing Corina Tarnita’s research on the spacing of termite mounds in savanna ecosystems, and then address the following:

(a) What were Tarnita’s findings about the spacing of termite mounds?
(b) What does Tarnita think is the main factor that governs the spatial distribution of the termite mounds?
(c) How do the termite mounds benefit other organisms on the savanna?
a year ago